Spell Icon Dark Possession  


1: Add effect: Mottled Skeletal Form
2: Increase Mana by 65 per tick
4: Ultravision
5: See Invisible (1)
7: Decrease Hitpoints by 57 per tick.

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 5 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Self Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: A dark spirit possesses your body.
Cast on other: Soandso 's skin grows pale and dissolves away.
Effect Fades: The dark spirit fades.

Game Description

Grips your body in an unholy darkness, slowly draining your hit points while regenerating your mana.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Dark Possession


Omens of War

1 hour
Post Comment
HP loss?
# Dec 21 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Don't any of you have hp regen items? i have a crap load of them and with SoS i lose a few hp, but i add form of rejuvenation and i even out to not losing hp at all.
A necro is all about lich, it makes us who we are, so you need to concentrate on hp and mana regen, you have to manage all your available resources to the best of your ability.
Nothing gives me greater pleasure on a raid than when i get to twitch the chanter lol.

70th necro
cazic (brell)
RE: HP loss?
# Jan 11 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
My first main was a Druid. Just always cast a Regen spell on the Necro, and he was good to go. Newest regen is, what, +60HP/tick? That with some items, HP's fine.

Still, the idea behind a Necro is to sell its soul for mana, then to claim other souls it its own absense. In EQ terms, this means draining your character's HP with Lich, then using the mana you gain from it for Leach-type spells.
HP loss
# Aug 27 2005 at 4:43 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Just a note to all who complain about the extra 10 damage per tick: as I have recently realized, all lich spells actually only do 75% of their stated damage because of the pvp detrimental spell penalty.. Hence, ASoC only does 75 * 75% = 56 damage, and DP does 85 * 75% = 63 damage (the game rounds down IIRC). That means that instead of losing an additional 10 hp/tick, you're actually losing 7 (read: 75% of 10). Not a huge difference neccessarily, but that's my 2cp.
Lighten Up:)~
# Mar 09 2005 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Wow...nice pile on job on this one! My impression of what one of the "whiners" was saying was that he expected more for the level/difficulty placement of this upgrade.

Personally, from the point of view of effort/risk VS reward, it's a yawner for me. Some people have said over and over that 10hps doesn't matter etc.. and that's true for me. However, if I am factoring in how bad I want this and how many hours it will take raiding to get...for the benefit...yawn.

If I get it on a raid event, great. If not sure won't lose any sleep. Oh, Oblig stats.

68 necro
4150 hps self buffed
6400 grp buffed
ft 15/18
hp regen 33/36

Edited, Wed Mar 9 05:12:00 2005
RE: Lighten Up:)~
# Apr 05 2006 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
just a quick note... you won't need to raid to get this, just head to either mpg or RS and get in a group and pull out yer lucky dice heh.
I think this isn't all that great...
# Jan 09 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
Ok I just recently saw lv 65 Ancient: Seduction of Saryn. And its 60 Mana regen.. thats lv 65! And sure its a GoD spell but now lets look at this lv 70<!> Spell. First and formost its 5 more mana.. wowzas! (sarcasm) and like 15 more hp then the other one or more I'd say. And also lets consider how rare the runes and hard are for lv 70's... Yea I think the lv 65 One is the MUCH better one.
RE: I think this isn't all that great...
# Feb 11 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
First of all the spell is called Ancient Seduction of Choas, not Saryn, and second of all not many people are going to be seeing Ancient Seduction of Choas unless they're in a higher end guild. True Glowing runes don't drop to commonly but I have seen the drop to groups, Yes groups in RSS. So for those Necromancers that may never see Ancient Seduction of Choas, this is a great spell, and a lovely upgrade for Seduction of Saryn IMO
Complain Complain
# Nov 04 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
I play a necro, and to all the classes that comlain about our regen rate.... Try doing everything you normally do in a group/raid, and then giving 1/2 your mana to a cleric. Role of a necro is mana battery alot of them time. When we mind wrack, we lose lots of mana to give you all mana back. A good necro can maintain solid DPS and be a mana battery. (BTW every time we give you 150m we lose like 350-400m to give it to you)
Just remember next time you get rezzed during a raid fight and you find yourself at FM by the time you are buffed, that the 5 necros that gave it to you are still laying the lumber to the mob, all the while also continually twitching the clerics that dont have enough mana to make it through a raid fight without us.
Try operating and doing your job and never go below 50m. would be rough.

85 HP are nothing to a 70 necro, Im 67 and I have 3200+ hp self buffed. with virt im pushing 5000.

With Zero regen it would take you 5 full mins to hit 0 HP having 4K hp. and figure a full 7 minutes to hit 0 HP figuring a base of 25 regen. Bewteen items and stitting I regen close to 25 HP/tick. Not too many groups will you sit for 7 minutes without a mob to lifetap or leech dot.

Stop whining. Necros are good at what they do just like other classes are good at what they do.
RE: Complain Complain
# May 25 2005 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
I for one am seriously glad there's a class like a necro in the game.. a caster that can cast good enough buffs that they don't have to go back to the pok every couple hours!
RE: Complain Complain
# Dec 29 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Amen on that, man :)
# Oct 28 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
What is the model for that spell, anyone knows? Same as SoS ?
uber mana regen
# Oct 20 2004 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
im a necro im not whining give me this spell period
In the defense of the SK's without plate...
# Oct 15 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
In the defense of necromancers:

Also consider that necromancers are used at times as mana batteries. THey are expected to get their pet on the mob, DoT the ***** out of it, and then twitch the hell out of the local cleric.

Imagine looking at your mana pool and realizing that even WITH the current lich form, you're still dropping steadily.

Lich is what makes the necro. Lich isn't up to snuff to the content? They lose their main roles.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 14 2005 at 1:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You sir, know absolutely nothing about necros, so please do not come here and attempt to explain to me what our "main role" is, because clearly you do not know. The role of a mana battery should only be a necros in down times (after a rez) and in extreme emergency situations. On raids, if your guild is only using necros to give clerics a cushion so that they can keep your tank up, you need to go get new clerics. We are there in case there is a problem, not there to give mana in all situations.
Whine whine
# Oct 13 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
This has been said but reading posts think it needs to be reiterated. You have 65 mana regen a tic from -one spell- and you complain about having to refill your mana pool? Stop one moment and realize that other classes have as much or more mana, and even a damn good one is lucky to regen half of this self buffed, and considering you can cast one spell and get 1.2k hp back you guys really are spoiled senseless.
Who could complain
# Oct 12 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
Im looking forward to this spell If I ever actually get a lvl 70 rune I can win. My regen and reg raid buffs put me at almost 7K hp raid buffed and I shed no hp's at all especially with the new shaman/druid regen buffs. I hardly ever lifetap or lifeleech unless Im contending with AE damage.

With FT 20 + MC3 this spells puts us at 88 per tick standing or 113 sitting/mounted and with raid buffs add another 20 + Bard AE song.

No complaints here - gimme me m0 mana
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2004 at 4:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good lord I wish I could bask in that kinda mana regen as you necro's dont you EVER act spoiled ok necro's seriosly count your dam blessings... and i agree with you other poeple theres no way the hp ratio would be a big deal just Leech type something... honestly... if you wanna complain let BL's get a mana regen like that hehe!!
Looks promising
# Oct 01 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Going to have to agree with Zelzar's post on this one.. Why is it that most of the necros on this board must whine? If you think it's a waste of hp, don't use it. But I ask you this - By the time you obtain this spell, if you're struggling over 20 hp more per tick after you have the new lifetap dot (Fang of death, 370 damage per tick, not positive on how much it heals..) and Soulspike (hits for 1169 without ID4/5 assuming you never crit, because by god, by the time you can take down mobs that drop this you probably won't have ANY critting AAs..) then maybe you should start duoing with a cleric, because you're obviously not using your spells to the best of your benefit. As a Bazaar Geared necro, I do absolutely fine with SoS - I have 2.7k hp self buffed. Guessing people who are getting 70 spells probably have double - triple that and probably a hell of a lot more than regen 4. And if you think 15 more mana per tick isn't a big improvement (No, no ancient lich for me) Then perhaps you should use SoS for a while, and then switch back to Arch lich - It will open your eyes :P I know this spell looks great, and I'm looking forward to it.
i hope it's a joke
# Aug 18 2004 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
on april fools sony will be like "we're sorry, just messing with ya!" right?
RE: i hope it's a joke
# Sep 15 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
I don't think it is... Seems like such a waste of hps... I think when I hit 65 I will stick to that lich instead. 5 more mana per 10 more hps doesn't really seem that more cost efficient.. Maybe in raids or extreme situations where we are using EE's to recharge ourselves to recharge clerics ect... but.. How often does that happen?
RE: i hope it's a joke
# Oct 23 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Personally I really dont think the extra 10 ht pts matters. That is like nothing with regen and how many ht points we have. This is at least an upgrade and I will look forward to the upgrade when I am better geared.
Work with the necro's
# Jul 14 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Default
This spell could be better mana regen wise and should be oh well we should get a new twitch =D

Edited, Sat Oct 23 01:43:13 2004
RE: Work with the necro's
# Sep 30 2004 at 2:40 AM Rating: Default
whats so hard to belive about casters having 10k + mana...well..lets take a look at it. level 70, with around 400+ int, no gear ( not saying you cna get 400+ int with no gear, but try to look at it like that ) would have what....4k mana???, ( idk add info if you have any ), then put on the gear, and in the very best full time gear can probly get like 250 mana a slot, about 20 slots ( lil more i think ), thats 5000 or more. ok so we are at 9k, now add on buffs and augs. 20 items, 20 augs, 50 mana an aug. 1k mana. theres 10k. now i dont know if all, hell even any are correct. but it should be close.

hard to attain, yes, impossible ? no.
RE: Work with the necro's
# Sep 09 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
I had to make a account on this damed site just to gripe at your idiotic post, Listen were necro's thats the best damn regen in the game, if everyone could get it, they would call us enchanters and I dont feel like playing an enchanter, We are necro's and we are on of the if not only most uber class in the game, I just think you wine cause U have nothing better to do, so wut they did give us 1k mana regen a tick or a pet that can tank 5 gods at once, big f'in whoop, All i hear out of necro's is them hitting the /whine button in these damn forums and I'm tired of hearing it if you wanna whine, whine about some other class tht wasn't built as solid as the necro, I mean shizer guys I think that its great they are giving us at least a new regen spell, and a new everything, u guys just need to pull your thumbs out of your ***'s and get int he mother f'in game!
RE: Work with the necro's
# Aug 21 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
no necromancer has 10k mana wearing only time gear
RE: Work with the necro's
# Sep 09 2004 at 5:31 AM Rating: Default
yes, of course zaranil knows everything again...
RE: Work with the necro's
# Sep 15 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
Mathematically speaking.. I have to say, especially with the new level caps that 10k mana for a necro is acheivable. Check out Eqrankings.com to see some necros who already achieved 9k +

Edited, Wed Sep 15 17:54:51 2004
RE: Work with the necro's
# Sep 23 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
but thats not in time gear thats high end gates and OOW + lots of mana augs time gear is **** now compared to whats out there
RE: Work with the necro's
# Jan 16 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
NO NECRO, thats right NOT ONE. not even lvl 70. has 10k mana with all time gear. Im lvl 70 with 9k mana(buffed) and I have some time & some GoD some OOW gear. My GoD gear and OOW gear blow the time gear, I replaced, out of the water... hence why I destroyed the old time gear. DONT POST if you dont have the info schmuck. Man I hate noob necros complaining when they dont know squat. You know what...just quit playing a necro because I don't want you being a dumbass and ruining the reputation of good necros. This spell is an upgrade...BE HAPPY IT ISNT A NERF.

Hadesborne Soulsifter
70 Deathspeaker
The War Council
RE: Work with the necro's
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
I've seen necros with 10k mana. nuff said, **** mobile.
RE: Work with the necro's
# Nov 10 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
I completly agreee with you.


not everyone publicises their magelo's. chances are there are a few 10k+ necros. Many necros get 9k and focus on HP, due to our lich spells.

So don't state things without looking at them from all angles.
lmao quick idea
# Jun 30 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
we need group lich already lmao do a Demi lich group version haha that would be the bomb!
# Jun 30 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
You know. this is worthless to use if you want efficiancy... Seduction of Syran= 1:1.26 ratio on mana. Ancient Seduction of choas= 1:1.25 ratio on mana they need to drop this to at least 65:80 ratio to make it at least usefull. imo... and i would apreciate a 65:78 ratio...
# Jun 30 2004 at 1:34 AM Rating: Decent
for 5 less mana a tick we can use our 65 lich and take 10 less dmg a turn. Was really expecting something closer to 70-80 mana regen per tick.
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