The Doomscale Horde  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 06:00:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Oct 8 05:11:42 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

This group mission begins with Commander Galenth (click for map image) in the Ethernere Tainted West Karana.

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 95
- Completed "Overcoming the Cataclysm"
- Completed "Not of this World"
- Completed "Answering the Call"

You say, 'Hail, Commander Galenth'

Without pre-requisites, you see:

Commander Galenth says 'What?! I'm busy right now! Talk to Guard Jacobson if you're so eager to help!'

With pre-requisites, you see:

Commander Galenth says 'So, have you figured out what you are yet, _____? Are you a [worshiper] of the dragon, or are you a [killer] of the dragon lovers?'

You say, 'I'm a killer... Yes...'

Commander Galenth says 'That's what I need, _____: the ones who worship battle! Since we're in a pinch, though, you'll do. We don't have much time. Can you muster a [small] force or a [large] one?'

You say, 'I have a small force'

Commander Galenth says 'Making yourself useful...good! [Ready] your force!'

You have been assigned the task 'The Doomscale Horde'.


- Say "help" to start the event.
- Kill off five timed waves of adds while keeping Commander Galenth alive (he can be healed).
- Kill Deathmaster Sarenth.

Speak to Commander Galenth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

You say, 'Hail, Commander Galenth'

Commander Galenth says '_____! It's about time you got here! You're slower than Wagsley, and that's damn slow! Jacobson's still fooling around, trying to call reinforcements from Qeynos. We're on our own now! Are you prepared for death? You should be; it's been a slaughterhouse here. The damn cultists have been [attacking]!

You say, 'Attacking?'

Commander Galenth says 'Don't stand there thinking about the lovers you'll never have, or the mountains you'll never climb, or the ale you'll never drink! Grab your weapons and [help]! With my strength, my brains, and your shields of meat, we just might pull through this!'

You say, 'We'll help!'

Commander Galenth shouts 'Stand fast! Here they come again!'

This begins the event.

NOTE: At no time should you get near the sentinels on the opposite side of the event area. If you do so, you get death touched.

Survive the attacking waves of the Doomscale Horde 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Here, you will have five waves of mobs to contend with. You can't let the Commander die, or the event resets to the beginning.

This emote indicates another wave has just spawned and is on its way in:

Commander Galenth says 'Fight for your homes! Fight for Qeynos! Fight for whatever the hell will make you tear the cultists apart! None shall live!'

This is the emote you see if you kill a wave before the next one spawns:

Commander Galenth says 'You almost make me proud! You fight with intensity I've not seen since...well...when I used to spar as a new recruit! Stay alert! We're not out of this yet!'

These two emotes appear to be random:

Commander Galenth shouts 'Impressive! You actually managed to kill a few of them! But don't get full of yourself. Those damn cultists won't give up so easily!'

Commander Galenth flings the blood off his blade. 'The madness never ends! Here they come again!'

After the fifth wave, you get a named "Deathmaster Sarenth".

Kill Deathmaster Sarenth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

Deathmaster Sarenth casts "Massive Strike" and "Blazing Rain", and buffs itself with "Reflective Skin".

Massive Strike: Directional 35', (0)
1: Knockback (12) and Toss Up (8)
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 37590

Blazing Rain: AE 50', Fire (-940)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 31200 per tick (4 ticks)

Reflective Skin: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 50%

Open the chest of the Doomscale Horde 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

The chest is called "Doomscale Cult Coffers."

Task Rewards:
262 platinum, 5 gold

Possible Chest Loot (1 item + 0-1 armor pieces + 0-1 spells per task):

Cerulean Thumper
Horn of Howling Horrors
Jonthan's Extensive Octavo
Second Sight Lantern
Spirit of the Wind

Bracer of Latent Ether
Gloves of Latent Ether
Helm of Latent Ether
Leggings of Latent Ether

Song: Psalm of the Forsaken Rk. II
Spell: Aegis of the Keeper Rk. II
Spell: Natural Unity Rk. II
Spell: Putrescent Decay Rk. II
Spell: Soulrip Rk. II
Spell: Spiritual Surge Rk. II
Tome: Holdout Blade Rk. II
Tome: Phantom Apparition Rk. II
Tome: Sting of the Wasp Rk. II
Tome: Thief's Vision Rk. II
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AE Hate Generator Helps
# Oct 07 2023 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Did this today playing my 113 Pally and dragging along hubby's 112 wiz. 1 cleric merc and 1 fighter merc. Tried a few different tactics and kept failing. Finally used two AA click AE Hate generators - worked like a charm. Also kept switching targets and stunning, trying to keep them off Galenth.
115 ranger with molo tried
# Aug 17 2020 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Failed 4 times so i logged on my enc and hasted the guards and aoe the mobs inc commander seems he dies faster when hes attacking and worked out good. mobs had very little hps and final mob was easy agro for my ranger and a few headshots later we won! yay

AOE for the Win
# Nov 19 2016 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
We just tried this mission (several times today). We had the best luck with DRU healing, lots of buffs on commander and his pals ...... and best of all...... AOE Nukes by ENC and MAG!!! ... Also, DRU and BARD casting AOE ROOT and SNARE so as to keep some of the mobs away.

Mobs don't have a lot of hit points..... they go down pretty fast with AOE.

TEAM: DRU, BARD, MAGE, ENC .... Merc Tank and Healer. Note: Merc Healer does NOT heal the NPCs.... hence DRU dedicated healer.

We didn't get the kill this evening, but excited about what we learned. Going to try it again in the morning.

BTW: We are all Level 99.
Feels impossible
# Apr 10 2016 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
For this being the very first progression mission in Call of the Forsaken, and everyone now being 2 expansions past this (The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror), I'm quite simply speechless at how difficult this mission is. My group consisted of lvl 105 warrior, monk, cleric, shaman, magician and bard, TBM group-geared. We tried numerous times and were unable to complete this mission. Commander Galenth takes way too many hits and dies almost instantly, even with the warrior AE taunting at the start of each wave. Divine intervention and both healers spam healing Galenth was still insufficient to keep him alive.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Edited, Apr 10th 2016 3:15pm by MateoM1982
# Aug 28 2015 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
3,032 posts
After completing TDS progression, decided to go back and do CoTF, which I never tackled originally. For what they're worth, I will be providing "notes" of my experiences in advancing thru these missions.

This mission, the group form, is kind of strange. The first time we tried it, the Commander got killed almost immediately. Which isn't that big a deal since it just re-sets the mission and you can try again. The second time he was much stouter and survived just with an occasional heal from our druid. Basically you can let the Commander and his aides handle the entire mission! I found it was problematic to use an enchanter for crowd control since enough of the mobs resist mez (or are unmezzable) that keeping her alive became a bigger chore than healing the Commander. If your group stands right behind the Commander, he and his co-horts do all the tanking and taunting, it seems, and your group barely has to do anything.

The final fight, yes this would have been a challenge at 95, maybe even at 100. At 105, it's trivial. Just need to cast a couple of group heals to offset the bad guy's aoe damage spell. We never experienced any knockbacks at all. I've done this mission as a raid instance and the knockbacks were a constant problem. I guess in his group form the Deathmaster's spells are a lot easier to resist.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Boxed it with no deaths - here is the stratagy !
# Oct 25 2014 at 10:30 PM Rating: Default
Required - ONE real CLERIC (not merc) (though a druid and or shaman could probably do just as well)

Task does not Lock until 3rd wave so can zone in just don't hail and say help till u are ready

masses of mobs - too many for most tanks to hold off Commander Galenth so don't try. Instead BUFF him and his mates with haste, United cert and shinning bastion and any other single target buff you can find. This way he and his mates will do most of the work for you. Note haste is de-buffed after 2nd wave so redo it others stayed on.

stand back and only use ae spells, set merc wiz to AE (thanks to whoever said that) Commander Galenth held agro against merc wiz on ae burn very impressive.

and the trick - have clr put the commander on extended target and cast promised heal and heal over time on Commander Galenth before mobs arrive then chain cast single target heals on Commander Galenth and if a dot hits your group usee epic and a splash.

All mobs die so quick the heal over time almost outlasts the wave. ( u need retrain your self not to worry about aggro. After the Commander Galenth has agro he keeps it)
dont put yourself between Commander Galenth and the attackers as you will likely die then they will kill him anyway

Cannot redo it for 5 hrs (
GROUP Makeup
I BOXED ranger (not much use) MAGE very usefull with rain and beams and Clr essentual for buffs and heals etc on Commander Galenth
USED 1 merc tank one merc wiz and 1 merc healer

OK tried to repeat above and failed 4 times ( seems mission has geared up since i beat it. getting 1 or two red mobs almost every wave now

Edited, Oct 26th 2014 10:03am by Plonk
# Sep 22 2014 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Couple of question's on this mission/task
#1 How many mobs are in each wave?
#2 Are there any mobs that need to be taken out first that are stronger?
#3 Are mercs allowed?
# Sep 27 2014 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
bryson1613 wrote:
Couple of question's on this mission/task
#1 How many mobs are in each wave?
#2 Are there any mobs that need to be taken out first that are stronger?
#3 Are mercs allowed?

1) Many. At least 5, no more than 10 (guessing)
2) Wardens, I believe. At least, in the raid version that's true. (Group and raid are essentially the same on every other thing with this mission)
3) Haven't tried, but should be, sure.
# Aug 23 2014 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
2 Burning Steel Broadblade dropped tonight.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
# Jan 15 2014 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
Kill Deathmaster Sarenth 0/1 (Ethernere Tainted West Karana)

My group and I did not get pet out far enough and Sarenth aggrod the Commander.....I could not pull him off and he killed the Commander.....Once this happened,the task failed and needed to be restarted....Task window showed 5 waves complete but since Sarent killed the Commander,all5 waves needed to be killed again..........As far as the 5 waves go,CC is your friend.....If you have a bard or a enc,then simlpy mez what you can until the last mob of the wave is dead....Rinse repeat X 5.........Dropped

  • Edited, Jan 15th 2014 3:37am by Zaleric

    Edited, Jan 15th 2014 3:37am by Zaleric
    Zaleric Dacleric
    105 Cleric
    # Nov 06 2014 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
    did the 2hander weapons drop in Raid or Group mission ?
    How I won!!
    # Dec 18 2013 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    6 attempt. It took 3 j5 healers but I recommend a tank merc if u have extra pc healers. Magi chanter ranger 3 box. J5 clerics x3 .. My style was run out and meet then Head on! They auto Agro commander pets and nukes. Get way out there and fight. Keep them attack your party. Yoyo health to your party but three healers on different stances held great. Guards will charge out to help randomly :-) Magi beamed and rained for Agro. Chanter gain attention from aoe stuns and ranger aoe attack and ae root !! Ranger stood on commander it seem to work chain casting cascade and running into them. First three wave he stayed above 80 percent woot. Rd 4 scared me he dropped to 18 percent but I tried healing him and it worked. Got him full Heath with ranger after alot of heals!!
    Rd 5 was smooth and seemed like more monsters but we made it with commander at 50%
    This is why I say you want to tank when named came in my pet held Agro fine but commander took the beating. And the named will destroy him so you have to improvise if done my way with three clerics !! I had t pop everything to mitigate with ranger taunting and both mag and chanter ready to get hit next. After the aa abilities wore off I pop weaponshield when that drop my ranger dropped but 10 percent left to go I backed off and let commander take it for Some. Commander dropped to 10 % so ran chanter in to ae blur then nuked hard with chanter till chanter died and named died. Lol
    I didn't think this all through before i started and took a hour n a half
    If you know what you are doing lol 35 40 mins. Tonight is the test if I have learned !!! Common first attempt !
    To the magi n chanter. They could take 5 or 6 unslowed mobs beating on he I just walked backwards cause it's scarey n much safer till u gr healed or loss Agro so u can blast again !! To beams n stuns!! Clerics heal u not commander so take it like a man !!!

    Home is bertoxxulous !!!
    Another spell drop
    # Nov 09 2013 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
    93 posts
    Also drops the Rk II spell Remote Relentless Servant
    Since the "Fix"
    # Nov 09 2013 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    We just tried this for the first time since the update, and it is messed up. Commander Galenth lost a third of his hit points before the first wave even reached us. He did not engage properly, although his men did. The same thing happened in the other waves, and in the supposedly last wave Sarenth showed up instead of by himself as it was previously. Also, with that wave more came in to aid Sarenth. This was a RoF T4/T3 and some CoF T1 raid geared group.
    Since the "Fix"
    # Nov 24 2013 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    eqenchanter wrote:
    We just tried this for the first time since the update, and it is messed up. Commander Galenth lost a third of his hit points before the first wave even reached us. He did not engage properly, although his men did. The same thing happened in the other waves, and in the supposedly last wave Sarenth showed up instead of by himself as it was previously. Also, with that wave more came in to aid Sarenth. This was a RoF T4/T3 and some CoF T1 raid geared group.

    We tried it today..and on the first wave we had at least 15 mobs and the big Boss all in the first wave.. Terribly bugged at the moment. ( We dropped the task, got it again..and that time we still had 15 mobs..but no Boss. We gave up at that point and will wait til we hear that the patch has been patched and hopefully fixed.
    # Oct 13 2013 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
    23 posts
    Got the Tome: Phantom Apparition Rk. II from chest
    Cerulean Thumper
    # Oct 13 2013 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
    2 posts
    Everybody need prerequisites?
    # Oct 12 2013 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
    125 posts
    Does everybody in the group need the prerequisite tasks done, or can just the requestor?

    100 Gnomish Enchanter
    Final Assault
    Everybody need prerequisites?
    # Oct 12 2013 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
    125 posts
    I got my answer, I was able to task add a friend at the beginning. Got the aug as well as the cap template.
    chest loot
    # Oct 10 2013 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
    157 posts
    Drops Steel Visor of Determination, dunno how to upload a photo to lucys or anything.
    Death Touched
    # Oct 09 2013 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Sentinels will death touch if you get too close.
    Add to Loot
    # Oct 09 2013 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
    24 posts
    # Oct 09 2013 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    you *can* buff (single target buffs, not group buffs even with /tgb on) and heal the commander

    The mobs are yellow (and in later waves some are red) to 100 but have very low hitpoints (200-400k)
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    Chest Loot
    # Oct 09 2013 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
    5 posts
    Put mercs on AOE Burn, AOE taunted on my Shadowknight
    Took all but 12 minutes? 13 minutes to finish.
    It also drops a warrior only weapon, unfortunately I didn't get to screen cap it.

    Had the following loot:

    Chest Loot
    # Oct 27 2014 at 6:47 AM Rating: Default
    Thanks for tip on pet AE Burn works well :)
    Level scaling?
    # Oct 09 2013 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
    Does this mission scale with your level or is it set level? I see that 85 is the prerequisite above, but if the mobs are level 100 every time, a group of 85s would get smoked!
    Level scaling?
    # Jan 06 2014 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
    128 posts
    I don't know, but even at level 100 most of the mobs are yellow and red con, and we destroy them easily.
    Vaal Halen
    115 Bard
    Council of Norrath
    Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
    # Oct 09 2013 at 12:10 AM Rating: Excellent
    24 posts
    Upon hailing Commander Galenth inside the instance:

    Commander Galenth says 'Rahkemo! It's about time you got here! You're slower than Wagsley, and that's damn slow! Jacobson's still fooling around, trying to call reinforcements from Qeynos. We're on our own now! Are you prepared for death? You should be; it's been a slaughterhouse here. The damn cultists have been [attacking]!

    Rahkemo says: attacking

    Commander Galenth says 'Don't stand there thinking about the lovers you'll never have, or the mountains you'll never climb, or the ale you'll never drink! Grab your weapons and [help]! With my strength, my brains, and your shields of meat, we just might pull through this!'

    Upon saying 'help':

    Commander Galenth shouts 'Stand fast! Here they come again!'

    Throughout the event, he says different strings:

    Commander Galenth says 'You almost make me proud! You fight with intensity I've not seen since...well...when I used to spar as a new recruit! Stay alert! We're not out of this yet!'
    Commander Galenth flings the blood off his blade. 'The madness never ends! Here they come again!'
    Commander Galenth shouts 'Impressive! You actually managed to kill a few of them! But don't get full of yourself. Those damn cultists won't give up so easily!'
    Commander Galenth says 'Fight for your homes! Fight for Qeynos! Fight for whatever the hell will make you tear the cultists apart! None shall live!'


    Commander Galenth can be buffed and healed by players.

    Five waves, consisting of 6-10 mobs per wave, all yellow-red to L100. Didn't hit too hard and had relatively low HP. (I suggest bards load up Protan's Melodic Binding to help out the tank), some stunnable, all unmezzable.

    A Doomscale Rake A Doomscale Warden casts Hail of Arrows

    Parsed Deathmaster Sarenth at ~3.16million hp.

    Chest loot consisted of:

    Edited, Oct 9th 2013 2:15am by Rahkemo

    Edited, Oct 9th 2013 4:57pm by Rahkemo
    Chest Loot
    # Oct 08 2013 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
    In chest was an aug, Spirit of the Wind. We had to contend with 5 waves of mobs before name.

    Edited, Oct 8th 2013 7:57pm by Ziban
    Chest Loot
    # Oct 08 2013 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Ziban wrote:
    In chest was an aug, Spirit of the Wind. We had to contend with 5 waves of mobs before name.

    Edited, Oct 8th 2013 7:57pm by Ziban

    Please upload this to Lucy. You can download our Item Collector and run it as you play EQ:

    Edited, Oct 8th 2013 5:05pm by Fleven
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