TDS Rank III Level 105 Spells: Glowing Essence of the Citadel  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Spell
Era:The Darkened Sea
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Oct 29 02:35:23 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

The Darkened Sea Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

Level 105 Rank III Spells in TDS

Loot a "Glowing Essence of the Citadel" (looted from raid encounters in The Darkened Sea), and right-click it to open up a spell reward window.

No class should need any more than five Essences per level to obtain all their spells.

Rewarded Spells

If you'd like to help get spell scrolls added to the site faster, head over to the item collector download page, do a quick install, and run the collector while you're in EverQuest (auto-detects any item links you open up).

Information needed for each class: Which spells are rewarded together?


Song: Arcane Melody Rk. III
Song: Aura of Maetanrus Rk. III; Song: Echo of Maetanrus Rk. III
Song: Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. III
Song: Nilsara's Chant of Flame Rk. III
Song: Wave of Torpor Rk. III

Need info on how these spells are grouped together
Scroll: Cry at the Moon Rk. III
Scroll: Krenk's Feralgia Rk. III
Scroll: Spellbreaker's Palisade Rk. III
Scroll: Stormblood's Unity Rk. III
Scroll: Visoracius' Maelstrom Rk. III

Tome: Axe of Numicia Rk. III
Tome: Shared Cruelty Rk. III
Tome: Stormwild Frenzy Rk. III


Scroll: Unified Hand of Nonia Rk. III
Scroll: Armor of the Ardent Rk. III, Scroll: Ardent Contravention Rk. III
Scroll: Convalescent Splash Rk. III, Scroll: Rallied Greater Ward of Vie Rk. III
Scroll: Fervid Renewal Rk. III, Scroll: Word of Greater Reformation Rk. III
Scroll: Unified Hand of Surety Rk. III, Scroll: Elixir of the Seas Rk. III


Scroll: Lunasoothe Rk. III, Scroll: Daggerthorn Rush Rk. III
Scroll: Chill of the Copsetender Rk. III, Scroll: Copsetender's Unity Rk. III
Scroll: Frostweave Crystals Rk. III, Scroll: Mask of the Copsetender Rk. III
Scroll: Shieldstone Blessing Rk. III, Scroll: Nature’s Fiery Wrath Rk. III
Scroll: Legacy of Daggerspurs Rk. III, Scroll: Resurgence Rk. III, Scroll: Tectonic Destruction Rk. III


Scroll: Mana Reciprocation Aura Rk. III; Scroll: Issuance of Mana Reciprocation Rk. III; Scroll: Mindsunder Rk. III
Scroll: Mind Storm Rk. III; Scroll: Voice of Precognition Rk. III
Scroll: Anodyne Stare Rk. III; Scroll: Polyrefractive Rune Rk. III
Scroll: Enticer's Command Rk. III; Scroll: Ward of the Enticer Rk. III
Scroll: Perilous Bafflement Rk. III; Scroll: Enticer's Unity Rk. III

Scroll: Enticer's Command Rk. III, Scroll: Ward of the Enticer Rk. III


Scroll: Remorseless Servant Rk. III
Scroll: Spear of Molten Shieldstone Rk. III
Scroll: Dark Symbiosis Rk. III; Scroll: Shieldstone Bodyguard Rk. III
Scroll: Fickle Conflagration Rk. III; Scroll: Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. III
Scroll: Mass Dark Transvergence Rk. III; Scroll: Summon Mutinous Minion Rk. III


Tome: Eight Breaths Rk. III
Tome: Refuse Death Rk. III


Scroll: Mortiferous Wounds Rk. III
Scroll: Plexipharia's Command Rk. III, Scroll: Glistenwing Venom Rk. III
Scroll: Call Skeleton Mob Rk. III, Scroll: Smouldering Shadow Rk. III
Scroll: Impose for Blood Rk. III, Scroll: Imbue Ally Rk. III
Scroll: Marmat's Swift Lifedraw Rk. III, Scroll: Combust Bones Rk. III
Scroll: Violent Proliferation Rk. III (missing in database)


Scroll: Crush of Povar Rk. III
Scroll: Force of the Darkened Sea Rk. III; Scroll: Hand of the Stormbound Keeper Rk. III
Scroll: Protective Proclamation Rk. III; Scroll: Aurora of Dayspring Rk. III
Scroll: Brilliant Vindication Rk. III
Scroll: Ardent Fury Rk. III


Tome: Copsestalker's Discipline Rk. III
Scroll: Copsestalker's Unity Rk. III
Scroll: Arrowrain Rk. III; Scroll: Focused Arrowrain Rk. III
Scroll: Roaring Weapons Rk. III; Scroll: Energized by the Hunt Rk. III
Scroll: Heartsplit Rk. III; Scroll: Protection of the Forest Rk. III


Tome: Audacious Escape Rk. III
Tome: Barrage Rk. III
Tome: Daggergash Rk. III
Tome: Smokeshade Rk. III

Shadow Knight

Scroll: Dire Declaration Rk. III, Scroll: Vizat's Skin Rk. III
Tome: Carmine Blade Rk. III
Scroll: Touch of Lutzen Rk. III
Scroll: Touch of Holmein Rk. III
Scroll: Dire Strangulation Rk. III, Scroll: Torrent of Misery Rk. III


Scroll: Glacial Gift Rk. III; Scroll: Shear of Renewal Rk. III
Scroll: Reckless Regeneration Rk. III; Scroll: Sraskus' Curse Rk. III
Scroll: Blood of Rivans Rk. III; Scroll: Reef Crawler Blood Rk. III
Scroll: Talisman of the Doomscale Rk. III
Scroll: Pack of Olesira Rk. III; Scroll: Ward of Regeneration Rk. III

Need info on how these spells are grouped together
Tome: Field Protector Rk. III
Tome: Stout Defense Rk. III
Tome: Strike Through Rk. III

Scroll: Claw of the Oceanlord Rk. III
Scroll: Ethereal Fuse Rk. III
Scroll: Ethereal Skyblaze Rk. III
Scroll: Pure Wildflash III (Doesn't exist. Maybe renamed in eta?)
Scroll: Darkwater Torrent Rk. III, Scroll: Thricewoven Stormstrike Rk. III
Scroll: Narendi's Fire Rk. III, Scroll: Telanara Rk. III
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Paladin level 105 Rk. III choices
# Sep 23 2020 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
Scroll: Crush of Povar Rk. III
Scroll: Force of the Darkened Sea Rk. III; Scroll: Hand of the Stormbound Keeper Rk. III
Scroll: Protective Proclamation Rk. III; Scroll: Aurora of Dayspring Rk. III
Scroll: Brilliant Vindication Rk. III
Scroll: Ardent Fury Rk. III
High Priestess Mykaylla Gilthoniel the Believer
Psycho Cleric of Tunare
Spell/disc options update
# Sep 23 2020 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
23 posts

Song: Arcane Melody Rk. III
Song: Aura of Maetanrus Rk. III; Song: Echo of Maetanrus Rk. III
Song: Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. III
Song: Nilsara's Chant of Flame Rk. III
Song: Wave of Torpor Rk. III


They are not grouped- all individual. Three essences needed to obtain.


Scroll: Mana Reciprocation Aura Rk. III; Scroll: Issuance of Mana Reciprocation Rk. III; Scroll: Mindsunder Rk. III
Scroll: Mind Storm Rk. III; Scroll: Voice of Precognition Rk. III
Scroll: Anodyne Stare Rk. III; Scroll: Polyrefractive Rune Rk. III
Scroll: Enticer's Command Rk. III; Scroll: Ward of the Enticer Rk. III
Scroll: Perilous Bafflement Rk. III; Scroll: Enticer's Unity Rk. III


Scroll: Remorseless Servant Rk. III
Scroll: Spear of Molten Shieldstone Rk. III
Scroll: Dark Symbiosis Rk. III; Scroll: Shieldstone Bodyguard Rk. III
Scroll: Fickle Conflagration Rk. III; Scroll: Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. III
Scroll: Mass Dark Transvergence Rk. III; Scroll: Summon Mutinous Minion Rk. III


Tome: Copsestalker's Discipline Rk. III
Scroll: Copsestalker's Unity Rk. III
Scroll: Arrowrain Rk. III; Scroll: Focused Arrowrain Rk. III
Scroll: Roaring Weapons Rk. III; Scroll: Energized by the Hunt Rk. III
Scroll: Heartsplit Rk. III; Scroll: Protection of the Forest Rk. III


Scroll: Glacial Gift Rk. III; Scroll: Shear of Renewal Rk. III
Scroll: Reckless Regeneration Rk. III; Scroll: Sraskus' Curse Rk. III
Scroll: Blood of Rivans Rk. III; Scroll: Reef Crawler Blood Rk. III
Scroll: Talisman of the Doomscale Rk. III
Scroll: Pack of Olesira Rk. III; Scroll: Ward of Regeneration Rk. III
High Priestess Mykaylla Gilthoniel the Believer
Psycho Cleric of Tunare
ENC Rk 3
# Mar 31 2020 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
185 posts
- Enticer's Command, Ward of the Enticer
- Vu~
Haven's Edge
Update to Druid choices, #4 missing above
# Aug 04 2015 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
105 RK 3 pairings:
1. Lunasoothe with Daggerthorn Rush
2. Chill of the Copstender with Copsetender’s Unity
3. Frostweave Crystals with Mask of the Copsetender
4. Shieldstone Blessing with Nature’s Fiery Wrath
5. Legacy of Daggerspurs with Resurgence with Tectonic Destruction
# Jul 31 2015 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
Scroll: Dire Declaration Rk. III, Scroll: Vizat's Skin Rk. III
Tome: Carmine Blade Rk. III
Scroll: Touch of Lutzen Rk. III
Scroll: Touch of Holmein Rk. III
Scroll: Dire Strangulation Rk. III, Scroll: Torrent of Misery Rk. III
Warrior Tomes
# Jul 22 2015 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
The Warrior Rank 3 are as follows:

Field Protector Rank. III
Strike Through Rk. III
Stout Defense Rank. III
# Jul 18 2015 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
ethereal skyblaze
claw of the oceanlord
ethereal fuse
darkwater torrent, thricewoven stormstrike
narendi's fire, telenara
Necro lvl 105 RKIII
# Jun 30 2015 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
1. Mortiferous Wounds Rk. III
2. Plexipharia's Command Rk. III & Glistenwing Venom Rk. III
3. Call Skeleton Mob Rk. III & Smouldering Shadow Rk. III
4. Impose for Blood Rk. III & Imbue Ally Rk. III
5. Marmat's Swift Lifedraw Rk. III & Combust Bones Rk. III
Druid Rk. 111 choices
# Jun 25 2015 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Scroll: Lunasoothe, Daggerthom Rush
Scroll: Chill of the Copsetender, Copsetender's Unity
Scroll; Frostweave Crystals, Mask of the Copestender
Scroll: Legacy of Daggerspurs, Resurgence, Tectonic Destructontion
Cleric RK. III choices
# Dec 30 2014 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
1) Scroll: Unified Hand of Nonia Rk. III
2) Scroll: Armor of the Ardent Rk. III, Scroll: Ardent Contravention Rk. III
3) Scroll: Convalescent Splash Rk. III, Scroll: Rallied Greater Ward of the Vie Rk. III
4) Scroll: Fervid Renewal Rk. III, Scroll: Word of Greater Reformation Rk. III
5) Scroll: Unified Hand of Surety Rk. III, Scroll: Elixer of the Seas Rk. III
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