Spell Icon Paralyzing Bite  


1: Decrease Movement by 30%
2: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (30%)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 3200 per tick.

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Casting Time: Instant
Recast Time: 65 Fizzle Time: 1.5
Resist: Chromatic [Lowest] Resist Adjust: -650
Range: 300 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Reflectable: No
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You have been bitten and immediately feel the poison's effect.
Effect Fades: You begin to feel better.

Game Description

Decreases movement rate by 30%. Decreases melee attack speed by 30%.

Quick Facts

1 min

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