Frostfell - 2008 (#2, low level): The Frostclaw Lair  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:64
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Dec 17 21:15:20 2008
Modified: Wed Dec 27 22:43:07 2023
This is a seasonal task, appearing only around the New Year. This task follows the first one, "Presents Lost".

Maynar Furrwik gives the task.

You say, 'Hail, Maynar Furrwik'

Maynar Furrwik looks at you, figuring out if you have the stamina to take on a major task. 'You know what really makes me angry? People who ruin what little joy others are able to eke out of their short and miserable lives, namely, that pack of miserable ice goblins that is trying to wreck our Frostfell celebrations. I can think of a few things I'd like to do to [vermin] like that.'

You say, 'What vermin?'

Maynar Furrwik says 'These miserable Frostclaw goblins have earned my wrath by capturing our kindly Santug Claugg and several of his Gigglegibber goblins. If it's a war they want, a [war] they shall get!'

You say, 'I will give them a war.'

Maynar Furrwik says 'Yeah, I have a job for you. I want you to take a force of adventurers, track down these miserable Frostclaws and make them dead. I think the Gigglegibbers who survived the first Frostclaw attack mentioned that they were set up somewhere in Permafrost Keep. Are you [willing] to take a stand, ______, and deal a blow to those who would malign our sacred traditions and joyful celebrations?'

You say, 'I am willing.'

Maynar Furrwik says 'Go and take care of our Frostclaw Goblin problem. I'll make sure it will be worth your while. Know that the ice goblin, Freezkorr, is the leader of their gang; get rid of him, and the others won't dare to interfere with our holiday ever again.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Frostclaw Lair'.

Maynar Furrwik has dispatched you to track down the Frostclaw Goblin lair inside Permafrost Keep and put an end to their plans to ruin Frostfell. Rescue the three gigglegibber goblins and Santug Claugg by destroying their ice cages. Put Freezkor to justice.

This takes place in an instanced version of Permafrost Keep. To zone in, head to the non-instancd Permafrost Keep. Once there, walk down the entry hall and you'll zone in automatically.

In this version of the zone, general zone population is stunnable and mezzable, and comes in variety of classes. Goblins flee at low health. Nothing sees invisibility except the named goblin, Freezkorr.

You'll need to "kill" the ice cages and kill Freezkorr, who's found in Lady Vox's lair. To get there, you'll need to go through the ice giant area (west from the entry cavern) which doesn't have any mobs, and then circle back around to the lair (which is the large cavern north of the entry cavern).

The goblins in Vox's room respawn relatively fast. The named can be single-pulled. If you are on the low end of the task's level range, you may find the zone mobs a bit difficult.

Free Santug and his gob friends from cages 0/4 (Permafrost Keep)

Kill Freezkorr 0/1 (Permafrost Keep)

Three of the cages are in the zone-in cavern. Santug's cage is in Vox's room (guarded by Freezkorr).

Freezkorr has been slain by _____!
Freezkorr's corpse says 'The chill of death embraces my goblin flesh, colder than any ice. Had you miserable people welcomed us to your Frostfell celebrations instead of flinching and turning us away, all this might never have happened.'

You say, 'Hail, Santug Claugg'

Santug Claugg says 'Bad Frostclaw goblins! Stealing me away and keeping me in an ice cage. They brought sadness to the children! But now you have found me and set me free, I must go and make sure Frostfell this year remains a happy occasion!'

Santug Claugg has escaped from Frostclaw captivity! Frostfell is saved!

Mask of the Grumpy Goblin
Slot: FACE
Charges: Unlimited
Required level of 65.
Effect: Illusion Frost Goblin (Any Slot, Casting Time: 3.0)
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Submitted by: bbot
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New Years
# Oct 18 2021 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
2,606 posts
This is a New Years quest, not Frostfell.
My experience
# Dec 08 2012 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
78 posts
Been basically farming these on test for all my various toons and anyone who wants to get a TA for free mask. I used a 91 mage.
Some of this has been said before but i know some people (like me) don't read every single posting before attempting things, so i feel it's worth reiterating.

Whoever requests the task must have completes the first quest, given by Elba Straw who sits on a bench next to small bank in pok.
Your group can shroud down to 55 for this version of the quest. You must have three people in group to request the task (mercs do count). Once everyone has the task, you can un-shroud and at least one person must head to permafrost keep.
You will zone into the regular version of permafrost, then move forward a short distance and zone again, into the instanced version. If you are not invis before this second zone in, you will be attacked the moment you enter the instanced permafrost.
The first three cages are all located right there in front of you when you zone in. The only thing that sees invis is the named you have to kill and hes guarding the forth cage (with santug) which is located in Vox.s lair. The goblins do not assist the cages, pets will attack the cages but they are seemingly immune to melee damage. Ironically enough, the only spells that reliably landed on an ice cage, were druid cold based spells.. Poison dots were resisted every time. Magic and fire based mage spells were hit and miss. I just equip pet with some summoned proccing weapons and send him in to whack on the cages.
So those first three cages are quite trivial if u have a pet handy.
Run to Vox's lair, there is the final cage to destroy as well as Freezkorr the large gobby u have to kill, along with about a dozen smaller goblins. If you need to, you can pick off some of the closer goblins without agroing the whole bunch, but once you go for Freezkor you are likely to agro 6 or 8 of them, so focus on burning him down and destroying the cage, keep in mind these little goblins are in the 55-60ish range, and hit very hard for their level. Once Freezkorr is down and the cage us destroyed then the task is complete and you can gate out. The mask appears in everyones inventory.
been gone from test as well
# Dec 23 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
for over a week now so you are not alone. still not up as of dec 23. thanks soe =)
?? where is he
# Dec 15 2009 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
ok he <maynar Furrwik> not at small bank 12/15/09 ... not on track? ... ive done quest 2 times before he just seems to be gone on BB server... lame....
avoid my frustraitions
# Jan 06 2009 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
In hind sight, this is would have been a simple straight forward quest, but I had a couple problems that I report here so you wont have similar difficulties.

1) I had shrouded down to 60 and got the message that my group was too high a level for the quest. Disbanding and regrouping (while still shrouded) solved that problem.
2) I thought that if I created the instance while shrouded the mobs would be lower level and was going to drop shroud after zoning in. Don't attempt this. I zoned in as level 60 and was killed before my eq client finished zoning. If you do want to do this, pre-invis before zoning in.
3) To rescue the prisoners, target the cage (F8 is useful here) and attack it. As I was attacking, my melee didn't seem to do any damage (not sure why), but weapon procs were able to destroy the cage. Dunno bout spell damage.
4) The entrance to Vox's room is blocked by a bunch of rocks and ice. I don't know if they were there in regular perfafrost of not (didn't spend much time there and even then it was >7 years ago). Clicking on one of the rocks opens the door and allows access. Being tiny helps fit through the door.

What might work (I didn't get to try it) is to invis up and move into the maze area (be careful not to drop through a trap - I think the way out is blocked). Target one of the cages and have a pet attack it (make sure the pet has some kind of proc damaage). I don't know if the goblins will assist the cage or not.
Only 3 goblins
# Dec 30 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Well, i just tried and only got 3 goblins to free.
no 4th on track to free. very disappointed.
Petts 120 Beastlord of Torvonnilous (now on Bertox)
Slapau 120 Monk of Torvonnilous (now on Bertox)
Cirena 120 Druid of Torvonnilous (now on Bertox)
Dohbee 120 Ranger of Bertox
Only 3 goblins
# Dec 30 2008 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
There are only 3 goblins to save. The fourth cage contains Santug. He is guarded by the named and about 20 adds.
same as the higher version
# Dec 19 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
Shrouded to 55 (dropped shroud after getting the task) and did this task with two others, it went exactly the same as noted in the high level version (Frostfell 2008 (#2, high level): The Frostclaw Lair).

The goblins in the King's room hit sort of hard for being intended for 55, it may be that the instance keys to your level?
Our ranger broke the cages in the king's room and then zoned off aggro so we didnt have to fight those goblins, and then we invis'd back to Vox's room and took out the named. Multiple goblins added (maybe 12?), but they were all quite minor at 85. After killing Freezkorr we got the ending dialog, and the reward.

ending dialogs:

Freezkorr's corpse says 'The chill of death embraces my goblin flesh, colder than any ice. Had you miserable people welcomed us to your Frostfell celebrations instead of flinching and turning us away, all this might never have happened.'
Your task 'The Frostclaw Lair' has been updated.
You have been given: Mask of the Grumpy Goblin

Santug was still standing in the broken cage so we hailed him:

'Hail, Santug Claugg'
Santug Claugg says 'Bad Frostclaw goblins! Stealing me away and keeping me in an ice cage. They brought sadness to the children! But now you have found me and set me free, I must go and make sure Frostfell this year remains a happy occasion!'

(a pause while Santug walks out)

Santug Claugg has escaped from Frostclaw captivity! Frostfell is saved!

Summerdusk, 85 necro FRo
currently playing Summerskye (mage) Stormkissed (ranger), Summerdusk (necro) sometimes a variety of others,
occasionally brings out Areyanna, retired cleric of Stromm, for buffing and pining for beloved Ranger friends who have moved on
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