Discord Tower Event #5: Sacrifice  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Seeds of Destruction
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:6
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Dec 15 21:36:17 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the fifth event in the raid expedition "Citadel of the Worldslayer".

The event triggers the instant you walk into the room:

As you enter the room you see, past the guards, a ceremony of some sort being performed.

Although you can't understand the chants being spoken a chill fills your soul as you slowly understand the dark purpose of this ritual.

Lying helpless and subdued is the true King of the Gelidran. Nearby watching in mute terror-filled stasis is the true Queen of the Pyrilen.

As the ritual builds in power the King appears to be less substantial. His life force seems to rise up from him, slowly, and darken with discordant energy as it slowly seeps towards the Queen.

Grim certainty fills you that if this ritual is not stopped, and soon, the Queen will be completely corrupted by Discord.

You have been discovered!

The Guard Captain

After you see the "discovered" emote (it'll appear in red), the four ceremonial guards at the altar charge you. In addition, another four guards appear from the doorway behind you alongside Guard Captain Nexx.

Guard Captain Nexx hits for a max ~13,000 and casts "Captain's Arrow". He does not flurry, rampage, or enrage.

Captain's Arrow: Line of Sight 0', Unresistable (0)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 5000

The ceremonial guards hit for a max ~12,500. They are mezzable. They do not flurry, rampage, or enrage.

Killing the Guard Captain allows you to proceed to the next part of the event.

Guard Captain Nexx has been slain by _____!
Guard Captain Nexx's corpse falls backward from the pain of its mortal wound.

With the guard Captain defeated, the ceremony is vulnerable, but reinforcements are sure to arrive soon - act quickly!

Disrupting the Ceremony

Up at the ritual area, the Queen lies on an altar and is surrounded by four Discordant Corrupters:

Discordant Corrupter Bklus
Discordant Corrupter Exxtan
Discordant Corrupter Grlax
Discordant Corrupter Knen

The King stands in a stupor behind the altar (like the Queen, a non-factor in the event).

The Corrupters are non-aggro at this point. You must attack one, gradually bringing its health down. At a certain health point an add spawns from the back doorway:

The Corrupters pause the ceremony long enough to shout, with one voice, a single word of power to summon aid!

If you fail to keep the Corrupters distracted (by attacking), you'll see this emote and get more bazu adds:

The Corrupters resume the ceremony, but as they do they shout, with one voice, a single word of power to summon aid! You must keep the Corrupters distracted or they will continue to summon their guards.

The first add is Ensslat, who hits for a max ~13,000 and casts the following spells (does NOT flurry, rampage, or enrage):

Cracked Armor: Unknown(44) 75', Magic (-600)
1: Skill Damage Taken(35)
2: Increase corruption counter by 6
3: Trigger if Removed (Cracked Armor Effect) (9300/tick x3 if cured)

Weakness of Discord I: Single Target, (-130)
1: Unknown #408 (100/90/0)
2: Increase Poison Counter by 36

Energy Explosion: PB AE 100', Unresistable (0) (cast only on death)
1: Unknown #358 (100/6000/0)
2: Increase Endurance by 6000
11: Increase Endurance by 50 per tick
12: Increase Mana by 50 per tick

The same emote happens again another four times, each at different health percentages (or is this time-based? if it's health, which percentages?). You'll get (in this order) Xxten, Umkas, Tenndxx, and then several raging girplans.

Xxten hits for a max ~13,000; AE rampages; and casts:

Wave of Destruction: PB AE 200', (-110)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12000

Weakness of Discord II: Single Target, (-130)
1: Unknown #408 (100/80/0)
2: Increase Poison Counter by 36

Energy Explosion: PB AE 100', Unresistable (0) (cast only on death)
1: Unknown #358 (100/6000/0)
2: Increase Endurance by 6000
11: Increase Endurance by 50 per tick
12: Increase Mana by 50 per tick

Umkas hits for a max ~13,000; flurries; and casts:

Ignition of Darkness: Unknown(44) 75', Magic (-600)
1: Unknown #401 (100/2000/0)
2: Unknown #402 (100/2000/0)
3: Decrease Hitpoints by 4000

Peace of Oblivion: Single Target, Unresistable (0)
1: Feign Death
2: Stun(2.00 sec)

Weakness of Discord I: Single Target, Corruption (-130)
1: Unknown #408 (100/90/0)
2: Increase Poison Counter by 36

Energy Explosion: PB AE 100', Unresistable (0) (cast only on death)
1: Unknown #358 (100/6000/0)
2: Increase Endurance by 6000
11: Increase Endurance by 50 per tick
12: Increase Mana by 50 per tick

Tenndxx hits for a max ~13,000; AE rampages; flurries; and casts:

Weakness of Discord I: Single Target, Corruption (-130)
1: Unknown #408 (100/90/0)
2: Increase Poison Counter by 36

Energy Explosion: PB AE 100', Unresistable (0) (cast only on death)
1: Unknown #358 (100/6000/0)
2: Increase Endurance by 6000
11: Increase Endurance by 50 per tick
12: Increase Mana by 50 per tick

The raging girplans hit for a max (unknown).

The Discordant Corrupters become active shortly after the final add emote.

Discordant Corrupters

The Discordant Corrupters are permanently rooted and summon from 100% health. They hit for a max ~14,000 and balance their own health (meaning you can focus your raid's attacks on a single Corrupter while offtanking the others). They have some unique abilities and AEs:

Discordant Corrupter Bklus single-target rampages; AE rampages; and enrages (does not flurry; does not cast any AEs)

Discordant Corrupter Exxtan AE rampages and enrages (does not single-target rampage or flurry) and procs a stun called "Energy of Discord".

Explosion of Discord: Single Target, (-110)
2: Stun(2.00 sec/99)

Discordant Corrupter Grlax single-target rampages; flurries; enrages (does not AE rampage); and casts "Pain of Emptiness":

Pain of Emptiness: PB AE 75', Corruption (-110)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 12000

Discordant Corrupter Knen flurries and enrages (does not rampage at all) and casts "Sluggishness of Death" (preceded by an emote):

Discordant Corrupter Knen gathers together a darkness so black it appears to have solid substance.

Sluggishness of Death: PB AE 75', Corruption (-110)
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 25%
2: Inhibit Melee Attacks by 25%

Kill the four Discord Corrupters for the win. The King and Queen will disappear without a word, and a chest spawns at the altar.

Loot (Normal: 54-player version)

Loot consists of 1 Tower Key (zone flag) + 2 Glowing Entropic Runes + 2 armor pieces (first list) + 2 other items (second list):

Distorted Coeval Incandessence (arms/legs)
Distorted Coeval Luminessence (arms/legs) (See this armor guide for essence use)

Bulwark of Corruption
Corrupted Soul Piercer
Death Studded Metal Belt
Discordant Soulstealer's Collar
Fleshwrap Cloak of Discord
Merciless Visage of Discord
Phyro Ring of Pain
Shawl of Discordant Incantations
The Keen Edge of Discord
Vile Torturer's Earring

Loot (Hard: 36-player version)

In the hard version, the chest contains 2 Glowing Entropic Runes + 1 armor piece (first list) + 1 other item (second list):

Fractured Coeval Incandessence (wrist/hands)
Fractured Coeval Luminessence (wrist/hands)
Distorted Coeval Incandessence (arms/legs)
Distorted Coeval Luminessence (arms/legs)

Corruptor's Mask
Ensslat's Earring
Exxten Stone Ring
Grlax's Belt
Knen Worry Stone
Mastruq Hide Cloak
Tenndxx's Charm
Umkas Counting Necklace
Worn Blue Doll
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