Spell Icon Abundant Summoning III  


1: 12% Chance to trigger: Summon Nightblade
2: 6% Chance to trigger: Summon Shir Berenj
3: 6% Chance to trigger: Summon Nepeta Mint Tea
4: 8% Chance to trigger: Summon Darkshine Staff
5: 6% Chance to trigger: Summon Sahdi's Emblem of the Enhanced Minion
6: 10% Chance to trigger: Summon Solus' Polished Gemstone
7: 10% Chance to trigger: Summon Solus' Burnished Gemstone
8: 10% Chance to trigger: Summon Solus' Marquise-Cut Gemstone
9: 9% Chance to trigger: Summon Kotahl's Tonic of Healing
10: 9% Chance to trigger: Summon Kotahl's Tonic of Clarity
11: 9% Chance to trigger: Summon Kotahl's Tonic of Refreshment
12: 5% Chance to trigger: Failed Summoning

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Casting Time: 4
Recast Time: 0 Fizzle Time: 0
Range: 50 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 01/16

Game Description

Casts one of the following spells at random:

12% - *$1%N
6% - *$2%N
6% - *$3%N
8% - *$4%N
6% - *$5%N
10% - *$6%N
10% - *$7%N
10% - *$8%N
9% - *$9%N
120% - *$10%N
121% - *$11%N
122% - *$12%N

Quick Facts

Night of Shadows


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