Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


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# Sep 11 2001 at 11:52 PM Rating: Default
I am pissed and I wish that they identify the people and the countries responsible for this and that we use our nukes to wipe them all out.

No mercy for these pigs.

"This is not war this is Genocide!"

Seventh Hammer
RE: Vengeance
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
Youre an idiot
Disbelief and Horror.....
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Firstly to all those injured or killed ...to thier families and loved ones...I pass on the prayers of my family from australia.Only you know the true depths of your pain. We can only begin to guess...
Our hearts break for your losses.

Secondly two words...*disbelief* and *cowards*

Disbelief that thier could be people in this world that could commit such a cowardly inhumane act. That quite clearly have no respect for life. That have quite clearly shown them selves and thier so called Causes to be a disgrace to life itself.

TO ALL of you people who supported or took part in this atrocity, YOU are COWARDS and do not deserve the pathetic lives you must lead.I hope your deaths will be soon and slow and horrific and that your souls will wander time. I hope MY GOD will NOT have mercy on YOUR souls.

I truely hope the WORLD bans together to bring these people to justice. They are the ones who deserve to be obliterated from the world ..from the lives they obviously have so little respect for.

May justice be swift and final.

Be safe
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
The biggest weakness of the English language is that there are not words to express such grief to the innocent, lost lives in New York, PA and Washington DC. No words can express such an incomprehesible act that no one ever thought would happen.. not to us.

I hope we catch who did it, but I wish for brevity with that. I, for one, don't want another war.

Best wishes to everyone.

# Sep 11 2001 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
First i must say that i`m a Canadian and my toughts and sypathies goes to all of those in NY and the USA. I`m also a cop and liked to express my great sadness for all officiers who have died in the events and to there familys.
My only hope is that the people responsible for this will pay immensly for there crimes.
Wish i could do more to help.
Revenge is a dish best served....cold.
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
In my humble opinion, someone "has awakened (again) a sleeping giant", a quote from a japanese general after Pearl Harbor, i forget which one.

A day of reconing is soon at hand as a "sleeping giant" awakens to an angry call. Pray we proceed in a Civil fashion with Allies in tact. Else this "giant" swats all with angry fists harming more than helping.

I pray for the familes and loved ones of those lost today. God Bless America!!!

Shandrath Moridinson
46th Paladin of Brell
Mith Marr
Alaska is praying for you
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
I live here in Anchorage Alaska, I as most Alaskans feel helpless, lost, and confused being so far away from those areas hit by planes. I will be trying to help where I can by collecting money, food, and donatiting blood. My heart and soul cries for those who have lost family and friends in this dark time and feel for all of us who's way of life is no longer the same. I will continue praying for you.
Love and Rememberence,
Driselme Chocolat
First Officer of Spirit Within
The Rathe Server
RE: Alaska is praying for you
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
I to live in Anchorage, AK. I cannot think of the words to say concerning this despicable act. We can only hope, that those responsible are found soon and dealt with swiftly and harshly. Political sanctions and all that diplomatic crap will not be good enough this time. The ones responsible must be made an example of. Message to the Terrorist Organizations that acts such as these will never again be tolerated and punishment will be severe.

My sympothies and Prayers to all
Dancing in the streets
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:31 PM Rating: Default
Todays events are truly horrifying and I was even more shocked to hear of other nations having to send in their police forces to calmd down the celebrations over our tragedy.

I have heard others say that we should not blame these people because they have been taught since childhood that Americans are evil, etc. and that we should not retaliate against them. However, something to consider is that if they've been taught that Americans and the US is evil since childhood then their zero-order belief system is set to this and they can and always will be a threat to US safety.

Their psychology is hardcoded to hate us, and that will always make them a threat. Its time to take out that threat.
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
How much you wanna bet that afganistan is the 51st state by the end of the year? I don't think that the arabic countrys have a clue whats about to happen to them. When people wake up tommorow and start hearing numbers like 50,000 dead... wow, I actually heard several congrassmen say the word "War". No polotician has said that word in the present tense in 50years! We're going to war and I'm glad that I have flat feet.
My heart and thoughts are with all of you
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
I am so very lucky in that my sister who was supposed to be next to the Trade Centers in Manhatten today was not there when this horror was unleashed upon us all. My God, I still cannot believe it. I pray for peace, I pray for the victems, I pray for us all. It is my deepest sadness and condolences that are extended to all directly affected by this evil, and my deepest respect for the firefighters, police, and rescue personall who gave their lives in a valant effort to save others. Please please please, we must all keep our sense of humanity about us and pray that there are no senseless retaliations against arab americans in this country, our brothers and sisters who share our grief and I hope and pray no response of mass bombings by our military of suspected nations involved where futher innocents are killed. Those responsible must pay and pay dearly, but a choice of mass destruction is no choice at all. I pray we can come together and somehow beat the odds to live in peace as a world of caring humans, I know its a long shot but I pray for it none the less. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Kinjarii Kai
AKA Mike J

Die you dirty bastards.....
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Nuff' said, you sick *****.
Not to be another raving lunatic, but...BOMB THEM!
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
I don't want to sound like the crazy hillbilly type who wants to nuke everyone now, but after seeing the footage of the people in foreig countries CELEBRATING this travasty, i think it's time to lay down the law. We are the power and "big brother" of the world...time for big brother to teach he siblings a lesson. If a country feels that they can celebrate this, then they should be considered an enemy of the U.S. and bombed...or at least invaded by several brigades of troops. We need to put our foot down and regain control.

Sorry if my words seem scattered, and my thoughts non-linear...i'm still in shock and appaulled at this whole thing.

Thanks for your time
Nikk Nytro
The Seventh Hammer
"This one goes out to the one I love."
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, three of my closest friends died. That is all I have to say. I am sorry also for those that share my....grief?
Ebay and World Trade Center.
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
To me this was the 21st Century's Pearl Harbor, I am 30 years old and live in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I have a BA in History Political Science, I just know that this country needs to pull together like we did in World War II. Republicans and Democrats have to come together and to fight the good fight against those that would use terror as their instrument of mass destruction. I know or I pray that no one I know lost their lives or were injured in these attacks.
Now to my subject, please do no post any items regarding World Trade Center, or Pentagon on Ebay. Have respect for those that have lost love ones, it is not time to make a buck. About 1 hour after the bombing there were 13 items up on ebay. It appeared 11 of them were before the bombing ever occured, but already 2 were up. Now as of about 1 hour over 590 items were on Ebay. That is wrong and discusting.

If it was Bin Laden it is time for us to take them out. It is time we repeal the law that does not allow Assination which was passed in 1972 or 1974. If it was Iraq that had a part in it drop some Gama(sp?) bombs down there throat, and take their oil fields. Gama bombs implode so they leave structure intact they just kill life. They declared war on our country just as the Japanese did when they attacked Pearl harbor.

Sorry for so long winded needed to get it off my chest. May God bless everyone and travel in peace.

Curumtiny Drudspain of Kindred Spirits
Level 39 Warrior
Tarew Marr
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
This is what I was speaking of. Id and hunt the leaders that created and unleashed this evil. Soldiers r not the culprits the leaders r. To use our soldiers enmass to go to war is as great a tradgy as this horror. Rather srugrical strikes of spec ops highly trained and dedicated people with the missiobn to seek and destory those our int shall pin point as ring leaders. That is only way to combat this threat. Do not attack indiscrimanatly. Find the leaders and KILL THEM!
No mercy no quarter
Frag em all
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Bomb them back to the stone age, turn their capitol into a radiactive plane of glass. Send up the bombers deploy the troops, myself included, we need to hit back hard and stop this from happening again.

And to all those of you who will start to protest about the children, let me point out that as a native New Yorker I have visited the WTC many times and every time I have the observation deck was filled with kids and their families. If anyone cares to complain about the civilians that we will harm in retaliaton, remeber this, at least our main attacks will be aimed at Military targets, not civilian.

And if you still object feel free to drive to NY and dig some of the victim's bodies out of the rubble.
RE: Frag em all
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
Soldier get ahold of yourself. This no war like WWII this a whole new ball game. Such slaugter will only beget more martyers and more suicide bombers. Find the leaders make them pay. Try them kill them publically kill them privately I care not make them pay but only the leaders themselves
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
I just want to pray for all the people that have died and pray for their families, but not to pray for just them, I want to pray for everyone, because everyone has felt this tragedy. They feel sadness, anger, scared, and mixed feelings, but we must pull through to make us stronger as a nation and not seek revenge to lower our level to the terrorist, because in the end, the they will be judged.

Yes, and also find a way to help, like donating blood, which I am to do tomorrow after school. To help will make you feel alot better. God Bless.

16 Necro
Mith Marr
Bin Laden
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
Though we all are very sad and disturbed by this horrbile terrorist attack, we must remember that even though the, little kids in Pakistan were dancing doesn't mean we should drop bombs on them. They were raised to believe that the Americans were evil, they were the source of all evil, much like we were taught Satan was the source of all evil. Would we not rejoice if Satan was killed? however, I do believe that Bin Laden is evil, because he was not only the one who decided the only way to get us back for "what we have done" is to kill civilians. Many children in the nursery, and people in wheelchairs, and thousands of others were killed. The people helping Bin Laden actually believed they were a martyr, because they killed thousands of us. We cannot blame a whole culture for this, when it was merely the work of a smaller group.

Lanys T'vyl
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
When i looked at the childrens and people who where dancing in the street, my first tough was that they looked dumb people who has been paid to do it, and they all had the same little flag...
Well, it's not really brilliant, and to repeat the post before, i guess they wont dance anymore after the Usa riposte.

Spitting Distance
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:59 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't know if a lot of people from my server Mithaniel Marr read all the posts but This is Crazy Jaredin most people know me from sitting in the EC Tunnel and Buffing people but that is beyond the point. I am a NAtive New Yorker and I was literally less the ten blocks right down the Westside Highway from the World Trade Center. From the Construction site I was on we saw the second plane scream over head and go crashing into southern tower. According to a guy on the roof who was so shocked he was still shaking when he got down stairs the plane missed the building I was in by less then 100 feet. I bring this information becuase quite frankly I need some place to vent and this sems appropriate, I spend a lot of time on EQ and have become very close friends with quite a number of people and I few of the people I know had missing frineds and family as of this afternoon and I wanted to extent my heartfelt condolences tp anyone who has found the worst case scenario for these peoples. I must say that it was the most freightening thing I have ever seen in my entire life and although young (24) I have seen and been subject to a number of scray incidents on the streets of New York. As of this moment my feeling are too mixed to properly say how I feel about there things I feel angry, sad, Scared, relieved for those who have survived and many more feelings that I can not properly expressed. Anyway I think that's all I can say it this point without becoming more graphic abou tsome of the horrors I have seen today which I don't think I am quite ready to relive but again my heart and my soul goes out to all those who have been hurt or who have family or friends who are hurt.
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I cannot understand why a person would commit such a horrifying act as to kill thousands of citizens hard at work. I pray that all their souls reside with the Lord in the kingdom of heaven and are expericing peace that could not be felt in such a destructive world. I believe that no bomb went off at the state department, it was just a rumor. Thanks for allowing us to have some say in this matter.
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
I cannot understand why a person would commit such a horrifying act as to kill thousands of citizens hard at work. I pray that all their souls reside with the Lord in the kingdom of heaven and are expericing peace that could not be felt in such a destructive world. I believe that no bomb went off at the state department, it was just a rumor. Thanks for allowing us to have some say in this matter.
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
I cannot understand why a person would commit such a horrifying act as to kill thousands of citizens hard at work. I pray that all their souls reside with the Lord in the kingdom of heaven and are expericing peace that could not be felt in such a destructive world. I believe that no bomb went off at the state department, it was just a rumor. Thanks for allowing us to have some say in this matter.
in reference to a prior statement
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
One of the only ways that I could show my respect and honor for those whom have posted...
I have given-on all that i could-an excellent rating on their post. This is not much at all, but it allows me to say that i respect and honor each and everyone of those who post here.
Today will go down in history...
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Today, was the most tragic ordeal that has happend since Pearl Harbor. I can not even comprehend the countless lives that has been taken today. As for myself, tonight in my prayers, i will pray for all those who died, and their family and friends. My dear lord, what kind of person would commit that magnitude of a crime, and have a good feeling about it? I saw a clip of some people over in the middle east (not sure what country) that were CELEBRAITING what was done. I hope god will have no mercy on those who are celebraiting, wanted this to happen, and those who were involved. I cant even to begin to express what kind of tragety this really is. All i can say is, may god bless the USA and its allies. For now, like i said earlier, i am praying for them. I hope u can all do the same.

Vallon Zek
RE: Today will go down in history...
# Sep 11 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
I do feel what was done is a horrible act of terrorism and those responsible should be banished in Hell for the rest of eternity. But do not shame the children that rejoice, they where born to understand United States citizens as monsters, evil. They are only following what they where taught, and will later relize this event was no honor of whitnessing or relized, but a terrible, terrible event. I do agree, we do have our enemys, but we do not wish them dead. If we wish eachother dead, then the Earth is not Earth anymore..in certain terms and expressions, it's Living Hell.
for those who call down damnation
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
Wise words, WilsonWizards

although it may be impossible to forgive the perpetrators of this terrible attack, those who call for their eternal damnation whilst simultaneously praying for America are, if Christians, greatly confused. I know this hideous act may be unforgivable, but a cycle of vengeance and hatred will merely perpetuate these acts, which are not only horrifying, but unstoppable.
Stunned and worried
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
I can't even express what I am feeling - I live a bit north of NYC and can't get my head around it or understand how such a thing could happen. I am also worried about a friend who is a NYC firefigher. It just doesn't make sense - it feels more like a bad action movie. Why???????
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
Thanks Allakhazam for lettin us post our messages to help others in need. When they read some of these messages it will help them.
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