Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


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A holy war?
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
To anyone who would claim this as a victory in their holy war, do you truly believe that "GOD" would have you destroy that which he has created, Human life. You chear and praise the loss of 40,000 human lives? Count them FOURTY THOUSAND! How can even the most evil of people be glad for this loss. And then you claim responsability and sign your death warrents. There is not word or combination of words to discribe the dishoner of it. These were people who have mostly NEVER held a gun, NEVER harmed another, and NEVER deserved to die like this. This is what defines it as terrorism, the dirrect attack against the innocent, whereas a military strike is ment to only (though not always) harm the guilty. Terrorists are the lowest form of life, lower than the bellie of a serpent, lower than the very deamons than employ them.

Today billions pray for the souls of the lost, and all the guilty has done is enraged the world. Congradulations, you now have every super power in the world against you.
Time to finish these guys
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
Well, now is the time for the United States to identify WITH CERTAINTY who did this. With that done, no more public-relations Clinton-era cruise missle attacks. It is time to mount a sustained effort to find these guys, fight them, and finish them for good. If the Muslims and Europeans do not like it--tough. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of American civilians have been killed. It is time we get these verminous rats and to hell with the rest of the world! I served for 8 years as an infantry officer and i understand the hazards of these types of military operations, now, however, the time for talk is over.
Truly a tragedy
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
This is what i know of the situation, though this information has probably been repeated hundreds of times over. This morning a hijacked plane was crashed into one of the Twin World Trade Towers. Minutes later, a second commercial airplane was crashed into the other tower. A third plane was crashed into the pentagon building, supposedly in a newer instalment of the complex. A fourth plane was crashed near pitsburg, and it is unsure if this crash was related to the previous crashes. Both towers have collapsed within minutes of each other, while resue workers were trying to save as many survivors as they could. The heat and fire from the jet fuel caused people to leap from the windows in attempts to escape the fire, or that they have been blown through the windows from the force of the explosions. No one has taken responsibility yet, though there is a general consensus onto who it was the instigated this coordinated attack on the united states. Most or all major federal buildings in the united states have been evacuated and hospitals and millitary are prepared to defend an assist the american populace.
I am greatly saddened by what happened, and by the response of many other students who have voiced their opinions about how ALL islamic and palestinians should be rounded up. This act was by extremists, just as throughout history extremists are the ones who cause such tragedies. Salem witch trials, spanish inquisition, holy wars are not caused by religion, but what people are willing and feel they have to do FOR that religion. Please, take care not to generalize, not to allow fear and anger and grief to cloud your judgement and cause you to do things in retaliation to those who have nothing to do with what happened to the trade towers. Enough pain and suffering has been caused, and now we have to rebuild and support each other. Please, that is all we can do. My prayers go out to the victims and to their families, though i know that it does not console you in your loss, but it is all i can do for you now. Peace be with you.
Patrick H
What are we dealing with...
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
I hear and feel alot of pain, anger and frustration from everyone. This is the worst type of war anyone can fight. There is no honor, there is no battles. No declarations of war, no nation to hold accountable. There are no strategic targets to bomb, or charge with infintry. There are no dead solders or Prisoners of War. This is the war of terrorism. No matter how hard we wish to lash out with anger and violence at those responsible, it is a useless gesture.

These types of things are normally plotted and planned by fanatical groups, often with fanatical religios ties. Insane people tend to make good religios leaders for some reason, if you look at the past decades of recent. They draw undieing loyalty from thier followers, who will stop at nothing to meet the standards set forth to serve.

Having studied religion, I know some of the types of things they do to enlist followers. For example, certain Islamic terrorist groups teach that followers will be granted 50 virgins in the afterlife, among other benifits, if they die serving Allah. A perfect way to get people to hijack a plane and commit suicide and mass murder while driving it into a building. This is scarry stuff. Hollywood has been hinting at this type of thing for the last few years, but now its getting real.

Our defense? Our only defense is to invade our own people with unreasonable searches, scanning all internet activity for keywords, giving up our own cherished privacy. That is our defense against terrorists. We must give up some things that our people have died for, for ages. Our rights to privacy. To what end, I do not know.

If we could find a way to win over such groups with love and acceptance, the war would end. But, to embrace violence only streanthens an enemy we can niether see, nor touch, nor negotiate with.

All I can do is turn my cheek, and hold my arms open to those who hit me. Much as Dr Martin Luther King has tought us. Much as Gandi has tought us. This is not a war that can be won with violence.

May God grant us wisdom.

RE: What are we dealing with...
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
I'm not defending them because they're extremists. But when USA wants to send a warning, they launch a few rockets, destroy a couple buildings. What can these small countries or organisations do ? Their only weapon is terrorism.

It's sad that "innocent" people lost their lives. But still, there will need to be conclusions on "why". That's one.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
I watched today's events with Horror, there is NO justification for acts of these kinds. My deepest sympathy goes out to all the victims of this appaling crime against the whole of humanity.

In the UK we have lived with these kinds of acts - although thank god not on this scale - for many years.

However I dont think that the US Government should respond by "bombing" people, sure if you can identify and take out the specific individuals responsible then by all means, do so.

Here in the UK we know that certain communities in Northern Island succour and protect Terrorists on both sides of the Republican / Loyalist divide. But in the same way that it would be wrong for the UK Government to bomb those communities, it would also be wrong for the USA to launch general attacks, i.e. Cruise Missiles, against the communities in which the the inhuman scum who planned and orchestrated todays events are hiding.

I just want to be clear.... If you can take out the Inidividuals responsible, then by all means go ahead, I will be cheering for you and congratulating you if/when you succeed. But general violence against an entire community is WRONG, as wrong as the evil done in NY and Washington today.

I hope I have not offended anyone with what I have written here, if I have then please dont just flame, try and be constructive.

With Sympathy


Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
The people of this country are going to realize that they picked a winner in George W. Bush. This man is tenacious when it comes to this type of thing. He cares for each and every American and will not rest until people pay for these horrible acts. People may make fun of this guy, but the man will not stand for this.
RE: Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
As a good friend put it while at work

You have united a nation divided by hate and stupidity
You have givin the president focus
You have Pissed off a Texan
You have just givin the biggest most powerful nation in the world a reason to flex its muscle
Whatever country did this you have just forfited your right to existance
RE: Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
You hit the nail on the head, man. Now the event itself is no laughing matter, but this gives me some much-needed comic relief after the state of shock and sadness I've been in for the last 4 and 1/2 hours. Thanks.
RE: Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
this is true with bushes administration we can see a quick end to this. Sometime i love the republicans, then i remember they are puppy-kicking-pickup-driving-southeners*

Signed: Vinrea Sureshine /Guild: Knight of the Forgotten Sun/ Server:Zeberuk

(My sympithies to my fellow Ranny Student in NJ that had friends and parents that perished in the plane the rocked the island)

*no offence to truck drivers or southeners (just the puppy kickers)
RE: Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
And re-reading it, I guess I did call names, please ignore it right now. Like I said, it isn't important.
RE: Watch your a**es we have a Texan at the helm
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I love arrogant democrats. I'm what you'd call a liberal Republican, I neither drive a truck, nor kick my dog. And I don't live in the south either. At first glance, most people I meet assume I'm a democrat, but I'm not. While both sides have things I agree with, I agree most with the Republican side (hence liberal Republican). I think this is justification for war, for some reason, there's a lot of yuppie, soccer-mom types, living up on hills, isolated from the real-world that think that this is bad, but not justification for war. Yes, war is a terrible thing, but they are most definitely asking for it.

P.S. <Important> I'd rather this board not turn into a political party debate (aka, "our-side-is-better" cat fight), so please don't make any responses to this, it isn't important right now, so just keep your ideas for another time. Thank you.
Heartfelt sorrow
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
I stand in shock on the rear deck on the boat I live on in the Baltimore Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Md. The sky is starting to haze from the smoke from the flames of the Pentagon. The skies are empty for the first time I have ever known. There are police boats patroling the harbor and news is blaring from every television set. Police sirens have been blaring yet the city is silent. People I have known to laugh and smile now walk, pale and silent. Our eyes never meeting.

The silence is deafening. No one wishes to speak as we watch in horror as the news shows the death of the airliner plunging into the buildings. My heart is full of sorrow as I remember my fellow co-worker that worked at the WTC. He did not survive this tragedy.

My heart goes out to those innocent people on those planes that endured the terror, and pain they must have gone through and the horrifying realization that they have turned a simple flight to see grandma or coming home from a busniss trip into a weapon of mass destruction.

As I turn my tear filled eyes to watch another person walk down the pier with shoulders slumped and eyes on the ground. I realize the terrorists crippled us in more ways than the cost of thousands of lives in these attacks. They hurt all of us. May God forgive us our rage... and may our rage be tempered with wisdom in the war to come.

We will overcome this tragedy... Our wills and perserverance are strong. Our anger and rage fueled by our shock and sorrow. But not today... Today we mourn the loss of our friends, our families, our countries citizens. Today we comfort our grieving neighbors, we help unbury the dead and dying in the rubble of Manhatten and DC. Today the greatest death of all... has been the death of PEACE. We are at war now, we will demand justice, we will demand blood for blood, lives for lives... May our leaders be wise and not rain death on the innocent but punish those responsible.

Fennin Ro
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. We are in a war-zone, how much more blood shed will we now have to endure. What a waste, I hope that whoever did this dies a mallicious death and burns in HELL!!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
My heart goes out to everyone who was a part of this or knew anyone who was. This truely is a horrible tragedy. If anyone needs someone to talk to anytime, emial me at translucentaqua@hotmail.com or send me a tell in game. Im on the tribunal. Galidadd

God Bless,
Please give blood
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
I think the most F***ed up part of all of this was the fasct that a nation of people (Palistine) were cheering and celebrating along the West Banks. Men, Women and even their children were waving flags and throwign candy in celebration of this totally inhuman act of malice. Truly sickening.

K Williams
RE: Sickening
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
Yeah, I hope they realize how lucky they were that I wasn't there...
the president
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
The president was in an elementary school getting ready to read to some children in my home town Sarasota, Fl.

On the video my local news station has of his visit he is sitting on a stool at the front of the class when a secret service agent walks up to him and whispers something in his ear. The expession on his face quickly goes from mild joy at watching the children, to extreme horror at what he has just heard, to a very somber expression of sorrow, and then he gets a little steely look in his eye.

The president is pissed.

He sits there a few moments longer and then politely excuses himself and asks everyone to gather in the media center. While everyone is gathering the second plane crashes into the 2nd tower. The president comes out into the media center and apologizes that he will be leaving ASAP and that his colleagues with him will stay to discuss the educational matter he was present for. He then states that there has been a great national tragedy. That 2 planes have been kamikaze'd into the world trade center. (at that time the pentagon had not yet been hit) He apologizes once again for his having to leave and wishes everyone well.

He then leaves the room in escort of 2 secret service men and presumably gets into a car bound for sarasota-bradenton airport where air force one awaits. Needless to say the jaws of every adult in the room and half the children were on the floor.

I do agree with one previous poster here... the time for talk is over. Some people just cant be reasoned with no matter how hard you try. For whatever reason some people are hell bent on being devastatingly evil. I for one am tired of all the ******** of this world... Its time for the world to unite and get along with one another. If that means taking out the bad guys instead of talking to them. So be it.
Thoughts and Prayers
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
My thoughts and prayers and those of my wife go out to all of you who have lost loved ones and friends to this cowardly attack and act of war. Yes this is an act of war by a coward who doesn't have the guts to show his face.

To those in Palestine and the rest of the world that are celebrating and dancing may you all die a slow and horrible death.

Please head to your local blood bank or hospital and donate a pint of blood.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Omg this is insane.........
I am from Canada and it is on every single channel is talking about it, im writing here from school and everyone here is talking about it.
What is it.. 39,000 dead? I can't believe this, and even if there werent people there, thoes buildings are important. Alot of people have been talkin about WAR, i don't know if that is possible though - and i hope it isnt - if we are dealing with a group of terrorists and not a country.

My love goes out to all of you
This is a very tragic event which has affected us all, all around America.

Bamzal Sherbert
Ontario Canada
NYC Resident
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
I live here in NYC andused to be able to see WTC from my house in Queens. I was in class and was about to head downtown to a bookstore when it all happened. I cannot believe this...its unreal
We are still missing some of our freinds.
PLease donate blood whereever you live. We are running out in 36 hours which means blood will be coming from other places.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
I just want to say that it does not matter where you are from...GIVE BLOOD NOW...this has been a problem that has been growing and the need is there even more now. This is something we all can do and you'll feel better about yourself.

It seems some feel that the only need to donate is in and around the New York area and this is just not the case.

To those who want to make light and joke in a time such as this...I pray for you as well for what you are doing is sickening and something is wrong with you.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Again, culled from CNN (www.cnn.com):

If you know anyone this relates to, please let them know.

"The Pentagon has asked personnel to call the following number to be accounted for: 1-877-663-6772"
Did you take a good look at the world yesterday?
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
I hope you did, because the World of today is one that is changed forever.

My sympathy and best wishes to all my American friends out there

Benjamin Post
shocked and stunned
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
I can only say we here in germany are absolutely shocked and stunned about this terrifying attack that has occured today. A cowardly attack against the very basement of USA and yes democracy itself.
I am watching german news and NBC and fighitng hard to hold my tears back. Hopefully this will not lead to another world crisis.
In England
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
We heard straight away and business shut down as we helplessy watched what was happening. EVERYONE was praying for their American Brothers and Sisters. I can not say any more, except know that the democratic world is already united against the &^%(*)&^)(*&)*_*)(*(*)(+ who carried out these &(*&)(&)(_*&)_( attacks.
Pray for them
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
Anyone who is trying to make light of this tragedy
is no better than the terrorists themselves. Thousands of lives have been lost and my heart goes out to the families of the deceased. Unfortunatly all I can do is pray and hope these bastards get whats coming to them.

Having lost loved ones myself i can understand the grief those family members are going through.
Being in Florida i am to far away to help but those of you who can plz help, go to the hospitals, even the smallest good deed can make you a hero in a tragedy like this.
Our sympaties
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
In this terrible moments, our people of Spain will sympathie with all affected citizen in USA. Our country is been hit by terrorism too but never like i saw today. Attacks to the civilian population are the worst form of pain.

Dont have words to continue.

a loss in the faimly
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
my relative was the pilot of one of these planes that crashed i just want to say that who ever has done this has just signed there death wish and i hope justice will be brought apon them

27 monk sullon zek
RE: a loss in the faimly
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
My condolences to you and your family.
RE: a loss in the faimly
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
My god i hope youre not being serious! :( I feel terrible about that. I mean i couldnt have done anything but hacing a respectable member of the family die in an airplane hijacking that ultimately kills thousands of people is just beyond my wildest imagination. My *deepes* sympaithies, friend
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I don't understand. What goes on in the minds of those who would do such things. I was there... In 1 World Trade Center onthe 40th floor when the planes hit... I have never witnessed such carnage. Celebraiting... I can't believe people were celebraiting this! Even if the see us as enemies... we are all people and the deaths of innocents should be morned, weahter they are friend or foe should not matter... I know this isn't making too much sense... I am just filled with confusion, anger, sadness that my thoughts are just running together.. I guess that's all I can say for now...

# Sep 11 2001 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
My prayers go out to all who are personally touched by today's disaster. It is so unbelievable that it could happen in our great country.
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