EverQuest Legends

We just received notice from the Director of Web Presence, Nathan Pearce about the new EverQuest Legends. The following is what they are advertising.
Make your mark on EverQuest! Sony Online Entertainment is proud to offer a unique and rewarding opportunity for EverQuest players: the EverQuest Legends Service. Are you ready for a new, more dynamic EverQuest experience? Are you prepared to take on exciting new challenges, discover unknown treasures, become a hero of Legendary proportions? To find out more, take our guided tour of all the new features we're preparing for EverQuest Legends, then reserve your spot today!
What Everquest Legends will offer you:
  • Character Pages Part of the Legends web site, each player character will have a personal homepage featuring all the character's statistics and items, and will be updated daily.
  • Dynamic Server (Exclusive) Our dedicated team of Customer Service & Development staff will not only be providing in-game support to our Legends players, but also running new quests and adventures for players of all levels to participate in.
  • Legendary Items Some of these Legendary items will even be named after the first player who discovers them.
  • Calendar of Events This web-based calendar will be kept up to date by the Legends Team, and will let you know who, when, where, and what is going on server-wide.
  • Interactive Maps Quickly find which zone your character is bound in, and which zones you have or haven't visited.
  • Tales of Adventure The Tales of Adventure will feature the best stories submitted by Legends players, prominently displayed for the whole world to marvel in your glorious deeds!
  • Guild Halls This new service includes a guild calendar, message board, member roster, and pages to post guild news, the guild history, and more! (Including logo) This sounds like a really great idea, I can't wait to see it live. However, there are only 8000 spots available, but if you do get in, you can move 8 of your current characters on a single account with items. The monthly cost is $39.95 and will include your current subscription. Sign up is February 4, 2002. Remember ONLY 8000 lucky people will get this chance. Sign up at EverQuest Legends.com Don't forget to take the Sorta Weekly Poll on the update page.
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    This sucks
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
    Its just another large corporation (Sony) trying to squeeze every last penny it can out of us. I think it is very wrong and disgusting.
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
    The $40 is too much, even for this server. Yes it is great but the price is too much.
    Dynamic Quests
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
    On the Dynamic quests...

    Ok, so Orcs are attacking Freeport. What does this mean? Does it mean that no matter the outcome that Freeport will be the exact same tomorrow? Or will I have to go somewhere else to train because Freeport is now in ruins?

    I would much rather that there is a reason why I am defending Freeport besides that a GM felt like throwing some monsters at some players. Put a personal stake into the events please
    No wonder
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
    38 posts
    So... some folks still can't use sound cards, many are still being dropped to desktop on zoning, quests remain broken, zones are still not fully itemized, that bazaar they promised us and the new interface...

    But boy oh boy they can make themselves a new Legends server and get 4K people times an extra $30/mo... I read that as an extra $120K/mo... though of course my math could be off.

    If they'd kept their promises to the 400K plus who are paying for broken quests and bad performance, perhaps fewer folks would feel so totally ripped off by this announcement.

    I pay for three accounts; I have no intention of upping any of them to a $40/mo tab.

    /em seethes with righteous indignation
    Wolana Phoenixfyre, druid of Xegony; Proud to be a member of Alliance of Hope where our Cause is Justifiable!
    too much
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
    It's the beginning of Premium Service for EQ. This probably won't be the last we hear about this type of idea. They will continue to look for ways to charge their customer base more so they can line their pockets.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2002 at 6:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EQ sucks anyway go buy DAoC if you want a real game worth playing
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
    39.95$ is a bit much if you ask me. I could see 29.95 max really. Personally, I rather have 4 accounts (9.95mth) then fork over the same amount for something that should already be available to everyone.


    Your Faction standing with Verant could not possibly get any worse.
    RE: Ouch...
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
    Yeah, $30 would be better, but more GM's = more $$. They COULD roll all this out to the 40 other servers, but then everyone would have to pay the extra to cover hundreds of new GM's.
    RE: Ouch...
    # Feb 01 2002 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
    Who cares about the GMs? The GMs all have different ideas of the rules anyways, and are generally very rude to you to boot! It may be only the GMs on Fennin Ro, i wouldnt know.
    I really cannot see how an extra $30 a month is going to improve how the GMs treat people. Its rediculous.
    RE: Ouch...
    # Feb 01 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
    8000 x 40 = 320,000 A MONTH!

    Man, im quitting my job, and applying at Verant for a GM job! How many GMs are going to be working this server anyway? Yes, 40 a month is too high.
    RE: Ouch...
    # Feb 03 2002 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
    Why bother at the rate this is going EQ is skidding down a windy road and off the edge of a cliff...
    In other words Don't quite your day job just yet :P
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2002 at 6:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I love the dynamic quest stuff and the chance to get an item named after me. I know extra GM's to run it cost extra $$, so I'm ok with the price. Might cancel one of my 3 accounts and upgrade one though. The web stuff is cool, too.
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