Spell Icon Sha's Revenge  


2: Decrease Attack Speed by 65%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 16

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 150 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.5 Recast Time: 5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Range: 200 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Deletable: No
Dot Stacking: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: No
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Timer: 1 Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You lose your fighting edge.
Cast on other: Soandso loses their fighting edge.
Effect Fades: You regain your fighting edge.

Game Description

Causes your target to fall into a lethargic state, slowing their attack speed for 3.3 mins @L65 to 3.5 mins @L70.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Sha's Revenge


Planes of Power

3.3 mins @L65 to 3.5 mins @L70
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BST V's Shami
# Aug 11 2005 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
had a BST useing this spell lastnight WITH a shami in the group casting his 75% slow and would not overwright the BST slow and needless to say the group failed because the cleric couldnt keep the tank healed because mob was slowed 65% as to 75% this was on mobs that could only be partialy slowed .rember beastlords there is no I in team do your job and let the others dowhat job they have to do only way to make a sucessfull group
BST V's Shami
# Aug 10 2006 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
then your tank sucked!!!!
RE: BST V's Shami
# Jun 18 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I just want to point out that having a BL slow and then having the shaman slow makes very little sense anyway in anything other than a fairly long fight.

In shorter/normal fights once the BL slow lands the shaman could almost definitely mitigate more damage per mana with a heal than he could with a 10% increase in slow.
RE: BST V's Shami
# Dec 31 2005 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I would like to meet the cleric that couldn't keep the tank up or the tank that the cleric couldn't keep up on a mere 10% difference in slow. Sorry, figures don't work. I am primary slower for a lot of groups I get into on my beast and at only 63 my slow is only 50%. I slow WoS with 6.3k tanks and clerics with only 5k mana and we do fine with chain pulling.

I've also grouped in RSS on my main with a beast slowing at 65% and no shammy/ench in the group so please provide some more info on why 10% caused I fail because to be frank either someone needs more training on there class or your group wasn't right to finish it in the first place.
RE: BST V's Shami
# Oct 10 2005 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
you are clueless, all Shaman & Ench slows overwrite Beast slows.
Remember Shamans there is no "I" in team let the Beastlords preslow "do your job and let the others dowhat job they have to do only way to make a sucessfull group".

Beast should always pre slow immediately, keeps quite a bit of early damage off the tank which helps the cleric's manna.
RE: BST V's Shami
# Aug 28 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
funny how whenever I cast my slow first and it sticks, I get a message saying my spell has worn off whenever a shaman or 'chanter casts thier slow. If they get thier slow to stick first, I get a message saying that my spell did not take hold. I think your group failed Borwyn, 'cuz you're clueless

Edited, Sun Aug 28 05:02:23 2005
RE: BST V's Shami
# Aug 13 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, Shamman slow DOES overwright the Beast slow. Matter of fact, a chanters slow everides a beast slow. I play both a 70 Beastlord and a 69 Shammy (2 boxing). I always slow with my beast, and then w/ my shammy. There is a reason we do this. It is a faster cast, we can take the initial agro and because the slow is able to be over-rided byeither a shammies or a chanters....provided they are using the correct spell. So, the shammy in your group was either using the wrong spell, or it was bugged....
quick question
# May 31 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
DOES this spell overwright the Beastlord Epic 1.0?

Feralkin Shysana Wayze
LvL 63 Vah Shir BeastLord (Agnostic)
Forces Unknown
# Aug 16 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have this spell available for sale on Bristlebane? Been watching for it in the bazaar with no luck, so far - nor have I had any luck getting runes... =/
Is this worth it?
# Dec 01 2003 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
On the Nameless, this spell goes for 30 to 35kp. Is it worth the plat to get this spell. It seems only a minimal upgrade tot Sha's Advantage. And if you have your epic, isnt it the same or better? I want Ferocity, but not sure, I want to spend the plat for this spell. Comments please from anyone that has this. Is it that much better?
Inna group, the shm or enc slows are better anyway.

Kack =)
Feral Lord
aka Mez
RE: Is this worth it?
# Dec 01 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
Well, Sha's Advantage is a 50% slow, and the epic is a 55% slow.

Sha's Revenge is a 65% slow.

With Sha's Revenge vs. Sha's Advantage, the tank will take 30% less damage, assuming you are the main slower.

Additionally, it has a longer duration, more disease counters and a 3.5 second cast time vs 5.0 for Sha's Advantage. Innate hybrid haste cuts that down to ~2 seconds, so this spell is also very good for quick aggro to save those clerics!

All in all, I'd say that this spell is a VERY important upgrade for any beastlord, and as such it should be obtained if at all possible.
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