Mechamatic Spelunking  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Secrets of Faydwer
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Nov 15 16:44:53 2007
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This solo task begins with Overvolt Rigster the IV, a gnome in a camp beside a large telescope east of the zone to the Steamfont Mountains. You will need a group of at least three in order to zone in to complete the task, however.

    You say, 'Hail, Overvolt Rigster the IV'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Hi there _____! I'm Overvolt Rigster, though you probably already know that. My name is echoed in the halls and streets of Ak'Anon and beyond! I've been out here in Dragonscale Hills for what seems like an eternity, trying to find adventurers such as yourself to do [business] with. I need to continue to provide the finest goods to my associates!'

    You say, 'Business?'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Why yes, business! Surely you know what goods I sell and what goods I'm looking for! My merchant-ware is echoed in the halls and streets of Ak'anon of course! I'm looking for other [opportunists] like myself that might be out to make a quick buck or two. Are you one of those?'

    You say, 'Opportunists?'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Aye! I've got several jobs that I need able bodied adventurers to acquire mechanical parts and supplies so that I can further my trade. Would you be [interested] in acquiring a few items for me? If you've got any friends who may want to help out, I've also got some other specific [jobs] that I need groups of people to do for me.'

    You say, 'Jobs?'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'I'm sorry _____, but you don't appear to be ready to take on any other jobs at this time. Perhaps you're [interested] in acquiring a few items for me? I will need you to do at least one of the other tasks before I send you on to my more important jobs.'

    You say, 'I am interested'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Good! For starters, I need someone to [explore] the Mechamatic Guardian and bring me a map of that giant behemoth. There's so much potential for scrap parts and supplies there, but I don't know where to look! Next, I need someone to acquire [modulators] and [stabilizers] for me. To be used in the production of various clockwork and steamwork contraptions! Finally, I need you to find one of my [scout clockworks] that I sent into the Guardian to explore the zone. It's very valuable to me and I'd like to get it back here safe and sound. While these are individual tasks, you will need to gather some friends to go with you into the guardian. Let me know if you'd like to gather some folks and [head into] the Mechamatic Guardian.'

    You say, 'I will explore the guardian'

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Yes, yes! I want you to explore the dungeon and find all of the major rooms. Here, I'll give you this Hypo-Mechanical Cartagrophical Scanner to record the areas you visit. My blueprint of the Guardian shows there are four floors, with a possible fifth that are accessible. As you are exploring, I would like some of the inhabitants inside the robot destroyed for further research. Return to me with the Cartagraphical Scanner once you have explored the Guardian! Let me know if you'd like to gather some folks and [head into] the Mechamatic Guardian.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Mechamatic Spelunking'.

    You receive a Hypo-Mechanical Cartagrophical Scanner.

    Overvolt has asked you enter the Mechamatic Guardian and use the Hypo-Mechanical Cartagrophical Scanner to scan the insides of the clockwork in hopes of mapping the zone. Return the scanner to him after all the data has been gathered about this zone.

    You say, 'I'd like to head into the guardian.'

    With one or two people, you get this response:

    Overvolt Rigster the IV says 'Unfortunately I will not give you access unless you have at least two other people with you.'

    If you have a group of three or more people, you should be able to zone into the solo instance of the roaming Mechamatic Guardian via a doorway in its foot. The instance always repops at 19 minutes 30 seconds.

    Explore the entrance area of the Mechamatic Guardian 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Destroy some steamworks to gather information 0/5 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Explore the waste disposal area of the Guardian 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Update location: -22, 22, -755

    Explore the engineering room 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Update location: 43, 76, -552

    Destroy more steamworks to gather additional information 0/5 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Explore the CDS (central defense systems) 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Update location: -130, 42, -377

    Explore the PEC (primary extremity control) 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Update location: 286, 81, -201

    Destroy two Mechano Steam Warders to gather some more positional data 0/2 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Explore the teleport pad leading to the Terminus Cerebrus area 0/1 (The Mechamatic Guardian)

    Return the Hypo-Mechanical Cartographical Scanner to Overvolt Rigster 0/1 (Dragonscale Hills)

    Faction with Ak'Anon Strike Force V

    Temporal Pinion XXXVIII
    WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL
    Send a Correction
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    Terminus Cerebrus
    # May 02 2019 at 2:35 AM Rating: Excellent
    157 posts
    Use the Guardian Expediator Mark IV teleport box. Turn around and go down the elevator for the Terminus Cerebrus update.
    Map file : guardian_2.txt
    # Oct 13 2012 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
    380 posts
    P -37.6738, 10.6785, -760.8450, 127, 0, 0, 1, Mechamatic_Spelunking_#1
    P -84.6154, -98.3561, -557.7638, 127, 0, 0, 1, Mechamatic_Spelunking_#2
    P -39.4791, 124.3945, -375.8795, 127, 0, 0, 1, Mechamatic_Spelunking_#3
    P -15.9461, -244.8915, -202.8672, 127, 0, 0, 1, Mechamatic_Spelunking_#4
    Cookie, Antonius Bayles rangeress
    Waste Disposal Area
    # Oct 03 2010 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
    63 posts
    I got the update for the waste disposal area at +16, +40, -755.
    Primary Extremity Control Room
    # Aug 03 2010 at 5:45 AM Rating: Default
    I'm stuck on this part of the quest and it's one of my only quests remaining for Face Aug. I can't seem to figure out where you go for this update. I've been in 2 or 3 large rooms past the see invis "hell tunnel" at the ent on B-B Teleporter floor and neither gave me an update. Any ideas on how to get there without many enemies(even full groups were struggling with the "hell tunnel" unless I managed to single pull) to get the update?
    Primary Extremity Control Room
    # Aug 04 2010 at 5:33 AM Rating: Default
    Ok, I've figured this quest out. The update is not on the 2nd floor of Teleporter B-B as it may appear to seem, since the final update is teleporter C-C. There is actually a 3rd floor where u go up an elevator and get Expeditor Mark III. The final update is the portal for Expeditor Mark IV, right as you go through it you should get an update. The best method for steam warders is go to the entrance of 2nd floor where Teleporter B-B is. Then move up and ride the right wall when you get to the giant room with about 10 mobs in half of which see invis. Then you get to path outside hell tunnel and instead of going clear out the one or two mobs in the room directly behind you. Then pull singles and up to no more than 3 at a time until you get to the giant part of the tunnel with the numerous see invis. A Steam Warder paths there(and clean down to the ent to the tunnel out by where your little camped room is), just kill him and then return later and kill the same one for the updates.
    Wrong loc
    # Apr 13 2010 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
    238 posts
    PEC loc is wrong - should be around 286, 81, -201
    Some locs
    # Feb 17 2010 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
    1,309 posts
    Explore the Waste Disposal Room: Loc -22, 22, -755
    Explore the Engineering Room: Loc 43, 76, -552
    Explore the CDS: Loc -130, 42, -377
    Explore the PEC: Loc 292, 26, -201
    Explore the teleport pad leading to the Terminus Cerebrus area: -403 +280 -222

    *Updated the PEC: Sorry I had wrong Loc for it. Also Confirmed the Tele Pad loc from below.

    Edited, Mar 8th 2010 4:35am by Darkplague
    If you don't have anything nice to say, at least have the decency to be vague.
    Mark IV
    # Oct 25 2008 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Go up and down the last teleporter a few times (Mark IV)
    last porter loc
    # Sep 24 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    loc for last teleporter -403 +280 -222 your friends at ASD <zek> server
    Don't do it if you have any inkling not to .....
    # Sep 17 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
    158 posts
    Do you have to do this is the generic instance used for solo tasks, or can you go in the instance for the group tasks to get waypoint updates?
    # Jun 20 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
    You can get the updates in any group mission, so if you know someone that can get the later on group missions you can just wander around freely to get your updates with no mobs around.

    # Jun 10 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
    Explore the PEC (primary extremity control) room. 0/1
    loc around +292 +26 -201
    Oculus Series
    # May 13 2008 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts

    This is one of quite a few related tasks that ultimately allow you to attain the Model XLII Spatial Temporal Oculus.

    The tasks required are:

    I Can Fly
    Construction Junction, What's Your Function?
    Darwin's Award
    Farm Clean Up (any one of the three offered, you do not need all three)
    Forgetful Nanzie
    Mechamatic Spelunking
    The Steamwork You're Looking For
    Getting that Stabilizer
    Creepfeet Theivery
    Endless Enemies
    Disable the Recycler
    Hunt A Spy
    ***** Loose
    Switching Gears
    Disrupt the Workshop
    Supplies for Spies
    A Slave to Grind
    Destroying the Competition
    Power Station Blueprints
    Alloy Sampling
    Stopping Production
    Breaking Things Down

    CDS update loc
    # May 01 2008 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
    Explore the CDS (central defense systems) (0/1) - The Mechamatic Guardian

    I got the update for this at

    Y= -83.45
    X= +61.39
    Z= -377.18

    I think we made it up to the 4th floor.
    # Jan 18 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
    Explore the entrance area of the Guardian
    Destroy some steamworks to gather information.
    Explore the waste disposal area of the Guardian.
    Explore the enginerring room.
    Destroy more steamworks to gather additional information.
    Explore the CDS (central defense systems) room.
    little more info on last update
    # Dec 23 2007 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
    What Svenalo said is pretty well on the mark. Was his post that got us gong in the right direction -- Thx Sv. My info also be a bit sketchy as ima doing this all from memory and the fighting is intense. If you follow the path Svenalo describes - you will eventually come to a room with several see invis immediately on the right -- a ramp that leads to a locked door. There is a tunnel on the left side of the room - packed with mobs. Take that tunnel. You will come to another big room with a tunnel in the upper right corner - take it -- basically just keep following the tunnels. You will get the last update at a teleporter that goes up even higher. We checked it just a tad - got to what we lovingly call the brain room after all we went thru to get there

    We killed few mobs there than ran outta time so not sure whats after. Im don't have an FD pulling char so I won't say can't be done that way, but repops are 19m30s and there a ton of mobs to clear so I would suggest a very good cleric / well healed tank and good CC char. Normal pull at these upper levels was 2 to 4 mobs -- sometimes as many as 6. Our group make up was as follows:

    Warrior - level 80 - not as many aa's as he would like but has all the importent ones -- COA and GOD geared for the most part - couple of tier 2 SOF. He is ex raider and knows his job well.

    Cleric - level 80 - also not as many aa's as he would like - epic 1.5 -- mix of gear from tbs ally to sof - and is one HECK of a cleric

    Druid (me) - level 80 - i have some aa's - combination ally tbs and some tier 2 sof gear - mostly dps and BU heal type thing.

    Chanter (my bot) - level 80 - mix of tbs ally and sof tier 2 gear - what can ya say - he wears a dress.

    Ranger - level 80 - has some aa's also - she always by my side -- mix of tbs ally and some sof level 2 - no group complete withoput the sacrificial ranger)

    Beserker - level 79 - mostly tbs ally gear - would like some more aa's also - don't leave home without one - great dps.

    if i rem more about how we got there - will edit post.
    GL - this is an insane mission (fun wise)

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:05pm by dwisst

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:07pm by dwisst

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:07pm by dwisst

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:08pm by dwisst

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:08pm by dwisst

    Edited, Dec 23rd 2007 10:12pm by dwisst
    # Dec 22 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
    15 posts
    destroy some steamworks to gather information
    explore the waste disposal area
    explore the engineering room
    destroy more steamworkers to gather information
    explore the CDS (central defense systems) room
    # Dec 22 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    42 posts
    wtb some updates?

    submitted this info a month ago...
    # Dec 09 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
    158 posts
    The last teleporter for the quest is not hard to find if you know what to look for. From where the B-B teleporter drops you, you need to clear all the way to the far end of that floor. In that room is a little ramp going up. Take that ramp and keep following it, and you will come to a control room of sorts with a catwalk around the top. Take that catwalk to the right and there will be a passage...follow the passage and you will get to the teleporter.

    Personally, I still have to get the CDS and PEC steps done (group broke up before we took the teleporter over) but I was able to explore the whole floor there with aspect of zomm...
    Terminus Cerebrus area
    # Dec 09 2007 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
    I can't find the Terminus Cerebrus area. I've been in here many times. Any info on what mission you should get to reach this area...or better yet, where this area is?
    quest details
    # Nov 17 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
    42 posts
    Completed as of 1:12 AM

    Objective Instructions
    Explore the entrance area of the Mechamatic Guardian. 0/1
    Destroy some steamworks to gather information. 0/5
    Explore the waste disposal area of the Guardian.
    Explore the engineering room. 0/1
    Destroy more steamworks to gather additional information. 0/5
    Explore the CDS (central defense systems) room. 0/1
    Explore the PEC (primary extremity control) room. 0/1
    Destroy two Mechano Steam Warders to gather some more positional data. 0/2
    Explore the teleport pad leading to the Terminus Cerebrus area. 0/1
    Return the Hypo-Mechanical Cartographical Scanner to Overvolt Rigster. 0/1


    Temporal Pinion XXXVIII

    Edited, Nov 18th 2007 1:16am by StockholmSyndrome
    quest details
    # Dec 03 2007 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
    anyone got the locations of these please ?
    quest details
    # Jan 04 2008 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
    72 posts
    It's a linear zone, you just keep pressing forward and you will get the updates
    quest details
    # Nov 20 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    StockholmSyndrome wrote:
    Completed as of 1:12 AM

    Objective Instructions
    Explore the entrance area of the Mechamatic Guardian. 0/1
    Destroy some steamworks to gather information. 0/5
    Explore the waste disposal area of the Guardian.
    Explore the engineering room. 0/1
    Destroy more steamworks to gather additional information. 0/5
    Explore the CDS (central defense systems) room. 0/1
    Explore the PEC (primary extremity control) room. 0/1
    Destroy two Mechano Steam Warders to gather some more positional data. 0/2
    Explore the teleport pad leading to the Terminus Cerebrus area. 0/1
    Return the Hypo-Mechanical Cartographical Scanner to Overvolt Rigster. 0/1


    Temporal Pinion XXXVIII

    Edited, Nov 18th 2007 1:16am by StockholmSyndrome

    In which zone do each of these task stages take place?
    quest details
    # Nov 29 2007 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
    313 posts
    In the Mechamatic guardian
    quest details
    # Nov 20 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
    34 posts
    The Mechomatic Guardian Zone instance.
    # Nov 16 2007 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
    time for mission says 12 hours, but i got kicked out after the 6 hours.

    "You receive a Hypo-Mechanical Cartagrophical Scanner"

    did the mission couple times now and never have gotten that,
    mainly do mission for xp and nameds anyways..

    so far saw 2 nameds plus 1 bugged one

    Steam Engineer LIIV , was yellow to 76

    dropped a 310 hp melee cloak, Flexible Boilerplate

    Fuzzbert Cogworth. red to 76
    dropped a 300hp/mana Fuzzbert's Heart Ring Gear , Priest Ring

    Scout blabla was bugged or whatever.. not attackable, indiffrent
    and didnt answer anything to a hail

    Edited, Nov 16th 2007 3:32am by Thoddy

    Edited, Nov 16th 2007 9:41am by Thoddy
    # Nov 20 2007 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
    The scout is a for another quest "The Steamwork You're Looking For". He is a turn in mob not a "named".
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