SOE Outlines 'Make Good' Program

Sony Online Entertainment's games have been offline for almost two weeks following a recent attack by hackers, and we're all anxiously awaiting any news regarding the status of the company's services. While it doesn't give an estimated date for when the games will be live, SOE's latest update outlines its "Make Good" program and unveils its complimentary Debix “AllClear ID PLUS” identity theft protection program in the United States.

As previously announced, all impacted players will receive 30 days of game time added to the end of the current billing cycle in addition to one day for each day the system is down. Players will also receive the following items once services resume:

  • DC Universe Online: Batman and Two-Face Inspired Masks and 30 Marks of Distinction
  • Free Realms: Free daily items (7 to collect)
  • Clone Wars Adventures: Count Dooku v2 Outfit
  • EverQuest: A series of events, including Double XP, Double Rare Mob Spawns and Double Faction Gains
  • EverQuest II and EverQuest II Extended: A series of events, including Double XP, Double Guild XP, Loot Bonanza, and City Festivals
  • Vanguard: Saga of Heroes: A series of Double XP events
  • Star Wars Galaxies: Bounty Hunter Statue, a miniature model of Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I
  • Magic: The Gathering - Tactics: Four of each of these spells: "Ivory Mask", "Duress" and "Angelheart Vial", plus 500 Station Cash
  • PoxNora: Limited edition Carrionling, Welcome Back 5K Gold Award Tournaments and two Draft Tournaments, plus 500 Station Cash

In addition to the above items, lifetime subscribers will receive 20,000 coins for Free Realms, 7,500 Galactic Credits for Clone Wars Adventures and 10 Marks of Distinction for DC Universe Online. Station Access subscribers will also receive 500 Station Cash.


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Impacted Players?
# May 13 2011 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
*quote* As previously announced, all impacted players will receive 30 days of game time added to the end of the current billing cycle in addition to one day for each day the system is down. *end quote*

I'd like to know what they mean by "all impacted players". Aren't we all impacted as subscribers? Kinda sounds like some are and some aren't to me. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Impacted Players?
# May 13 2011 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
If you play EQ2 Extended and have a gold or silver account, you do not pay a monthly subscription fee.

Instead, you buy Station Cash when you get an upgrade to your gear or spells - you have to pay SC to be able to equip or learn anything Fabled or better.

So adding 30 free days really doesn't apply to those accounts.
Impacted Players?
# May 13 2011 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
Likely by "impacted players" they mean those who are constipated after sitting in their chairs for hours upon hours day after.........

Seriously though, "impacted players" likely means players who had current subscriptions as of the attack/attacks. If a player hasn't been playing for say last 3 months and his/her account was not active at the time of the attack likely it had zero impact on him/her.

Well zero immediate impact. Who knows if/when someones id might be stolen because of this mess.(so they should still cancel any credit cards they used to set up, and or maintain, the account with though, in my opinion)
# May 13 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 13 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
I don't understand why everyone is so mad at Sony anyway. The people who hacked Sony are the big douche bags and the third party network developers are the ones taking so long to fix what's broken. If anything Sony's probably being strung along by the outside companies as much as they're stringing us along.
I run a pre-intel chipset mac. The only game I can play is Al'kabor style eq or WoW. I'll be coming back for sure.
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 13 2011 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
The reason people are so mad at Sony is because of their negligence. If Sony had kept their software up to date this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Hope this answers your question.
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 13 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
actually , no amount of security precautions makes you invulnerable to hackers , so again , SOE is not responsible for being hacked. The hackers are =P

I am curious though , where you find the conclusive report about the actual state of SOE's security status? since it hasn't been published yet....
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 13 2011 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Mazeron wrote:
actually , no amount of security precautions makes you invulnerable to hackers , so again , SOE is not responsible for being hacked. The hackers are =P

I am curious though , where you find the conclusive report about the actual state of SOE's security status? since it hasn't been published yet....

Just so you know sir, I doubt you will ever hear Sony conclusive report with all the honest details. Secondly sir here is the info you requested as I'm sure you'll realize this makes my point for me.

And I quote,"Purdue University security expert Dr. Gene Spafford told Congress that security experts knew Sony was running outdated versions of the Apache Web server software that did not have a firewall installed."

And if you would like to read more go here, Click on the highlights to go to the actual report.

While it is true nothing in this world is fool proof, Sony fu**ed up pure and simple. Now if you would like to defend them that's you're Fu** up. :)
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 14 2011 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
you might want to read the actual report , not the news report about it.

In his report , he clearly states he has no actual knowledge , but was going on hearsay and news reports. Which is both inaccurate and bad form for ANY expert.

This detail has been pointed out before on this website.

It's lack of attention to detail that convicts innocent people to jail daily.

As for there eventually NOT being a report... the FBI is involved and investigating. They will eventually be making a report to Congress. And that WILL be an official report by someone who has ACTUALLY seen the evidence ... not some opportunistic money grubber working on rumors.

ALWAYS be leery of political "experts" and read their ACTUAL words. Don't go on a news report that's going to sensationalize and carefully "edit" reports to change their meaning for the most shocking IE most amount of sales to make money for the news company.

Edited, May 14th 2011 10:20am by Mazeron
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 14 2011 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Re-read the ACTUAL report like I said.
Al'Kabor FTW
# May 14 2011 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Re-read the ACTUAL report like I said.

I did , and I am still correct. Obviously , you did not re read it. Here , let me help you

In the Sony case, the majority of the victims are likely young people whose sense of risk, privacy and consequence are not yet fully developed, and thus they may also not understand the full ramifications of what has happened.

Indicating that the dear professor doesn't know , but is GUESSING.

My personal conclusion from reviews of reports in the press and discussions at professional meetings is that operators of these systems — both in government and the private sector — continue to run outmoded, flawed software, fail to follow some basic good practices of security and privacy, and often have insufficient training
or support

Indicating that he has not investigated any of these himself , but has taken information second hand and used News reports. News reports are purposely biased to generate income , and no expert opinion is worth squat second hand.

I have no information about what protections they had in place, although some news reports indicate that Sony was running software that was badly out of date, and had been warned about that risk

And the line that News reporters are twisting to sensationalize , and thusly misrepresent what he is saying AS AN EXPERT , is that the dear professor has NO ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE. He was stating/repeating HEARSAY gained from NEW REPORTS.

The same people who are trying to MAKE MONEY buy misrepresenting facts just to get your attention , because they KNOW your not going to look any farther into the situation.

just like.. well , your doing right now.
In all honesty
# May 13 2011 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
To be honest, I've played 5 different games since EQ2 went down. I really enjoyed Wizard 101 for a week until it got to the point where you have to spend money to do the fun stuff. I think it's the same with every other MMO out there. Rift was great for the first 2 weeks, then you realize well it's missing cool collection rewards or it's missing the ability to walk around without getting into a crap ton of mobs to the point that you have to fight to go anywhere.

For those still trying to find something else out there.....There's no other game out there that can hold a flame to EQ2 if that's what you're use to playing.

WOW - Great game for 10 levels until you come to the conclusion that all you're doing is pressing the same buttons over and over with the same results. Crafting is just meg, until you find out there's thousands of crafters just like you making the same things as you are so you're not going to make any money from the craft you're doing. Also traveling from place to place takes forever.

RIFT - Same deal 1-10 are great till you find out everywhere you go you have to kill uneeded mobs to get to the location you need to be in for your quest. So, once you get to where you're going you continue to kill mobs with the same 8 button presses that it took to kill the previous mobs. Crafting consists of gathering mats that always have a mob right on top of the node. hitting make all and waiting 5 minutes. Graphics are beautiful and the so called character customization is cool until you find out in the end everyone is going to have the same customization as you lol.

Wyrm online - This game could be cool if the dev's put the time into it that needed put into it. The graphics are crap, you are dropped in the middle of nowhere to start off your life, you have to harvest everything to make anything but the nodes have already been harvested so you run another 15 minutes to find the same thing over and over. Spent an hour and a half running to no avail. Fail game imo

Wizard 101 - actually a really fun turn based game even though it was made for kids. Gameplay is fluid with great attack sequences. In the end though you will end up spending 120 a month just to go, do and buy what it takes to make the game fun.

Mortal online - downloaded 21 Gigs to play this game. First scene is me standing in a field with 7 NPC's in my vacinity. I went to talk to one of them just to find there was no way to interact with them at all. I will be honest and tell you I spent 20 minutes in the game and deleted it out of frustration because I couldn't interact with anything at all.

Point is, no matter what I play I will see this or that wrong with it because it's not EQ2, it doesn't have collections or the collection rewards are lame or crafting is too simple or not needed at all (Ultima Online) or the community is non-existent or the graphics suck or this ot that. Point is, there is 1 EQ and EQ2 and those are the games we love. It's just too bad another company isn't running the show. You won't find another game you love like this one.

P.S. By the way those who are worried about guildies going to other games, lol they'll be back.
# May 13 2011 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
i re-joined Everquest a few months ago cause i missed the friends i made while i was on (almost 8 years)hope to make New friends now.
took few years off (got sick) and had to deal with that.
But Eq was always a great game , and after playing again im really getting back into it.
but with alot of people saying its their last straw with soe , sad but its going to be harder to get groups now :(
maby sony will advertise everquest and other soe games a little more now,
maby that will fill the 20-30 percent that say they are going to leave.
come on sony get the games back up before more say they not coming back
how about giving us a date when you are sure that servers will be up and no more "yup not up today"
distracting people with what your giving them isnt helping as some will see that as soe up to same old shXt
as it is everyone's watching every friccen day for servers to be up, and all we see is soe up to same old shXt
Make good efforts suck for EQ
# May 13 2011 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
Most players do not need double xp or double rare spawns who play EQ. I have no idea why anyone would need faction for either.

I am level 90 like all other people who play EQ are not on alts or bots. Only alts need stuff like double xp. Any main will not need it by now. HoT was a complete joke and everyone who plays a reasonable amount of time is completely geared in T4 gear.

What we need is more content and stuff that give us upgrades. Like some event that gives you raid gear or something. That would be acceptable because it is actually something you would use. Once you have all your AA and levels you don't need xp anymore.

I think that only more content that has upgrades for us or LoN overpowered stuff would actually be worthwhile for this. Everything else makes no sense.

Also the extra "free" time is not really free if they are billing us when our renew date comes up. It is not a free 30 days if they are gonna charge everyones CC this month. Maybe they will add the free month after servers come up, but still not right to charge us when the systems are all down.
Make good efforts suck for EQ
# May 13 2011 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
realizing or course that what your asking would need to be designed , developed , coded , tested , before being implemented? and what your asking would invoove resources that SOE is currently using to get back up and running? IE it would mean MORE downtime =P
Make good efforts suck for EQ
# May 13 2011 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I would have to disagree with you. Most players are not max level fully T4 geared with max AA's and probably never will be. A great number of people are casual players who don't get to play 18 hours a day 7 days a week and could always benefit from double XP.
I work full time and get to play a couple hours a day and longer on the weekends when I'm not spending time with the wife and kids.
I'd be happy if they switched on double xp for a month straight or however many days the servers are down to make up for lost time and I'm sure most would agree.
I'm taking full advantage of the make good offers when the game is back.
As far as all the other posts I've been reading with people trying other games during this downtime, I've been doing that also. Nothing comes close to EQ1 as far as game style. Sure the graphics on other games beats original EQ by far but awesome graphics doesn't make an game awesome.
In my opinion, most other MMO's are all alike.
I tried LOTRO and Rift and others. I played EQ2 for a while but went back to original EQ. The other games just don't do it for me.
I'm staying with EQ no matter how long it takes to get back up. For now I'll just spend more time with the fam.
I have to say though, after trying the free trial of Rift. It blows!
Make good efforts suck for EQ
# May 14 2011 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
187 posts
Inisk wrote:
I would have to disagree with you. Most players are not max level fully T4 geared with max AA's and probably never will be. A great number of people are casual players who don't get to play 18 hours a day 7 days a week and could always benefit from double XP.
I work full time and get to play a couple hours a day and longer on the weekends when I'm not spending time with the wife and kids.
I'd be happy if they switched on double xp for a month straight or however many days the servers are down to make up for lost time and I'm sure most would agree.

You are making lots of untrue assumptions here. You do not have to play 7 days a week or even close to 18 hours a day to get max level with T4 gear. I have a full time job and stuff too so I cannot even remotely play as close to as much as you think I do but by January I had all the T4 gear I needed and it took me about 2 weeks to go from 85 to 90 and that was while xping mostly in UF zones. Had I known the HoT missions and stuff gave massive xp it would have been much less time spent leveling. It is easier than ever to level in this game and while Max AA's takes a while I am not max AA's by a longshot. I simply ran out of all the useful ones by just playing with friends in SS by about February. You pretty much have to playing on an alt to need any xp by now either that or you suck at playing the game or never play at all.

Edited, May 14th 2011 6:46am by TheGreatSieg
# May 13 2011 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
I took the advice of someone that said I should have read the TOS and was SHOCKED at what was in there. You basically agreed that they can change your vote in the presidential election. Thats how Obama got elected!! They really can do anything in that eula.
We will all continue to play....
# May 13 2011 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
See here, the one thing we all know is that we will all be back playing EQ, EQII, or whatever mmorpg from sony we have played in the past before all this happened, why???... well, because the games are that good, no other mmorpg is as good as these and you all know it. so stop complaining and give em another week if need be.
We will all continue to play....
# May 13 2011 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
I know four people already (not RL friends) who have left SOE. Borderline people who were still clinging will be gone.

EQ1 - E Marr server, 147 traders roughly per night before servers went down (220 a night this time last year).

We'll see what that number is in the middle of June. I'm gonna bet lower and server merges will be called for.

This was a stake in the heart for many subscribers and ultimately servers. Time will tell if I'm a pessimist or a pragmatist.
We will all continue to play....
# May 13 2011 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
Im really not sure about that. Im starting to forget why I was still playing such an old mmo. I think many that have been trying out other options will not be coming back. I just read these threads for the politics.
We will all continue to play....
# May 13 2011 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
Play some of the newer ones....Then you'll remember why.

Rift looks awesome...give those seven days a shot, and see if you can last all seven.
who wins here?
# May 13 2011 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
You know who made out like bandits with this whole deal? ZAM. I bet about 900-1000 more people made accounts, given they are free, but that is just increased marketing and more awareness, which equals more money for adverts. Also, how much do you think Trion paid for that GIANT Rift free trial ad on the main page? Not hatin' or anything, just thought I would mention it and see if anyone gets mad about it. It seems like people are able to get mad/argue about/with anything these days.

I know this is a double post I made a mistake earlier, sowwyyyyy
who wins here?
# May 13 2011 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
ZAM has provided lot more to us past 2 weeks than SOE did. A board to vent out. We all know SOE does not bother reading this board nor any of social media sites. It was a good decision for ZAM and for those who needed another option/distraction. EQ is totally different from WOW, EQ2, or Rift. Its customers are different group and EQ will eventually survive like it has been for past 11+ years. ZAM deserves some $ from TRION as lot of people went to Rift to try out and some are planning to stay.
Double Everything
# May 13 2011 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
Firstly, I am glad about the ID monitoring/protection and the one-to-one day replacement (plus a month), which is the real important thing that SOE is covering. I'm sure it cost them a considerable amount of cash, even if they got a big fat corporate discount.

Now for the in-game stuff...

In game, I can see the double XP / guild XP / faction. That's nice enough, but I would like added double token rewards for the same number of days that the servers were off-line. This should include everything from the solo-able daily quests that reward one 'shard' all the way to the raid level 'tokens'. The daily doubles should be at x4 for the same total amount of time the game was down. In fact, I would give up double xp and even extra-loot days for double tokens.

I for one, do plan to put the double faction to good use, there is about 500 tradeskill factions in Kunark that I just never bothered with before that suddenly seem to need a bit of attention ;-)


Downtime Blues
# May 13 2011 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
21 posts
From a business standpoint, Sony doesn't "owe" you anything. They provide a product for you to buy. It's your choice from that point on. You purchase it, you install, download patches, you give info to them, pay your monthly fees to play. They found a problem and they are fixing it, plain and simple. So sorry that your game got taken away from you a little while and you were forced to do or try other things to pass your time. The only thing anyone who plays their games really own is the discs in the box. Your characters, platinum, items and everything else belongs to Sony. Like it or not, that's the way it is and you agreed to it so stop your whining and crying about it.

I can just see the gaming masses twitching and wandering around like zombies because they have nothing to do. Dawn of the Dead meets SOE. Coming soon to a theater near you.
Downtime Blues
# May 13 2011 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
well, sony does owe me something. i paid for their services and im not gettin jack crap for my money but a box that tells me the service is dead. i am a paying customer for 8 years x 4 accounts (umm my last yearly card statement said $807). i am supposeed to be happy they let me give them money for that time so my info can get stolen and i cant play what i paid for? hmmmmmmmm dunno how anybody can say sony doesnt owe us anything
Downtime Blues
# May 13 2011 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
well, sony does owe me something. i paid for their services and im not gettin jack crap for my money but a box that tells me the service is dead. i am a paying customer for 8 years x 4 accounts (umm my last yearly card statement said $807). i am supposeed to be happy they let me give them money for that time so my info can get stolen and i can play what i paid for? hmmmmmmmm dunno how anybody can say sony doesnt owe us anything
Downtime Blues
# May 13 2011 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
well, sony does owe me something. i paid for their services and im not gettin jack crap for my money but a box that tells me the service is dead.

a service which is being reimbursed for downtime plus an additional 30 days...

i am supposeed to be happy they let me give them money for that time so my info can get stolen and i can play what i paid for?

Of which any company can be the victim of. And SOE is offering ID protection.

Exactly what more did you REASONABLY want?
Downtime Blues
# May 13 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
Medaci wrote:
From a business standpoint, Sony doesn't "owe" you anything. They provide a product for you to buy. It's your choice from that point on. You purchase it, you install, download patches, you give info to them, pay your monthly fees to play. They found a problem and they are fixing it, plain and simple. So sorry that your game got taken away from you a little while and you were forced to do or try other things to pass your time. The only thing anyone who plays their games really own is the discs in the box. Your characters, platinum, items and everything else belongs to Sony. Like it or not, that's the way it is and you agreed to it so stop your whining and crying about it.

I can just see the gaming masses twitching and wandering around like zombies because they have nothing to do. Dawn of the Dead meets SOE. Coming soon to a theater near you.

Allakhazam must give the title "Scholar" as a prize from a cracker jacks box. AS A BUSINESS stand point they owe me time not played and station cash bought. As a "GOOD" business stand-point anything they offer is an incentive to keep loyal customers. I wonder how many "Loyal" customers of SoE even know of Allakhazam (Just EQ) so in turn know what is being offered. 2 weeks is a long time (Out of sight out of mine). I can tell you this for sure. SoE's unfortunate problem will not help our dwindling EQ Population base. Personally I think they should keep their offer of a free month plus days, later in the month when they come back on, offer 3/4 price on a six month subscription and ½ price on a year. Just an idea to promote play and try to keep their customer base extended.
Also thank you Allakhazam for being the best information base and keeping me informed on Everquest. Maybe your public relations should go work for SoE.Smiley: laugh

Edited, May 13th 2011 1:48pm by Vinney
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
# May 13 2011 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
So whan is FR gonna get online?
# May 13 2011 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm all the Flamers like to say
sony dont owe you anything , read your eula ...
But i think they do because they didn't protect our cc and log in information.
I'll take what ever they feel is right to give us for the loss of that information.
besides i think its awesome what they have given us so far.
yeah yeah i know before you say it
waahhhh the EULA says sonys not responsible for the loss of my information that i gave them , you dont have to agree to the EULA !!!
well they are responsible or why would Attorney Generals and Congress be looking into sony ?
am i pissed sony lost that info ? Yes
only because i have to be w/o my cc/debit card for 10 to 15 days , while i wait for a new one
so , Sony im glad your giving us 30 days plus and bunch of double Exp/faction Etc. Thank you
but i really like is a Date when the everquest servers will be up
# May 13 2011 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
60 posts
corwin155 wrote:


well they are responsible or why would Attorney Generals and Congress be looking into sony ?


Do you really think that when a politician announces the start of an investigation this close to campaign season that it means anything other than they want to be re-elected?
# May 13 2011 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Bariag wrote:
corwin155 wrote:


well they are responsible or why would Attorney Generals and Congress be looking into sony ?


Do you really think that when a politician announces the start of an investigation this close to campaign season that it means anything other than they want to be re-elected?

No but i hope it makes sony take a good long look at what they may have done wrong.
and yeah good chance its because it is campaign season , but if thats what it takes to give sony a good shake up then im glad.
# May 13 2011 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
It now seems Sony has known for at least a week that the downtime would be thru today and further.

Grow some balls and give us a guesstimate. Otherwise, when it's end of May and we are still playing this day to day farce, I will give up on Everquest.
# May 13 2011 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
WTF about Planetside, we dont get ****???
# May 13 2011 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
hurry soe! wifey faction has turned me to kos in her eyes! shes having eq withdrawels
useless "make good"
# May 13 2011 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
I can't be the only one who thinks this make good plan is stupid.

Double xp= I can't be the only one who doesn't need it

Double rare mob spawn= Can't be again the only one who has killed and gotten loot from everything in the group content by now.

Double faction= Again a useless modifier that is not needed.

This situation was/is a huge black mark on SOE and although not required to compensate the players, from a PR standpoint something needed to be done better than the same crap we get every holiday. Maybe a free item of your choice per account, no artifacts , epics, and only items that currently drop.

SOE dropped the ball and let our info get taken, and took weeks to bring the game back online, the same old double this double that isn't gonna make me feel better about it, I am sure a free item could be useful to everyone in game unlike the bonuses most don't need anyways.
useless "make good"
# May 13 2011 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
if you really cant mkae any good use of the double rare spawns double xp double faction and the other events they will probly do.... then eq isnt for you.
useless "make good"
# May 13 2011 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
You know who made out like bandits with this whole deal? ZAM. I bet about 900-1000 more people made accounts, given they are free, but that is just increased marketing and more awareness, which equals more money for adverts. Also, how much do you think Trion paid for that GIANT Rift free trial ad on the main page? Not hatin' or anything, just thought I would mention it and see if anyone gets mad about it. It seems like people are able to get mad/argue about/with anything these days.
useless "make good"
# May 13 2011 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Well this game doesnt just revolve aroun you.
Companies do not care
# May 13 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Considering the serious nature of what has happened the "come back" rewards are very ridiculous. Not only have they tried to made light of a heavy situation but they pretty much insulted us again with the identity protection that we will all have to buy into eventually. Sure, it may be free for a little while but when it runs out guess who gets flipped the bill? Yes thats right...Sony losses our personal information and we suffer for it, then we get told basically that we need to take care of our info better? Maybe not giving it to Sony in the first place would have been a better choice since it is obvious that they are a company that has left the door wide open to our personal information. Companies, like sony and our Governments both Can and US are reactive not proactive and it will be the end of us all.
NOT amused
# May 13 2011 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
Sony does not owe us anything, I agree, but from a business standpoint, they better be ready to offer up quite a bit. Double XP (Big Deal), Double Rare Mob Spawns (Big Deal). What I want is something tangible, like a change in policy that compensates ALL downtime, not just the big ones. Patch for 10 hours, compensate me 10 hours on the next billing cycle. I'll work for my EXP and items, like everyone else should.

Freebies are part of the entitlement way of thinking and has destroyed the US economy. I dont want handouts, but if I pay for 30 days of service and I only get 28.5, I only expect to pay for 28.5.

Im sure the Sony Employees union will be flaming, so flame away.
NOT amused
# May 13 2011 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
None of these "A series of events, including Double XP, Double Rare Mob Spawns and Double Faction Gains" matter to me. Half of my guild migrated to Rift after disgusted over SOE's lack of Customer Service and limited communication. We have been playing together for many years and rest of the guild will either migrate to Rift and recruit remnants. Some of them will eventually come back which they always did. But we will lose some good friends and people. We enjoyed EQ because of people we play with not the content. It is sad that we were originally in Rift for free trial. I will be playing both EQ and Rift because I still have lot of friends in EQ. It will be interesting to see how many we lost pst 2 weeks. I am thinking around 15-25 percent reduction in EQ/EQ2 population.
NOT amused
# May 13 2011 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Well, just like in real life....true friends stick by you no matter what. If you have guildies leaving for a different game then let them leave and replace them. You didn't have those friends going into your EQ experience, you found them on line. Now find others who may be looking for a guild. They could possibly turn out to be better friends than the ones you had before. I tried Rift too and i liked it. It passed the time, but it just doesn't compare to EQ. Sorry Rift, nice try but I'm staying with EQ.
NOT amused
# May 13 2011 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know what your point is. I was implying that those "Make Good" effors are useless and will not satisfy any of those who are leaving or have left. And 2 weeks late for lot of them. And losing further population is detrimental to all of us eventually.
# May 13 2011 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
LOL I had already posted this stuff on old motd so i beat ya :P
sony is being awesome with added extras BUT what we really want is a Date when games will be back on-line :(
not the every few days , saying yup not on today

Edited, May 13th 2011 12:50pm by corwin155
# May 13 2011 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
Well, they did add the words "next few days" which should translate to 2-3 business days. This means it should be up by coming Tues. I would be shocked if servers are online this weekend.
# May 13 2011 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno.. Depends on ones definition of *Few*.. Ever watch COPS, and they ask a person who can barely stand how many drinks they've had? The answer almost always is "Jusht a few", when actually they've consumed well over a dozen.. I really do hope in this case that the game will be up in 2-3 days, but I'm not going to set myself up for dissapointment again. =/
# May 13 2011 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
Carroth wrote:
I dunno.. Depends on ones definition of *Few*.. Ever watch COPS, and they ask a person who can barely stand how many drinks they've had? The answer almost always is "Jusht a few", when actually they've consumed well over a dozen.. I really do hope in this case that the game will be up in 2-3 days, but I'm not going to set myself up for dissapointment again. =/

LOL Aye soe has never been good at giving a time for anything LOL

"Depends on ones definition of *Few*" soe means ummm few WEEKS with only dribs and drabs of information LOL

Greydeeds Darkestnight 88 Necromancer of Drinal
# May 13 2011 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
i say that when they say "working around the clock" they mean Saturdays and Sundays, so by Sunday they say they should have the games back up
# May 13 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
I for one am glad they are making plans for WHEN the servers will be back up.

SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Am i the only one that finds those compensations absolutely ridiculous?
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
monstermmo wrote:
Am i the only one that finds those compensations absolutely ridiculous?

No i find it awesome sonys giving us anything
But id like to see a Date and time when gaming servers will be up. rather then every few days the line "yup not up today"
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I actually want to be given exp but thats me and im behind in levels, just came back to EQ :(
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
count me in on that m8,and for those of you who say sony dont have to give us freebies im sorry but i aint as cheap as you :)i been playing 6 years and for halve them ive had to tell sony how to calculate my veteran rewards they fricking bunch of cowboys,im also gutted i dont know how to hack cos boy i would have done sony long time ago.hurry up so i can pay you your stupid subscription for my addiction.and wifre faction has hit a all time low now i have to talk to it
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
Yes. But it shows movement in the right direction, so I am somewhat mollified.
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Read the agreement when you log on and tell me where it states you are owed anything.
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
Chill man. Nobody said they had to. It's OK to look this gift horse in the mouth. It's the moral obligation. People feel they are owed, rightly or wrongly. Sony even acknowledges this moral obligation (albeit, to differing degrees than the community wants), beyond the legal one, by offering these perks.

SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
Tristis wrote:
Read the agreement when you log on and tell me where it states you are owed anything.

they may put that in eulas , but being legal is another story.
they do owe us protection of our information ,cc and log in info.
SoE living up to its horrible rep even during this situation
# May 13 2011 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I was refering to the compensations mentioned in the previous post, nothing more.
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# May 13 2011 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
Ha !

that is all
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# May 13 2011 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
i got a idea??

Maybe during the downtime

Few things i would like to see sony do;

1. merge Eq1 + EQ2 + the graphics in Rift= SUPER EQ!!
2. fiX ALL THE BUGS once and for all
3. Possible make the ALL classes more flexible like;Rift whre u can change paths, EXAMPLES; if u as a cleric need more nuke power to fight undead change your SOUL PATH to necro and learn the ways of killing undead by spending points into the necro side of the soul path. U would still have AA's and they would apply, but u would gain more Aa's in the field of necro too.quote from rift > No other game lets you build your class the way RIFT does. Specialize in a single class or pick and choose abilities from many to create a character uniquely suited to your play style—and have fun while you experiment!

4. make more loot drop during raids. Example : u have 10 loot boxs....fill ALL 10 boxes with loot instead of a few piecess

5. Keep the LVL cap @90 and make mobs harder to kill with more HPTS and hit harder. Example: under foot @ LVL 85 made me cry sometimes

6. hire expiernced players as guides again to learn the trade of GM

also :

Soe does not owes anything, but they R Cheep and keep stringing us along,they should give the paying customers a rough time frame when they expect the sevices to be complete.

I appreciate the effort SOE has made arrangements with Debix, Inc., one of the industry's most reputable identity protection firms, to offer AllClear ID PLUS at no cost to Station Account holders for 12 months from the time an account holder registers for the program.

What they should have done is gone with and made it free for 1 year, has a better rep than this other company.

They also need to up the rewards;

1. 2500 Station coins
2. DBL xp per day that the servers have been down
3. A series of events, including Double Rare Mob Spawns and
Double Faction Gains across the whole Eq relm, per day that the service is out of order

I will still be a dedicated EQ players, but feel the Coorprate America SHAFT that Soe is giveing us

/rant off
the only hard day was : yesterday
First comment
# May 13 2011 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
Please don't take that personal,but your point 1 and 3 would make me leave for good.
I never played EQ, but EQ2 has been my MMORPG-Harbor i always return to since i found it 2008.
I played Rift. Open Beta, Headstart- i even got a 60days gametimecard as a present from another forum-user for being helpful in the first chaos- i gave that card to my Boyfriend, after i was missing my Arasai and Fae all the Time, my Houses, my Guildmates... A few days after release there was some kind of Norrath-Sickness getting me. I reactivated just a few days before the Servers went down.

To me, EQ2 is the last Bastion of Diversity, choices, ... Its awesome that there are so many classes and races, so many ways to play the game. I hardly do any instances (except for the tradeskilldungeons), mainly i work on several Housing Projects and my toons are basically supporting that and thereby the usually lvl "by accident"-i mean that i often don't even noticed i just lvld up.
Even watching my Banks and inventory with all that really big boxes is a relief after having flooded toons all the time like i got in Rift.

And last but not least- i never got stucked here. In Rift i spend over a week (!) collecting herbs, hoping to finally find the needed questitem so i could do my crafting daily. nothing. after said week, in which i did nothing but collecting herbs - and there wasnt much i could do instead. twinking isn't that interessting, as more than a rogue,a mage,a warri,a cleric on an acc doesn't make any sense to me at all.

I cannot describe the "HUUUUUUGE" feeling i get when i play EQ2. No game has been able to create something similar. And no other game gives me a giant Doll-house (or now Houses) along! That is just the best Housing i know, and i definatley don't wanna miss it!

Leave Rift out of this. Yeah, it's a great game, but i don't like it enough to pay for it. I rather give my money sony... even if i have to wait like now.

MY 2cent

Edit: to definate "beeing stuck" as i used it- yes, i have been stuck here too with quests or so, but there there always plenty of other fun things to do, so i never logged off angry or disappointed.which happend alot with rift.

Edited, May 13th 2011 4:32pm by Fayali

Edited, May 13th 2011 9:07pm by Fayali
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