Spell Icon Mystifying Flash  


1: Mesmerize (2/83)
2: Memblur (30%)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 450 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 1.5 Recast Time: 90
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Chromatic [Lowest]
Resist Adjust: -100 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 100 Deletable: No
Dot Stacking: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: A sudden flash of colored light blurs your thoughts.
Cast on other: Soandso is perplexed by a sudden flash of colored light.

Game Description

Distracts your opponent with a bright flash, causing them to become dazed for up to 36 secs (6 ticks). This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist. Due to the concentration required, this spell can only be invoked after a rest interval.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Mystifying Flash


Secrets of Faydwer

6 ticks
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One Mezz
# Dec 04 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
402 posts
I encourage my fellow Enchanters to /petition and /feedback Sony for the unfairness of this spell. Looking at the Wizard spells available at this level, they don't have two "sets" of nukes to memorize, one standard and one fast-cast with significant resist modifiers. The high resist modifiers and fast-cast nukes are standard for Wizards, and don't take an exhorbitant length of time to recover.

If Wizard nukes with faster cast times, reasonable recovery times, and high resist modifiers are now the norm, then why do Enchanters need two single target mezzes, one standard and one with a high resist modifier and a fast cast time? Our mezzes should now come with high resists, faster cast times and a reasonable recovery time as the norm. None of this "one standard, one fast-cast and high resist" nonsense.
One Mezz
# Jan 04 2008 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, but, wizards can't mez at all. I don't think wizards would think it is an asset to be given only one type of nuke spell rather than two types of mezzes. Bards got screwed on spells this expansion, they should be the ones complaining.
One Mezz
# Jan 07 2008 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
402 posts
bosum wrote:
Yes, but, wizards can't mez at all. I don't think wizards would think it is an asset to be given only one type of nuke spell rather than two types of mezzes. Bards got screwed on spells this expansion, they should be the ones complaining.

Meaning no offense, but I don't think you understand what I'm saying. When wizards get groups, their role is DPS. They dish out the damage hard and fast. And as they level up, their nukes do increasingly greater amounts of damage, increasingly faster, and with increasingly greater resist modifiers. And this all comes as standard.

Enchanters, on the other hand, have the happy job of crowd control. Always a fun job to have, since a resisted mezz quickly puts you on the top of the hate list. As they progress still deal with a 2.5 second cast mezz, still with no or trivial resist modifiers. The only thing that "improves" on Enchanter mezzes is the resist modifier.

Since Wizards get all these increased nukage as part and parcel of their nuke package, Enchanters should also get faster mezzes with greater resist modifiers as standard, not as a separate mezz with a huge recovery time.
One Mezz
# Feb 16 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
Let me try to give a different perspective on this:

What it seems that you are complaining about is that our job as enchanters aren't being made easier with every expansion, right? Faster cast times, better resist mods, and fast refresh? Sounds great to me. The difference here is that these fast-cast, good-resist spells DO make it easier. They DO have advantages over our standard mez line. We are NOT being nerfed with these spells, we're being aided yet again. Who cares about wizzies except wizzies? They are not chanters, and thank goodness we're not wizzies!

I actually LIKE being an enchanter, for one simple reason: it's always a challenge. When I'm in a situation requiring my chanter abilities, I MUST be perfectly on top of my game. I must pick targets smoothly and quickly, usually independently of any /assists. I must have the right spells loaded, with mana reserve to cast them. I must have hotkeys set to speed up the cast and recast. I must have the right runes and defensive buffs up. I must have whatever AA "lifelines" available for instant use. I have to be in the right position compared to the rest of the group and the mobs. I have opportunities to drag out my charm spells and do some real good when my puller is only ever bringing singles. And I have to be there at keys when needed, and not busy looking at **** or playing with the dog or sleeping, or messing around with Project Illusion making all the Paladins into evil races. (The last is a big weakness for me personally, I must admit.)

These challenges have been the same since I started playing with groups at lvl 5 or 6 in Blackburrow, many many years ago. I've always had to have my timing down, and always had resists that cause problems for me and the group. That's the first few lines in the job description. What would you have? An instant-cast AoE mez that is unresistable and generates no hate? A big CC "grenade that solves all problems" when you lob it randomly into your crowd? Myself, I'll quit when they nerf my job that much. Maybe I'll make a wizzie then.
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