Spell Icon Last Rites  


1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1200.
2: 20% Chance to trigger: Last Rites Trigger

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 300 Skill: Evocation
Casting Time: 0.5 Recast Time: 18
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -50 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Timer: 7
Target Type: Undead Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29


Cast on other: Soandso staggers.

Game Description

Squelches the darkness in an undead creature, causing 1200 damage and potentially slowing their movement speed by *$2#5% and lowering their armor class by *$212001 for *$2%Y.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Last Rites
Spell: Last Rites


Depths of Darkhollow

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Better Description
# Aug 02 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1200
2: 20% Chance to trigger Last Rites Trigger

Yther Ore.
# Jan 28 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 1200
2: Cannot parse Chance to create Lifeshard (100/20/0)

Line 2 is Last Rites Trigger

Decrease AC by 120
Decrease Movement by 50%

So it's a 20% chance to have Last Rites trigger on cast.
Slow or Snare?
# Aug 14 2006 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone confirm what the components to this spell are other than the direct damage?

Some have said 50% slow, some say snare, does anyone know for sure?

There are undeads
# Mar 03 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
I have been finding plenty of undead latly, Alot of DoD has undead among other places. So not really sure how much more you want. I do have to agree on the pacy spell, I don't expect nor do I want to be a puller like a monk or bard, but it would be nice to pacy mobs a few more levels higher, sure would make solo life easier. Far as the spell goes, kinda curious to know how often the slow lands and how long it last for from someone who actually has the spell. I am about 2 missions from getting it and while don't really care for the dmg, but would love a slow if it is worth it.
RE: There are undeads
# May 30 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
True, there are quite a few undeads in DoD. Such instances like for Deserting the Ranks, or the one where you kill the Praetorians have almost ALL undead.

But, unfortunately, Sony has decided to make a compromise to "balance" paladin's undead abilities and not make us "overpowered". This of course is making every single undead in DoD stun immune, completely killing what mitigation we had.
Truely sad...
# Feb 26 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
Sony is just not paying attention to details. The amount of Undead in the game is just SAD! Not sure why they keep improving our Undead spells and giving us little to NO Undeads. They keep our Pacify so low it's pointless to have it. They completely voided our Invigor spell, since there is no more Stamina... You would think they would have changed that spell to work on Endurance or given use something in it's place.
SONY! Wake up and take a look around. LISTEN so what we are saying.. some of us make since.
/rant off...
Truely sad...
# Feb 04 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
True Tht, paci stinks for us
# Dec 06 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
The unknown #340 effect on this spell is reported to be a 50% snare and decreases AC by 120 for 30 seconds. The effect does not hit with every cast and I don't know the percent chance at this time.
# Oct 13 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
This is a waste yet again in the life of a Pally. Spurn Undead 1 level back does 1100pts against this 1200pts. The only differance is the massive differance in the recast time. A half of a second is crazy fast but still, don't see to much of a gain.

I guess you can have both loaded and root a skelly, nuke it with the long recast one, nuke it with this one like 6 times and recast root again, run out of mana, pop out your AA horse and run for the zone as the 40% skelly that hits for 698 comes charging at you. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Paladin of Erolissi
RE: Hmmm....
# Oct 30 2005 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Might someone please tell me where I could get this spell ?

Thanks ! Artabrew
RE: Hmmm....
# Oct 22 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
hi all seems to be a lack of data. No spell info does not say it takes a rune ot what to get. Is this an ldon spell ? Is this a bought spell? Is this a drop spell? I dont know and thats a problem cause i should find answers here not more questions. If anyone knows please drop a reply on this thanks :)
DoD undead
# Oct 13 2005 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
Ruins of Illisain seems to have quite a few undead.
how pathetic
# Oct 03 2005 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
I assume, this is one of our 3 DoD spells. It shows that Sone has really run out of any ideas for Paladins and does not care.

This nuke does not address any of our important issues which need urgent addressing. Instead, it adds another utterly useless spell which is not good for anything but the occasionale eyecandy (not even that as this will never crit anywhere near as high as SU).

And then, you look at the new cleric undead nuke which is vastly more powerful and you realize that this new paladin nuke is even more crap than it seems on first glance as it finally acknowledges that Sony sees pally dps as by far the worst in the game and seems to want to keep it that way.

Edited, Tue Oct 4 16:50:42 2005
how pathetic
# Feb 04 2007 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
Some of this might make others think pallies r weak, we hold our own; dont get tht twisted, we just aways want more =P
RE: how pathetic
# Dec 16 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
i think the whole direction sony/EQ has taken is evidence that $ is ALL that SOE is interested in. Paladins aren't the only ones being shanked by SOE. everyone playing the game has been. they have guaranteed it's demise by ensuring that there will never be any NEW players. not enough to matter anyway. they have done this by making all challenging low to mid-level content obsolete. replaced by baz mules and NPC gear vendors. what happened to letting people SMITH and farm and earn xp and QUEST for gear? now ya just go to the baz and drop 50K - that you just bought online btw(and before anyone disses IGE or MSS, let us remember that SONY is the one that has created the environment which has made buying plat online an attractive option)- and yer all set. you don't have to BE PL'd anymore. 2 hours in the baz and anyone can PL themselves with their own gear. they have sucked the lifeblood out of the game. they are obviously oblivious to the real attraction of EQ or any other MMO for that matter. what EQ has become screams that SOE is interested in profits and profits alone. so... ALL classes should be raising heck. /rant off

but i agree about our spells guys. beginning to **** me off too. oh yeah! what about our Pacify?
Sony... WHY will you not update our pacify so that it, well.. you know.. WORKS???

Vanguard... :)

Edited, Fri Dec 16 17:29:23 2005
RE: how pathetic
# Oct 12 2005 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default
all i can say is if they keep going along with undead type nukes and effects, then why the heck cant they add more UNDEAD MOBS in the game!!! sheesh. in the old world there were lots of undead mixed in different zones. nowadays we are lucky if an expansion has 10 undead mobs in it LoL. we get slay undead and baby undead nukes but have to search far and wide and outside the normal xp zones to actually use them... bah
RE: how pathetic
# Oct 18 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Umm, they did add more undead. DoD has a bunch of them.

Only problem is the loot kinda sucks for the difficulty, so getting groups to hunt them is hard.
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