Spell Icon Direction  


1: Increase AC by 25
2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 555
3: Increase HP when cast by 555

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 182 Skill: Abjuration
Casting Time: 3.5 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 100
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 5 Deletable: Yes
Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You feel directed by divinity.
Cast on other: Soandso 's eyes gleam with divine direction.
Effect Fades: The direction fades.

Game Description

Provides your target with heroic valor, increasing their hit points and armor class for 1 hour(s) 12.0 mins.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Direction


Omens of War

1 hour(s) 12.0 mins
Post Comment
short end of the stick?
# Dec 07 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
i have read all messages here, and not one said anything about our brells that stacks with all that also
direction 555
symbol 700
aura 300?
brells 300
1855 at least from what i see
short end of the stick?
# Nov 13 2008 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
well a cleric can only buff you 1787hps at 68... thats with conviction or with Confidence and symbol. seems to be pretty good deal. yeah you could add brells to that hps and our aura and get more hps. Thinking of it as self buffing we rule =) we are not suppose to be clerics nor do we pretend to be. Well good pally's anyways
short end of the stick
# Oct 29 2004 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, well i wont try pretending pallies arent getting screwed, and wont pretend this spell is worth getting. Having these worthless buffs require runes is cheeky, but i do have to disagree with the statement about SKs being in better shape-they are the one class worse off than us, they re a 'DPS tank' who, tank inferior to the paladin and actually DPS less than and at best equal to the warrior
short end of the stick
# Aug 03 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
LOL, ya'll complaining bout a paladin's healing capabilities.. i u think that pallies really suck at healin, go play a ranger.. the other hybrid.. they are the worst off in the game for healing period. but u could say u'r lucky to have a heal unlike many classes in the game that does not.. like a mage, or a chanter, or war... and so on.. what a way to play a hybrid/tank and get descent heals and plated armor.. rangers get chain, mostly shared with a pure caster, shammans and get lousy heals till lvl 62, and that heal isn't the best.. some peeps are never saticfied.. yes SOE could balance the classes out a bit more.. but.. enjoy the GAME.. and have fun
Povar-93 SK / 93 Shaman
Short end of the stick
# Sep 25 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
I have to agree that Sony has cut Paladins short. Unlike any of the other Hyb's we can't really do much of anything. They didn't give us good DPS, we can't heal worth crap, we can't Pacify a butterfly. I know it's got to be tough to balance all the classes but how come our evil opposits even do more then we can? Come on Sony... PAY ATTENTION....
RE: Short end of the stick
# Oct 24 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ok , it is not a very good buff , but it stack with AC buff , and symbol .

So , take Jeron's mark + Direction , make more hp than virtue . The problem is with the buff slots
RE: Short end of the stick
# Oct 12 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
45 posts
I would not say that Sony has cut pally's short, they jus seem to love inconsistency.
We do get group heals that above and beyond anyone else's, are extremely handy in raid situations, and Hand of Piety is a great insta-heal. Also , our stuns are more effective than most any other classes form of aggro - holding in the game. Also, we get the best weapons , but thats cuz our DPS is so poor, so , that doesnt really make a difference.

However, as useless as a SK's *jonan* may be, yeah , at least they do get a pet. Pally's should get a Holy Ghost or something. Our single target heals suck tremendously. They are just getting up to par with Luclin content which is sad, considering we are 4 expansions past Luclin.Since pallys are not DPS, and i can handle that aspect, then the VERY least that can be done, is bulk up our defense, and buffs like this .....they just dont cut it.

Guidance is a Ldon spell that is pretty much just like Aego. I just don't see where this spell comes into play at all. Its like giving a level 66 shaman a new level 30 slow. Whats the point? There is already a better spell out there that is much more easily obtainable. This leaves paladins with one single useful buff that everyone asks for , BSS , that isnt upgraded till 70. And thank goodness those runes are jus so easy to get a hold of. Why Sony backpeddled here is beyond me. I am just very thankful it is at the end of the line on Omens spells, and is one i can , and will gladly skip over. Unlike the new proc, which adds, what, ....45 damage and is at the front of the line before we get the sweet stun.
Paladins are not nearly as bad off as other posts here are stating, however, consistency would be a key factor that is lacking .
RE: Short end of the stick
# Oct 13 2004 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
The stuns are what is meant to bulk up a paladin's defense. I'll give you an example (this is a bit dated but I've since played many other alts)

I've played a shadowknight to 64, and a pally to 65. With each character, I went to PoV at about level 61, with nearly identical gear (which wasn't that great) Basically, what happened was, when my pally tanked (chain stunning) the cleric was able to melee with her summoned hammer. When I was tanking with my sk, I basically got destroyed... requiring about double the heals my paladin did.

So you have to look at it from Paladins being in great shape as far as being a tank is concerned. In each exansion they'll get new stuns, and one of their "primary" abilties increases their ability to mitigate damage.

I definately liked playing my Pally a lot more as a tank than my sk, when I could stun. And when you have a druid healer, paladin heals become pretty friggin awesome. Cast a HoT spell on yourself before the mob comes in, give everyone symbol to stack with the druid hp buff... etc. I know a lot of people like to focus on the end-game etc.. and being at the cutting edge.. but paladins are an awesome class for duoing... mine could duo with my shammy buddy in pon at 65 and do all the healing myself while she focused entirely on dps.

That in fact is how Paladins acheive greater dps, by healing themselves.. and working in coroporation with the traditonal "healers" of the group so they convert more of their mana to dps. This idea is not always feasible, i know that... but in a ldon it definately is.
RE: Short end of the stick
# Oct 10 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
2,605 posts
We can't heal very well, we have no pet, we don't have any DoT's, we get no pet, we can't feign death, we can't nuke, we can't slow..... but yet...

Edited, Mar 12th 2019 1:57pm by GOMN

RE: Short end of the stick
# Nov 15 2004 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
If you want all that then why dont you play as a shadowknight who does have all that?

I am currently a 65 paladin who (yeah ok i recognise we get the short end of the stick sometimes) reckons his class is one of the best out there.

If we were supposed to heal well we would be a priest class, which we arnt, our heals are there to try and assist the healer when needed, our stuns (when facing content they work on) assist the healer by having to mob hit us with less dps, our self buffs augment us when other classes cant (valor of marr for when a bard is on CC, symbol for when we have a druid healer).

What makes the Paladin so good is its versitility, we fit in well in other roles besides tanking, sure our dps aint great but if cheal looks like it might not hit the tank in time hit him with a quick heal, or one of our stuns. If im not stunning i also put my self on dispell duty, and against some mobs (not usually worth it) i even mana seive if needed, hell its worth doing it just for the nice thunder effect.

Hp wise we will never equal a warrior, but our ability to heal ourselves when nessisary negates that to an extent.

worried about loosing agro while healing? Have you ever noticed that clerics get agro alot when they heal if your not trying? My point exactly...

Someone mentioned Guidance as a bad spell, i disagree. Virtue, Conviction, they all wear off and if you have a druid or shaman for a healer you cant always leave the group for a few mins to get new buffs, I hit myself with guidance, AOC and brells, try it sometime, its not so bad.

But again, if you like dots, pets and nukes a paladin is not the class for you...
RE: Short end of the stick
# Dec 23 2004 at 4:11 AM Rating: Excellent
i dont know about yall but i still think that paladins are way more sexy.... and they smell better too...

turn tables...
# Sep 19 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Karsor the mad is the turn in guy. hes to the left of where u zone in somewhere.

lessers are found mainly off named in nobles causeway and walls of slaughter...

in walls of slaughter bazu destroyer guy drops them

Edited, Sun Sep 19 22:08:07 2004
# Sep 17 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
Great, how do u get it? which mobs drop the lessor muramite rune? who do u hand them in to to get the spell?
its a logical upgrade
# Sep 17 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Default
its a logical upgrade to the courage line as others have stated, and you need the progression to get to other buffs. pali's are always a few steps behind clerics since they are hybrids. so when you stack this with the new symbol you get a decent amount of HP.
# Sep 15 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Guidance no longer requires a peridot
# Sep 15 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Im tired of SOE ******** over palys. When are we gonna get pacify back, its ridiculous. I have an idea. Lets take slow away from shamans!!! Stupid!!!
Ya'll whine WAY too much.
# Sep 14 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
First off... Tetriak just went around on all the pages for spells and whined about how Pallies are useless now... and then ya'll show how smart you are by whining about this spell...

Do you guys know how BUFFING works?...
There are 3 Lines of HP/AC Spells that the Cleric gets, and therefor the Paladin.

Pre-OoW Lines

Courage Line - Courage, Center, Daring, Valor, Resolution, Heroism...
Holy Armor Line - Holy Armor, Spirit Armor, Guard, Armor of Faith, Shield of Words, Bulwark of Faith...
Symbol Line - Transal, Ryltan, Pinzarn, Naltron, Marzin...

The Courage Line is the Generic Buff for HP/AC, which heals the target as it buffs them to compensate for upped HP. This Line runs on the same Buff slot as Druid's Skin Like Line (Wood, Rock, Steel, Diamond, Nature, PoTG, PoT9).

The Holy Armor Line adds pure AC. It runs on the same line as almost all Pure AC Increases, (for example Enchanters Haze Line (Haze, Mist, Cloud, Obscure, Shade, Shadow, Umbra).

The Symbol Line is the extra boost of HP buff that used to be considered "extra boosty" because, until very recently, it cost a gem reagent, Peridot since Marzin. Now it acts as an extra boost because it no longer heals the player for the added HP. This Line has no interfering Lines.

Temperance, Austerity, Aegolism, Guidance, and Virtue are all combinations of the three lines. This is why a Person can not be buffed with Virtue and PoT9, Because PoT9 is on the Skin Like Line, and Virtue has the Courage Line Component Faith.

But since Luclin, people have seemed to forgot that the Symbol line is actually a boost, and that Aegolism and Virtue are actually combinations of three Buffs.

For the New Paladin Virtue, Affirmation, it is only Logical that the Paladin must first learn all 3 of the necessary components: Direction (Courage Line), Bulwark of Piety (Holy Armor Line), Symbol of Jeron (Symbol Line). Then Paladin version of Virtue can be formed of these three Lines.

That being said, you all REALLY need to stop whining, this is a Very nice spell for VERY low mana...
RE: Ya'll whine WAY too much.
# Sep 19 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
LOL - beautiful lore aside (and I applaud your knowledge in this area) - this all changes nothing with respects to the facts.
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
I agree- I selfbuff this line maybe in 1 cases out of 200. It is obvious that they - as in Sony :) - had no regular player of pally as main involved in this or if they did listen to him/her.

Idiotic upgrades on near useless spell-lines and useless upgrades on BSS and the Waves.

Nothing else - no useful discs or higher pacify! So, now we heal weaker, buff proportionately weaker, cant pull any more and tank less well. So, what do we do? Ahhh - we'll be dps! But ooops, even SK's now get a 1.1k nuke in addition to harm touch.

Bye bye pallies.
pretty much
# Aug 08 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Yep pretty much looks like an upgrade to the free hp/ac buff line. For some reason they as in sony think this line of spell requires this much attention and think that at high end ppl are going to use this spell?... hmmm kinda cheesy if you asks me.
# Aug 08 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
this is stupid.. We have guidance level 65 that is AC54 and HP 1100.. so now we get a downgrade to that at higher level?? Surely they will realize the error in this spell before release.
RE: hmm
# Sep 24 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
This should stack with other spells so look at it this way:

Bulwark + Direction + Jeron = 74AC and 1465HP

Granted it takes two more buff spots, but it is better AC and HP than guidance. Affirmation will give us 4 less AC than these 3 combined.

Edited, Fri Sep 24 20:15:18 2004
RE: hmm
# Dec 07 2006 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
your also forgetting two others, brells (330) and our aur (342+)
comes out to pretty much near tenacity
RE: hmm
# Aug 10 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Cause, at the moment anyway, this spells doesnt look like it requires an expensive regent like guidance does.
RE: hmm
# Oct 02 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
You're a level 65 paladin, and don't even know that you're comparing spells that do two different things?

This spell is not an aegolism spell as guidance is, of course it doesn't require a regent. It stacks with the symbol line of spells.
better stack
# May 26 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
better stack with other hp buffs lol

RE: better stack
# Jul 30 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
I may be wrong, but it looks like an upgrade to the Courage/Center/Valor/etc line.
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