Blacksail #2: Running Rum  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
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    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
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    Related Quests:
    Era:The Buried Sea
    Group Size:Group
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Feb 28 17:48:46 2007
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This group mission is the second in a series of five. It begins with Macon Teach (click for map image), who is located at about 200, 3085 on the northeastern coast of Jardel's Hook in the Buried Sea.

    Pre-requisites for requesting:
    - Completion of "Buried Treasure"

    Upon completion of the previous task, you saw:

    Macon Teach says 'Ah ye found it! This does appear to be the gemstone of the rumors. It. . . uh will take a bit longer ta truly verify this is the correct one though. Perhaps if you came back tomorrow I'll have more to tell you about it. . . Ye may be able to [search] for other things.'

    You say, 'I will search for other things'

    Macon Teach says 'Ha! Right on the money! I had ye figured fer a greedy dog. Take the ship to the island and see what ye can find.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Running Rum'.

    Macon Teach believes that the best rum 'o the seas be made by the brewers of Blacksail Folly. He wants ye to nab some. He suggests ye watch yer back as them rum runners are a nasty sort!

    Purchase tickets to Blacksail Folly and catch the boat 0/1 (The Buried Sea)

    Buy a "Seafarer's Ticket: Blacksail Folly" from Dockmaster Angus at the dock (on the dock a little ways south) and keep it in your inventory. When the ship docks, step onto it and wait for it to sail out to the Buried Sea. Upon zoning, you'll find yourself in an instanced version of the island. (Next to you is a rowboat that serves as your zone-out.)

    Dockmaster Angus says 'You look like you've been at sea on a dangerous mission for a while? Perhaps you plan to head back out, in which case you're going to need to purchase another ticket before boarding the Isabeau.'

    You have entered Blacksail Folly.

    Loot 1 Palisade Key 0/1 (Blacksail Folly)

    The guards at the gate door drop the key.

    Enter the Palisade 0/1 (Blacksail Folly)

    Get 5 crates of rum 0/5 (Blacksail Folly)

    There are 5 "fancy crate of rum" which you must /open. One will be in one of the huts in the front half of the Palisade (which hut, may be random). One will be in one of the mini-tents next to a campfire in the front half of the Palisade. The other three will be in the huts in the second half of the Palisade. For each of them, you'll have at least one mob to clear away from it.

    Also, when you open a crate, a level 77 "Rum Runner Lackey" spawns on top of it (see invis mob). These hit for a max ~1,650 and are stunnable and mezzable. Kill the lackey, and loot the crate.

    Escape to the canoe 0/1 (Blacksail Folly)

    Once you have five crates, head back to the rowboat at the zone-in point (you don't have to actually use the zoneout; just hover around it).

    Give the crates of rum to Macon Teach 0/5 (The Buried Sea)

    Macon seems satisfied with the rum you have brought him. He asks if you would like to [search] for a way to deal with Sharpeye?

    - Doubloons
    - Faction with Blacksail Smugglers (+25)
    Submitted by: DukeLatan, The War Council, Saryrn
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    # Nov 12 2019 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
    124 posts
    If you have the keys from mission 1, DELETE THEM prior to doing this one, or give it to another member in the group! Quest step #2 requires to loot a key again, I didn't catch that, went in, snagged 3 crates and then noticed I was still stuck at loot the key. The task didn't update all previously looted crates when I looted the next one, so had to quit it and start all over.

    75 Gnome Enchanter
    Awakened Legends

    105 Gnome Enchanter
    Freedom Guard
    Macon #2: Running Rum
    # Jul 02 2010 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
    I found the other comments pretty much true

    Wander around invis, but watch for see invis mobs.
    Most chests have at least one 1 mob near it you will need to kill first then kill the ones from the chest.

    /open and /loot are handy commands for the chests.

    Chest loot is not stackable so have 5 open slots.

    1 chest is in the front camp. Right hand hut for me. But the second time I did quest, it was in the front camp but in the middle hut of the back 3 huts
    3 chests are in the back area in huts. Watch for a see invis at the gate
    5th chest is back in the front area. As you enter the fort from the front gate, it was the tent area on the left. I didn't see it for a long time. Either it's hard to see or you have wait for the pop. I searched the whole camp front and back before I saw it. The mobs had repopped by then.By far the hardest chest with all the adds around the fire.

    Don't forget to loot the chest after you kill the lackey that pops.
    Remember you have to go to the canoe at the end of the quest, don't just gate out. It's at the evac point.

    Edited, Jul 11th 2010 8:30am by morromid
    # Nov 26 2007 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    I did this mission and got the the first chest in the first part of the fort and had no issues, but when I got to the second chest in the Inner Palisade, every time I clicked on the chest to open it a Rum Runner Lackey would pop out. This happened 5 times in a row and was never able to loot the chest. Another player went to loot the chest and it was not visible to loot. So I quit the mission.
    Rum a dum dum
    # Apr 17 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
    We found 1 crate in outer part of the inside of the fort in a hut, 3 in the inner inside the 3 buildings. We couldn't find the fifth so we thought maybe it wouldnt' spawn until we killed the lackeys. That did the trick and it spawns in one of the tent areas in the outer part.
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