Brell's Temple Raid Event: Trial of Creation  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jun 8 19:12:07 2010
Modified: Sat Jun 6 17:58:03 2020
This is one of two raid events in the "Brell's Trials" raid expedition.


West Side: Kill 12 mobs, have someone loot their tradeskill components and make necessary combines; turn in resulting combines to Brell Serilis.

East Side: DPS the prime fire elemental to 75%, then the prime earth elemental to 50%, then the prime water elemental to 30%, then kill the prime air elemental.

Note: Both sides must be completed within 15 minutes of triggering the event.

Triggering the Event

Trigger the event by speaking with the avatar of creation.

You say, 'Hail, an avatar of creation'

an avatar of creation says 'Though you may look upon my dripping, unformed body with trepidation or pity, know this: underneath the lack of definition lies possibility. Ultimately, Brell's tools will shape me further, forging my body into a specific creation of his designs. Until that time, I am anything and I am EVERYthing. Now, you have come to see Brell. To have an audience with the Lord of Underfoot you must complete the trials of [Labor] and [Elements]. When you are ready, tell me that you wish to [begin].'

You say, 'What about the Trial of Labor?'

an avatar of creation says 'The chef does not mourn the loss of the livestock that feeds his family. Have you the fortitude to break down the components of life into the building blocks of a craftsman? Have you the skill to forge new tools from these raw materials? Your task will be to craft six items worthy of the Lord of Underfoot's attention. Brell Serilis himself will review your craftsmanship and judge your ingenuity.'

You say, 'What about the Trial of Elements?'

an avatar of creation says 'You cannot begin to approach perfection in creation without having a solid respect for the elements. Your task will be to confront and destroy a prime elemental within the time allotted. The elemental in question will not fight back, but do not interpret this as an indication that your test will be a simple one.'

You say, 'We're ready to begin!'

an avatar of creation says 'The Trial of Labor is to the west. The Trial of Elements is to the east. You must complete both trials simultaneously. If you are successful, return here for your reward. If you do not succeed, you will be far from the first to have been weighed in the balances and found deficient.'

The Timer

You must complete both the west and east sides within 15 minutes of triggering the event. An emote will go off every minute indicating how much time is remaining.

Mob Leashes & Death Touches

You can't pull mobs outside their rooms. If you do, they'll death touch their target and respawn in the room at full health.

West Side: Mechanics

The first mob is active from the moment you initiate the trial. Subsequent mob spawns may have a small delay before you can attack them. This depends on your DPS.

Mobs spawn in the center of the room and have a small aggro range.

To get all the required item drops, you'll have to kill exactly 12 mobs (there are six mob types; you'll kill two of each). You can't kill any less than 12 (you won't loot enough tradeskill components). You don't have to kill any more than 12 (your efforts are wasted in doing so).

While the mob spawn order is random, you are guaranteed two of each mob type within the first 12 spawns.

Items can only be used in the attempt from which they're looted. If you start a new event, the looted items will disappear from your inventory.

West Side: Mob Types

"an ore golem"

Ore golems hit for a max ~22,000. As soon as it spawns, it casts "Spiteful Demeanor" on itself and an aura called "Unimposing Demeanor" around it. NOTE: Due to the aura cast, any pets that aren't on hold will aggro the ore golem when it spawns.

Spiteful Demeanor: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Block Next Spell
2: Limit: Effect (Hate allowed)
3: Limit: Effect (Unknown 199 allowed)
4: Limit: Effect (Stun allowed)
5: Limit: Spell (Angry Bee allowed)
6: Increase corruption counter by 9

Unimposing Demeanor: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Trigger Effect: Imposition on Fade
2: Cannot parse Limit Skill (100/73/0)

These aura effects prevent the tanks from taunting the golem. Taunting the ore golem fades the tank's aggro (they lose all aggro).

"a jeweled golem"

Jeweled golems hit for a max ~16,000. They cast the spell "Refraction of Light" and have an aura around their melee range called "Silencing Splendor".

Refraction of Light: Targeted AE 10', Magic (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000

Silencing Splendor: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Silence

"Refraction of Light" is a targetted AE attack cast on 8-9 random people at a time. The more your raid members are spread out from each other around the room, the less overall damage these AEs will have.

The "Refraction of Light" spell can be avoided entirely by remaining in the jeweled golem's melee range, but a down side to this is that you'll be silenced while standing next to it. You'll see this emote if you avoid an AE in this manner:

At this close range, the golem cannot use Refraction of Light on you.

Casters and healers should spread out around the room while melees stay in the jeweled golem's melee range.

"a clay ooze"

Clay oozes hit for a max ~16,000. They cast the single-target spell "Coated with Clay" on its target, preventing heal spells from landing until it wears off. This can be avoided if you kill the ooze fast enough.

Coated with Clay: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Block Next Spell
2: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
3: Decrease Movement by 70%
4: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints v2 allowed)
5: Limit: Effect (Percentage Heal allowed)
6: Limit: Spell Type (Beneficial only)

"a frenzied kobold"

Frenzied kobolds hit for a max ~16,000. They cast the spell "Vein Corruption" and "Bite of Sessett". The debuff "Vein Corruption" greatly increases the damage done by its other AE, "Bite of Sessett".

Vein Corruption: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 1000%
2: Decrease Poison Resist by 600
3: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
4: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
5: Limit: Resist (Poison allowed)
6: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
7: Increase corruption counter by 36

Bite of Sessett: PB AE 300', Poison (-700)
1: Decrease HP when cast by 10000
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000 per tick

"a stringy plant"

Stringy plants hit for a max ~16,000. If you don't kill the plant within about 25 seconds, it AEs the spells "Shambler Vines" and "Shambler Throw", then warps back to its spawnpoint and resets its aggro.

Shambler Throw: PB AE 200', Magic (0)
1: Knockback (12) and Toss Up (2)

Shambler Vines: PB AE 200', Magic (0)
1: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect)
2: Silence
6: Decrease Movement by 75%

The only way to cure "Shambler Vines" is to walk into the plant's melee range. You'll see this emote as you cure it:

The shambler vines go slack and no longer restrict your movement.

"a woodland treant"

Woodland treants hit for a max ~16,000. They AE the spell "Autumnal Leaves" which inflicts its targets with one of two spells: "Leaf Rot" or "Sweet Sap".

Leafrot: Single Target, Disease (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 10000 per tick
2: Decrease HP when cast by 10000
3: Increase Disease Counter by 8

Sweet Sap: Single Target, Magic (0)
1: Increase Hitpoints by 15000 per tick
2: Increase HP when cast by 15000
3: If Cured, Trigger on Curer: Inebriating Sap
4: Increase Disease Counter by 1

You'll want to cure "Leaf Rot", but not "Sweet Sap". If "Sweet Sap" is cured, the person who casts the cure will be made intoxicated.

West Side: Tradeskill Drops

Each "an ore golem" drops "Brellian Ore" x5

Each "a jeweled golem" drops "Raw Gemstone" x5

Each "a clay ooze" drops "Waxy Clay" x4 and "Eternal Water" x?

Each "a frenzied kobold" drops "Thick Kobold Hide" x4 and "Eternal Water" x?

Each "a stringy plant" drops "Strand of Vines" x? and "Eternal Water" x?

Each "a woodland treant" drops "Sweet Sap" x1, "Raw Wood" x4, and "Strands of Vines" x?

West Side: Tradeskill Components & Combines

By the time you finish looting all 12 required mobs, you'll have the following components in hand:

Brellian Ore x10
Eternal Water x14
Raw Gemstone x10
Raw Wood x8
Strands of Vines x10
Sweet Sap x2
Thick Kobold Hide x8
Waxy Clay x8

Note: There are conflicting reports involving the "Strands of Vines" and "Strands of Thread" listed here and how many of them are actually needed to make all the combines. If you're able to confirm their accuracy (or correct them if inaccurate), or for any other combines here, please let us know.

Brell Serilis stands near and expects you to craft six items:

You say, 'Hail, Brell Serilis, the Creator'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'Gather raw materials from the creatures here and use them to craft half a dozen objects that would impress me. You don't have much time, so I suggest you use it wisely.'

As part of this trial, you have to create six items using tradeskills. All of these are no-fail and can be made in the tradeskill tables that surround the room.

Brell's Basic Companion

In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Raw Gemstone x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Muddite Head
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Muddite Torso
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Raw Wood x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Pair of Muddite Limbs
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Raw Wood x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Pair of Muddite Limbs
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Muddite Head x1 + Muddite Torso x1 + Pair of Muddite Limbs x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Unfired Muddite Companion

In Pottery Kiln: Unfired Muddite Companion = Brell's Basic Companion

Brell's Broad-headed Hammer

In Forge: Brellian Ore x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Block of Brellian Metal
In Forge: Brellian Ore x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Block of Brellian Metal
In Forge: Block of Brellian Metal x2 = Mallet Head
In Tailoring Loom: Thick Kobold Hide x1 = Kobold Leather Straps
In Tailoring Loom: Thick Kobold Hide x1 = Kobold Leather Straps
Fletching: Raw Wood x2 + Kobold Leather Straps x2 = Leather Hilted Handle

In Forge: Mallet Head + Leather Hilted Handle = Brell's Broad-headed Hammer

Brell's Candled Crown

In Tailoring Loom: Strands of Vines x1 = Candle Wicks
In Tailoring Loom: Strands of Vines x1 = Candle Wicks
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Candle Wicks x1 = Bundle of Candles
In Pottery Wheel: Waxy Clay x1 + Candle Wicks x1 = Bundle of Candles
In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal
Jewelcraft: Brellian Sheet Metal x1 = Gemless Brellian Crown
Jewelcraft: Raw Gemstone x4 = Sparkling Gemstones
Jewelcraft: Sparkling Gemstones x1 + Gemless Brellian Crown x1 = Jeweled Brellian Crown

Jewelcraft: Jeweled Brellian Crown x1 + Bundle of Candles x2 = Brell's Candled Crown

Brell's Hooded Cloak - (Recipe)

In Tailoring Loom: Combine 2X Strands of Vines to make 1X Strands of Thread. Do this 3 more times for a total of 4 Strands of Thread. - (Recipe)
In Tailoring Loom: Strands of Thread x1 + Thick Kobold Hide x3 = Kobold Leather Cloak - (Recipe)
In Tailoring Loom: Strands of Thread x1 + Thick Kobold Hide x1 = Kobold Leather Hood - (Recipe)
In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal - (Recipe)
Jewelcraft: Brellian Sheet Metal x1 + Strands of Thread x1 = Hood Clasp - (Recipe)

In Tailoring Loom: Strands of Thread x1 + Kobold Leather Cloak x1 + Kobold Leather Hood x1 + Hood Clasp x1 = Brell's Hooded Cloak

Brell's Jeweled Bracers

In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal
In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal
In Tailoring Loom: Thick Kobold Hide x2 = Kobold Leather Padding
In Forge: Brellian Sheet Metal x2 + Kobold Leather Padding x1 = Gemless Bracers
Jewelcraft: Raw Gemstone x4 = Sparkling Gemstones

Jewelcraft: Gemless Bracers x1 + Sparkling Gemstones x1 = Brell's Jeweled Bracers

Keg of Brellian Brew

Brewing: Sweet Sap x2 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Brew
In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal
In Forge: Brellian Ore x1 + Eternal Water x1 = Brellian Sheet Metal
In Forge: Brellian Sheet Metal x2 = Brellian Metal Bands
Fletching: Raw Wood x4 = Bundle of Wooden Staves
Fletching: Bundle of Wooden Staves x1 + Brellian Metal Bands x1 = Brew Keg

Brewing: Brellian Brew x1 + Brew Keg x1 = Keg of Brellian Brew

Hand in these six items (the order doesn't matter) to Brell Serilis:

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'This companion is less basic than one might think, eh? If there's one lesson I'd like to teach, it's that it is much easier to imagine than to implement. Creation is equal parts art and a science, and just as equally difficult as it is rewarding.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'Oh, yes. You could beat metal or knock skulls with this Broad-headed Hammer. Fine work.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'What do we have here? It's headgear fit for the King of Underfoot!'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'So you've stitched together a hooded cloak. It's supple and comfortable. It's functional yet fashionable.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'Fantastic replica of my Jeweled Bracers! I can hardly tell the difference between your handiwork and my own.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'Just one sip and. . . Ah, delicious! If I wasn't so busy, I'd consider indulging in a tall draught of this Brellian Brew.'

He also has a few words as you hand in the items one by one:

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'This work is admirable, but you must also demonstrate that you have a breadth of skills. A one-trick donkey is only impressive the first time it balances an apple on its snout. Beyond that, it's just a silly ass. Bring me suitable creations from the other crafting disciplines. I'll need to see five more.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'How about that? You've managed to surprise me twice. Keep up the hard work. You've another four items to create.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'Hmm. . . Not bad. This is the halfway point. You've another three items to create.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'I'll need to see two more unique handcrafted items before I'm convinced that you are an exceptionally skilled craftsman.'

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'That's five down, and one to go. You're almost finished, but don't lose steam now. In my Temple, perfection is everything. Close isn't close enough.'

And on the last item handed in:

Brell Serilis, the Creator says 'I am most impressed! You're good with your hands. A capable and reliable craftsman, like yourself, is worth his or her weight in gold.'

This completes the west side.

East Side: Mechanics

The east side takes place in four phases: The first phase involves the prime fire elemental. The second phase, the prime earth elemental. The third phase, the prime water elemental. The fourth phase, the prime air elemental.

You can hit the prime elementals, but they don't fight back. They do, however, spawn a set of adds approximately every 60 seconds.

Each phase (except the final one with the air elemental) lasts a minimum of three minutes. You will not be able to change the elemental's form until a phase has been active for at least three minutes. Once three minutes have passed in the first phase, you can progress the event by DPSing the elemental to 75% (changes fire into earth).

Once three minutes have passed since it changed into the prime earth elemental, you can progress the event again by DPSing it to 50% (changes earth into water).

Again, once three minutes have passed since it changed into the prime water elemental, you can progress it by DPSing it to 30% (changes water into air).

There is no time restriction on the air elemental, so you can kill it as quickly as you want. Killing the air elemental completes the east side.

Each elemental has certain weaknesses, strengths, and certain adds. Details about these are found in the sections below.

NOTE: There are raid-wiping mechanics in place if you leave a previous phase's adds alive too long after the prime elemental has changed forms. You'll have to time your DPS on the elemental so that you don't spawn a set of adds right before the elemental changes forms (in which case you probably won't have enough time to kill them). Details about this are also found in the sections below.

East Side: Phase 1 (Prime Fire Elemental)

The prime fire elemental buffs itself with "Flickering Fire Form" (weakness to cold-based spells and a large melee damage shield):

Flickering Fire Form: Self 0', Fire (0)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 60%
2: Increase Damage Shield by 3500
3: Increase corruption counter by 9
4: Limit: Resist (Cold allowed)

It spawns single adds called "a lava golem" about every 60 seconds. These golems hit for a max ~15,000 and buff themselves with "Flaming Fire Form" (a large spell damage shield):

Flaming Fire Form: Self 0', Fire (0)
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 60%
2: Spell-Damage Shield (-12500)
3: Increase corruption counter by 9
4: Limit: Resist (Cold allowed)

In this phase, you'll want caster DPS on the prime elemental and melee DPS on adds.

A minimum of three minutes must pass before you can change the prime elemental into its next form. You can do so by DPSing it down to 75% health.

The prime elemental transitions into an Earthen elemental form.

WARNING: Once it changes into an earth elemental, you have 30 seconds to kill any remaining lava golems. If any lava golems are still alive after this 30-second timer runs out, they may gain a death touch proc.

East Side: Phase 2 (Prime Earth Elemental)

The prime earth elemental has no self-buffs. Anyone can do damage to it. It spawns adds two at a time ("a crystal golem" and "an earth golem") about every 60 seconds.

Crystal golems hit for a max ~15,000 and buff themselves with "Reflective Crystal" (a spell reflection):

Reflective Crystal: Self 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 1000%
2: Increase Poison Counter by 99
3: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 100%

Earth golems hit for a max ~15,000 and may occasionally mem blur themselves. They also cast "Earthen Fist" and "Earthen Root":

Earthen Fist: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30000

Earthen Root: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
2: Root

The prime earth elemental must be active for at least three minutes before you can change it into its third form. You can do so by DPSing it down to 50% health.

The prime elemental transitions into a Watery elemental form.

WARNING: Once it changes into a water elemental, you have 30 seconds to kill any remaining crystal and earth golems. If any golems are still alive after this 30-second timer runs out, they gain an AE death touch proc called "Destroy":

Destroy: PB AE 50', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 100000

East Side: Phase 3 (Prime Water Elemental)

The prime water elemental has no self-buffs, so anyone can do damage to it. Cold-based nukes and procs heal it. Fire-based nukes and procs trigger an AE death touch. You'll want to avoid use of cold and fire spells.

It spawns adds five at a time ("a water mephit") about every 60 seconds. They hit for a max ~4,000 and have a lower amount of hitpoints than most mobs you'll find here. There is nothing else special to them.

The prime water elemental must be active for at least three minutes before you can change it into its final form. You can do so by DPSing it down to 30% health.

The prime elemental transitions into an Airy elemental form.

WARNING: Once it changes into an air elemental, you have 30 seconds to kill any remaining water mephits. If any mephits are still alive after this 30-second timer runs out, they'll start multiplying exponentially and wipe the raid.

East Side: Phase 4 (Prime Air Elemental)

The prime air elemental buffs itself with "Whirling Air Form" (increases the damage magic nukes do to it). It also has a knockback aura, so it's a ranged fight.

It spawns adds called "an insubstantial force" and "a whirling force". Both these add types cast the spell "Disintegrating Winds".

The insubstantial forces can be killed by mez spells (chain mez until they die). The Winds DOTs can be cured by attacking the insubstantial forces.

At this point, you'll want to get the air elemental dead as quickly as possible. Note: Unlike the previous three elemental phases, there is no minimum timer here. You can kill it at any time once it changes to its air elemental form.

Killing the air elemental completes the east side.


Once both the west and east sides are completed (within the 15 minute timer), a chest spawns in place of the avatar of creation.

Loot includes 2 armor pieces (first list) + 2 other items (second list) + 3 Amulets of Brell (flag) + 1 Emblem of Brell (backflag) + 2 Sparkling Precandescent Runes + 2 Brightly or Brilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shards + 0-1 Crystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay:

Iridium Encrusted Brachial Clay
Iridium Encrusted Carpal Clay
Iridium Encrusted Cephalic Clay
Iridium Encrusted Crural Clay
Iridium Encrusted Phalangeal Clay
Iridium Encrusted Tarsal Clay
Iridium Encrusted Thoracic Clay (see this wiki article for armor use)

Adorned Shield of Potency
Band of Living Clay
Banded Crystalline Earring
Choker of the Arbiter
Chronicle of the Trials
Cloak of the Challenger
Etched Axe of Judgment
Hoop of Untamed Creation
Katar of Bound Elements
Razor of the Underfoot
Ring of Pooled Energy
Ring of Scalding Steam
Sanctified Hammer of Wrath
Shining Symbol of Influence
Spined Crystal Band
Tempered Band of Elements
Veil of Reflective Crystal
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To Consolidate some info
# Apr 04 2021 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
West side groups should have NO pets. Pet hold won't work and swarm pets are equally as bad. If/When an Ore golem spawns, the pets will aggro.

Whoever is the person doing the trade skills needs to know this.

The recipes can be memmed only by actually doing them. I cleared my TS containers of ALL recipes except these to make it faster. The raid can ignore the east side one time and just kill all the 12 TS mobs so you can loot and mem all the recipes. Once that is done, you just need to stay alive on the next go , loot everything and make the combines. It helps to go to options and turn off the 'loot all' notification, and to type this line: /lootnodrop never, so you can loot quickly.

If you carry a collapsible brew barrel, fletching kit, tailoring kit, and jewelers bag, you can stand by the forge and do the bulk of the combines before having to move to the pottery stations.
Brell is close to the kiln so that makes sense. The following is, IMHO, the best order to combine stuff so you do NOT have to move around the room much. Remember...have the brew barrel, tailor kit, fletching kit, and jeweler bag in your inventory:

Tailor: 4 strands of thread, 2 kobold leather straps, 2 candled wicks, and 1 kobold leather padding....then
Jewel: 2 polished gemstones
Forge: 6 brellian sheet metal, 2 brellian metal blocks, 1 mallet head, 1 gemless bracers, and 1 brellian metal bands
Tailor: 1 Kobold leather hood, 1 kobold leather cloak
Jewel: 1 hood clasp, 1 gemless brellian crown
Fletch: 1 bundle of wooden staves, 1 hilted hammer shaft, and 1 brew keg
Tailor: 1 brells hooded cloak
Jewel: 1 brells jewelled bracer, 1 jewelled brellian crown
Forge: 1 brells broad headed hammer
Brew: 1 brellian brew, 1 keg of brellian brew
now move to Pottery this point, you have not moved your feet....

Wheel: 1 muddite torso, 2 bundle of candles, 2 muddite limbs, 1 muddite head, and 1 unfired companion
Kiln: 1 brell's companion
Jewel: 1 brell's candled crown

Hand the 6 items to Brell.

All recipes are trivial 15 (No Fail) so can easily be searched. Complete the west trial first and have a crafter memorize the recipes and add them to favorites. You'll probably want to do this for a couple of designated people before actually attempting to beat the trial.

Recipe names as found in your recipe list (not all IAW will Allah's at the time of this post):

Brell's Candled Crown
Brell's Jeweled Bracers
Gemless Brellian Crown
Hood Clasp
Jeweled Brellian Crown
Polished Gemstones


Brellian Brew
Keg of Brellian Brew

Brellian Brew Keg
Bundle of Wooden Staves
Hilted Hammer Shaft

Kobold Leather Cloak
Kobold Leather Hood
Kobold Leather Padding
Kobold Leather Straps
Strands of Thread

Pottery (Wheel):

Bundle of Candles
Muddite Head
Muddite Torso
Pair of Muddite Limbs
Unfired Muddite Companion

Pottery (Kiln):

Brell's Basic Companion

Block of Brellian Metal
Brell's Broad-Headed Hammer
Brellian Metal Bands
Brellian Sheet Metal
Gemless Bracers
Mallet Head

Updated info
# Jun 04 2020 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
RE: "Note: There are conflicting reports involving the "Strands of Vines" and "Strands of Thread" listed here and how many of them are actually needed to make all the combines. If you're able to confirm their accuracy (or correct them if inaccurate), or for any other combines here, please let us know."

You need 2 vines to make one thread.

All of the combines are trivial 15 and do learn to your recipe lists.

The Leather Hilted Handle is listed as "Hilted Hammer Shaft" in the in-games recipe list.
RE: Sparkling Gemstones
# Jun 03 2020 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
2,605 posts
As a note, the item made is indeed called Sparkling Gemstones, however, it shows up in your recipe list as Polished Gemstones.
Further info for the poor dork who has to do the TS combines
# May 22 2011 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Whoever is the person doing the trade skills needs to know this.

The recipes can be memmed only by actually doing them. I cleared my TS containers of ALL recipes except these to make it faster. The raid can ignore the east side one time and just kill all the 12 TS mobs so you can loot and mem all the recipes. Once that is done, you just need to stay alive on the next go , loot everything and make the combines. It helps to go to options and turn off the 'loot all' notification, and to type this line: /lootnodrop never, so you can loot quickly.
There is a 20-25 second interval between the death of each TS mob and the next one becoming targettable. can scoot out, loot the items and start making subcombines between spawns. If you carry a fletching kit, tailoring kit, and jewelers bag, you can stand by the forge and do the bulk of the combines before having to move to the brew barrel and then the pottery stations.
Brell is close to the kiln so that makes sense. The following is, IMHO, the best order to combine stuff so you do NOT have to move around the room much. Remember...have the tailor kit, fletching kit, and jeweler bag in your inventory:

Tailor: 4 strands of thread, 2 kobold leather straps, 2 candled wicks, and 1 kobold leather padding....then
Jewel: 2 polished gemstones
Forge: 6 brellian sheet metal, 2 brellian metal blocks, 1 mallet head, 1 gemless bracers, and 1 brellian metal bands
Tailor: 1 Kobold leather hood, 1 kobold leather cloak
Jewel: 1 hood clasp, 1 gemless brellian crown
Fletch: 1 bundle of wooden staves, 1 hilted hammer shaft, and 1 brew keg
Tailor: 1 brells hooded cloak
Jewel: 1 brells jewelled bracer, 1 jewelled brellian crown
Forge: 1 brells broad headed hammer
now move to brew this point, you have not moved your feet....

Brew: 1 brellian brew, 1 keg of brellian brew
Wheel: 1 muddite torso, 2 bundle of candles, 2 muddite limbs, 1 muddite head, and 1 unfired companion
Kiln: 1 brell's companion
Jewel: 1 brell's candled crown

Hand the 6 items to Brell.

Edited, May 22nd 2011 11:48pm by oblib
# Apr 02 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
So is there time for your raid to finish one side, then all move to the other side?
# Aug 20 2011 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
No, it is impossible. The elemental side takes a minimum of about 10 minutes to get to the air phase, thanks to the 3 minute timer on the first 3 phases. The Tradeskill side has a timer of about 20-30 seconds between one mob dying and the next becoming live, so you cannot kill them with more than 8 or so minutes left on the clock. The tradeskiller also needs time to do all the combines, which will take about 5 minutes or so. The only way to do it in the 15 minute timer is to split the raid.
Create Deez!
# Feb 21 2011 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Gosh this raid sucks... 1 and done, we're never lookin back.
Innoruuk's Chief Advisor
Knight of Hell
Hunter of Sand Giants
But he makes great sushi!!
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