Xakra Tooth Dart  


Icon Count Item Name
EverQuest icon 1 x Xakra Tooth Dart


Icon Count Item Name Obtain Info
EverQuest icon 1 x Grimling Bone Shaft Crafted
EverQuest icon 1 x Xakra Dart Crafting Tool Returned on Failure, Returned on Success
EverQuest icon 1 x Xakra Tooth Dropped


No-Fail Combine: No
Tradeskill: Fletching
Counts Toward 350 Skill: No
Learned Recipe: No
DNL (Not Learned) Recipe: No
Innate Recipe: No
Race: Not Set
Class: ALL
Expansion: Not Set
Daybreak Recipe ID: Not Set
Recipe Created: 2002-09-08 17:07:48
Recipe Last Updated: 2018-09-17 14:57:28

Static Containers


Sub-Combines - Premium Only
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Darts ?!?!
# Sep 01 2003 at 2:57 PM Rating: Default
So how does one become an official shar vahl citizen ?? Sigh SOE really just has no clue do they....
RE: Darts ?!?!
# Jan 30 2004 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
u either have to be a vah shir or have the slate mq'd.
the tooth and after
# Jun 19 2003 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
Xakra Darts

Starts in: Shar Vahl
Who: Rytan, (-400, 400)
Min Level: 1

Rytan says 'Hello Immerlieb, I trust all is well with you today. Come in and have a look around, just let me know if you see anything you like. By the way, I am in need of the assistance of an official Shar Vahl citizen. If you know of any please send them my way.

Rytan says 'Here's my dilemma, I am low on darts to sell and I need to replenish my supply. I simply cannot break away from the store so I require your help. Fill this bag with xakra teeth and return the sealed bag to me. With those teeth I can make six darts and I'll give you three.

Rytan says 'Here are the three darts I promised you and a seal of mine. I need more darts desperately, so show me your acrylia slate to take another bag and fill it as you are able. Collect four of my seals and show them to me. I will reward you by revealing my method of dart construction.

You gain experience!!

Rytan says 'I thank you for your continued assistance, Immerlieb. Here is a fletching tool that will enable you to fashion xakra tooth darts. You will first need to acquire a grimling skeletal femur and place it in a fletching kit with the tool. This will result in three bone shafts. Place a bone shaft, a xakra tooth and this tool in the fletching kit to make a dart. When your fletching skill no longer increases by making these darts you may give me your crafting tool and I will help you to upgrade it.

You gain experience!!

Rytan says 'I assume you are ready to make more challenging darts. Very well, attach this shaft to your crafting tool in a fletching kit and you will be able to make grimling fang darts. Keep in mind that once this is done you will lose the ability to craft xakra tooth darts. When the grimling fang darts become trivial you may wish to upgrade your tool again by giving me the grimling dart crafting tool.

You say, 'what grimling fang darts'

Rytan says 'A grimling fang combined with a bone shard will make a dart slightly better than the xakra tooth dart, which will also sell for slightly more.

6 Xakra Tooth's (Xakra larva, Lvl 2-3) => 3 Xakra Tooth Darts + Seal of Rytan

4 Seal of Rytan => Xakra Dart Crafting Tool

3 Grimling Bone Shards (Fletching Skill 43-46): Dart Crafting Tool + Grimling Fermur

Xakra Tooth Dart [5:26, 75 yd] (Fletching Skill 43-46): Dart Crafting Tool + Bone Shard + Xakra Tooth

Grimling fang dart [?] (Fletching Skill 70+?): Grimling dart crafting tool + Bone Shard + Grimling Fang

(Other darts available up to skill 120, eqtrader.com)
for compare: Shuriken, 4:29, 16cp, 60yd, wt. 0.5
finding the parts
# Apr 02 2003 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
where can the crafting tool be found? and where is the grimling bone shaft aquired at?
Making these Darts
# Feb 28 2003 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
what is the exact recipe for making these darts? I failed to write it down when I was told by the merchant Rytan in Shar Vahl. If anyone knows please post it or send an e-mail Carlschroll@aol.com. thank you
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