As I rest in my mog house to heal the wounds yesterday has left and to recollect my thoughts for tomorrow, there are times when memories of the past seep into my mind, and releases the floods of which brings shape to tomorrow's challeneges and highlights. The collision of both is what creates the now, as I rest. Calderon and Pup might be two different personas, but they remember and feel the same.
Of the people that I meet, I can see that many have a point of which they should be concidered the "finest" of, but it is those who create the memories and shape the future which I will remember the most, hoping to see another day with them by my side.
Call it what you want, these people are the finest in what they have achieved in themselfs and with me.
Mekare (and her girls Elaiya, Mintjelly, Mariah, Kaikura) - For someone who has seen the worse of fate many times over, she has done wonders for the community in her generosity and yet gets little fame in return. A hidden angel withen en masses you pass by daily, It's hard to even imagine what Calder's bleak future would of been without Mekare.
Xellana - Curious, wise, charming, witty, bubblely, Xelly. Words cannot even being to describe the type of person Xellana is, or even the ammount of work she put into being the best at what she's doing. That's the amazing part as well, Quickly and effortlessly switching jobs, and farming for her own materials to be independent. She makes everything look easy just by getting it right all the time.
Kitkit - Pup's <3, Smart and charming, Nothing is ever "too hard" as she has and done much for her LS and pup. Always pro-active, she tends to be the first in everything possible and has a growing list of achievments since she's never afraid to try.
Calaera - Despite nothaving as much time to play, Calaera (and her BF Orophen) proves what requires to play. Be kind, be conciderate, but most important, be absolute. She shows excellance in leadership by keeping everyone together, not though harsh lectures, but by bringing to light the common goal that everyone needs to attain.
Shemi (and her girls Mab, Moireach, Aramantha, Tidbit, Bitsy, Swampwitch, Leprataru, Doodlebug, and Starlight.) - I don't even think I need to say anything about Shemi. The sweetest and most respected tarutaru on the world of Ragnarok, if not all of FFXI. (Since she has some girls in other worlds as well.) It's hard NOT to find someone that hasn't met Shemi, or that was infuenced by her kindness. I for one know there are many that can vouch my words about Shemi.
Silki - Shemi's Good twin. ^^ A very sweet tarutaru who I had the fortune to met with. A White Mage that's very giving and self-sacrificing as well. I can forsee her rising in the world of Ragnarok in high regards due to her effort to bring a smile and cheering into the hearts of many people.
Lhini - Crafting Extraordinaire, and great friend to many. Lhini I met much time ago as KittyTaru, and since then, has always a pleasure to talk to, not to mention to be with. Though her work of crafting, She has set goals and reached each one in hopes to create better works then most people. I can see her name being big with the likes of Masterasia and Chyste.
Balpheron - Mistriss of Yaoi ><;;, My friend that just returned and has an extensive knowladge of tactics and visions. Not to forget to mention her RP makes things easier to last though.
LuigiBro - Respect is everything, for sure. Sorry about that death Luigi. >< A Really cool taru that I cound imagain being Pup's brother, (other then just the hairstyle), He has massive respect towards people and shows it everytime we cross paths.
Mayuka - Much like Silki, Mayuka is always out there helping friends. Mayu rarely asks for anything, but I'm happy to be part of the Mayukasfriends LS. ^^
Melkuur - Singing Red mage and Shellholder of Synthespains, He's an excellent player and leader, bringing the LS though each stage of it's delvelopment. Many Linkshells barely make it, others break and disband on the smallest detail. But the core of Synthespians has always proven to be much more difficult to crack thanks to what Mel does to keep everyone together.
xxCidxx - Dragoon. That's all that needs to be said and thus an instant win for disciple of Shemi.
Zendak - Zen's like a bro, and when something needs to be done, or someone requires some assistance, he's always the first to join in, not for the reward, but for the experience. He brings to the table what it means to play for the love of it, against playing to only "win".
Casafrass - A cheery and delightful Tarutaru, Casafrass is another one of those hidden angels withen the masses of players. I still remember the NM fight for Calder's Ceti, in which Casa didn't join in the chaos melee at the end, but rather did her best to rest enough MP to save the whole party as the ghost we fought (along with Zendak and Minigoonta) was reluctant in being defeated.
Ceciltaru - Cecil has the right to be concidered one of the masters of Woodworking and WHM excelance in my opinion. With such high standings in Ragnarok, He's best known for his Elemental Staves that most Synthespians members carry around with them, signed. Orginizer of many events, he brings the A game every time, any place, to get it done right and the first time as well. (Except for promies at first, but that's a different story :P)
HappyDrunkNoob (Also known as HappyDrunkGuy and Seahorrorisevil) - Wonder where you get your Sushi from? Always up for a chat, HDN fishes with such skill, and offers words of wisdom in turn. Thanks to HDN, my fishing skills have improved as well. ^^
Fumitan (also known as Yukiyo) - A cute JP taru that I've been lucky enough to meet a year ago as Yukiyo, since then, we crossed paths again, As Yuki became Fumitan, and much more skillful in the Class of Red mages.
Kind - Another on of Shemi's disciples, I havn't seen him around as much, but Kind was (as the name implys) a gentleman and a scholar of the highest degree on the server. (Anyone knows where he went off to?)
KayLis - PLD, RNG, NIN Excellance. For the troubles he has seen, he's always been self-sacrificing just to save "Everyone". I owe much to him for getting things done when it seemed impossible, like Xellana's AF3, the bomb that would always seem to go off.
Zatoichi - For a Blind Samurai, he has the vision required to be an expert in Ballista and taught pup much in how to improve. What most people don't understand is that everything you learn in ballista makes your normal game better since the CPU cannot outwit a human. After his teachings, I've began to see many of the flaws that appears in some tactics people use in BCNM/Runs since they don't expect computers to act random.
I guess that is my list for now... The memories draw their pictures as Calder and Pup rest for the next day. No matter what tomorrow brings, I rest easy knowing my blessing wasn't in gil or items, but people.