TDS Progression #1: A Rising Storm  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:The Darkened Sea
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Oct 26 02:50:57 2014
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

The Darkened Sea Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

This solo task begins with Mate Rominald, in the water north of the dock (click for map image).

Pre-requisites for requesting:
- None

Say "drink" to request the task.

You say, 'Hail, Mate Rominald'

Mate Rominald coughs and spits out the salty raindrops. 'Would you... give an old [sailor] one last [drink]?

You say, 'Sailor?'

Mate Rominald says 'Not much of one anymore. Look at me all washed up here, boat and body broken to bits. The [storm] was too much for her brittle beams, and too much for my brittle bones. I should have stayed on the coast and swapped stories with the other gray hairs. My days of adventure were over, and I didn't even know it. Now just let me have one last [drink].'

You say, 'What storm?'

Mate Rominald says 'Deep and dark it spread o'er the sea, like ink in a flagon. We steered athwart, but its fingers caught us and dashed us against the rocks. My legs are dead, and soon I will be too. Even the raindrops taste of death, salty as the dregs of the sea. Just one more clean [drink] before the end.'

You say, 'I'll find you a drink...'

Mate Rominald says 'Yes, you are a sailor's true friend...'

You have been assigned the task 'A Rising Storm'.

Mate Rominald, in his last words, tells you of Ognit's attempts to help the victims of the great storm. You must assist Ognit in these attempts and find out the nature of the storm.

Give Mate Rominald a drink from his nearby liquor flask 0/1 (Tempest Temple)

In the water next to Mate Rominald is a ground spawns: "Flask of Liquor".

Mate Rominald drinks deeply. The water on his face is warmer than rain. 'Dying is never easy sober.' Mate Rominald lies back and closes his eyes. 'The gnome further down the beach -- Ognit someone called him -- he kindles a fire and looks for the mates who wash up in this gods-forsaken place. He fights against this darkness. He might last longer than I will... but in the end it's salt water on your face, liquor in your gut, and darkness behind your lids.' Mate Rominald grows quiet.

Find and speak with Ognit Eznertob 0/4 (Tempest Temple)

Ognit Eznertob is on the coast of the island just west of Mate Rominald (click for map image). Hail him four times.

Ognit Eznertob holds out his hand to you. His smile withers, and he looks to the ocean as a wind picks up. 'Another wrecked on the island? This wind is ghastly, and the rain is no better.' Ognit Eznertob hides his hands in his sleeves. 'You certainly look better off than some of them I've seen.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'The shipwrecked, that is. This storm has darkened much of the sea, and the ships trapped in its whorls crash upon the island coral. I've been splashing here and there through the surf, pulling out half-drowned sailors for days now. And still the wind blows, the rain falls, and the ships wreck.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'Nature doesn't brew such nasty storms. If I know any magic at all, there's some working within this island. I have seen kedge coming and going, chanting, praying to idols, kindling whirlwinds. If only I remembered more of my wizardly training... but there is so much to do for those in need.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'There are many shipwrecked sailors in need of warmth and food. Since you have weathered the storm better than most, would you help us by gathering some driftwood for our fire and meat for our bellies?'

Collect pieces of shoreline driftwood for Ognit's fire 0/5 (Tempest Temple)

Harvest meat from the reef crawlers near the coral 0/3 (Tempest Temple)

"Piece of Driftwood" are ground spawns all around the east coast area. They appear as big branches partially submerged in the water.

In the far northern part of the zone is a reef area full of "a _____ crawler" mobs. These drop "Crawler Meat" - loot three of these (NOT pre-lootable).

Give the pieces of driftwood to Ognit 0/5 (Tempest Temple)

Give the pieces of crawler meat to Ognit 0/3 (Tempest Temple)

Speak with Ognit 0/12 (Tempest Temple)

Hand in the eight items, and then hail him until the task is updated.

Ognit Eznertob smiles as he wipes wet strands of hair off his forehead. 'Thank you. _____, right? There's so much on my mind right now, and my body can only be one place at a time. I wish I could do more!' Ognit Eznertob throws the driftwood into the fire and begins preparing the crawler meat.

Ognit Eznertob says 'Why are you here? Adventure? Fortune? I suppose I'm here for a little of the former, but more out of loyalty, I suppose.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'Did you know Firiona? We all thought she was dead, lost somewhere in the darkness after Kithicor. We mourned her. But when a ghost appears to you in the flesh and asks you to follow, how can you refuse?'

Ognit Eznertob says 'Firiona warned us about the darkness. Tunare saw the strife coming to the Buried Sea. And so Firiona called us: Dagda, Dabner, Al`Kabor, Dreezil, Lyirae, Galeth, Thubr. We sailed on the Swift Fin, and here we are, in the center of the stormy seas.'

Stephan Manlow points at Brother Hindes. 'We're here alright, no thanks to the Brothers,' the seasoned sailor grumbles. 'I've been a mate of the Swift Fin ever since my eyes could appreciate the beauty of women, and now these female-fearing little boys have taken charge of a ship of men?'

Brother Hindes scowls at Stephan Manlow. 'You know how dangerous sirens have become! Letting women sail the ship without Brothers at the helm? Don't be foolish! Who knows whether a siren lurks behind a beautiful face? Purity is paramount!'

Ognit Eznertob says 'When we set out for this island, one of the Brothers asked Firiona to stay below deck. Can you believe it?' Ognit laughs. 'She said one of them will be spending time below deck, and it wouldn't be her. That's when Firiona pushed him over the railing and into the surf.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'Firiona, Al`Kabor, and I sailed with the Brothers to this island, trying to reach Katta Castrum. When we first sailed into the Buried Sea on the Swift Fin, we skirted the storm and ended up on the Brothers' island.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'Our companions set out to investigate other islands at Firiona's request, but Firiona had business in Katta Castrum. The Brothers told us this island wreathed in storms had recently risen out of the sea, and some said a portal exists that connects the island to the sunken city. It was true.'

Mirkman Gildroon sits up straighter at the word 'storms,' a wild look in his eyes. 'The storm that drowns the world is here! The sky lights that rain destruction on the doomed world will kill us all! And the comet of reckoning strikes the waters and boils them! Norrath dies in the boiling sea!'

Ognit Eznertob says 'His entire crew was lost when his ship sank near the coast, and he hasn't recovered his wits from the days he spent drinking seawater. But he speaks the truth about the comet... or whatever it was. A beam of light, thick as a column in a mighty palace, arced over the island and tore into the sea, boiling the waters around it.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'I can't say whether it came from the island or elsewhere. Could the kedge's storms and ceremonies generate such power? I wish I knew what was happening in Katta Castrum, but I can guess from what I've learned from the portal.'

Speak with Ognit about the portal 0/3 (Tempest Temple)

Hail him some more until the task updates.

Ognit Eznertob says 'After Firiona and Al`Kabor disappeared through the portal, I set about investigating the island and helping the shipwrecked. But shortly thereafter, the storms worsened around the portal, and I have not been able to get close to it without being beset by lightning strikes.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'I have seen bodies lying in the shallows around the floated island, scorched by the lightning and drenched by the waves. Their singed clothing is odd; they must have come from the portal, from Katta Castrum. With the huge magical blast that entered the sea, I wonder what is happening down there and whether Firiona and Al`Kabor are safe.'

Ognit Eznertob says 'I have to calm the storms, but my magic is not what it used to be. For a long while now I've been practicing my tinkering in Ak`Anon, and it's not a simple thing to recall all that Al`Kabor once taught me. If you can help quell the storms by killing air spirits on the floating island, it would make it safer for anyone trying to cross through the portal. I saw a kedge heading up that way as well. Once you've dealt with the air spirits, see if you can find him and see what is happening there.'

Kill air spirits leading up the path to the floating island 0/4 (Tempest Temple)

The floating island is found in the southeastern part of the zone. These are air elementals, standard mob difficulty (immune to stuns; can be mezzed and rooted/snared).

Speak with Krinoch Jal 0/4 (Tempest Temple)

Krinoch Jal (click for map image) is found on the southwestern part of the floating island. Hail it until the task completes.

Krinoch Jal stares at you carefully, ready to flee at any sudden movement. 'You do not know Aldegund? She hasn't sent you to kill me? Oh, you never know, you never know...'

Krinoch Jal says 'Or perhaps Kelpin Larch or Bindess Lon will do it? They keep the storms swirling on this island you're standing on, so why wouldn't they hire a sailor to slit my throat? And to think I once believed in the idea...'

Krinoch Jal says 'The idea that perhaps Karana would hear us, that he would take pity on us more than Prexus has. Still we suffer, but Karana does not hear us. And now Prexus sends a beam from the sky to destroy the sea... we have sinned against him!'

Krinoch Jal says 'The sea coughed and spat like the angriest surf you've ever seen, and there was a terrible glow that dove deep into the dark water. Then they began arriving through the portal: Combine from Katta Castrum, escaping some calamity. A few made it through only to be struck down by the storms. If only I could stop this [madness]...'

75 platinum

This task is repeatable with a 6-hour lockout timer from the time of request.
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Do this first - get mercenary tasks
# Sep 11 2021 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Since the Mercenary Tasks don't have prereqs to start, get them at the beginning because as you travel around doing the others, you may find yourself running into the mobs you need.
Shoreline driftwood
# Sep 11 2021 at 7:41 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Head straight out into the water close to the shore near the big conical rock for one "very thin branches in the water near and around the quest NPC".
It is a fast respawn so you can just camp it.
It is not a group update.
You don't lose invis -- or more importantly - IVU when you harvest it.
flask hassles
# Sep 10 2021 at 3:47 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
This is not well-designed. The mate is hard to target. You can use /target Mate to hail him.

The round flask is above the Mate's left shoulder. It is almost the same color as the rock so it's hard to see.

When you try to give it to him ... he is hard to target ... and this time you can't use /tar Mate. Just keep clicking.

If you get the message 'I don't need this ...", then you are clicking on the wrong person.
flask hassles
# Jan 18 2023 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Looks like a canteen
Life needs more cowbell.

# Dec 11 2020 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
151 posts
The level shows to be 100, so I was worried my 95 Beastlord wouldn't be able to get the task. But she was able to get the task and complete it. She got about 3% regular and 75pp for completion.

If the level shown above is supposed to be the minimum level, you might change it to 95. Everywhere I've read, it says the progression can be done at 95.

4 meats
# Feb 04 2015 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
3,033 posts
Most of the crawlers had 4 meats so this step goes fast if you're doing a whole group.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
coral crawler drops were fine
# Jan 04 2015 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
(note: it's possible that only drops from "a reef crawler" count, and these are NOT pre-lootable).

Just dropped "a coral crawler". It had 2 meat, and they both counted for the quest.
Piece of Driftwood
# Nov 03 2014 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
328 posts
Searching endless. But they are not obvious like most ground spawns.
Take the very thin branches in the water near and around the quest NPC. Heading to the zombie ship, there are more. INVU helps, but take care, some see throught INVU too.
Piece of Driftwood
# Jan 18 2023 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Primarily under the surface, between the Quest givers and the cursed ship, most of the time some branches stick up out of the water. They can be on the beach also.
Life needs more cowbell.

Piece of Driftwood
# Jan 18 2023 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Yes, under the surface, occasionally branches are visible above the surface. Mostly between the quest NPCs and the cursed ship.

Edited, Jan 18th 2023 7:29pm by hotrod
Life needs more cowbell.

Initial dialogue
# Oct 29 2014 at 8:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:51 2014] You say, 'Hail, Mate Rominald'
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:51 2014] Mate Rominald coughs and spits out the salty raindrops. 'Would you... give an old [sailor] one last [drink]?
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:52 2014] You say, 'sailor'
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:52 2014] Mate Rominald says 'Not much of one anymore. Look at me all washed up here, boat and body broken to bits. The [storm] was too much for her brittle beams, and too much for my brittle bones. I should have stayed on the coast and swapped stories with the other gray hairs. My days of adventure were over, and I didn't even know it. Now just let me have one last [drink].'
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:59 2014] You say, 'storm'
[Wed Oct 29 09:34:59 2014] Mate Rominald says 'Deep and dark it spread o'er the sea, like ink in a flagon. We steered athwart, but its fingers caught us and dashed us against the rocks. My legs are dead, and soon I will be too. Even the raindrops taste of death, salty as the dregs of the sea. Just one more clean [drink] before the end.'
[Wed Oct 29 09:35:01 2014] You say, 'drink'
[Wed Oct 29 09:35:01 2014] Mate Rominald says 'Yes, you are a sailor's true friend...'
[Wed Oct 29 09:35:07 2014] You have been assigned the task 'A Rising Storm'.
[Wed Oct 29 09:35:16 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 09:35:16 2014] Mate Rominald drinks deeply. The water on his face is warmer than rain. 'Dying is never easy sober.' Mate Rominald lies back and closes his eyes. 'The gnome further down the beach -- Ognit someone called him -- he kindles a fire and looks for the mates who wash up in this gods-forsaken place. He fights against this darkness. He might last longer than I will... but in the end it's salt water on your face, liquor in your gut, and darkness behind your lids.' Mate Rominald grows quiet.

[Wed Oct 29 09:37:08 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:08 2014] Ognit Eznertob holds out his hand to you. His smile withers, and he looks to the ocean as a wind picks up. 'Another wrecked on the island? This wind is ghastly, and the rain is no better.' Ognit Eznertob hides his hands in his sleeves. 'You certainly look better off than some of them I've seen.'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:08 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:22 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:22 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'The shipwrecked, that is. This storm has darkened much of the sea, and the ships trapped in its whorls crash upon the island coral. I've been splashing here and there through the surf, pulling out half-drowned sailors for days now. And still the wind blows, the rain falls, and the ships wreck.'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:22 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:27 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:28 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Nature doesn't brew such nasty storms. If I know any magic at all, there's some working within this island. I have seen kedge coming and going, chanting, praying to idols, kindling whirlwinds. If only I remembered more of my wizardly training... but there is so much to do for those in need.'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:28 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:34 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 09:37:35 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'There are many shipwrecked sailors in need of warmth and food. Since you have weathered the storm better than most, would you help us by gathering some driftwood for our fire and meat for our bellies?'

Edited, Oct 29th 2014 10:39am by Amio
Initial dialogue
# Oct 29 2014 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
After turning in all items to Ognit:

[Wed Oct 29 10:21:37 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:37 2014] Ognit Eznertob smiles as he wipes wet strands of hair off his forehead. 'Thank you. Amio, right? There's so much on my mind right now, and my body can only be one place at a time. I wish I could do more!' Ognit Eznertob throws the driftwood into the fire and begins preparing the crawler meat.
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:37 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:45 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:45 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Why are you here? Adventure? Fortune? I suppose I'm here for a little of the former, but more out of loyalty, I suppose.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:45 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:48 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:48 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Did you know Firiona? We all thought she was dead, lost somewhere in the darkness after Kithicor. We mourned her. But when a ghost appears to you in the flesh and asks you to follow, how can you refuse?'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:48 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:57 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:57 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Firiona warned us about the darkness. Tunare saw the strife coming to the Buried Sea. And so Firiona called us: Dagda, Dabner, Al`Kabor, Dreezil, Lyirae, Galeth, Thubr. We sailed on the Swift Fin, and here we are, in the center of the stormy seas.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:21:57 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:05 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:05 2014] Stephan Manlow points at Brother Hindes. 'We're here alright, no thanks to the Brothers,' the seasoned sailor grumbles. 'I've been a mate of the Swift Fin ever since my eyes could appreciate the beauty of women, and now these female-fearing little boys have taken charge of a ship of men?'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:05 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:09 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:09 2014] Brother Hindes scowls at Stephan Manlow. 'You know how dangerous sirens have become! Letting women sail the ship without Brothers at the helm? Don't be foolish! Who knows whether a siren lurks behind a beautiful face? Purity is paramount!'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:09 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:13 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:14 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'When we set out for this island, one of the Brothers asked Firiona to stay below deck. Can you believe it?' Ognit laughs. 'She said one of them will be spending time below deck, and it wouldn't be her.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:14 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:17 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:17 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Firiona, Al`Kabor, and I sailed with the Brothers to this island, trying to reach Katta Castrum. When we first sailed into the Buried Sea on the Swift Fin, we skirted the storm and ended up on the Brothers' island.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:17 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:22 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:22 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'Our companions set out to investigate other islands at Firiona's request, but Firiona had business in Katta Castrum. The Brothers told us this island wreathed in storms had recently risen out of the sea, and some said a portal exists that connects the island to the sunken city. It was true.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:22 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:26 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:26 2014] Mirkman Gildroon sits up straighter at the word 'storms,' a wild look in his eyes. 'The storm that drowns the world is here! The sky lights that rain destruction on the doomed world will kill us all! And the comet of reckoning strikes the waters and boils them! Norrath dies in the boiling sea!'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:26 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:33 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:33 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'His entire crew was lost when his ship sank near the coast, and he hasn't recovered his wits from the days he spent drinking seawater. But he speaks the truth about the comet... or whatever it was. A beam of light, thick as a column in a mighty palace, arced over the island and tore into the sea, boiling the waters around it.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:33 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:39 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:39 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'I can't say whether it came from the island or elsewhere. Could the kedge's storms and ceremonies generate such power? I wish I knew what was happening in Katta Castrum, but I can guess from what I've learned from the portal.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:39 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:43 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:43 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'After Firiona and Al`Kabor disappeared through the portal, I set about investigating the island and helping the shipwrecked. But shortly thereafter, the storms worsened around the portal, and I have not been able to get close to it without being beset by lightning strikes.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:43 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:51 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:51 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'I have seen bodies lying in the shallows around the floated island, scorched by the lightning and drenched by the waves. Their singed clothing is odd; they must have come from the portal, from Katta Castrum. With the huge magical blast that entered the sea, I wonder what is happening down there and whether Firiona and Al`Kabor are safe.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:22:51 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:23:00 2014] You say, 'Hail, Ognit Eznertob'
[Wed Oct 29 10:23:00 2014] Ognit Eznertob says 'I have to calm the storms, but my magic is not what it used to be. For a long while now I've been practicing my tinkering in Ak`Anon, and it's not a simple thing to recall all that Al`Kabor once taught me. If you can help quell the storms by killing air spirits on the floating island, it would make it safer for anyone trying to cross through the portal. I saw a kedge heading up that way as well. Once you've dealt with the air spirits, see if you can find him and see what is happening there.'
[Wed Oct 29 10:23:00 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
Initial dialogue
# Oct 29 2014 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:01 2014] You say, 'Hail, Krinoch Jal'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:01 2014] Krinoch Jal stares at you carefully, ready to flee at any sudden movement. 'You do not know Aldegund? She hasn't sent you to kill me? Oh, you never know, you never know...'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:01 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:07 2014] You say, 'Hail, Krinoch Jal'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:08 2014] Krinoch Jal says 'Or perhaps Kelpin Larch or Bindess Lon will do it? They keep the storms swirling on this island you're standing on, so why wouldn't they hire a sailor to slit my throat? And to think I once believed in the idea...'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:08 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:09 2014] You say, 'Hail, Krinoch Jal'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:18 2014] You say, 'Hail, Krinoch Jal'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:18 2014] Krinoch Jal says 'The idea that perhaps Karana would hear us, that he would take pity on us more than Prexus has. Still we suffer, but Karana does not hear us. And now Prexus sends a beam from the sky to destroy the sea... we have sinned against him!'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:18 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] You say, 'Hail, Krinoch Jal'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] Krinoch Jal says 'The sea coughed and spat like the angriest surf you've ever seen, and there was a terrible glow that dove deep into the dark water. Then they began arriving through the portal: Combine from Katta Castrum, escaping some calamity. A few made it through only to be struck down by the storms. If only I could stop this [madness]...'
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] Your task 'A Rising Storm' has been updated.
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] You have received a replay timer for 'A Rising Storm': 0d:6h:0m remaining.
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] You receive 75 platinum .
[Wed Oct 29 10:38:24 2014] You gain experience!!
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