Spell Icon Pious Fury  


1: Add Proc: Pious Fury Strike

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 155 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 6
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Self Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: Your hands glow with pious fury.
Cast on other: Soandso 's hands glow with pious fury.
Effect Fades: The pious fury fades.

Game Description

Bestows divine might upon you, providing a chance to channel the will of the gods through your weapon when attacking.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Pious Fury


Omens of War

1 hour
Post Comment
what's up with all the hatred?
# Feb 20 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
Damn you guys are picky

This is a great little proc, I still use it consistently at lvl 80, and is part of my buffage spell set. The only time I don't have an extra buff slot available is when I'm raiding, so it doesn't really matter if it wastes one.

It's great for soloing and duoing, a little extra damage never hurt because we are NOT A DPS CLASS! Just because this doesn't proc twenty times a fight with 450 damage doesn't render it useless! You are already a pally and can do a TON of things, so don't fret about not having oobahlicious dps, you rawk enough on the battlefield. Plus, ~you all know this has happened to you~, when you duo with a rogue or that warrior who thinks that just because he's a warrior he can tank better than you, then you have a little extra aggro going on.

So quit ********* I personally love this spell, it does nothing to me besides take away a mere 155 mana, and gives me an extra little dps and aggro.
Seriously? Seriously!
# May 13 2007 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
The only time I am full buffs is at raids. I have 8th coldain ring(8dmg ds) and girdle of intense durability from time(20ds). Usually my first three buff slots are coldain, girdle, and then pious. If your going to say this spell isn't worth a buff slot then you should also say that proc augments on wepions arn't worth their slots, which you would be wrong yet again. As for the OOW spell turn in system, its way better to have to turn in 5 runes and get 2 spells you don't want then the PoP system where you would turn in 10+ to get a single spell you do. Personally I turned in over 40 ethereal parchments for our lvl 61 heal. I also turned in over 50 spectral parchments for my clerics lvl64 word of replenishment spell and had the same issue with getting lvl61 shaman pet too. So not only will I use this spell, I'm very very happy with the OOW rune turn in system.

Remember kids Lilyedan doesn't just own, Lilyedan Ownz'Yu http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1337300
no choice
# Jun 27 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
What makes the spell so bad isnt its pathetic dmg upgrade or even te fact you must waste a buff slot on it, the biggest reason alot of us hate it is we have to waste a whole rune to get it so we can get the other spells, if we chose the spells i'd have no problem with this spell because i simply wouldnt get it until all my friends have their spells...and even then i think i'd rather sell the rune than waste it on this.
# Feb 19 2005 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
Don't think of it as dps, think of it as a little extra aggro. Sweet mother of pearl some of you are dense.
# Nov 02 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
I dont mean to interrput the ranting here, but does this have a stun component with it?
RE: interruption
# Dec 03 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
Nope, same line as the rest of our proc spells.
not so good
# Oct 04 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Well i got this spell and 195 dmg dont sound bad but i have noticed it hardly ever procs i mean i have 320 dex and it procs like 1 time in 2-3 fights in the instanced zones in DS :/
RE: not so good
# Oct 14 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
while I think the spell is a waste of space, it procs on my lvl 69 pall like mad - between 4 and 11 times on a regular kill in WoS/MPG with a dam43/del34 weapon
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 23 2004 at 2:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why is it that you Paladins are such BABIES?! I just love comming to the boards to read about how another paladin thinks they got screwed. Dimar and Palavin -- you two corn holes are the reason I HATE paladins! I give YOU BOTH a giant Rainbow Sticker that says, "Pride".
# Sep 13 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
The GoD proc is 180dd I hope this dmg is wrong because that is only a 15dd upgrade, completly useless.
# Sep 09 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
Would someone explain why I would waste my time for another 45 hps of damage?
RE: Damage
# Oct 09 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
Don't waste your time then, I'll take the rune if you don't want it. Paladins aren't DPS. Subtle upgrades like this is exactly what we should be getting, not "400 DD procs". If you want to be DPS, play another class, I suggest rogue. Paladins never have, and never should be DPS, this spell is perfectly fine for the level it is given and for the effect.
RE: Damage
# Oct 10 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
This spell is idiotic - i wouldnt care if i didnt have to waste a rune for this 'non'upgrade and another one for the 'non' upgrade on my fast heal in order to get to one of the very few useful spells: stun

all of you non-pallies should be just as upset about these **** 'upgrades' as we take up runes from grps for this s**t in order to get one spell: stun
RE: Damage
# Oct 13 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Not asking for a 400hp upgrade 250 - 300 would be nice though.
RE: Damage
# Oct 20 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
250-300? So...you want it to have a better proc then our 1.5 epic? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. No, the proc is just fine how it is. 5 levels should not warrant 65-110 additional damage. Its a proc, not a spell. If this was a spell upgrade, thats fine, but as a proc, for a heavy melee class, thats not fine. 15 additional damage added onto the GoD version, which I'm sure most people didn't even get, so go back even further and say the PoP version which is an even bigger upgrade, is quite nice. Maybe upgrade it to 200, other then that, theres no need. Paladin = non DPS, face it or reroll.
RE: Damage
# Jun 06 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Extremely well put and very clear gbaji - absolutely correct.

Just to add, to compare anything with the pall 1.5 epic shows ingorance if anything.

The pall 1.5 epic is another complete joke as its stats are significantly inferior to the level 70 wos style cookie cutter shield/1hs combo. It has ever so slightly better dps but no one in their right mind would accept the drop in stats for those little dps. And as yet, pallies do not have an aggro problem anyways. Sony will probably nerf our last big upside, the stuns, next. Maybe, 2.0 is good, but 1.5 sux.
RE: Damage
# Mar 16 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The problem is that it's not "just a proc". It's a spell that gives you a proc effect on your weapon. That may not seem like a huge distinction, but it is. If we assume that small/moderate improvements in power for spells like this are part of the power balance of our class, then we must also assume that our class is reduced in power (even if too a small degree) when we can't use them. The problem is that we're given a buff effect that in 99% of cases will be less useful then any other buff that could fill that slot.

Getting 195 extra damage every ~30 seconds (statistical proc rate average with 200 dex) is simply not worth using the buff slot. Best case, with maxed haste and zero resists, you're talking about a whopping 4 procs a minute, or +13dps. If I'm tanking, I'm better off with a DS. Any DS. I'm better off with a +atk buff in most cases. I'm better off with virtually any other buff in the game on me.

At some point, we've all had to make a choice about what buffs to click off during a raid to make room for something else, or just to allow HoTs to work. This line of spell is pretty much always at the top of the list (I get rid of sow and spell haste buffs first, since they're useless fluff, but pretty much any other buffs stays in preference to this line).

You can't just compare our weapon proc buff to other classes dps increasing effects (like fast nukes for SKs for example). They are totally different. A fast cast nuke can *always* be used to increase damage as needed. A proc buff sits around taking up a slot and very moderately increasing dps.

Funny you mention the epic effect(s). I'm personally of the opinion that the effects should have been reversed. The one that's a click effect (which also incidentally takes up a buff slot!) should have been the permanent effect, and vice versa. My epic1 has a proc effect on it that is inate to the weapon. My epic1.5 has a proc "spell" that takes up a buff slot. The continuous effect is one that would be a lot more useful if I was a cleric then as a paladin. Funny thing is that you'll do *less* sustained damage over time with the proc on the epic1.5, then the one on the epic1.0. But no one thinks about that, now do they...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
RE: Damage
# Jan 17 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
good point Gbaji, well said.

As far as " 5 lvl's should not give you 65-110 damage", i think you are wrong. So you mean to tell me that when you gain 5 lvls the mobs you were fighting at 65 have the same amount of HP as the ones at lvl 70?, the ones you need to kill to exp or whatever? If that was the case they should not have upped the damage of any nukes.

I agree it is a wasted buff slot in a raid. Only reason i use it in a group is due to the fact i have an extra buff slot.

Besides 1,5 should have a better proc for the amount of crap you gotta go through to get it. Pretty sad there is weapons out there proc'n 300DD and are better than the 1.5 if not close to comparison.
RE: Damage
# Apr 12 2006 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Let me put this bluntly... Paladins are a class mix between Cleric(Healer/pathetic nukers really) and Warriors( NO SPELLS ). Now put that together and you get horrible nuking which means only nuke spell we get is a 150dd or somethin like that been so long i forgot. If you dont like that i suggest you play a mage/wiz or something, and or get some aa's and put it into Spell Casting Fury to up your crits, also helping your healing via proc like your Fury spell.

Only other thing i can really think of is the fact that no one else gets this ability, and to have a fun lil proc added to the spaces in your weapons, for additional procs help if your soloing. BTW if your proc only goes off once every fight your prolly killing orcs in CB. Find something thats worth fighting normally it should go off at least 5-10 times if your soloing a DB at lvl 70, possibly even more.
RE: Damage
# Jun 26 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Quit your complaining, I play a ranger and our class requires a glowing rune to recieve the 195 dmg proc. If you want your weapons to proc more often, try playing a class that can dual weild. I don't see any problem with this spell, cast it with aa's and extended enchanment focus and easily get an hour and a half or more. Sounds like a nice amount damage during that time for an insignificant mana cost.
RE: Damage
# Sep 27 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Mainly as you have no choice...As the spell comes first in a set order of 68 lvl spells...
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