I just wanted to post that I soloed this whole quest. The toughest part was in Neriak. I charmed the one thug, pulled them out of tower, sent him to fight Gribnor. Got agro of the second thug, ran him around till the first thug was dead, then charmed the second thug and sent him in to finish to the job. I did get summoned when the first thug died, and I did end up casting rune on the 2nd thug 4-5 times in order for him to survive, all 3 become enraged.
I should also say when I zoned into the zone got my pet up and buffed and killed all the guards I came across. Everything was green and was pretty easy for the pet to kill. The thug's and gribnor were dark blue.
The last part in rathe mountains was fairly simple too, about 10 or so undead trolls spawn and slowly start to walk after you, I just avoided them and poof they disappeared when your frog buddy wins 20 or seconds later.
If any enchanter wants help on BB look me up, two of us could each charm a thug and it would be easy.
Aszman - 65 enchanter Bristlebane
Edited, Thu Jul 15 01:46:50 2004