Fight Fire  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Success Lockout Timer: 04:30:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:The Burning Lands
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Nov 5 02:57:05 2018
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Prerequisite Quest(s): Soldier of Air

This is a shared task.

You can get this quest from Grieving Soul Scent in Stratos at +165, +147, +53 northwest of the zone in, right next to Sagacious Great Jade which is on CTRL F find.

Grieving Soul Scent says, 'Welcome, _______. You have begun your task to [deal with] the invaders, this is good. But in order to fulfill your contract, you must help push back a massive assault by the Efreeti. This is scheduled to happen soon, from my understanding. I will need you to assist in the [defeat] of this assault.'

You say, 'defeat'

Grieving Soul Scent says, 'Good, do so. I can show you the way when you are [ready].'

You have been assigned the task 'Fight Fire'.

You say, 'ready'

Grieving Soul Scent says, 'Away then.'


You have entered Stratos: Fan the Flames.

  • 1. Defeat the invaders. 0/12 Stratos: Fan the Flames

    Kill the mobs to the West, once the initial spawns are dead a second wave will path over the bridge into position. Large agro radius on pulls.

  • 2. Defeat the Efreeti lieutanants. 0/4 Stratos: Fan the Flames

    2 x Pyroclasm armor and 2 x An Efreeti Warlord path over the bridge (auto agro on group, will also auto agro when you wipe and zone back in) Kill them. (possibly balance to prevent power ups, seem to occasionally DT one group member as time passed)

  • 3. Receive Judgement

    "What is this? How is it that mortals have been allowed to interfere here? Come, explain yourselves!"

    You will be summoned into the presence of Evasion Flames Desires.

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'Mortal, why are you here? By whose edict have you interfered in our battle?'

    You say "Grieving Soul Scent"

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'Who is that? No such being has right in this matter. I must speak with an Udex of this place and have this explained.'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Why have you called for an Udex?'

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'These mortals have interfered with our battle, Udex. They have done so at the request of one called Grieving Soul Scent. I demand an explanation and proof of precedent, for such interference.'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'I shall inquire. Come forth, Grieving Soul Scent!'

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'I insist!'

    Grieving Soul Scent says, 'How can I help you, great Udex?'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Evasion Flame Desires claims that you have invited mortals to interfere in this battle. Do you denounce this claim, or do you admit its truth?'

    Grieving Soul Scent says, 'This I have done. This battle will lead to our doom! This is something you know better than I. It must be stopped. Nothing like this could be sanctioned, no matter what bargain was struck.'

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'A deal was struck, though I am not privileged enough to know why or specifically with whom. This useless djinn has broken the pact and must be punished. The mortals must be destroyed!'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'The efreeti is correct. You had no right to bring mortals into this battle. You did not even have the right to offer them access to our realm. For this you will face the Trials of Smoke. Should you survive then you will be proven worthy and your error officially forgiven.'

    Evasion Flame Desires says, 'This is just, but you must also end these mortals for their intrusions!'
    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise after a moment's thought says, 'No, these mortals are guilty only of being tricked.'

    Evasion Flame Desires interrupts, shouting, 'What? Not knowing the rules does not make them innocent!'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'And, therefore, it is my judgment that they be banished.'

    Grieving Soul Scent says, 'I thank you for your mercy, Udex. And I am grateful for your mercy towards these mortals. I shall proceed to the Trials forthwith.' Grieving Soul Scent turns to the mortals present. 'I must apologize to you for my mistake. I grant you this one small token of my regret.' An item appears in the hands of each mortal present.'

    Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Go then, Grieving Soul Scent. And you, mortals, begone!' ( banished back to PoK)

    Your task 'Fight Fire' has been updated.

    212 platinum 5 gold
    You gain experience!
    Airbound Skystone
    96 Fettered Ifrit Coins

    Possible evolving item drops during this mission:

    Djarns Tarnished Amethyst Ring
    Fate's Accumulator
    Tattered White Satin Gloves
    Threadbare Weighted Tabard
    Torn Efreeti Boots

  • Submitted by: Larth
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    # Feb 12 2024 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
    62 posts
    EVERYTHING is mezzable. An enchanter makes this very simple with everyone in group gear
    Loot / Banishment
    # Dec 15 2023 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
    9 posts
    Make sure you handle any loot that drops before you say "Grieving Soul Scent" and cause the NPC's to finish their script. You will get kicked out of the zone at the end, and can not zone back in. I campfired back and was immediately punted back to PoK, tried walking back to zone with the same result.

    Edited, Dec 17th 2023 10:22am by Gullian
    Ring won't evolve
    # Mar 07 2021 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
    17 posts
    All of the FF chase loot will not evolve while in raid form. fyi
    Lieutenant Strategy
    # Jul 13 2019 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
    60 posts
    My box lineup: Bard, Shaman, Ranger, Rogue, merc tank, merc healer

    Here's how the lieutenants work:

    • Around 10-20 seconds after the death of the last mob in the second wave, 4 yellow con (@ 110) mobs will approach from the bridge. If you are invis, they won't aggro you. However, they will aggro you from any distance in the zone otherwise (unless you escape and re-invis).
    • They hit like absolute trucks and one-rounded my merc tank (330khp, max defensive aa's) before I could even get 1 mez off. They are obviously linked to each other and cannot be split.
    • They will not aggro you when you zone in if you invis yourself fast enough.

    They can, however, be rooted, snared and mezzed and don't seem very resistant.

    The easiest strategy I found was to just bow kite them to death with the Ranger. I invis'd before they aggro'd and opened up with Vinelash Cascade off to the left of them, then individually ensnared each. Despite having a ton of hp, they are relatively easy to kite with a few caveats:

    • At a certain interval (it feels like every minute or 25%, whichever comes first) the mob you are attacking will stun itself for 5 seconds, drop all buffs and mem blur itself. Make sure you keep some distance to re-apply snare when it becomes active.
    • I was hit with a zone-wide AoE once mid-kite for around 90k when the rest of my group was in the instance. It never occurred when my Ranger was alone.
    • They can/will summon you when they reach 1%! Have a defensive ability (weapon shield, deftdance, etc) ready at around 2% to avoid getting melted by your kite. This wiped me the first time.

    My first success was just by solo bow-kiting them with my Ranger. On my second, I bow kited 2 of them down, popped Cover Tracks, then brought my group in to kill the remaining two (keeping one mezzed).

    Overall, this mission just seems like it was terribly tuned for a non-raid gear single group.
    Lieutenant Strategy
    # Dec 30 2020 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
    56 posts
    This may have been toned down since Lordxyphen wrote this. First, speak to one of the NPCs to activate them. Kill those. When the lieutenants spawn, they come down the center bridge. Use any form of AE mez or root to lock them down. Then kill one at a time. The mobs are about the same as regular trash so no need to kite them. The deaggro thing makes it take longer but otherwise isn't an issue.

    Min Level
    # Apr 29 2019 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
    151 posts
    I think the minimum level is 110. We had 1 person in group that was 109 and when she said ready, the npc ignored her.
    # Feb 03 2019 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
    1 post
    cant aggro the first mobs ?
    4 Evolving Items
    # Jan 27 2019 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
    143 posts
    I've heard that there are actually 4 evolving items that potentially can drop here. Does anyone have names/links?

    4 Evolving Items
    # Jan 31 2019 at 6:54 PM Rating: Excellent
    araisfeld wrote:
    I've heard that there are actually 4 evolving items that potentially can drop here. Does anyone have names/links?


    Added the evolving items to the bottom part of the quest text.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    Torn Efreeti Boots
    # Jan 20 2019 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
    2,602 posts
    Torn Efreeti Boots are currently listed as a reward.

    They are one of the TBL rare drops that has a rare chance to drop off one of the 4 final MOB's (lieutenants).

    Granted, while the rares only drop in this mission -- they are not a "given" (a reward).

    Video of Event
    # Jan 08 2019 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
    42 posts
    Tuco's Six Boxing of the Event:
    task info
    # Jan 02 2019 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
    301 posts
    if you are on faction with the fire Djinn they dont auto agro. This task is also fairly trivial if you have an enhanter along, everything, including all the 4 mobs at the end is mezzable with the group ae mezz.
    # Dec 29 2018 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
    78 posts
    Once again the designers have made an expansion aimed at raiders. Players who enjoy small groups and/or solo play have no chance in hell of progressing through these crap tasks. Having bunches of mobs agro you all at once isn't confined to this happens all over the zone. (sigh)
    First part of task
    # Dec 28 2018 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
    6 posts
    One added note - for the first part, when you do the talking to the mobs to make them start the task, there is a slight delay between when you say the word "battle" and the mobs agroing. So if you set up on the very side (I usually go to the left of the group of mobs from when you zone into instance) and target / talk to a mob on the very edge. If you get to max "talking" distance and then face away from the mobs towards the edge of the island. When you say the word "battle" you can immediately run away from the group of mobs and not get any agro which then lets you split pull them using other methods.
    # Dec 26 2018 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    Was curious if anyone has completed any of the group achievements ? killed the pyres when they both said inhabited and did not get ach for instance. Thanks guys
    With chanter
    # Dec 22 2018 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
    6 posts
    No issues here boxing it with a chanter as main (with bst and druid + mercs). First part I did the talking then ran off a bit to the side and self stasis to clear the agro... after that they seemed to all be pull-able single using lull(or two and mez one to speed it up).

    Second group of mobs added in some yellow cons but some blue cons too so lull still an option or mez / blur to get singles for my box group.

    The final part I just pulled the 4 with the chanter kinda away from my box group then used beam of slumber to mez / root them all and then single target mezzed 3 of them. I kept 3 mezzed and just kept killing 1 until it died. It would deagro, but after a bit it would agro again and could be damaged. Was slow going but worked fine, then picked another target and kept the 2 mezzed... rinse repeat. I stuck with nukes / melle since the deagro also cleared dots off.
    Faction is important
    # Dec 21 2018 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
    17 posts
    All mobs in the instance do not see invis. You can avoid the auto aggro when starting the mission, facing the lieutanants or zoning back if your faction with Servants of Alalishai is dubious or better.
    # Dec 15 2018 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
    131 posts
    Just a little heads up on the lieutanants...

    First off, the zonewide aggro to group SUCKS! Grr. And for what ever reason, this included pets, even if you are FD.

    My strategy was to zone my necro in, FD (lose pet....) then use PP (push-root) and FD... wait for refresh.

    After rooting 3 , zone rest of group in to tank the 1 loose one. Keep the other 3 away from group (and snared/scented) while we took down one at time.

    Periodically the one we were on went immune for a time (10s?) it dropped from extended target window, while some pop up text talked about stuff (sorry, was busy =P ) when this happens the target mob would get debuffed (lose Dots/debuffs) then resume.... and with the tons of HP they of course did this repeatedly through out the fight.

    I also did this yeah old necro kiting method... but the debuff thing made things... interesting =P
    # Dec 15 2018 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    you have to talk to them .. so you are close ... then they all auto aggro ... yippee. Great job. This isn't a raid, Daybreak.
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    Receive Judgment
    # Dec 12 2018 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
    168 posts
    Upon getting to the 'Receive Judgment' (final) step:

    [Wed Dec 12 07:15:47 2018] Morturia says, 'Hail, Evasion Flame Desires'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:19 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'Mortal, why are you here? By whose edict have you interfered in our battle?'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:27 2018] Morturia says, 'grieving soul scent'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:26 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'Who is that? No such being has right in this matter. I must speak with an Udex of this place and have this explained.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:26 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Why have you called for an Udex?'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:26 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'These mortals have interfered with our battle, Udex. They have done so at the request of one called Grieving Soul Scent. I demand an explanation and proof of precedent, for such interference.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:31 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'I shall inquire. Come forth, Grieving Soul Scent!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:32 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'I insist!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:36 2018] Grieving Soul Scent says, 'How can I help you, great Udex?'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:36 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Evasion Flame Desires claims that you have invited mortals to interfere in this battle. Do you denounce this claim, or do you admit its truth?'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:37 2018] Grieving Soul Scent says, 'This I have done. This battle will lead to our doom! This is something you know better than I. It must be stopped. Nothing like this could be sanctioned, no matter what bargain was struck.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:41 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'A deal was struck, though I am not privileged enough to know why or specifically with whom. This useless djinn has broken the pact and must be punished. The mortals must be destroyed!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:41 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'The efreeti is correct. You had no right to bring mortals into this battle. You did not even have the right to offer them access to our realm. For this you will face the Trials of Smoke. Should you survive then you will be proven worthy and your error officially forgiven.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:41 2018] Evasion Flame Desires says, 'This is just, but you must also end these mortals for their intrusions!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:46 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise after a moment's thought says, 'No, these mortals are guilty only of being tricked.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:46 2018] Evasion Flame Desires interrupts, shouting, 'What? Not knowing the rules does not make them innocent!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:46 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'And, therefore, it is my judgment that they be banished.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:51 2018] Grieving Soul Scent says, 'I thank you for your mercy, Udex. And I am grateful for your mercy towards these mortals. I shall proceed to the Trials forthwith.' Grieving Soul Scent turns to the mortals present. 'I must apologize to you for my mistake. I grant you this one small token of my regret.' An item appears in the hands of each mortal present.'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:51 2018] Udex Sixth Mistress of Sunrise says, 'Go then, Grieving Soul Scent. And you, mortals, begone!'
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:52 2018] Your task 'Fight Fire' has been updated.
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:52 2018] You have received a replay timer for 'Fight Fire': 0d:4h:27m remaining.
    [Wed Dec 12 07:16:53 2018] LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...
    [Wed Dec 12 07:17:09 2018] You have entered The Plane of Knowledge.

    Edited, Dec 12th 2018 9:36am by dagnarok
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