Serving the Triumvirate  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Alaran Language:88
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Era:Veil of Alaris
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 13 22:01:39 2011
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Veil of Alaris Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This is a solo task that starts with Thado Penn in the Sepulcher of Order (located at about 1125, -360, 26 -- in the northeastern part of the zone).

Pre-requisites for requesting the task:
- No tasks
- 88 Skill Level in Alaran

You say, 'Hail, Thado Penn'

Thado Penn says, in Alaran, 'What am I going to do? I can't take this anymore! Oh, sorry. What are you doing here? You better leave, before you are forced into that cult or killed. Myself, I've given up. I was part of a team exploring this continent, and the rest of my team is dead or missing. I was going to just throw myself into one of these pools and end it. I can't do anything without my [friends].'

You say, 'Your friends?'

Thado Penn says, in Alaran, 'Yes. The ones still alive joined that awful group, the Thelasa of Order. Their only purpose is to serve the Triumvirate, the Alaran gods that are the cause of all of this mess. Of my team, the ones that are still alive have joined the cult. They are Mooli, an expert in precious stones, Dunia, our tracker and survival expert, Rayneth, our cartographer, and Jordi, our cook. I fear they are all dead, now. The cult forces them to do dangerous jobs. If they were alive, though, I'd have a reason to keep going. Maybe together we could get out of here. Would you please help me? I have no one else to turn to.'

You have been assigned the task 'Serving the Triumvirate'.

Convince Eselren you wish to join the Thelasa of Order to find Thado Penn's friends.

Talk with Thado Penn 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

You say, 'Hail, Thado Penn'

Thado Penn says 'Thank you so much! You'll need to find Thesalra Eselren to join. You can find Eselren in this part of Sepulcher, near the other high-ranking members. I'd show you myself, but I'm afraid they'll kill me.'

Speak with Thelasa Eselren in Sepulcher 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Thelasa is found in the entrance area of the complex due north of the zone-in (east of the entrance room at about 430, -320, 12).

You say, 'Hail, Thelasa Eselren'

Thelasa Eselren says, in Alaran, 'I see, so you wish to join the Thelasa of Order? A wise decision. Do not be alarmed. If you surive the intiation, you will be well rewarded once the Triumvirate has gained the power it needs. You will see. I must say I'm glad to see some new blood from your kind. I've lost plenty of recent initiates to the tasks I have in store for you, and I assume they are dead. I am confident you are made of sterner stuff, however. Speak to me again when you are prepared.'

Agree to join the Thelasa of Order 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Hail her again.

You say, 'Hail, Thelasa Eselren'

Thelasa Eselren says, in Alaran, 'I'm glad you've decided to join. Here are your tasks. You will need to prepare the remains in West Sepulcher in honor of Sholoth. Deliver the decayed remains scattered about to the graves. You'll also find the hungry plants of Lunayn in West Sepulcher. Take this fertilizer to feed them. In East Sepulcher, you will need to feed the beasts of Kolos with the oashim present. Also in East Sepulcher, test the strength of the tidal beasts of Oseka by combating them. Do you undestand all this? You had better, or you will end up dead.'

You receive 5x "Unusual Fertilizer". This also opens up steps 4, 6, 8, and 10.

Task Window Says: Complete the tasks issued by the Thelasa of Order to find out what happened to Thado's friends. In West Sepulcher in the area of decay, find the scattered remains of decaying corpses and bring them to the graves. In West Sepulcher in the area of tides, combat the beasts nearby. In East Sepulcher in the area of fertility, feed the plants the fertilizer granted by Eselren. In East Sepulcher in the area of beasts, feed the starving beasts with the oashim meat near the cages.

Bring the decayed remains to the graves in West Sepulcher 0/3 (Sepulcher West)

Decayed Remains are ground spawns in the Decay area of Sepulcher West (southwestern-most part of the zone). These appear on the ground as finger bones. Once you have them, walk over a grave to get an update. Do this three times to update this step (Note: You don't have to go to different graves).

Discover the fate of Dunia 0/1 (Sepulcher West)

Task Window Says: You find an engraved sheath with Dunia's name on it. She must be around here somewhere.

Hail Dunia (location -640, 1560, -70 -- in the far southwestern corner).

You say, 'Hail, Dunia'

Dunia stands before you, one of Thado's friends. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do for her now. She has been killed and returned as a zombie.

Fertilize the hungry plants in East Sepulcher 0/5 (Sepulcher East)

Hungry plants are found in the Fertility section of Sepulcher East (southernmost section).

Discover the fate of Mooli 0/1 (Sepulcher East)

Task Window Says: You find the remains of an Order member in a plant. Maybe Mooli was eaten by one?

Kill a hungry plant and loot Mooli's Corpse.

Feed the beasts in East Sepulcher 0/2 (Sepulcher East)

This is the room east of the Sentry Stone of Kolos.

Kill a plump Oashim (low HPs) and loot "Oashim Meat". The oashim respawn fairly quickly. NOTE: The plump Oashim have bad pathing. If you try to pull them into the entrance tunnel, be careful of getting adds.

There is a mob called "a starving beast" right outside the fourth tunnel camp that you can give the meat to.

Discover the fate of Rayneth 0/1 (Sepulcher East)

Task Window Says: You find a scribbled note for help signed by Rayneth. He must be nearby.

Rayneth is in the same room where the Oashim are (northwest corner, just south of the second tunnel clockwise from the entrance tunnel at 460, -1600, -65).

You say, 'Hail, Rayneth'

Rayneth is unmoving. Unfortunately, it appears he has been dead for awhille, and bite marks of various beasts cover the remains of his body.

Test the strength of the tide beasts in West Sepulcher 0/4 (Sepulcher West)

Kill four tide mobs in the Tides section of Sepulcher West (this is the first area north of the decay section). Armored tideshells and tide drifters count towards this step.

Discover the fate of Jordi 0/1 (Sepulcher West)

Task Window Says: You hear a cry for help nearby! Jordi must be near.

Hail Jordi at location 180, 2100, -230 (in a corner in the southeastern part of the Tides area).

You say, 'Hail, Jordi'

Jordi says 'Don't hurt me! Wait, did Thado send you? I was supposed to fight these horrible creatures, but I'll be killed. I can't do this. Tell Thado as soon as I can, I'll make it out of here and join him. The Order members will leave me alone, so I just need to avoid the creatures. Together, we'll escape. Thank you.'

Give a report to Thelasa Eselren 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Task Window Says: Report to Thelasa Eselren that you have completed the tasks.

You say, 'Hail, Thelasa Eselren'

Thelasa Eselren says, in Alaran, 'So you have finished all the tasks, and come back alive? Excellent. You should be a fine addition to the Order. Remember, the gods need our faith. It is our duty to provide it to usher in this new world.'

Return to Thado Penn 0/1 (Sepulcher of Order)

Task Window Says: Return to Thado Penn and inform him of the fate of his friends, and that Jordi will be joining him shortly.

You say, 'Hail, Thado Penn'

Thado Penn listens to your report, looking more miserable by the second until you inform him that Jordi has survived and is coming to join him. 'Really? That is a bit of good news then! We can escape since Jordi is trusted by the Order to a degree. Thank you again for all you have done. I will mourn for my friends at the proper time, assuming Jordi and I get out of here alive.'

225 platinum
Experience (about 2 AAs at Level 95)
Eltarki's Diary - Altar of Blood
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Unusual Fertilizer
# Nov 23 2012 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Whatever you do, don't give the Unusual Fertilizer to the Hungry Plant, he takes it quite happily, no update, no fertilizer to complete quest with.

Also, there is only 1 fertilizer, and only one hungry plant update in the quest now.
Graeme Faelban, 125 Barbarian Shaman, Erollisi Marr
<Phoenix Ascending>
Unusual Fertilizer
# Jun 27 2014 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
I suspect part of this post was a typo.

You DO give the Unusual Fertilizer to the Hungry Plant. We tried clicking it, running near the hungry plant, trying other ones. Ultimately we got the updates by handing it to the Hungry Plant. All three of us did it to the same hungry plant and all three had our tasks update.
Task Info
# Feb 03 2012 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Convince Eselren you wish to join the Thelasa of Order to find Thado Penn’s friends.

Complete the tasks issued by the Thelasa of Order to find out what happened to Thado’s friends.
In West Sepulcher in the area of decay, find the scattered remains of decaying corpses and bring them to the graves.
In West Sepulcher in the area of tides, combat the beasts nearby.
In East Sepulcher in the area of fertility, feed the plants the fertilizer granted by Eselren.
In East Sepulcher in the area of beasts, feed the starving beasts with the oashim meat near the cages.

Talk to Thado Penn
Speak to Thelasa Eselren in Sepulcher
Agree to join the Thelasa of Order
Bring the decayed remains to the graves in West Sepulcher (0/3) (off Sentry Stone of Lunanyn)
Discover the fate of Dunia
Fertilize the hungry plants in East Sepulcher (0/1)
Discover the fate of Mooli
Feed the beasts in East Sepulcher (0/2)
- Room is east of the Sentry Stone of Kolos
- Kill a plump Oashim (low HPs), loot Oashim Meat. Oashim respawn fairly quick.
- The plump Oashim have bad pathing. If you try to pull them into the entrance tunnel be careful of getting adds. We had deaths several times from bad pathing.
- We setup camp in the 4th tunnel clockwise from the entrance tunnel (loc 500, neg 1900, neg 70). We had to clear some, but was easier than trying to pull to the entrance with the bad plump Oashim pathing. Be careful of see invis mobs.
- Legend of Kolos is see invis
- There is a starving beast right outside the 4th tunnel camp, that you can give the meat to.
Discover the fate of Rayneth
- Rayneth is in the same room where the Oashim are in the NW corner. (just south of the 2nd tunnel clockwise from the entrance tunnel)
Test the strength of the tide beasts in West Sepulcher (0/4) (off sentry stoneof Oseka)
Discover the fate of Jordi
Give a report to Thelasa Eselren
Return to Thado Penn

Task Info
# Jan 21 2012 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Talk to Thado Penn

Speak to Thelasa Eselren in Sepulcher
- Loc 448, neg 358, 14 in Sepulcher of Order

Agree to join the Thelasa of Order
- Receive Unusual Fertilizer

Bring the decayed remains to the graves in West Sepulcher (0/3) (off Sentry Stone of Lunanyn)
- Loot 3 Decayed Remains (loc neg 440, 1370, neg 65) ground spawns. Look like finger bones.
- Walk over the grave with Decayed Remains in inventory and you’ll get an update. Will have to back off, and then approach grave second time to get next update. Don’t have to go to different graves.

Discover the fate of Dunia
- Hail Dunia (loc neg 640, 1560, neg 70)

Fertilize the hungry plants in East Sepulcher (0/1)
- Neg 230, neg 1080, neg 33

Discover the fate of Mooli
- Kill hungry plant and loot Mooli’s Corpse

Feed the beasts in East Sepulcher (0/2)

Test the strength of the tide beasts in West Sepulcher (0/4) (off sentry stoneof Oseka)
- Kills 4 mobs (loc 750, 2500, neg 200) (armored tideshell, tide drifter)

Discover the fate of Jordi
- Hail Jordi (loc 180, 2100, neg 230)

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