Seal of Approval  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Money
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:The Broken Mirror
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
      Entered: Sat Dec 5 13:14:13 2015
      Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
      This is a solo task. You must have completed Quellious' Request first.

      You say, 'Hail, Neelo Leafwind'

      Neelo Leafwind says 'Ah, you're just in time. We've received word the council of elders has made their decision to open our realm to the mortals within Sul Vius. Would you be so kind as to [verify] their decision for me?'

      You say, 'verify'

      Neelo Leafwind says 'It's a simple task, really. Visit with each of the elders in their outpost, and then return to me. If you run this small errand for me, I will grant you [passage] to Sul Vius acting as our special envoy.'

      You say, 'passage'

      You have been assigned the task 'Seal of Approval'.

      Neelo Leafwind says 'Much thanks, friend. I don't want to keep you any longer than necessary. I'm sure the elders are waiting.'

      Neelo has asked you to meet with each of the council elders and ask for their opinion on opening the portal to Sul Vius.

      1. Speak to Clara Overton 0/1 The Plane of Health
      2. Speak to Gabriel Corvalis 0/1 The Plane of Health
      3. Speak to Tindle Valleren 0/1 The Plane of Health
      4. Speak to Trenna Markland 0/1 The Plane of Health
      5. Speak to Sara Eggers 0/1 The Plane of Health
      6. Speak to Mance Randerson 0/1 The Plane of Health
      7. Return to Neelo Leafwind and report your findings. 0/1 The Plane of Health

      You say, 'Hail, Clara Overton'

      Clara Overton says, 'Hello, friend. You must be the one Neelo sent word about. Very well then I won't keep you. You may inform Neelo he has my support to open the portal to Sul Vius.'

      You say, 'Hail, Gabriel Corvalis'

      Gabriel Corvalis says 'Good tidings to you. I expect you're the messenger Neelo has sent? Please pass along my approval for opening the portal. Sul Vius is loyal to Rodcet Nife, and they are welcome here within the Plane of Health.'

      You say, 'Hail, Tindle Valleren'

      Tindle Valleren says 'Hail indeed. Neelo wants to open the path to Sul Vius. I can understand his desire, but planar access to mortals has historically not gone well, especially for those within the planes. Still, I have faith in Neelo, and as such offer my approval to his plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Trenna Markland'

      Trenna Markland says 'Greetings, mortal! It has been some time since I've seen your kind. These are interesting times, for certain. Pass along my support for Neelo's plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Sara Eggers'

      Sara Eggers says ''allo, friend. Tis a fine time ta' see the likes of ya 'ere in Health! Neelo wants more of ya trapesin' around and passin' through to Sul Vius. I gots nuttin' against yer type. Tell 'im I said it's good by me.'

      You say, 'Hail, Mance Randerson'

      Mance Randerson says 'No offense, mortal, but every time your kind enters the planes, trouble follows. One of you gets a wild hair in your nethers, and the god of the plane dies. Just look at what you did with Cazic-Thule! I'm no friend of the lord of Fear, but his death let loose all manner of trouble upon Norrath. I'm sorry, but no. I cannot support Neelo on this one.'

      After the final hail :

      You have completed Neelo's errand, and have been granted passage through the portal to Sul Vius.
      You receive 5 gold.
      You receive 7 platinum.
      You receive alternate currency (17 Remnants of Tranquility).

      Neelo Leafwind sighs, 'Only Mance refuses. I expected as much, but had hoped he'd be in tune with the rest of us. No matter though. I have the support I need, and you have done as I asked, so as promised I grant you access to Sul Vius.'

      You have completed achievement: Breaking the Mirror.
      You have completed achievement: Mercenary of Plane of Health.

      Achievement: Mercenary of Plane of Health

      - Money
      You receive 5 gold.
      You receive 7 platinum.
      Remnants of Tranquility. (The amount of Remnants of Tranquility rewarded, scale to your level)
      Option 1
      - Experience: Approximately 2% of the experience required to go from level 105 to level 106. (Scales by level)
      - 4 AA points (Scales by level)
      Option 2
      - Glyph of Glowing Experience

      Edit : I did this on my 77 monk too, and the Mercenary achievement gave me 64% xp at that level.

      P 760.9922, -719.3923, -35.6986, 0, 0, 0, 2, Clara_Overton
      P 884.9550, -2015.4004, -29.0389, 0, 0, 0, 2, Trenna_Markland
      P -187.2230, -2579.4788, -27.6957, 0, 0, 0, 2, Gabriel_Corvalis
      P -889.4376, -2174.7600, -37.3843, 0, 0, 0, 2, Sara_Eggers
      P -867.9637, -775.9265, -39.5076, 0, 0, 0, 2, Mance_Randerson
      P -271.1567, -495.1712, -48.0568, 0, 0, 0, 2, Tindle_Valleren
      Submitted by: Fayman, Drewinette, and knife
      • Coin, Experience, 17 Remnants of Tranquility
      Send a Correction
      Post Comment
      No Remnants
      # Sep 11 2023 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
      244 posts
      I have just completed the Level 75 quests Into The Temple and Seal of Approval, and in theory I should receive 7-15 Remnants of Tranquility in total upon completion, but I didn't get them.

      I've filed a petition but I am not hopeful as the quality of support there has hit rock bottom. For example during a spawn epic mob my character died and i release to run back to get the piece. loot the piece and look for corpse. no corpse. I goto guild lobby to summon it and nothing. I get a necro to locate corpse and all it finds is that one corpse floating way up in the sky. I give consent to drag corpse but no message. I put in a ticket and get a response back saying there is no logs of that death... So lsot xp, release to bind, and the run back didn't happen?

      I'll update on the remnants situation. Its probably just I forgot to jump on one foot upon entering and exiting the zones or something stupid like that.

      UPDATE: On both matters I was told to file a bug report and we all know how useless they are. So DayBreak Games, my wallet is officially closed to you scumbags!

      Edited, Sep 12th 2023 6:08pm by hullan
      No Remnants
      # Sep 12 2023 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
      401 posts
      Did you double check under your "alternative currency" tab on your character? Then look for Remnants. The award message may have scrolled past and not been noticed.
      No Remnants
      # Sep 12 2023 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
      244 posts
      Yup that was the first thing I did. Any alternate currencies show up if they exist but checked the full list anyways and nothing. Put in a ticket and got told to file a bug report so they are long gone.
      Small note
      # Jul 31 2023 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
      6 posts
      Note for the visual: The elders are in huts/buildings on the middle ring of cliffs on the map and may be hailed in any order.
      Remnants of Tranquility received scales by level
      # Mar 10 2022 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
      6 posts
      Confirmed same amount of gold and platinum every time, regardless level of character:
      You receive 5 gold.
      You receive 7 platinum.

      You receive alternate currency

      Tested with levels ranging from 95 (received 10 Remnants) to 110 (received 25 Remnants of Tranquility), first time completing quest and repeating again after 3 hours lockout.
      Note - My 110's also received 25 Remnants of Tranquility when doing Into the "Temple (A) (Quellious' Request)".\

      I'll update post when check with other level characters.
      Remnants of Tranquility received scales by level
      # Sep 12 2023 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
      244 posts
      T0kkyl wrote:
      ...first time completing quest and repeating again after 3 hours lockout.

      The quests say they are not repeatable and I can't get past the discreet keyword. No shared quests active. Are you sayign you can redo it on the same character or ?
      # Dec 12 2021 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
      761 posts
      Is this quest broken? Quellious will not give quest. I hail, get the word (worries) click on that but will not go past (discreet)? is it a faction thing?
      Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
      # Sep 12 2023 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
      244 posts
      Vinney wrote:
      Is this quest broken? Quellious will not give quest. I hail, get the word (worries) click on that but will not go past (discreet)? is it a faction thing?

      If its not your first time then they appear not to be repeatable. Also you need to be level 75 if you're not. Other than those I guess it just another bug DBG won't fix.

      Edit: I managed to repeated the 'Seal of Approval' task but no remnants, pitiful XP and plat. So it appears its a one off for the big bonus and remnants. Going to try ti with my level 100 now.

      Edited, Sep 12th 2023 6:26pm by hullan
      Not a shared task
      # Nov 18 2017 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
      401 posts
      After completing Into the Temple A my group returned to Neelo near POT zone and when requesting this task it only showed up on one character and not as group or shared task. Each character had to get their own.
      Not a shared task
      # Nov 21 2017 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
      Dogpaw wrote:
      After completing Into the Temple A my group returned to Neelo near POT zone and when requesting this task it only showed up on one character and not as group or shared task. Each character had to get their own.

      Thanks, added at the top of the quest.
      Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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      Level 75
      # Dec 31 2015 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
      My level 75 enchanter went from 64% in level 75 to 52% in level 76 with this quest alone (88% xp).

      Edited, Jan 3rd 2016 2:07pm by Drewinette
      quest transfer
      # Dec 22 2015 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
      59 posts
      You say, 'Hail, Neelo Leafwind'
      Neelo Leafwind says 'Ah, you're just in time. We've received word the council of elders has made their decision to open our realm to the mortals within Sul Vius. Would you be so kind as to [verify] their decision for me?'

      You say, 'verify'

      Before completing Into the Temple (Quellious' Request) :
      Neelo Leafwind appears to not hear you.
      Perhaps you should speak with Quellious about her worries.

      After completing Into the Temple (Quellious' Request) :
      Neelo Leafwind says 'It's a simple task, really. Visit with each of the elders in their outpost, and then return to me. If you run this small errand for me, I will grant you [passage] to Sul Vius acting as our special envoy.'

      You say, 'passage'
      You have been assigned the task 'Seal of Approval'.
      Neelo Leafwind says 'Much thanks, friend. I don't want to keep you any longer than necessary. I'm sure the elders are waiting.'

      This is a 6 hour timed group task :

      Task description :
      Neelo has asked you to meet with each of the council elders and ask for their opinion on opening the portal to Sul Vius.

      Task steps :
      Speak to Clara Overton 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Gabriel Corvalis 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Tindle Valleren 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Trenna Markland 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Sara Eggers 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Mance Randerson 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Return to Neelo Leafwind and report your findings. 0/1 The Plane of Health

      You say, 'Hail, Clara Overton'
      Clara Overton says, 'Hello, friend. You must be the one neelo sent word about. Very well then I won't keep you. You may inform Neelo he has my support to open the portal to Sul Vius.'

      You say, 'Hail, Gabriel Corvalis'
      Gabriel Corvalis says 'Good tidings to you. I expect you're the messenger Neelo has sent? Please pass along my approval for opening the portal. Sul Vius is loyal to Rodcet Nife, and they are welcome here within the Plane of Health.'

      You say, 'Hail, Tindle Valleren'
      Tindle Valleren says 'Hail indeed. Neelo wants to open the path to Sul Vius. I can understand his desire, but planar access to mortals has historically not gone well, especially for those within the planes. Still, I have faith in Neelo, and as such offer my approval to his plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Trenna Markland'
      Trenna Markland says 'Greetings, mortal! It has been some time since I've seen your kind. These are interesting times, for certain. Pass along my support for Neelo's plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Sara Eggers'
      Sara Eggers says ''allo, friend. Tis a fine time ta' see the likes of ya 'ere in Health! Neelo wants more of ya trapesin' around and passin' through to Sul Vius. I gots nuttin' against yer type. Tell 'im I said it's good by me.'

      You say, 'Hail, Mance Randerson'
      Mance Randerson says 'No offense, mortal, but every time your kind enters the planes, trouble follows. One of you gets a wild hair in your nethers, and the god of the plane dies. Just look at what you did with Cazic-Thule! I'm no friend of the lord of Fear, but his death let loose all manner of trouble upon Norrath. I'm sorry, but no. I cannot support Neelo on this one.'

      7 platinum 5 gold
      You gain experience!!
      17 Remnants of Tranquility

      After the final hail :
      You have completed Neelo's errand, and have been granted passage through the portal to Sul Vius.
      You receive 5 gold.
      You receive 7 platinum.
      You receive alternate currency.
      Neelo Leafwind sighs, 'Only Mance refuses. I expected as much, but had hoped he'd be in tune with the rest of us. No matter though. I have the support I need, and you have done as I asked, so as promised I grant you access to Sul Vius.'
      You have completed achievement: Breaking the Mirror.
      You have completed achievement: Mercenary of Plane of Health.

      Mercenary of Plane of Health
      Reward Choices:
      Option 1
      - Experience: Approximately 2% of the experience required to go from level 105 to level 106.
      - 4 AA points
      Option 2
      - Glyph of Glowing Experience

      Edit : I did this on my 77 monk too, and the Mercenary achievement gave me 64% xp at that level.

      P 760.9922, -719.3923, -35.6986, 0, 0, 0, 2, Clara_Overton
      P 884.9550, -2015.4004, -29.0389, 0, 0, 0, 2, Trenna_Markland
      P -187.2230, -2579.4788, -27.6957, 0, 0, 0, 2, Gabriel_Corvalis
      P -889.4376, -2174.7600, -37.3843, 0, 0, 0, 2, Sara_Eggers
      P -867.9637, -775.9265, -39.5076, 0, 0, 0, 2, Mance_Randerson
      P -271.1567, -495.1712, -48.0568, 0, 0, 0, 2, Tindle_Valleren

      quest transfer
      # Dec 29 2015 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
      4,580 posts
      knife wrote:
      You say, 'Hail, Neelo Leafwind'
      Neelo Leafwind says 'Ah, you're just in time. We've received word the council of elders has made their decision to open our realm to the mortals within Sul Vius. Would you be so kind as to [verify] their decision for me?'

      You say, 'verify'

      Before completing Into the Temple (Quellious' Request) :
      Neelo Leafwind appears to not hear you.
      Perhaps you should speak with Quellious about her worries.

      After completing Into the Temple (Quellious' Request) :
      Neelo Leafwind says 'It's a simple task, really. Visit with each of the elders in their outpost, and then return to me. If you run this small errand for me, I will grant you [passage] to Sul Vius acting as our special envoy.'

      You say, 'passage'
      You have been assigned the task 'Seal of Approval'.
      Neelo Leafwind says 'Much thanks, friend. I don't want to keep you any longer than necessary. I'm sure the elders are waiting.'

      This is a 6 hour timed group task :

      Task description :
      Neelo has asked you to meet with each of the council elders and ask for their opinion on opening the portal to Sul Vius.

      Task steps :
      Speak to Clara Overton 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Gabriel Corvalis 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Tindle Valleren 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Trenna Markland 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Sara Eggers 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Speak to Mance Randerson 0/1 The Plane of Health
      Return to Neelo Leafwind and report your findings. 0/1 The Plane of Health

      You say, 'Hail, Clara Overton'
      Clara Overton says, 'Hello, friend. You must be the one neelo sent word about. Very well then I won't keep you. You may inform Neelo he has my support to open the portal to Sul Vius.'

      You say, 'Hail, Gabriel Corvalis'
      Gabriel Corvalis says 'Good tidings to you. I expect you're the messenger Neelo has sent? Please pass along my approval for opening the portal. Sul Vius is loyal to Rodcet Nife, and they are welcome here within the Plane of Health.'

      You say, 'Hail, Tindle Valleren'
      Tindle Valleren says 'Hail indeed. Neelo wants to open the path to Sul Vius. I can understand his desire, but planar access to mortals has historically not gone well, especially for those within the planes. Still, I have faith in Neelo, and as such offer my approval to his plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Trenna Markland'
      Trenna Markland says 'Greetings, mortal! It has been some time since I've seen your kind. These are interesting times, for certain. Pass along my support for Neelo's plan.'

      You say, 'Hail, Sara Eggers'
      Sara Eggers says ''allo, friend. Tis a fine time ta' see the likes of ya 'ere in Health! Neelo wants more of ya trapesin' around and passin' through to Sul Vius. I gots nuttin' against yer type. Tell 'im I said it's good by me.'

      You say, 'Hail, Mance Randerson'
      Mance Randerson says 'No offense, mortal, but every time your kind enters the planes, trouble follows. One of you gets a wild hair in your nethers, and the god of the plane dies. Just look at what you did with Cazic-Thule! I'm no friend of the lord of Fear, but his death let loose all manner of trouble upon Norrath. I'm sorry, but no. I cannot support Neelo on this one.'

      7 platinum 5 gold
      You gain experience!!
      17 Remnants of Tranquility

      After the final hail :
      You have completed Neelo's errand, and have been granted passage through the portal to Sul Vius.
      You receive 5 gold.
      You receive 7 platinum.
      You receive alternate currency.
      Neelo Leafwind sighs, 'Only Mance refuses. I expected as much, but had hoped he'd be in tune with the rest of us. No matter though. I have the support I need, and you have done as I asked, so as promised I grant you access to Sul Vius.'
      You have completed achievement: Breaking the Mirror.
      You have completed achievement: Mercenary of Plane of Health.

      Mercenary of Plane of Health
      Reward Choices:
      Option 1
      - Experience: Approximately 2% of the experience required to go from level 105 to level 106.
      - 4 AA points
      Option 2
      - Glyph of Glowing Experience

      Edit : I did this on my 77 monk too, and the Mercenary achievement gave me 64% xp at that level.

      P 760.9922, -719.3923, -35.6986, 0, 0, 0, 2, Clara_Overton
      P 884.9550, -2015.4004, -29.0389, 0, 0, 0, 2, Trenna_Markland
      P -187.2230, -2579.4788, -27.6957, 0, 0, 0, 2, Gabriel_Corvalis
      P -889.4376, -2174.7600, -37.3843, 0, 0, 0, 2, Sara_Eggers
      P -867.9637, -775.9265, -39.5076, 0, 0, 0, 2, Mance_Randerson
      P -271.1567, -495.1712, -48.0568, 0, 0, 0, 2, Tindle_Valleren

      Updated, thanks.
      location of npc's
      # Dec 22 2015 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
      59 posts
      P 760.9922, -719.3923, -35.6986, 0, 0, 0, 2, Clara_Overton
      P 884.9550, -2015.4004, -29.0389, 0, 0, 0, 2, Trenna_Markland
      P -187.2230, -2579.4788, -27.6957, 0, 0, 0, 2, Gabriel_Corvalis
      P -889.4376, -2174.7600, -37.3843, 0, 0, 0, 2, Sara_Eggers
      P -867.9637, -775.9265, -39.5076, 0, 0, 0, 2, Mance_Randerson
      P -271.1567, -495.1712, -48.0568, 0, 0, 0, 2, Tindle_Valleren
      Given by Neelo Leafwind in Plane of Health
      # Dec 05 2015 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
      I already posted detailed information about that quest under Neelo Leafwind page.
      Post Comment

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