Catastrophic Power  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:House of Thule
    Group Size:Group
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Nov 11 22:54:36 2010
    Modified: Sun Apr 14 07:05:23 2013
    This is a group progression task that begins with Elard Velsorn in the upper floors of the House of Thule (just outside the zone-in to Al'Kabor's Nightmare).

    You must have completed the Al'Kabor tasks "The Rivervale Ruins", "Wastelands of Everfrost", and "Faydark's Shadow" in order to request this task.

    Note: The Well mission "What Lies Below" also used to be required. However, a patch on December 8, 2010, eliminated this requirement.

    You say, 'Hail, Elard Velsorn'

    Elard Velsorn says 'You traverse these halls with ease and purpose, unlike many of the denizens I see wandering about mindlessly. Tell me, does the house not hold [power] over you?'

    You say, 'Power over me?'

    Elard Velsorn says 'It seems some of the most powerful [beings] have been held captive by their dreams while here in this house. It's a curious thing, to be certain.'

    You say, 'What beings?'

    Elard Velsorn says 'I came here, trailing the infamous wizard, Al`Kabor. I've always had my suspicions about his abilities, but the fact that the house chose to ensnare him in [sleep] must mean there is more to him than he lets on.'

    You say, 'His sleep?'

    Elard Velsorn says 'He rests, rather tumultuously. I'm immensely curious what plagues his mind. Those who are able to [enter] his dreams might gain insight into the true nature of Al`kabor and see a side that he seems to keep hidden from the waking world.'

    You say, 'I'll enter the dreams...'

    Elard Velsorn says '[Proceed] with caution and a keen eye, _____.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Catastrophic Power'.

    You have entered the dreams of the infamous wizard, Al'Kabor, and have been tasked with discovering what troubles him in his sleep.

    Say "proceed" to zone into the instance.

    Mobs in this task hit for a max ~7,000 and are all mezzable. All but the ice giants are stunnable. None are linked to each other, so they can all be split. None see invisibility, so you can set up wherever you'd like.

    Investigate the source of the screams 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Oh, please! Will someone help get these critters away from me?!

    Shoo, pests! Shoo!

    A little ways east from the zone-in, you'll find Dreezil in a ruined hut with three angry snakes nearby.

    Defend Dreezil from the angry snakes 0/3 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Defend Dreezil from the angry beetles 0/3 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Note: Once the snakes are dead, someone has to move to Dreezil's location in order to activate the beetles. The same goes for the wasps in the next step.

    Defend Dreezil from the angry wasps 0/3 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Speak to Dreezil 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    You say, 'Hail, Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip'

    Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip says 'Well hello there, _____. Welcome to the end of the world, and many thanks for saving my hide. I'm not sure how long I would have made it if you hadn't of shown up. Of course I've always said that as long as you're alive there's no point in giving up. You can stop [fighting back] once you're dead.'

    You say, 'Fighting back?'

    Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip says 'Ah, well, not much that I can see to do to make things better. I mean, heck, everything just blew up.' The halfling's voice changes slightly for a moment, 'I'm too ignorant and stupid to know when I'm in trouble over my diminutive head.' Then he continues in his normal voice, not missing a beat or appearing to notice what just happened. 'I suppose there's enough food for now, though the deputies are having trouble. I just wish I knew [what happened].'

    You say, 'What happened?'

    Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip says 'I really don't know. I can't even remember anything before this happened. Whatever it was must have caused me to black out, and I woke up locked up in the wall guard tower. All the guards I talked to remember, or, well, don't remember it the same way. It's like the whole world shut off and restarted with a huge [explosion].'

    You say, 'An explosion?'

    Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip says 'Shattered the world, I figure. The real problem is that the only place that I can see that might have something tasty to drink is floating just out of reach. I suppose we could try [jumpin'] over to the next hunk of rock. Looks a lot like Everfrost to me. But then I'm not a fan of water, especially the frozen kind.'

    You say, 'Jumpin'?'

    Dreezil Stickens, Pocketdip says 'I was just kidding! Don't do that, you'd never make it. I know a trick, though. If you really need to get over there, all you have to do is let me know and I'll help you get to the chunk of all that's left of [Everfrost]. But I can't help feeling that there's something missing, something I need to do, or need you to do.'

    Say "Everfrost" to him to port over.

    Seek out Dagda Icefury on the Everfrost island 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Dagda Icefury is found outside a building in the northeastern part of the island.

    You say, 'Hail, Dagda Icefury'

    Dagda Icefury says 'Hello. Move aside, I need a clear field of vision. It's ridiculous that all these icy jerks survived the end of the world and so few of my kin did. I can't hold this place forever. Sooner or later I'll fall, and so will my [friends]. I can't allow that.'

    You say, 'Your friends?'

    Dagda Icefury says 'Ognit appears to have been injured in the... the whatever it was. Dabner thinks that he's physically fine, but that he's just being stubborn and refusing to regain consciousness. That seems crazy to me, but then Dabner's the healer, not me. I'm the [killer].'

    You say, 'The killer?'

    Dagda Icefury says 'I guess it takes the end of everything to force me to recognize who I really am. I've spent my life killing people to protect people that I care about. How righteous and proud I was, thinking that my strength made me and mine worthy and other people not.' As she speaks her eyes glint for a moment and a shadow seems to pass across her face. 'All I have left now are these two. Trouble makers for sure, but friends nonetheless. If we had [Ognit] we might be able to survive the next assault. There can't be an infinite number of those Marr-cursed giants.'

    You say, 'Ognit?'

    Dagda Icefury says 'Aye, Ognit. He doesn't look like much, but he's a very powerful wizard. But then, perhaps you could help. It seems to me that you have more reason to help me than to help the wretched ice giants. Stay here and help me defend my friends. Obviously I can't offer you any reward, other than my assistance in defeating them. After all, we're some of the last people alive, and those giants would kill you as readily as they would kill me and my friends. Will you [stay] and help defend them?'

    You say, 'I'll stay'

    Dagda Icefury says 'Thank you. I doubt it will be long before they decide to attack us, so prepare yourselves. I'll stay here and guard Dabner and Ognit, if you can fend off the ice giants.'

    The nearby ice giants (previously unaggro) all converge on the tower. There are six of them. They're mezzable, but not stunnable, and can be split from one another.

    Defend Dagda and her friends from the ice giants 0/6 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Speak to Dagda 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    You say, 'Hail, Dagda Icefury'

    Dagda Icefury says 'Thank you for your help. I don't know if you understand how important it is for me to have friends here at the end of all things. It's almost like I'd be hollow without them. Perhaps now with the giants dead we can think about helping those left. I've seen movement on the green chunk of land, but can't tell who or what it was. It certainly looks like [Kelethin] from here, though.'

    You say, 'Kelethin?'

    Dagda Icefury says 'I never had the sharpest eyes, but I'm fairly certain the rubble to the east is from Kelethin. I can't leave here until Ognit is better, but maybe Dabner can get you there to help out any survivors.'

    Speak to Dabner 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Dabner and Ognit are inside the building.

    You say, 'Hail, Dabner Drednever'

    Dabner Drednever says 'Hello. I'm sorry for being rude earlier, but you've saved Dagda's life, and I appreciate that. Certainly she would have gotten herself killed if you weren't here. She was talking about hiding us someplace and going out to distract the ice giants. Some fool idea about making a defensive stand at one of the edges and making it look like we fell off before she dies fighting them. Foolish. I think that girl would be happiest if she could die saving someone, the only trouble is that she's too skilled to die and too worried that we wouldn't be able to get along without her. And we probably wouldn't. No doubt [Ognit] here would have met his fate a long time ago.'

    You say, 'Ognit?'

    Dabner Drednever says 'The great Ognit Eznertob. Bah. He thinks himself the greatest wizard ever, and the greatest tinker. But he's blown up more copper contraptions than I could count. Oh, no doubt he's powerful... why you should have seen the contraption he created once while trying to make a heater for these barbarians! No doubt if Dagda hadn't smashed the thing it would have killed half the population of Halas. But he's no Solist, no Porlo. He's certainly not as powerful as... Odd, I... Well, anyway, he's my best friend, so that's enough for me. If only he'd [listen] to me.'

    You say, 'He won't listen to you?'

    Dabner Drednever says 'He never listens to me, but now he really needs to. He's in there trying to will himself dead. I don't know why, but I'm sure that's what's going on. It's almost as if... No, it can't be.' Ognit turns to Dabner with a thoughtful expression on his face. 'You always did have a magnificently powerful ability to overestimate yourself.''

    Dabner Drednever shouts, 'You are not responsible for this! Ognit, you fool, you DID NOT blow up the world! This is not your fault!'

    Ognit Eznertob stirs a bit and begins to murmur, 'Exploded. Everything exploded. Must have been me, only me.' Then in a stronger, oddly accented voice, 'I've always been foolish and free with my power. My irresponsibility was dangerous and stupid.' Immediately after speaking, Ognit falls still once again.

    Dabner Drednever says 'He obviously isn't going to listen, but I'll get through eventually. Let me see if I can get you to [Kelethin].'

    Your task 'Catastrophic Power' has been updated.

    You see, 'Get me to Kelethin...'

    Dabner Drednever says 'Good luck, and thank you.'

    Seek out Firiona Vie on the Faydark island 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Firiona Vie is found in the southeastern part of the island, overlooking the Dreadlands.

    You say, 'Hail, Firiona Vie'

    Firiona Vie says 'Hello, _____. I am glad to find others alive in this horrible world. As I stare out over the edge of existence I wonder [how] it is that this came to be. I doubt that I'll ever know, and I'm afraid all hope has been lost.'

    You say, 'How?'

    Firiona Vie says 'The only person that might know is Sionachie. She's very smart. I'm certain she could help us if only there weren't so many nasty Orcs trying to kill us.'

    Speak to Sionachie 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Sionachie is found within the ruins of Felwithe (in a tunnel just inside the front gate).

    You say, 'Hail, Sionachie Heartsinger'

    Sionachie Heartsinger smiles wanly, 'Hello,' she shakes her head, 'it's hard to believe that we few are the last people alive. I mean, sure, it seems that someone would probably be here if we were not, but why us? I can't help but think, why am I alive? [What does it mean]?

    You say, 'What does it mean?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'I really don't know. But if Dreezil, Dagda and the others are still alive, along with the four of us here, that must mean something. Sure, we're all seasoned adventurers, but there were many seasoned adventurers.' Sionachie sighs deeply. 'I'd set off and seek answers, but I cannot leave Felwithe in such a state. [Orcs] have invaded her walls.''

    You say, 'Orcs?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'I suppose they struggle like us, lone survivors living in ruins, fighting for the last square mile of land. Firiona has given up the fight, but I will not let what's left of Felwithe fall. Together we can vanquish the Orcs, and find answers to the questions that plague my mind.'

    Clear Felwithe's ruins of the orc invaders 0/6 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Orc invaders can be found wandering throughout Felwithe's ruins.

    Return to Sionachie 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    You say, 'Hail, Sionachie Heartsinger'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'The ruins of Felwithe have been reclaimed; you have my thanks, _____. I'm afraid my [questions] still linger.'

    You say, 'Questions?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'Questions, always questions. Rarely answers. I suppose if I can live long enough I might figure it out. There's something nagging in the back of my head trying to tell me the answer, but I'm apparently not ready to hear it.' She tilts her head, 'You've been to several of the remaining chunks of the world. Perhaps if I sent you to the chunk that appears to be the remnants of the Dreadlands you will be able to find the [answer].'

    You say, 'What's the answer?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'I can't help but think that there is one. Dreadlands is certainly a place of power. I will send you there if you wish. I'm not at all certain how knowing why the world ended will help me accept it, but I'm sure it will. I can send you to the [Dreadlands] chunk whenever you are ready.'

    You say, 'Send me to the Dreadlands'

    Sionachie Heartsinger says 'Stay safe, _____. I will meet you in what remains of the Dreadlands as soon as I can, and together, we will uncover the truth.'

    Confront Al'Kabor in the Dreadlands isle 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    NOTE: Sionachie despawns once you hail Al`Kabor (no one else will be able to port up to the Dreadlands isle).

    You say, 'Hail, Al`Kabor'

    Al`Kabor says 'Who are you? You don't belong here. You should be dead like the rest of them. Go away. The world is over. You're dead. The world is dead. And I have finally achieved eternal life. The irony is not lost on me. So, what happens now? Do my 'companions' have anything else to say to me, or shall we just stare at each other for a while longer?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'I see now, I finally understand. You think you blew up the world. You think that your great power is responsible for this. In your arrogance you've created this fantasy... no, this nightmare. The all-powerful Al'Kabor, learner of secrets and the greatest living wizard, and you needed your companions to show you the truth, to save you from your own fears.'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'It was Dreezil that always gave us hope, and hope is what you needed. You needed him to tell you that even though you made a terrible mistake, somehow it would be fine. You needed him to tell you that things would get better.'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'In Ognit and Dabner you saw a reflection of what you believed you had done. Those two were always getting in trouble, and yet they usually made it through unscathed. You used to call them fools, but never yourself. You thought that if those fools could recover from their mistakes, then so could you.'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'Dagda. Strong and faithful Dagda. She never gave up. She never let her friends down and was always our protector. But that wasn't what you needed from her, was it? No, you never needed help or protection. From her you needed the undying faith and love she had for those she called friends. You needed someone to love you despite what you'd done.'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'Firiona had nothing for you, did she? She was ever out of reach of your understanding. Her motivations never made sense to you, since nobility didn't exist in any part of you. So why Felwithe? Why Kelethin? Why were they not destroyed along with the rest of the world?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'Of course, I see it now! It was me. You thought of me as a fellow seeker of knowledge. I was the only one that had a chance to understand something that you couldn't grasp. And of course the thing you could never understand was yourself. After all, how can you have a true nightmare without coming to understand some horrible truth about yourself?'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'Here's the truth of it. You've spent your life reaching for a goal that you believe should be in your reach and you've been frustrated. Others have done it, others with lesser power perhaps. But those were people that never had what you had. Each of them was willing to cast aside everything for their goal, but you can't. You have friends. Not just that, but you value them, despite your self-delusions to the contrary.'

    Sionachie Heartsinger shouts 'Well, you've done it now. In this place you have allowed your friends to perish. Not by your actions but by your inaction. So now you have nothing. Nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Only now can you achieve your heart's desire. Now you may live forever. Into eternity you go, taking nothing with you.'

    Al`Kabor shouts 'Aaaaarrrr!' The once living Erudite uncurls from the racking pain of his transformation and looks about. 'So, I am completely alone, am I? Of course, you are correct. And if you are correct, then you can't really be here either, Sionachie.''

    Al`Kabor shouts 'Clever child, Sionachie. Of course, she was only clever because she was a product of my imagination, a manifestation of my power in her image. She claims that this is a dream or nightmare. I know this to be the truth. For decades I have withheld my true power. I've rightfully feared what might happen if I used all of my might, focused myself on one end. All of this came about because I grew weary of waiting for the perfect time and place to enact my plan to become immortal.'

    Al`Kabor shouts 'And so I have destroyed Norrath. It seems that only you and I remain. Perhaps now I can teach a few of you my true magics? The petty magic that I have taught to others over the years pales in comparison to my real strength!'

    Al`Kabor shouts 'Sionachie was terribly wrong. A nightmare this may be, but this is also reality. I have destroyed the world so that I might live forever. I wish it were not so, but it is. The proof lies all around you. The sadness in this all is that now that I've finally become immortal, I wish that I could die.'

    Al`Kabor writhes with anguish as his gaze falls upon you.

    Al'Kabor attacks. He hits for a max (???) and casts a few AEs:

    Abolishing Flames: PB AE 500', Fire (-700)
    1: Decrease Hitpoints by 9000 per tick
    2: Increase Curse Counter by 50

    Bone Chill: Single Target, Cold (-700)
    1: Decrease HP when cast by 37000
    2: Illusion: Skeleton

    Defeat Al'Kabor 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    Note: The task locks upon Al'Kabor's death.

    Al`Kabor has been slain by _____!
    Al`Kabor's corpse falls to the ground, sending a surge of magical energy through the air.

    Claim your reward from the ornate chest 0/1 (Al'Kabor's Nightmare)

    You have defeated the arrogant wizard, Al`Kabor, and proven to all that he is not quite as powerful as he boasts.

    Task Rewards:

    262 platinum
    50 Dream Motes
    Faction with Dream Delvers

    Known chest rewards (1 item + 1 spell per task):

    Argendev's Shroud
    Insania Stone
    Leather Gloves of Overkill
    Magical Lint
    Mammoth Bone Bow
    Mooto's Stone
    Patriarch's Bone Earring
    Spectral Bloodsword
    Vile Tormentor Skin

    Minor Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Lesser Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Median Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Greater Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Glowing Nebulous Dream Fragment
    Send a Correction
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    If you wipe on Al'Kabor, you're screwed
    # Jun 12 2013 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
    Do not hail Al'Kabor on final fight unless you are certain you can beat him. If you wipe, you have to drop the task and start over. There is no way around it. Horrendous, pitiful mission design by SOE.

    His AE and DD are nasty, so bring plenty of healing power, and enough dps to burn him down quick.
    A Couple Pointers
    # Nov 25 2012 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    When you find Dreezil (in a lil hut mid-zone), there is a patch of grass behind the hut. If you fight on the grass, you can single pull the snakes and beetles. I was unsuccessful single pulling the wasps, but I only tried twice.

    When you get to Everfrost, whoever hails Dagda needs to have an escape plan (FD, succor, something), because the ice giants converge on the hut very rapidly. On the other hand, you can pull them to the side of the hut (the side closest to the frozen river) and pick them off one at a time with single pulls. This is important, because those ice giants are dark blue to a level 95.

    When you get to Kelethin, the orcs are in Felwithe, so you need to run over. Be sure to be invis, cause everything will like to kill you otherwise (and careful of those skels). The orcs are in sets of three; three in front, three in back. You can single pull and pick them off one at a time, just find a side somewhere clear of other mobs and do it to it.

    Once you get to the Dreadlands, it's easiest if you kill all the drachnids before hitting the Al'Kabor. Al'Kabor has a nice fear spell that will send someone across the entire island. Al'Kabor has a fantastic DoT that will bring someone's health down amazingly fast.

    Best option: kill Al'Kabor as fast as you can. (Sorry, there really is no other way to do it).

    First go at the quest, we wiped. Couldn't get back to Dreadlands, had to start over. Second go at the quest, we unleashed all firepower at Al'Kabor at the get-go. Knocked him down to about 30% health in less than 15 seconds, and gutted it out from there. It was still a near thing though, because the tank ended up across the island wondering where the 'ell everybody went and had to run back to the fray.

    All in all, not bad, now that I know what I'm doing.

    Ice Giants
    # Sep 13 2012 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
    309 posts
    When I hailed and followed dialogue to the person who makes the ice giants live, I got swarmed by every ice giant, had 6 on me instantly.. Perhaps this is an isolated incident, but just a heads up to have a plan, perhaps expect this to happen and hope for the best.
    Some info
    # Jun 07 2012 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    175 posts
    All the trash mobs you have to fight have approx 550K-600K HP. (snakes, beetles, wasps, ice giants and orcs)
    Al'Kabor only has just under 700K HPs so doesn;t actually take much longer to kill. If you can burn him down quickly (under 40s) he won't get his big DD off more than once and the AE only 5 or 6 times.

    There's no need (unless you want the xp) to kill anything other than the task required mobs; I didn't see anything that could see invis. The first 3 sets by Dreezil, you can sit a short distance behind his hut and pull to there. The giants you can fight on the edge of the island directly north of the tower and the orcs you can pretty much fight in place, don't even need a splitter for these. Al'Kabor can be hailed and pulled from the hillside directly west from where he stands, nothing is near enough to aggro.

    2 Boxing a 91SK and 90 Shm, with cleric and rogue merc, this took me a bit under an hour to complete.
    ranger lewtz
    # Aug 22 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
    51 posts
    Got the mammoth bone bow
    from chest today.

    Course, as per usual, no ranger in group. Seems the best way to get the class specific drops is to make sure none of that class are with you...
    Task locking
    # May 01 2011 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    The task may lock on Alkabor's death.
    However you can not get any reinforcements once you hail him.
    Once you hail Alkabor, Sionache on the 3rd island poofs. That means it is impossible to reattempt him after a wipe or impossible to bring anyone else in task to help kill him after you hail.

    Edited, May 1st 2011 10:04pm by Vidyne
    Easiest of them all
    # Jan 13 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
    29 posts
    I'm shocked at how easy this mission is. I farm it regularly tanking with sk and botting a variety of toons (mage, bst, sham, cleric). I use a dps merc on the bot toons as even the final AE isn't so terribly bad that a quick lifetap won't save me. With HT and "burn" mode on the merc, he goes down quickly. Great aa xp and decent loot for the bots if I'm lucky.
    some spoilers and achievements
    # Dec 05 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
    56 posts
    There's no mention above, but there are the following achievements tied to this mission:
    Catastrophic Power Time Trial - complete "catastrophic power" in under 40 minutes.
    "Catastropich Power" Challenge of Toughness - complete "catastrophic power" without any player dying.
    Exterminator - defeat all drachnids before confronting Al'Kabor.

    Based on the 'defend soandso' tasks, you'd think the mobs would attack the person, this is not the case.

    The snakes and wasps seem not be be linked nor social, I fought right near the hut without issue. Nothing seemed to roam on this stage.

    The giants indeed rush the tower, afterwards they seem to wander around on their own. I pulled to behind the tower and once one was engaged the others seem to roam towards where I fought, but 2 of the giants wandered back to their spawn area.

    Al'Kabor's dialogues take a while to pan out, don't be like me and blow your discs thinking it'd happen quickly. Also, you won't get the exterminator achievement update until al'kabor step is active.
    some spoilers and achievements
    # Jun 02 2012 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    Good info here from dorko.

    Completed most of this as an 89/1400 Wizard + J5 tank with an 87/500 Mage + J5 cleric. We had a 95 Rogue + J5 tank join us for the final fight as we didn't want to take any chances, and swapped out my tank for a second cleric.

    There's no need for a puller if you're careful as very little is social. We did clear some mobs on Everfrost before engaging the ice giants just to have room to work; we setup due south of the tower. The giants take long enough to path to the tower the first time that you shouldn't have a problem invising and avoiding getting aggro.

    For the final fight, we cleared one drachnid from around Al'Kabor and fought him to the right (east I think) side of his pyramid. You apparently have to hail him one last time after the lengthy dialog before he'll aggro you.

    The AE hit me for 5850 per tick with resistances around 615. I didn't get hit by the DD. Fight was only around a minute.


    Endaar Flaashpoint, Wizard of Karana
    Current member of Ring of Valor, Bristlebane
    Guild history, for the old timers:
    Founder, The Valorous (Karana)
    Officer, Harbingers (Karana)
    Officer, Evolution of Faith (The Rathe)
    Officer, Legend of Marr (The Rathe)
    Officer, Battle Cry (The Rathe)
    some spoilers and achievements
    # Jun 02 2012 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    One other thing...I didn't find anything to be stunnable.
    some spoilers and achievements
    # Jan 12 2011 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    I died first time, those AOE's are mean.

    When group was dead, he despawned. That's it. Mission incomplete. Do it all over again.
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