Spell Icon Demand for Blood  


1: Decrease Hitpoints by 2214.

Recourse Effect   Demand for Blood Recourse

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 673 Skill: Evocation
Casting Time: 6 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Poison
Range: 200 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Fizzle Adj: 95
Deletable: No Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 09/29


Other cast: Soandso is rent by decrepit wrath.

Game Description

Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin that will cause @1 damage. The venom will attempt to absorb energy from the creatures that can sometimes be controlled to give a temporary increase to the power of your duration damage spells. However, there is also a chance that the energy will backfire and cause the power of your damage over time spells to drop for a short time.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Demand for Blood


Serpents Spine

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Demand for Blood
# Mar 21 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent

The icon for this is the same as the undead nuke spells, but it's not listed as undead, so it appears to be for all mobs but I've not tested it yet.

Why have I not tested it yet? Because I never use NUKE spells. Necros dot everything. My evocation skill is 160 or 180 or something like that and the evocation skill max is over 300. I was killing undead Murks in the Wall of Slaughter after I got this spell and I bet it fizzled 30 times and never went off once. I'd click it about 10 times in a row to see if I couild get it to cast. Each fizzle using up my mana. And no evocation skillups either.

I'm going to have to run over and nuke some lowly undead all day and see if I can get my skill up.

Morrgue 75 Necro

I was just looking at Lucy, they have have it listed as UNDEAD nuke but the target type is not undead. So perhaps you can cast it on anyone and get the DoT improvment effect, but the nuke damage only on undead.

edit 2:
Evocation is at 194 and I can cast it once in a great while at Kurns Tower where I'm skilling up.

It says "your hands wither and blacken" and a dark red heart spell icon show up for what looks like a real short recource heal effect.

the nuke effect says nothing

It says "Quivering power pulses through your hand" and I assume the Dot damage has proc'd but I'm not sure yet.
Edit: aye, extra dot damage is here when you see it. I saw (evocation is 224) :
397 severans rot
1398 Vakk'draa sickly mist
2970 curse of mortality
610 chaos venom
1040 dark nightmare
152 coruscating darkness
384 severans rot
1499 Vakk'draa
3000 curse of mortality
ok, I have AA's to increase damage too so take this with a grain of salt.

Edited, Apr 7th 2008 6:46pm by morromid
Spell Trial
# Oct 20 2006 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
I just hit 75 today and got this spell. After several fizzles, I finally got the spell to cast. I did do the stated dd but to no avail, there was no proc.
The next time I got the spell to cast, the proc did work. I keep the damage spam going in my main chat window, so I can monitor how often I am criting and I got a nice little surprise.

The spells I am using are not the most effective in terms of damage nor do I have all my dot spells but it is what I use and it works for me. Coruscrating Darkness, Severan' Rot, Vakk's Mist, Pyre of Mori, Ashengate Pyre, and Curse of Mortality. Another note, I am not maxed on Crit Affliction aa's, so an AVERAGE tick for me produces about 2500 - 3500 damage. When recourse proc'ed, I scrolled up and noticed that the rounded up amount of damage was some where around 7k. I got too excited to see if there was another proc through out that series or not and plus, the mobs kept coming in the swarm kite. From this one time experience, I am assuming the tick after this is cast triggers the proc when it does go off? I did seem to receive the crit damage the tick immediately following the damage hit the mob. If this is incorrect, please feel free to let me know.

One last point, I was trying to see if I received a proc message when the aforementioned scenario occurred. I want to think that it did but we all know that hours of kiting can warp the mind. Well my mind was not so bad after all, the proc message when the spell connects and you are going to receive the benefit of the spell is the following message: A quivering power pulses through your hands

If I find any more information, I will be glad to update my post if possible. It is always good to know if your mana is being well spent. Please submit any corrections or constructive criticism to what I have posted. It is about understanding the truth of the matter to me.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2006 at 7:44pm PDT by Decrepitbone
Necro Nukes?
# Oct 09 2006 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
It seems that this is a necro nuke along with Annhilate Undead. Why does this do more damage to a single target then the Annhilate does to undead? Or is this another of the spells like Call for Blood where you can cast it, but it may not do anything?
Necro Nukes?
# Jan 06 2007 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Or is this another of the spells like Call for Blood

Yes. It's an upgraded version of lvl 68 Call for Blood. This will affect dots up to lvl 75, while Call for Blood was limited to lvl 70th and would have reduced effectiveness on higher lvl dots.
Necro Nukes?
# Dec 04 2006 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
Yes it does more damage and works on all targets, but check the mana... it only does maybe 1% more damage but costs almost 2x what annihilate undead costs.
Proc Rate
# Oct 01 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
This spell does a decent job of increasing the damage to our dot's when it procs... semms to proc approx 1/6 casts, hopefully the higher level's will have a better chance of recorse effect
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