NeoNugget wrote:
Thanksgiving is the day that you're allowed to get fat with no regret, just like Halloween is the night you get to give yourself cavities and not feel bad about it.
There's a good chance that I was conceived on Halloween, along with no fewer than 4 of my close friends (mostly on different years, though) so I'm guessing it's not just popular for sweets. Not really sure why... the UK does not get excited about Halloween on the same scale as the US, and 30 odd years ago the parties weren't all that good so you can hardly blame it on scanty costumes and too much beer. Maybe it was all the kids visiting asking for goodies triggering ovary responses in out collective mothers. The "Awww, I want one" effect in full force, or somesuch.
Other theories welcome.
This is by far and above the most off-topic post I've ever made.