Spell Icon Color Cloud  


1: Stun (8.00 sec/65)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 350 Skill: Divination
Casting Time: 2 Recast Time: 12
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
AE Range: 30 Push Back: 0.5
Fizzle Adj: 5 Deletable: No
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Timer: 3 Target Type: PB AE
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: Scintillating colors pound through your brain.
Cast on other: Soandso is stunned by scintillating colors.
Effect Fades: The pretty colors fade.

Game Description

Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Color Cloud


Lost Dungeons of Norrath

Post Comment
This spell is shit
# Sep 16 2009 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I really don't like to whine about spells but really the nerfing on this is too much. It is almost useless as it now takes 2 seconds to cast and doesnt even last long enough to cast a charm or mez.

Spell removed?
# Feb 01 2007 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
hmm.. was this spell removed? I got it early, and now instead of 63 it says its for enchanter(255) ... when I tried to put it in the book just to see what it said, it said my class could never use this spell... ?
Spell removed?
# Feb 01 2007 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
if i were you i would report it in /bug
i would guess someone made a boo boo during the last patch
Sinaerre is dead on
# Jun 23 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
I actually feel badly for those new chanters out there who leveled to 55 in a month or so via SoL and PoP. It took me a year to get there, starting out just after RoK came out. I had a friend in an uber guild give me a Froggie bonecaster robe and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Go check the stats on that one for a giggle ;) All you newbies really missed out on the real fun of playing an enchanter. I wouldn't trades my xp group days at Paw or Oasis specs or Guk, Sol and Cazic for lvl 55 in a month if you paid me. And that includes my daily death! Sin is right though, we can't play well now even if we want too. Ah well, least we had the chance that some of you will never get!
RE: Sinaerre is dead on
# Mar 30 2005 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
And how exactly does this post provide information on this spell?
Gladden Server
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 28 2004 at 11:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dude, it took me FOUR years.
# Feb 20 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
This stun isnt 8 sec stun sigh its less, maybe 4 sec ... This would have been a great so spell to use wen recharming a mob after the charm break ... now its a just handy spell but thats about it

Edited, Fri Feb 20 15:14:23 2004
Planar ENC Aoe ?
# Feb 06 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
Anyone remember the aoe days where 3 enc's, 2 aoe's and a cleric could do some massive dammage? .... how about now on planar mobs... I wont get into the specifics but figure it out. It may eat 60% of your mana but the xp way more than makes up for it. Chanters are back on this one if you realize it or not
RE: Planar ENC Aoe ?
# Mar 08 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Default
Chanters make insane XP charm soloing. They don't need to mess with AE and groups.
RE: Planar ENC Aoe ?
# Mar 19 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Default
insane xp charming? i think not i charm pof zi and i barely get 1 aa every 2 hours

Edited, Fri Mar 19 07:48:05 2004
RE: Planar ENC Aoe ?
# Apr 16 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
I don't know what u are doing on PoF to do so bad on xp, but I charm in PoStorms and get an AA an hour using the forest frogs on everything else around.
RE: Planar ENC Aoe ?
# Jun 30 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Killing speed maybe.... If you kill a lot of little things really fast but the big ones take you a long time, the little ones can sometimes be faster XP. Just a matter of experimenting to find what works for you.
Which camp?
# Dec 07 2003 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Which camp is this one at?
RE: Which camp?
# Jan 20 2004 at 5:39 AM Rating: Default
Ruj, ie EC camp. And the hugely superior part of this to word of morell is this is a stun not a mez. Works on unmezzable mobs, but the big bonus of it is when you use it your melee can beat on the mob to gain agro as opposed to morell where they just break it and it beats on your more right away for mezzing em too.
WoM isn't nerfed
# Oct 29 2003 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I think "balanced" is the proper term for "Word of Morell". The hard part of WoM is convincing my melees that it is working as intended, and that they should keep doing what they're doing and let me do what I do :)
Where do you get this?
# Oct 08 2003 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Sold at vendors??

Which one?
RE: Where do you get this?
# Oct 08 2003 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Nevermind. LDoN merchants. 650 AP.
Re: another one?
# Sep 17 2003 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
For higher level Mobs the only stun that worked before this was Word of Morrel. This gives us another high level stun to work with. I am assuming though that it works on the high level mobs as I don't yet have it.

Vaninea Shadomancer
65 Enchantress
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 17 2003 at 2:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Not sure of the purpose for another stun...unless it works on higher level mobs?
RE: another one?
# Sep 18 2003 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
22 posts
You will want it because I'm pretty sure the regular line of spells only works up to level 55 or so. After that they are junk for the planes. 350 mana does suck, as does 300 mana for word of morell. It is worth it to keep mobs from gating or getting a CH off though. You won't need it now but by the time you reach 63 your only options for planar mobs will be word of morell or this new color cloud spell. It used to be nice to save clerics mana chain stunning mobs or stunning mobs to get them off of casters that got agro but now that we got stuck with 300+ mana aoe mez/stuns that is nerfed 8). /cry
RE: another one?
# Dec 04 2003 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
Figures.....Chanters take it in the butt again (
RE: another one?
# Jan 16 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
Part of the challenge in being a high level enchanter is having the skill to play one. I read these posts on spells after spell and wow there are a lot of whiners. Make do with what you have instead of whining over what we should have. As for playing up to 55 it was too dam easy, now that I am in the 60s atleast it is a challenge and there for more fun.

Aszman BB
RE: another one?
# Mar 08 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
Part of what's annoying being a high level chanter is that you have to listen to newbie chanters like Mcmonkster. Playing an enchanter has always been one of the most rewarding parts of EQ. Saying it was easy to play an enchanter to 55 betrays the fact that you are probably new and don't know any better. I shall forgive you that. The fact is, playing any class to 55 nowadays is cake.

It was different when everyone had crap gear, and you were fighting to keep everything under control on the orc highway. High keep was also intense, and extremely fun. Dungeon diving in Solusek was an absolute blast. I played a wizzy to level 30 back when that meant something, and I used to be in wonder seeing what a good enchanter could do, and that's why I play one. It looked fun, rewarding, and challenging. It is all those things in reality. Saying it's not challenging just means you are either a twinkie or an ebay sub-wizard. Nowadays, even if you want to play well, you can't. The damn tanks can easily take three mobs at once because they've got 1khp at level 10.

I digress. Color cloud rocks. I shall covet this spell.
RE: another one?
# Jan 20 2005 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Well said..I too am a Vet of the Old EQ...games goin downhill...fast and ina uber way
RE: another one?
# Aug 23 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
Amen to that. Tho I personaly thin that LDoN was a disaster. the Baz in kinda nice but now everything is over priced. Kinda makes me miss EC tunnel when I could get stuff for more or less idrt cheap after a good day of farming the ubah pp in SF & like zones. Good times hehehe.

I say bring back the old days!!!
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