Skylance: The Oubliette

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Prophecy of Ro



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70 - 75

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This is the instanced zone involving the group task Skylance: The Oubliette.

The oubliette of Skylance contains many forgotten magical creations, most of which are dangerous, unstable or, quite simply, not meant to see the light of day. It is hidden away in the catacombs of the tower where all things go that are meant to be forgotten.

The Codex Artifice, a book from the Skylance library, outlines how Druzzil Ro crafted the egg of Tallongast the Prototype, the entity that was to be the first scrykin. She used a chime created by Ayonae Ro to be the voice of Tallongast. Ao wants you to go into the oubliette to find the unhatched egg of Tallongast, as he believes that this may be the lost chime of Ayonae.
Skylance Welcoming CommitteePorting Into the OublietteRotting AwayTowering StatueIn the Bowels of SkylanceLurking in the Storage RoomWater CreaturesA Towering Bone Golem Patrols the Nesting Eggs

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