Spell Icon Thunderous Persecution  


1: Decrease Hitpoints by 46153.
2: Stun (3.50 sec/999)
3: Interrupt Casting (100%)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Casting Time: 1.5
Recast Time: 0 Fizzle Time: 0
Resist: Magic Resist Adjust: -975
Range: 600 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any AE Range: 40
Reflectable: No Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Targeted AE Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29


Other cast: Soandso calls forth the roar of thunder.
Cast on you: The roar of thunder leaves you frozen.

Game Description

Deals 46153 damage, stuns and interrupts the spell casting of creatures around your target.

Quick Facts
