Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Is it you that just wanted a big open world? Or is it going to be RPGish?
Not played in a long time, but I like to build stuff when I do and I see you have island. Cool things need to be built on islands :p
it looks like Sandinmygum is the user name.
Sandinmygum has been added to the white list
As for open world/RPGish, I plan to do a little of both. It will have a light touch of RPG. We won't be forcing people to role play like on some servers, but I do plan to have admin hosted events. There will be PvP battlegrounds akin to WoW, where players have certain objectives (capture the flag, domination, etc.). There will also be 4 major Zelda-esk dungeon crawls-- massive dungeons that become more difficult the deeper you go, and in some instances require teamwork to get through. They'll be filled with traps and puzzles and chests with loot and bookcases players can learn useful spells (magic spells plugin) from.
I also plan to have the Autocraft plugin so that ships can sail across the sea and air, but that will require some extensive testing and will have major limits in place to prevent it from causing server lag.
Aside from this, it will still be very much Minecraft. Players can build freely anywhere in the wilderness and claim the land using the Factions plugin so that other players cannot place or break blocks on said land without permission.
I also will not force world PvP on players who don't want it. Players will be able to claim their faction as "peaceful", meaning they cannot attack or be attacked. Even though Faction raiding is the most fun anyone can have in Minecraft :p