
Race:Dark Elf
Deity: Innoruuk
Level: 8
Money: 12
Server: Tarew Marr
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:0.5 / 0
Primary Melee: Cracked Femur
Secondary Melee: None
Ranged Weapon: None
Ammo: None
Left Ear: None
Right Ear: None
Neck: None
Face: None
Head: None
Shoulder: None
Left Finger: None
Right Finger: None
Left Wrist: None
Right Wrist: None
Arm: None
Chest: None
Back: None
Feet: None
Legs: None
Waist: None
Hands: None
Charm: None
Food: None
Drink: None


    Owned by: __DEL__1591784386033 Email: Not Public
    For Sale: Want to Buy:
  • Silver Cat Eye Necklace 6 pp
  • Cutthroat Insignia Ring 3 pp
  • Silver Carnelian Wedding Ring 4 pp
  • Silver Hematite Ring 5 pp
  • Silver Jasper Ring 5 pp
  • Silver Bloodstone Earring 3 pp