Hunters' Bounty  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:95
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Alaran Language:73
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Era:Veil of Alaris
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Nov 21 19:33:18 2011
Modified: Sat Feb 8 15:50:13 2020
Veil of Alaris Information & Guides: An Overview | Group Progression & Task List | Raid Progression | Visible Armor

This solo kill/collection task begins with Hunter Bindani in the Beasts' Domain, located at -3600, 600, -11 (in the far southern part of the upper half of the zone).

Pre-requisites for requesting the task:
- No tasks
- 73 Skill Level in Alaran

You say, 'Hail, Hunter Bindani'

Hunter Bindani says, in Alaran, 'Have you seen the hill yet? It surges with Kolos' power. Only the most powerful of beasts can hold the sacred hill. It is these beasts that I hunt. Perhaps you can [help] me.'

You say, 'I'll help'

Hunter Bindani says, in Alaran, 'Seek out the mighty beasts that hold the hill and collect some parts from them. Only one type of beast can hold the hill at a time, so this hunt will require some time and luck. I think you're up to the challenge though. Am I [correct]?'

You have been assigned the task 'Hunters' Bounty'.

You have agreed to take part in the Hunters' Bounty! You are to hunt the various empowered creatures that appear when a beast claims control of the hill where Kolos is buried.

Collect various body parts from the empowered minions of the current king of the hill. You will need to kill the current king as well, to ensure that different beasts have a chance to become king. Deliver the body parts to Hunter Bindani.

You say, 'Correct!'

Hunter Bindani says, in Alaran, 'Good hunting to you then! Oh, and be careful. The beasts near the hill are more powerful than elsewhere in the forest.'

The eight items all come from the "empowered" mobs that surround the king's hill in the center of the Beasts' Domain. To get the mob type to switch, you have to kill their king (located in the very center). Once the king is dead, all empowered mobs despawn and a new set spawns a few minutes later.

Empowered creatures hit for a max ~12,500 while the king itself generally hits for around ~13,800. None of them have any AEs or any other special attacks.

Collect a Pristine Grendlaen Pelt from an Empowered Grendlaen 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Binaesa Skin from an Empowered Binaesa 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect an Ancient Piece of Bark from an Empowered Izon 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Crocodile Hide from an Empowered Crocodile 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Goral Hide from an Empowered Goral 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Ape Fur from an Empowered Ape 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Raptor Hide from an Empowered Raptor 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Collect a Pristine Wyvern Hide from an Empowered Wyvern 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Grendlaen Pelt to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Binaesa Skin to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Ancient Piece of Bark to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Crocodile Hide to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Goral Hide to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Ape Fur to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Raptor Hide to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Deliver the Pristine Wyvern Hide to Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

Speak with Hunter Bindani 0/1 (Beasts' Domain)

410 platinum
Experience (2.5 AAs at Level 95 -- this may vary based on your AA count)
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King of the Hill
# May 10 2020 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
484 posts
My experience differed from yizudien. I didn't have to respawn the hill. Maybe it was because i had the zone all to myself as i never once saw another player in the zone at any point in time.
Loot Poofs
# Feb 06 2017 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Be sure to loot all items from the empowered before you kill the king as the corpses disappear along with the king, leaving items in the advanced loot window that you cannot loot or distribute to your party.
Camp placement
# Apr 07 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I set up my camp under Yahnoa and was able to mostly pull just two empowerd mobs, then the king. I did get a few prowlers but not many. Hope this helps.
Camp placement
# May 19 2014 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
This worked very well, thanks. Far less roamers on that side. Avoid the West and South, seemed to have roamers pop during pulls.
# Feb 20 2012 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Couple of things:
1. Do not burn lesson the mobs, while yellow and red give out crap exp not even half of what a standard kill is in BD. I am sure this is done to make it undesirable for anyone to sit there and kill them then repop them over and over again.

2. The Order that they take the hill is random..... Woot! I had to respawn the hill (which isnt too bad you can work it to where you kill one of the regular mobs then pulled the king) 10 or 12 times waiting for crocs to spawn after I was done with all the other guys.

3. You get 2.5 aa ish I think with double exp week I got five on hailing this guy.
# Jan 20 2012 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
Really you are only killing 16 mobs if you're lucky. Not that bad:P Although the King mobs are a bit tough. Have a lot of hps. Empowered..not so much. Just like other trash.
# Feb 09 2014 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Actually only 15.
this sucks
# Jan 13 2012 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
yeah, long task as you may have guessed.

I don't like it.
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