Cleric Supplies  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Money
  • Spell
Faction Required:
Priests of Mischief (Min: Apprehensive)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Oct 5 20:12:23 2000
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Beek Guinders is located at -216, -380 in Rivervale.

    You say, 'Hail, Beek Guinders'

    Beek Guinders waves enthusiastically and says, 'Hay, ho, there, young Half Elf! I'd love to yak it up with you but I'm a bit busy at the moment, trying to find some [help].'

    You say, 'What help?'

    Beek Guinders says 'Well, we're experimenting with some tanning methods but we're running low on supplies. We need to find someone to go out and [gather some things]. Seems no one wants to do an honest day's work any more. I'd do it myself but, errrr, my, uhhh, foot hair has been hurting lately... yes, that's it.'

    You say, 'I will gather some things.'

    Beek Guinders cheers and says, 'Ahhh, excellent! Okay, first, we'll need a couple of wolf pelts. They don't have to be perfect, completely ruined would work just fine, hehe. I'll also need a black wolf skin and a handful of berries. The berries you should be able to find out in the Thicket. I hear they grow in a small canyon near the lone tower. Hurry, hurry!

    Hand Beek Guinders 2 Ruined Wolf Pelts, 1 Black Wolf Skin, and 1 Berries.

    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'

    Beek Guinders says 'Hey, great! You found the materials! We'll get to work right away. If you find any more, please come by again. Here's a little something for your troubles, friend.'

    Your faction standing with Priests of Mischief has been adjusted by 3.
    Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 19 copper from Beek Guinders.
    You receive 3 gold from Beek Guinders.

    You receive a random low-level spell.
    Send a Correction
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    Wrong Quest Name
    # Jan 13 2023 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
    159 posts
    Should be called "Tanning Supplies".

    Ozadar of Zek
    Wrong Quest Name
    # Jan 21 2023 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
    OzadarZek wrote:
    Should be called "Tanning Supplies".

    Ozadar of Zek

    I think they named it Cleric Supplies because of the cleric spells the quest rewards.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    Wrong Quest Name
    # Feb 27 2023 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
    159 posts
    Associate this quest with "Rivervale Quests - Tanning Supplies". It is part of the Hero's Journey Achievements.

    Ozadar of Zek
    # Dec 25 2020 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
    67 posts
    So you're here because you killed Mayor Gubbin and want to fix faction with the Priests of Mischief and this is the only way to do it.

    Well I'm going to help you out: commandlands is where you want to go

    Because of the way mob factions are set up, and because no one hunts there, after a few hours the guards in the huts near freeport trim down the entire population to nothing but black wolves. Anyway, go there with some super long range arrows and kill everything. Wolves spawn like crazy.

    # Apr 29 2019 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
    262 posts

    1. After doing the quest hundreds of times, I can see that all six of the spells are possible rewards, the Gate spell is just a less common reward (about 5 percent).

    2. The change I thought I saw at -450 faction was a mistake. No change at -450. It was due to a bug that occurs when you complete a turnin after using Hide. (That he despawns after each turnin seems to be unrelated.)

    3. Although Beek will talk to you about the quest at Dubious, he won't actually accept the items from you until high Apprehensive.

    # Jan 10 2019 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
    In my experience this quest never gives the Gate spell, just the other five. Also, you need to be 50 points into dubious (at -450) to do it, if you're just barely dubious your items will be returned.

    None of the clerics see invis any more, so if you go in invis, then break invis and Hide real quick you'll stay safe (unless Hide fails). Then you can do your turnins while hiding.

    Edited, Jan 10th 2019 9:22pm by Sylphan

    Edited, Jan 10th 2019 9:23pm by Sylphan
    Level requirement
    # May 24 2017 at 11:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    GBATE!! Never saw it coming
    9,966 posts
    Did this at level 1 on Agnarr today.

    Edited, May 24th 2017 11:23pm by Bijou
    remorajunbao wrote:
    One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

    Level requirement
    # May 25 2017 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
    Friar Bijou wrote:
    Did this at level 1 on Agnarr today.

    Edited, May 24th 2017 11:23pm by Bijou

    Thanks, adjusted minimum level to 1.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    # Jan 15 2017 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
    42 posts
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Beek Guinders says, 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, Araiya. Don't dawdle now.'
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Beek Guinders says, 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, Araiya. Don't dawdle now.'
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Beek Guinders says, 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, Araiya. Don't dawdle now.'
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Beek Guinders says, 'Hey, great! You found the materials! We'll get to work right away. If you find any more, please come by again. Here's a little something for your troubles, friend.'
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Your faction standing with Priests of Mischief has been adjusted by 3.
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:19 2017] Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale has been adjusted by 1.
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:20 2017] You gain experience!!
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:20 2017] You receive 5 copper from Beek Guinders.
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:20 2017] You receive 1 silver from Beek Guinders.
    [Sun Jan 15 21:24:20 2017] You receive 3 gold from Beek Guinders.

    Can be done at dubiously
    # Jan 15 2017 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
    Faction hits and requirement added, thanks!
    Faction points.
    # Apr 16 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
    265 posts
    It's far below 10, perhaps 5 or less points per turn-in. I did 25 and never changed out of apprehensive. Since apprehensive is a 150 point span, if it were six points or higher I would've poked into indifferent, but no go. For those wanting to grind this faction... good luck. It's just as bad as Deepmuses.

    As the detailed post below claims, you get one of six different newbie spells, and a handful of coin. The NPC despawns and respawns after every turn-in, for whatever reaosn.

    Faction points.
    # Mar 06 2020 at 8:28 PM Rating: Excellent
    190 posts
    Beek Guinders still respawns after every single turn in. In my case, this meant he would take an extra 2 ruined wolf pelts for every turn in because of how I tend to do these quests (handing in huge stacks all at once over and over so he just kicks back the extras to my cursor). So, get ready for tedious 1-1-2 turn ins, if you intend to grind this quest for Priests of Mischief faction the way I did.
    yet another dark elf triumph
    # Sep 21 2012 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
    I have at last achieved a long-term goal, which is to become on friendly terms with one more of the lesser races of Norrath (as a dark elf cleric, these half-pint clerics were particularly unreceptive to me). I was never able to do much towards this, since even under illusion they had the effrontery to glare at me. However! With the new-fangled Station store, I purchased a Transmogification Scroll, and to my infinite distaste transformed into a halfling cleric of their pagan religion. At which point they liked me very much, and I was able to use the 10 stacks worth of quest elements I had accumulated beforehand. That brought me up considerably in their estimation, and I assumed I was close enough to change back to my native form and back out of this vermin shape. That turned out to be somewhat true, although as a dark elf I was still only dubious to these pagan clerics, and they would no longer deal with me for this quest. But if I took on a wood-elf illusion, thanks to my Crown of Deceit, they liked me well enough to accept these quest pieces. I didn't count the number, but I think it was around 10-15 more stacks of quest pieces later, I was finally at Kindly (actually very close to Warmly) in dark elf form with these pie rats, and maxed out faction. So! Now I am well-liked all over Rivervale, and privy to their most secret councils; imagine their surprise when I lead the invasion force to come...

    Dreidel Sarnudossa
    84 cleric and leader of the Qu'ellar D'oloth guild on Xev (well, Xegony now)
    # Oct 19 2008 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
    509 posts
    Beek Guinders is located at -216, -380 in Rivervale.

    You say, 'Hail, Beek Guinders'

    Beek Guinders waves enthusiastically and says, 'Hay, ho, there, young Half Elf! I'd love to yak it up with you but I'm a bit busy at the moment, trying to find some [help].'

    You say, 'What help?'

    Beek Guinders says 'Well, we're experimenting with some tanning methods but we're running low on supplies. We need to find someone to go out and [gather some things]. Seems no one wants to do an honest day's work any more. I'd do it myself but, errrr, my, uhhh, foot hair has been hurting lately... yes, that's it.'

    You say, 'I will gather some things.'

    Beek Guinders cheers and says, 'Ahhh, excellent! Okay, first, we'll need a couple of wolf pelts. They don't have to be perfect, completely ruined would work just fine, hehe. I'll also need a black wolf skin and a handful of berries. The berries you should be able to find out in the Thicket. I hear they grow in a small canyon near the lone tower. Hurry, hurry!

    Hand Beek Guinders 2 Ruined Wolf Pelts, 1 Black Wolf Skin, and 1 Berries.

    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'

    Beek Guinders says 'Hey, great! You found the materials! We'll get to work right away. If you find any more, please come by again. Here's a little something for your troubles, friend.'

    Your faction standing with Priests of Mischief got better.
    Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
    Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 19 copper from Beek Guinders.
    You receive 3 gold from Beek Guinders.

    Spell: Lull
    Spell: Strike
    Spell: Flash of Light
    Spell: Divine Aura
    Spell: True North
    Spell: Gate
    # Oct 19 2008 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Sythik wrote:
    Beek Guinders is located at -216, -380 in Rivervale.

    You say, 'Hail, Beek Guinders'

    Beek Guinders waves enthusiastically and says, 'Hay, ho, there, young Half Elf! I'd love to yak it up with you but I'm a bit busy at the moment, trying to find some [help].'

    You say, 'What help?'

    Beek Guinders says 'Well, we're experimenting with some tanning methods but we're running low on supplies. We need to find someone to go out and [gather some things]. Seems no one wants to do an honest day's work any more. I'd do it myself but, errrr, my, uhhh, foot hair has been hurting lately... yes, that's it.'

    You say, 'I will gather some things.'

    Beek Guinders cheers and says, 'Ahhh, excellent! Okay, first, we'll need a couple of wolf pelts. They don't have to be perfect, completely ruined would work just fine, hehe. I'll also need a black wolf skin and a handful of berries. The berries you should be able to find out in the Thicket. I hear they grow in a small canyon near the lone tower. Hurry, hurry!

    Hand Beek Guinders 2 Ruined Wolf Pelts, 1 Black Wolf Skin, and 1 Berries.

    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'
    Beek Guinders says 'Whoooops! I'll need the two ruined wolf pelts along with the berries and black wolf skin before I can reward you, ___. Don't dawdle now.'

    Beek Guinders says 'Hey, great! You found the materials! We'll get to work right away. If you find any more, please come by again. Here's a little something for your troubles, friend.'

    Your faction standing with Priests of Mischief got better.
    Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
    Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 19 copper from Beek Guinders.
    You receive 3 gold from Beek Guinders.

    Spell: Lull
    Spell: Strike
    Spell: Flash of Light
    Spell: Divine Aura
    Spell: True North
    Spell: Gate

    Updated, thanks.
    berries spawn point in Misty
    # Mar 05 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
    87 posts
    In addition, three groundspawns of Berries appear between the lone tower and zone wall in the dip there for nonforagers.

    The locs for these spawns are:
    +824, -1551
    +919, -1511
    +850, -1435

    They spawn at the base of the trees there. Not sure on spawn time as I just found them =)
    RE: berries spawn point in Misty
    # Mar 16 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
    As of today the spawn time is between 6 and 7 minutes for the berries. I gathered them all four times and the spawn was the same everytime.
    doesnt work
    # Jul 30 2003 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
    I did this with my lvl4 cleric. When I turned in the skins and berries he gave them back and said he wanted 2 ruined wolf skins and one black wolf skin and one berry before he could reward me.Then he rewarded me with a low level spell and some change.

    Mannie, Hafling
    Level 4 Cleric
    Druzzil Ro
    RE: doesnt work
    # Oct 04 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
    This is correct - both when I hailed him and when I gave him one or more of the items, he says he wants two ruined pelts and one black wolf skin.
    No more KOS!
    # Jul 16 2003 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
    655 posts
    Smiley: yippee

    I've just completed this quest with my OGRE warrior. Which means that it IS possible to do it with evil classes. You need wolf form and that takes you from scowled all the way upto indifferent.

    This quest DOES raise faction with halfling clerics.

    EDIT: (Not what is listed above.)

    You need 2 Black Wolf Skins, 1 Berries, 1 Ruined Wolf Pelt.

    Edited, Wed Jul 16 09:33:47 2003
    Antonius Bayle
    Evil with deity is out of luck
    # Apr 03 2004 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
    1,075 posts

    My dark elf cleric is still kos, in wolf form or halfling form, due to her God. No way to fix that.
    New Rez Spells
    # Jul 26 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
    The new rez spells can be found in Temple of Marr in Freeport from a vendor in a small room near top of building..
    Some of them can be found in Rivervale. Sorry I dont remember which ones..

    Cleric lvl 36
    New Cleric Spells
    # Apr 16 2002 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
    I have a question about cleric spells. I was recently told that there are new cleric spells to aid in rez. I was also told that these spells can be found in Rivervale. Is this true? I have looked for new spells there and haven't found anything that I don't already have. Could someone tell me what the names of these spells are and where they can be found? The EQ book that I have doesn't list these spells, so I am guessing that I have an outdated book. I am a lvl 20 cleric. Please help me! :)
    RE: New Cleric Spells
    # Jan 02 2003 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
    Try this link, specifically, for the level 19 spell: Reconstitution (10%)

    Good Luck
    RE: New Cleric Spells
    # Jun 30 2002 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
    702 posts
    For any information on arcane (spell casting)information check out:

    New Cleric spells came out with Luclin and I have found them at the Clerics guild in ShadowHaven.
    RE: New Cleric Spells
    # Jun 02 2002 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Yup - I'm looking for them too:
    lvl 14 Reanimation (0%XP back) lvl 19 Reconstitution (10%XP back)
    lvl 24 Reparation (20%XP back) lvl 29 Revive (35%XP back)
    lvl 34 Renewal (50%XP back) lvl 39 Resuscitate (60%XP back)
    lvl 44 Restoration (75%XP back)
    Cleric AB Server.
    RE: New Cleric Spells
    # Jun 17 2002 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
    They are found in the Qeynos Cleric guild...
    If you dont know where that is it the flying saucer
    Squad ring
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
    I have just completed my squad ring quest and would like to get it so I can recharge it. I am a human warrior who worhips Mithaniel Marr, I have tried to do this quest multible times without any success. He tells me he wont deal with people of my kind or something like that. My question then, is it possible to recharge this ring without being a halfling, cleric, or worshiping Bertox? Seems a little odd to me that only halflings or clerics can recharge this ring when mostly they are all healing classes anyway.
    # Mar 09 2002 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
    The grapes do not work, find the berries
    # Feb 28 2002 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
    Did this quest to raise faction so i could buy spells there in the future at 29. Good way to bump up many rivervale factions. Good luck to all.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 14 2002 at 9:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You can use grapes purchased in the Fools Gold from the vendor there as a substitute for foraging for berries in the Thicket! I tried it, and it worked. Got the spell, the coin and the faction rewards.
    # Nov 29 2001 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
    From what i've heard this is the only faction quest that involves raiseing faction with the rivervale cleric's guild. The stuff ain't too hard to get, even the berries that i can't forge:P I'm going to be working on the quest for a while but am hoping to raise my faction :indifferent to get up to where i can do the akle wrap quest. GL all

    Tathlin Divinewrathe
    <Platinum Revolution> of Luclin
    "Did somebody say the cleric is oom? <CRAP>!"
    what do you say?
    # Nov 06 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
    I can't get him to tell me what materials he needs, what question do you ask him?
    # Oct 20 2001 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
    I've done this quest a few times and I have received the spells: Strike, Lull, Flash of Light, and Gate (lvl 5 spell). As far as money goes, I've gotten from a few copper to 3gp. Pretty good for a quest that can be done from level 1 (Black wolves....sooooo scary).

    Priest of Mischief
    #Anonymous, Posted: Sep 16 2001 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
    found this quest
    # Sep 08 2001 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
    I love faction....probably too much. i like to buff somebody killing an npc just to see what faction it gets. Im all in qeynos, freeport, oggok felwithe, kelethin and most rivervale(xcept those priests). aimable to indiff in halas and neriak, and worse in grobb cause i liked to see what faction i got too much : (
    but im drifting....i found this and it is the ONLY quest to raise faction with them ive ever seen but at least i can do it.
    least now i can run by em in de illusion and not train accidentally : )

    Liberation Lightstar
    33rd Chanter of Quellious
    Povar: the only good server
    # Aug 20 2001 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
    I was able to do the bandaid quest in wolf form 5+ packs full from kos to indif but im kos to the druids and the clerics (at least i can use the bank) one item of note though the runner lady that goes from the wall to to city tunnel is also one of these kos faction possibly tunare and one shoted my little iksar so stay clear of the trail area and a little south and be wary when approaching the wall or the city areas.
    Ella Foodcrafter
    # Jan 30 2003 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
    655 posts
    I'm sure that some shudder at just hearing the horrid name. She runs around the Misty Thicket and lives by the Stormreapers faction. If you kill Goblins in Misty Thicket you can bring up her faction.
    Antonius Bayle
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