Yes the % is definitely climbing, but isn't maturity kind of short in stock online?
So bossCCCP, do you have any good personal stories about this?
Are you trying to trick me into spilling the beans if there was any outrageous cyber-violations including me and some lonely female gamer? I'll never admit to such wild accusations like that.
I do live by three simple rules when it comes to female players 01.) Do not idolize/worship her.
02.) Who cares if she looks like a model IRL, or if she has HUGE milkshakes, or likes to cosplay as your favorite anime/manga/gaming-char?
03.) Never start any drama with a girl, not even for the lols.
When you follow these 3 simple rules you will look at female gamers in a diffrent light and never again will you ask for cyber/pics/camshows. Not even if she offers it, you will simply reply with; "Sorry kid, Im married to this game and no women will make me cheat on it".
If that doesn't throw her off balance, not much will. She might rage and call you a geek/nerd/game-oholic (she might even play the homosexual card) for not giving her the attention she demands. Normal gamer-girls don't offer anyone cyber/pics/camshows for free. They always want something in return. You better run away and never look back again, heck you might even have to log-out. Give away your char to a friend of yours and re-roll on another server just to avoid that stalker.
This is the reason why my 1st char in any mmo is always of the female gender. So that no girls will try to give me free pics/cyber/camshows :p