No Small Thing  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:The Buried Sea
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Feb 14 20:27:15 2007
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This solo task begins with Whendt Goldspire in the Barren Coast at approximate location 10, -155.

    You say, 'Hail, Whent Goldspire'

    Whent Goldspire says 'Well, hello there! My name is Whent. I guess you'd say that I run the [Freetide Cartel], though that sounds far more impressive than it really is, considering that the cartel is pretty much three merchants and some hired mercenaries. Not that we have a lot of mercenaries, and there's always work for those willing to [take some risks].'

    You say, 'I'll take some risks'

    Whent Goldspire says 'I have several odd jobs that a single adventurer might undertake to earn some disposable income, if you are [interested]? I've also got some more dangerous work that I can't ask you to undertake unless you've got some help. I might be a merchant, but I have a heart beating in my chest just like you. I don't want to see anyone die alone. If you've got some friends, however, then we can talk about [some business] I need taken care of.'

    You say, 'I am interested'

    Whent Goldspire says 'Here's a list of things I need done. See if you can help out.'

    You are offered five tasks, one of which is 'No Small Thing'.

    You have been assigned the task 'No Small Thing'.

    Whent has asked you to locate something that was stolen from him. He says it has sentimental value. He also mentioned that it is made out of bone and suggests that perhaps Researcher Higgins may know something about where it is.

    Find the item that was taken from Whent. He says it was made of bone 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    #1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1

    Deliver 1 Charred Bone Chip to Whent Goldspire 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    #2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    #3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    #4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    #5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate 0/1 (Barren Coast)


    Put these pieces back together. You sense that they want to be joined 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    Kill Jardel the Pirate King (Buried Sea) 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    Speak with Stormguard Agent (a Blacksail fisherman) 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    25pp, Experience, Faction with Blacksail Smugglers

    Completing the task opens up the shared task to destroy a wand and kill Marnek.
    -task can only be done once since you turn in wand for task
    -reward 100 doubloons, but it ends there


    Find the item that was taken from Whent. He says it was made of bone

    This is found in Monkey Rock #1 Mission off "A Burning Dead" (hits for 1,746; rootable; does not summon; drops the item you seek).

    Deliver 1 Charred Bone Chip to Whent Goldspire

    You get the Charred Bone Chip back.

    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.

    The 5 items you need are found in the following locations:

    Item (Object) Zone
    "#1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1"
    -- At least two of the "search" steps in the mission must be completed for the bones to appear within the blue flame atop the staircase along the south beach of the isle.

    "#2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1"
    -- Forward from the zone-in, on top of a rock underneath the rock bridge at 2625, 4075, click the flaming skull on a pike.

    "#3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2"
    -- Should say (A Crystal)
    -- Inside the volcano goblin cave at -200, -3425, click the crystal which is surrounded by butterflies.

    "#4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3"
    -- Should say (A Campfire)
    -- At the bottom of the center underwater cave where Rum Red is.

    "#5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5"
    -- You must complete the two steps for obtaining keys in the mission, then enter Sharpeye's hut, in the back room where Sharpeye is standing is a tiny burning chest, click the clasp on it.

    All 5 pieces can be obtained by clicking on the Object. (NOTE: They're not targetable).

    The mystical flame appears as some bones lying in the blue flame on the step-pedestal on the beach. The flaming skull appears as a head on a pike that has been set on fire. The burning chest appears with a column of fire on it (burning chest).

    Some of the listed NPC above may only appear or be clicked after you complete first step or two in the mission.

    Put these pieces together. You sense that they want to be joined.

    Combine the 5 items collected above in any forge to form.

    Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead
    Charges: 3
    Effect: Flame of Marnek (Casting Time: 0.0)
    Recast Delay: 3 seconds, Recast Type: 1
    Wt: 0.4 Size: SMALL
    Race: ALL

    Flame of Marnek
    Required Level: 70
    Spell Effect: Unleashes the Flame of Marnek. Only Marnek could unleash the full fury of this ability, but perhaps it could still be used to combat his magic.

    After the combine, you see:
    Ah, so it is remade. This is a shame. I have seen this wand used. I was slain by Marnek’s evil and the treachery of a trusted friend. I was once Gilius Strongswell, and I ask you to avenge me and the Stormguard. Use this evil device as a lure, for Delmir desires it and will allow himself to be approached if he thinks that risk will gain him the wand. I ask you to do this: kill him, the one known as Jardel, and then destroy the wand once again. There is a man on the island that Delmir has claimed that can tell you how; I will guide you to him when the time is right.

    It appears Jardel the Pirate King used to be known as Sir Delmir Jarimar a member of Stormguard, known as the Knight of Opal a once known hero, but was corrupted by Marnek.

    Jardel's name itself comes from the first 3 letters of his last name and first 3 letters of his first name.

    Kill Jardel the Pirate King (Buried Sea)

    You say, 'Hail, Jert Scarmonger'

    Jert Scarmonger says 'Yar, what do ye want? If yer here to see the King, I can tell you he's not interested in you [at all].'

    You say, 'Not at all?'

    Jert Scarmonger says 'Not one bit. He don't need nothin'. He's got plenty of us Blacksails ta do his dirty work. He can have any lady he likes. He don't need nothing from nobody like you. If you had somethin' of value, you'd already have mentioned it. Now get off the King's boat.'

    You say, 'I have marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead'

    Jert Scarmonger says 'I think he'd want ta see ya. Go on in, but just you and yer pals, nobody else.'

    The door unlocks to the next room, the prep room before Jardel.

    You say, 'Hail, Jardel, the Pirate King'

    Jardel, the Pirate King says 'Well now, you're not exactly who I was expecting. Let's see, you're not part of my Blacksails. You're not merchants here to beg for safe passage. That means you're adventurers, probably here to [challenge] the King of Pirates. I'd call you fools, but then I'm sure you've tackled more difficult prey than a simple man with dashing good looks and a swift blade. So perhaps you're here for something more that just a fight. In fact, I sense something about you. I feel a familiar [power], smell a familiar smell.'

    You say, 'I challenge you'

    Jardel, the Pirate King Attacks. Use Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead on Jardel:

    Jardel, the Pirate King cries out as the power of the wand tears Marnek's power from him.

    (This eliminates his 500-point damage shield and lowers his resists.)

    He hits for a max ~2,030.

    Speak with Stormguard agent 0/1 (The Buried Sea)

    Task WIndow:There is a Deepwater Knight disguised and living among the pirates on Jardel's Hook. Find him, he can help you.

    This is a Blacksail fisherman found in The Buried Sea on the north beach of Jardel's Hook isle. He will give the quest to kill Marnek, must turn in the Wand to get ported to the instance.

    If you have slain Jardel:

    You say, 'Hail, a Blacksail fisherman'
    You have defeated the pirate Jardel, and for that the Stormguard are very grateful.
    You gain experience!

    Marnek the Burning Lich has the same effects as Jardel did before the wand removed the powers, but you don't have the wand this time.

    Marnek hits for about 2900, near unresistable charm, 500DS, and ae 1200 Dot (also very hard to resist).

    Click Here for Background Lore

    You say, 'Hail, First Lt. Berget Wavewalker '

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Hail and well met, _____. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Of course I'm not the commander here, but I handle anything that doesn't require that [Sir Seaworthy] deal with it.'

    You say, 'Sir Seaworthy?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Sir Seaworthy was once a great man. Though he never managed to be the hero that I think he always wanted to be, he has been there when some of the most heroic deeds were done. I'm certain that he was instrumental in the success of those heroes. He deserves his rest and the honor of command here at Stormguard. After all, he was here when our order was [nearly destroyed] and he survived to continue on the legacy.'

    You say, 'Nearly destroyed?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'I'm certain he will tell you the tale if you just ask him. Of course I'm not so sure that he knows what really happened that day. I've spoken with nearly every survivor from that day, and I think I have a broader and unbiased opinion of what happened. Only one group is evil enough and close enough to be able to report our movements in such detail to Marnek. They could just creep out of their hole in the ground and peek over and see that [Sir Strongswell] was gathering for war. They most certainly sent crows to Marnek Jaull and helped arrange the [pirates] he needed to do his dirty work.'

    You say, 'Sir Strongswell?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Oh, aye, Sir Gilius Strongswell was most commonly known as the Coral Knight by folks outside the order. There haven't been too many of our knights to take on fancy names like that, and never by their own choosing. But we can't stop the people from calling us what they will. Heroes like Sir Strongswell and [Sir Jarimar] become famous for their bravery and the people name them after ocean gems. That's the way it works.' First Lieutenant Wavewalker smiles.'

    You say, 'Sir Jarimar?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Ah, yes. He was called the Knight of Opals. It was Sir Delmir Jarimar that found Marnek. Sir Jarimar allowed himself to be captured by members of the Burning Dead, something that never happened, for no knight would allow them to lay their hands on him until he was dead. Sir Jarimar suffered weeks of torture that I can't even imagine, but he never spoke a word. His refusal to speak gained him access to Marnek, who wanted to question him personally. It was only then that Sir Jarimar escaped and returned to Stormguard with Marnek's location.'

    You say, 'Pirates?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Those scum are the cause of nearly every evil thing that has happened on the Barren Coast or the Buried Sea. If I had my way we would be fighting them in force rather than sitting here protecting this shore. I argued as much many times with men of power in Erudin and within my own order. They sent me here seven years ago to do my best against the threat, but with no support and no ships! I accept that they believe there are larger threats to pursue, such as 'Discord' and dragons, but I firmly believe that those things can wait until the [immediate threat] is dealt with.'

    You say, 'An immediate threat?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'I believe that they are. By the deeps, they are camped up the shore! I know that we all pretend to know that they are not there, we certainly don't have the forces to deal with them here. But they taunt us, 'hiding' in that cave. That cave was once a Stormguard port, it's not like we don't know it's there. I continue to try to convince [Lieutenant Starfield] to go with me and take them out ourselves, but he argues that we have our orders, and leaving Stormguard would jeopardize our ability to do that duty. I say that destroying those scum is our duty. I am, however, no fool. I can't defeat all of those Blacksail scum on my own.'

    You say, 'Who's Lieutenant Starfield?'

    First Lt. Berget Wavewalker says 'Second Lieutenant Gilnus Starfield is a shining example of the very young Deepwater Knights these days. Dutiful to a fault, if you ask me. Oh, he has a spark, that one. He has started so many energetic undertakings that I've lost count. He does, however, tend to forget to finish them, usually moving on to the next one before the previous one ever really gets started. We've dressed and packed our gear twice to head north and deal with the Blacksails, but both times encounters with undead turned Gilnus south. A good man, and a fine knight, no matter his faults.'

    You say, 'Hail, Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'Hello there! It's good to see a new face around here. Not that I don't enjoy the company of my brothers, and [Sir Seaworthy] tells [fantastic stories], but I'd like to hear other stories as well.'

    You say, 'Sir Seaworthy?'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'Sir Seaworthy, well, it's an honor to be in his service. He has steadfastly served the Deepwater Knights and Stormguard for his entire life. If I live as long as he has, I hope I will have done as much good. Each of us here is honored to [work in his service].'

    You say, 'What about his work in his service?'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'There are about ten of us in the Stormguard. We're lead by Sir Hendry Seaworthy. First Lieutenant Berget Wavewalker is his right hand, and I serve as second lieutenant. In case you didn't know, this lighthouse is called Stormguard and our order was named after it. We are a division of the Deepwater Knights and serve as members of the Deepwater Knights. Our duty is to protect this shore, and we do so with all of our strength.'

    You say, 'What are these fantastic stories?'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'Well, I only know one interesting story. I studied the Kerrans in Erudin while I was there, and I learned how they came to live here on the Barren Coast. I studied them because they are our enemies, but this story taught me to respect them, at least their bravery and skill. I can tell you what I learned, if you're [interested].'

    You say, 'I'm interested'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'The Kerrans of the Barren Coast consider themselves Kerrans. As I understand it, they despise the Kejekans as weak. The Barren Coast Kerrans are the descendents of a war party that fought its way into the tunnel out of Toxxulia Forest and to the Barren Coast. The Kerrans were pursuing our people when they ducked into the tunnel, which was well guarded in those days, not hidden as it has been since. The Kerrans were in full blood lust and followed them into the tunnel despite the obvious risk. They battled their way through the Erudite defenders, many of them Deepwater Knights, to reach the Barren Coast and [defeat] those that they pursued.'

    You say, 'Defeat them?'

    Second Lt. Gilnus Starfield says 'They did indeed defeat those that they were after. As I understand it, the Kerrans call that battle "The Journey From Darkness Into Light". It is still remembered with some awe by Erudites as well, at least those that have not abandoned the Barren Coast entirely. I hear that the Kerrans often use "May your journey bring you brightness" as a farewell in memory of the battle that brought them to the Barren Coast.'

    You say, 'Hail, Hendry Seaworthy'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'Well, hello there youngster. It's nice to have someone visit me up here. The view from the top of [Stormguard] is amazing at any time of day or night. Why, I practically live up here these days. Take a look around and see for yourself what I mean.'

    You say, 'The Stormguard?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'Stormguard was founded more than one hundred years ago, both the lighthouse that you now stand on and the order that I lead. That was a glorious day in the history of the Deepwater Knights. Not that I was there, mind you.' Hendry smiles. 'I'm old, but I'm not that old. I have been here for most of my adult life, however. Why, I knew the [Coral Knight]! None of the upstarts in the Stormguard these days remember him. I do, and I honor his memory every day. He was the last true hero our order had.'

    You say, 'Who's the Coral Knight?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'I met him when I was only seventeen years old, fresh from my training and ready to earn titles, honor and station! The Coral Knight was the man that gave me my knighthood. He must have seen the mad gleam in my eyes when I took my knight's blade from his hands. He said to me, 'You are young, but you haven't the time to spend dreaming the dreams of a young man anymore. You, sir, are a knight, and you have duties to attend.' I was put off, thinking that he wished me to be a dull servant rather than a hero. It was only on [the day of his death] that I understood what a fool I was.'

    You say, 'The day of his death?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'Aye, the worst day of my life and the fall of the Stormguard. When he died it seemed as though the order he founded died with him. And such treachery! I'm certain you've heard some stories about that day, but I was there. I know what happened. We had finally found Marnek, after years of hunting him and many loses. It was Delmir that found them, brave fool. He volunteered to be captured by the burning dead with the hope that he would be able to discover where Marnek was. We don't know how, but he did it. He even escaped to bring us word of his location. I think that Marnek or his followers managed to track Delmir back here, because [they attacked] when we were massing to leave.'

    You say, 'They attacked...?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'It started with murder, foul murder. Most of us were on the ships, our leaders were discussing the final plans with Delmir in the lighthouse. The first we knew of it was when we saw the flames, but before most of us could react our ships were attacked. Those that were full of warriors were engulfed in flames. Some were boarded by pirates and taken. A few of us had reached shore or were not on board yet, and so survived. All of our leaders and all of our ships were gone. The Coral Knight was dead. And Marnek did it, of that I'm certain. The Stormguard never regained its strength after that. I spent nearly a decade as [a captain] for the Deepwater Knights before returning to a station here and eventually becoming commander of the Stormguard.'

    You say, 'A captain?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says 'I needed to spend time away from here. During those times as a ship's captain I saw more adventure, destroyed more evil than any of you youngsters will ever know. I've forgotten more heroic deeds than you've ever read about. Sadly, it's the treacherous deeds that I remember most. Them and dead friends.' The old knight's eyes lose focus, it's obvious that he is [reliving some event] from his past.'

    You say, 'He's reliving some event?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''Well, I suppose it's good to tell sad tales to young heroes. It might teach you caution. I was speaking about the death of friends and treachery, wasn't I? Well, no matter. You see, I was back here after ten years on the sea when poor Hagad was brought to Stormguard after the explosion, his body shredded and burned. He had passed out, though I suspect it was from the pain of sea salt in his burns rather than the explosion itself, and was unconscious when [Whent brought him in]. Hagad was aboard Sir Toran's ship, the Swordfish, when she blew, and he told me [what happened].''

    You say, 'Whent brought him in?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''Yes, he did. Though I suspect he only did it hoping to get some sort of reward. That man just can't be trusted. I certainly wouldn't have allowed his filthy 'cartel' to set up shop on my coast if I hadn't been ordered to. I'd suggest you just stay away from him. I've always wondered why he was sent by Prexus to rescue Hagad.''

    You say, 'What happened?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''I'm gettin' to that! Always in such a rush. . . I didn't dare move Hagad until he was better, but my healing hands weren't enough to fix the horrible damage that he'd suffered. It was enough, however, to wake him up a bit. He started out screaming, but eventually settled to a pained whisper that I could barely hear. He told me that Sir Toran had captured Kenox and was bringing him home to be judged. Hagad had been given guard duty and told to kill Kenox if he so much as spit while Sir Toran was questioning him. He swore that the necromancer didn't move a muscle, that [wand] of his [just exploded] when Sir Toran touched it.''

    You say, 'just exploded?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''Yup, but then I'm sure you've heard that tale before. What nobody speaks of is what happened as the parts of that ship and her crew sank to the sea floor! The power of that wand was tremendous. Hagad claimed to see the face of Solusek Ro form in the ball of fire that engulfed the sea for hundreds of yards. He saw knights and sailors engulfed in flame, a flame that could not be stopped by the sea. It burned them all to the bones. Are you [listening] to me?''

    You say, 'listening'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''As the flames reached for Hagad he prayed to Prexus, prayed that our god would save his friends and fellow knights. But the sea lord does what's best, even though we mere mortals may not know why. As the fire of Ro expanded, a great surging tide swept Hagad toward the beach and the flames and crew out to sea. Hagad cried then, as he told me that he saw the skeletons of his friends swept away, mouths open and moving, as if they were trying to scream with the pain. It was the last thing Hagad ever did, he cried for his [tortured friends] as he died in my arms.''

    You say, 'Tortured friends?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''Tortured because I don't believe they were dead. You see that [wand] was said to have the power of necromancy in it, and I don't doubt that those brave souls are now trapped someplace, living but not alive, cursed to never be given to the death at sea that they deserve. Look, young pup, there's nothing more worth doing than fighting against evil, no matter the odds. Even Hagad, if given the chance to do it over again, would relive his life and tortured death in the same fashion, because he now lies in the depths with Prexus knowing that he did the right things with his life. You think about that and maybe you'll grow up to be a hero like he was.''

    You say, 'What about that wand?'

    Hendry Seaworthy says ''Heh, that thing. I know of some folks that have gone to a lot of trouble to make something like Marnek's wand, thinking they knew the secrets. Those fools at the Ashen Order should know better. Bah, I've seen those things. I've destroyed a couple. Heck, I've been hit by the fire from one! Those things are nothing compared to the one that blew that ship up. No, that wand is gone, and thank Prexus it is! If that thing were ever to be discovered again, why all the Deepwater Knights in the land would be gathered in a week and we'd be on a hunt much like the first one that ended with Marnek's death!''
    Send a Correction
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    No Small Thing segue and corrections
    # Jul 23 2019 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
    1,312 posts
    For the final step:

    Speak with Stormguard agent 0/1 (The Buried Sea)

    There is a Deepwater Knight disguised and living among the pirates on Jardel's Hook. Find him, he can help you.

    This is a Blacksail fisherman found in The Buried Sea on the north beach of Jardel's Hook isle.

    You say, 'Hail, a Blacksail fisherman'
    You have defeated the pirate Jardel, and for that the Stormguard are very grateful.
    You gain experience!

    This solo task has no real reward itself; instead it serves as a segue into the group mission Destroy Marnek's Wand, which is offered to you in a pop-up immediately on completion of this task. I think you have to accept it when offered, because I don't see another way to start the group mission.

    Additional quest info:

    It is probably intended that only one person in your group is collecting pieces for No Small Thing -- each mission instance will allow only one piece to be obtained. So if more than one character is doing the task, you would have to start each of the six group mission instances over again.

    Item (NPC) Zone
    #1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1
    #2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1
    #3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2
    #4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3
    #5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5

    It would be better to describe them as objects instead of NPCs.

    "#1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1"
    -- At least two of the "search" steps in the mission must be completed for the bones to appear within the blue flame atop the staircase along the south beach of the isle.

    "#2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1"
    -- Forward from the zone-in, on top of a rock underneath the rock bridge at 2625, 4075, click the flaming skull on a pike.

    "#3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2"
    -- Should say (A Crystal)
    -- Inside the volcano goblin cave at -200, -3425, click the crystal which is surrounded by butterflies.

    "#4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3"
    -- Should say (A Campfire)
    -- At the bottom of the center underwater cave where Rum Red is.

    "#5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5"
    -- You must complete the two steps for obtaining keys in the mission, then enter Sharpeye's hut, in the back room where Sharpeye is standing is a tiny burning chest, click the clasp on it.

    Edited, Jul 23rd 2019 1:05pm by nytmare
    No Small Thing segue and corrections
    # Jul 27 2019 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
    nytmare wrote:
    For the final step:

    Speak with Stormguard agent 0/1 (The Buried Sea)

    There is a Deepwater Knight disguised and living among the pirates on Jardel's Hook. Find him, he can help you.

    This is a Blacksail fisherman found in The Buried Sea on the north beach of Jardel's Hook isle.

    You say, 'Hail, a Blacksail fisherman'
    You have defeated the pirate Jardel, and for that the Stormguard are very grateful.
    You gain experience!

    This solo task has no real reward itself; instead it serves as a segue into the group mission Destroy Marnek's Wand, which is offered to you in a pop-up immediately on completion of this task. I think you have to accept it when offered, because I don't see another way to start the group mission.

    Additional quest info:

    It is probably intended that only one person in your group is collecting pieces for No Small Thing -- each mission instance will allow only one piece to be obtained. So if more than one character is doing the task, you would have to start each of the six group mission instances over again.

    Item (NPC) Zone
    #1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1
    #2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1
    #3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2
    #4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3
    #5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5

    It would be better to describe them as objects instead of NPCs.

    "#1 Blackened Bone Fragment (Mystical Flame) Redfeather #1"
    -- At least two of the "search" steps in the mission must be completed for the bones to appear within the blue flame atop the staircase along the south beach of the isle.

    "#2 Shard of Burnt Bone (A Flaming Skull) Maiden’s Grave #1"
    -- Forward from the zone-in, on top of a rock underneath the rock bridge at 2625, 4075, click the flaming skull on a pike.

    "#3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2"
    -- Should say (A Crystal)
    -- Inside the volcano goblin cave at -200, -3425, click the crystal which is surrounded by butterflies.

    "#4 Scorched Piece of Bone (A Flaming Skull) Deadbone Reef #3"
    -- Should say (A Campfire)
    -- At the bottom of the center underwater cave where Rum Red is.

    "#5 Sliver of Singed Bone (Burning Chest) Blacksail Folly #5"
    -- You must complete the two steps for obtaining keys in the mission, then enter Sharpeye's hut, in the back room where Sharpeye is standing is a tiny burning chest, click the clasp on it.

    Edited, Jul 23rd 2019 1:05pm by nytmare

    Good info! Thanks!
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    No Small Thing segue and corrections
    # Jul 31 2019 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
    1,312 posts
    First step is for the Charred Bone Chip, then items #1 through #5 are for steps 3 through 7 "Find the items that you feel compelled to locate". Total 6 items.
    Destroy Marnek's Wand - Task
    # May 10 2019 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
    88 posts
    Speaking with Stormguard Agent:

    You say, 'Hail, a Blacksail fisherman'
    Your task 'No Small Thing' has been updated.
    You have defeated the pirate Jardel, and for that the Stormguard are very grateful.
    You gain experience!
    A Blacksail fisherman whispers to you, 'Well met! I apologize for the crude speech earlier, but I must speak so to blend in with these brutal thugs. I would rather slay them, but the task I have been charged with is far more important. I have been sent to make certain that a dangerous item is not recovered by one that would use it to do intolerable evil. I have been granted power over [this item], and I sense that you have come in contact with it.

    You say, 'this item'
    A Blacksail fisherman looks around furtively, 'It is the wand, the one created by Marnek. It, and he, are responsible for uncounted murders and an endless amount of suffering. If you have any portion of this thing, please give it to me and I shall make certain that it is never [rebuilt]. We know that it was lost to Marnek when it exploded in the hold of one of our ships, and we know that he seeks to rebuild it. It is my sworn duty to make certain that this does not happen.'

    You say, 'rebuilt'
    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Oh, it has been rebuilt? This is horrible news. But we can overcome it. I have been given the power to destroy the item, though I do not know for certain what will happen when I do so. If you have it, I urge you to give it to me. With your help we can destroy it. But I must warn you, Marnek will know that this has been done. I have been protected from his sight by Prexus himself, but you will have no such protection. Therefore, I suggest that when you return with the wand that you bring allies with you that you can trust, for I fear he will strike out at you when he senses what we have done.

    [text if you already have a task]When you are prepared, just return to me and we shall destroy this thing together.'

    You say, 'rebuilt'
    You have been assigned the task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand'.
    Destroy Marnek's Wand
    1. Speak to the Stormguard Agent
    2.Deliver 1 Wand of the Burning Dead to Stormguard Agent

    [task text] The Coral Knight has told you that the wand of Marnek needs to be destroyed. You know that doing so will be a perilous thing.

    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Ah, you have returned. When you and your allies are ready, give me the wand and I shall do what needs to be done.'
    Your task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand' has been updated.

    The Stormguard agent will not break the wand unless he feels you are adequately protected. You'll need more friends with you before he will take a chance with your life.
    [Requires full group - can be 3 player characters plus Mercs, and all need to be at the NPC]

    [upon successful hand in]

    You hear a malevolent voice booming in your head. 'Nooooooo! How dare you! I know who you are, and I will have my revenge upon you! You have not stopped my work, only delayed it, and for that you shall pay with your lives!'
    A Blacksail fisherman focuses on the wand and a deep blue light glows around his hands. After a moment he suddenly snaps the wand. It shatters into several pieces, each surrounded in the blue light. They immediately fly off in many directions and quickly become lost to sight. The fisherman says, 'Thank you. You have spared many lives this day.'
    Your task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand' has been updated.
    I have you now! You cannot evade my power!

    A strange magical presence prevents you from entering. It's too dangerous to enter at the moment.

    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Ah, you have returned. When you and your allies are ready, give me the wand and I shall do what needs to be done.'

    Could not proceed as no longer had a wand to hand in (raised a ticket).
    Wakk - 115 Berserker - Rosengard III - Phinigel.
    Destroy Marnek's Wand - Task
    # May 17 2019 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
    plutoniumcanine wrote:
    Speaking with Stormguard Agent:

    You say, 'Hail, a Blacksail fisherman'
    Your task 'No Small Thing' has been updated.
    You have defeated the pirate Jardel, and for that the Stormguard are very grateful.
    You gain experience!
    A Blacksail fisherman whispers to you, 'Well met! I apologize for the crude speech earlier, but I must speak so to blend in with these brutal thugs. I would rather slay them, but the task I have been charged with is far more important. I have been sent to make certain that a dangerous item is not recovered by one that would use it to do intolerable evil. I have been granted power over [this item], and I sense that you have come in contact with it.

    You say, 'this item'
    A Blacksail fisherman looks around furtively, 'It is the wand, the one created by Marnek. It, and he, are responsible for uncounted murders and an endless amount of suffering. If you have any portion of this thing, please give it to me and I shall make certain that it is never [rebuilt]. We know that it was lost to Marnek when it exploded in the hold of one of our ships, and we know that he seeks to rebuild it. It is my sworn duty to make certain that this does not happen.'

    You say, 'rebuilt'
    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Oh, it has been rebuilt? This is horrible news. But we can overcome it. I have been given the power to destroy the item, though I do not know for certain what will happen when I do so. If you have it, I urge you to give it to me. With your help we can destroy it. But I must warn you, Marnek will know that this has been done. I have been protected from his sight by Prexus himself, but you will have no such protection. Therefore, I suggest that when you return with the wand that you bring allies with you that you can trust, for I fear he will strike out at you when he senses what we have done.

    [text if you already have a task]When you are prepared, just return to me and we shall destroy this thing together.'

    You say, 'rebuilt'
    You have been assigned the task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand'.
    Destroy Marnek's Wand
    1. Speak to the Stormguard Agent
    2.Deliver 1 Wand of the Burning Dead to Stormguard Agent

    [task text] The Coral Knight has told you that the wand of Marnek needs to be destroyed. You know that doing so will be a perilous thing.

    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Ah, you have returned. When you and your allies are ready, give me the wand and I shall do what needs to be done.'
    Your task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand' has been updated.

    The Stormguard agent will not break the wand unless he feels you are adequately protected. You'll need more friends with you before he will take a chance with your life.
    [Requires full group - can be 3 player characters plus Mercs, and all need to be at the NPC]

    [upon successful hand in]

    You hear a malevolent voice booming in your head. 'Nooooooo! How dare you! I know who you are, and I will have my revenge upon you! You have not stopped my work, only delayed it, and for that you shall pay with your lives!'
    A Blacksail fisherman focuses on the wand and a deep blue light glows around his hands. After a moment he suddenly snaps the wand. It shatters into several pieces, each surrounded in the blue light. They immediately fly off in many directions and quickly become lost to sight. The fisherman says, 'Thank you. You have spared many lives this day.'
    Your task 'Destroy Marnek's Wand' has been updated.
    I have you now! You cannot evade my power!

    A strange magical presence prevents you from entering. It's too dangerous to enter at the moment.

    A Blacksail fisherman says, 'Ah, you have returned. When you and your allies are ready, give me the wand and I shall do what needs to be done.'

    Could not proceed as no longer had a wand to hand in (raised a ticket).

    Thanks! Created the quest entry here.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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    # Jan 18 2012 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
    An error in location of Soot-Covered Ruby, #3 Soot-covered Ruby (A Flaming Skull) Suncrest #2.
    The Soot-Covered Ruby doesnt come from a burning skull as indicated in brackets, you obtain the object by left clicking the Alter you have to destroy.
    # Aug 02 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts

    Speak with Stormguard Agent

    This is a Blacksail fisherman found in The Buried Sea. He will give the quest to kill Marnek, must turn in the Wand to get ported to the instance.

    Marnek the Burning Lich has the same effects as Jardel did before the wand removed the powers, but you don't have the wand this time.

    Marnek hits for about 2900, near unresistable charm, 500DS, and ae 1200 Dot (also very hard to resist).

    The hail finishes this task.

    Killing Marnek the Burning Lich is an enitrely new and separate task.

    Update reminder --
    # Apr 23 2011 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    Killing Marnek mission is in fact a NEW and separate mission. You have them on the same page above as of this post.

    Edited, Jul 20th 2011 9:07am by GOMN

    3rd to 6th "find" items (UPDATED POST)
    # Aug 02 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts

    #1 Blackened Bone Fragment (click the bones in the fire on top of the pedestal on the beach) Redfeather #1 (Mystery of Aviak Island)

    #2 Shard of Burnt Bone (click the skull on a flaming pike thats on top of a rock as you head in from where you zone in) Maiden’s Grave #1 (Mer's Lost Love)

    #3 Soot-covered Ruby (click the the big crystal on the pedestal in the cave) Suncrest #2 (Altar Call)

    #4 Scorched Piece of Bone (click the bones in the fire at the bottom of the underwater cave) Deadbone Reef #3 (The Drowned Dead)

    #5 Sliver of Singed Bone (click the small chest with a flame on it in Sharpeye's hut) Blacksail Folly #5 (Sharpeye's Demise)

    Edited, Apr 23rd 2011 2:32pm by GOMN

    Final Reward?
    # Jul 29 2009 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
    48 posts
    Anyone have any idea what the final reward for this quest is? I know in TSS necro's were supposed to get a burnt bone pet illusion, and it never went live. Marnek's wand of the burning dead? just curiousity, but perhaps this has something to do with it? Maybe I'll do the quest and find out, but I'd hate to do all this, just to find out its a 3 charge nuke wand or
    Final Reward?
    # Aug 02 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    No actual reward... just a task series like the others.

    Next steps are....
    # Jul 26 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    After you have all the peices, the steps not current listed in the task data are:

    Put these pieces back together. You sense that they want to be joined.

    (Toss them in a forge to make Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead -- trivial 0).

    Item Data:

    Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead

    Magic Lore

    Class WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU MNK BRD ROG SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC BST (it acutally lists them)

    RACE All

    Size Small

    Weight 0.4

    Effect: Flame of Marnek (castign time 0.0)
    Recast Delay 3 seconds
    Recast Type 1

    Charges 3

    Required Level 70

    Next step is....

    Kill Jardek the Pirate King

    I'll update more when i do more.

    Next steps are....
    # Jul 27 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    RE: Kill Jardek the Pirate King

    Jardek is in the beached pirate ship on jardels Hook island in the Buried Sea. He is up inside the ship on the top floor in a back room behind a locked door.

    The door is guarded by Karl Scarmonger and Jert Scarmonger. They are non-KoS, but other MOB's nearby are not, so you may have to clear a little.

    Say to Jert, "I have Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead" and the door will unlock (the rest of the text is not important). Go in the next door and then the next door to find Jardel, the Pirate King.

    If you follow along (last word "deal"), he will tell you that he will let you go if you just give hime the wand. Don't do it. Instead say "challenge" and the fight is on.

    NOTE: if you take too long to say challenge .. Jert will come and kick you off the boat (port you outside the boat).

    Click the wand on him (King) once to remove his 500Hp Damage Shield and lower his resists. Then kill him (lotta HP).

    I don't know if it part of the event (I suspect they were just social adds), but Captain Ridefort the Blindhunter and Captain Fyreflyte joined the fray when I did it.

    This opened the final step: "Speak wth Stormguard Agent"

    This step is completed by simply hailing the correct NPC. This NPC is really the "A Blacksail Fisherman," who is on the beach on the north side of Jardel's hook island.

    This will finish the task and you will be offered the task "Destroy Marnek's Wand."

    Edited, Jul 29th 2009 11:13pm by GOMN

    Next steps are....
    # Sep 25 2010 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    "Destroy Marnek's Wand" is a separate event. even though you finsih this one, it leads directly to the other. In short, you finish one task window and start another.

    Task item FYI
    # Jul 26 2009 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    Sliver of Singed Bone
    Magic Lore No Trade
    All / All
    Weight 0.2
    Size Small

    Obtained in the mission Macon #5: Sharpeye's Folly: Sharpeye's Demise
    in the instanced zone Blacksail Folly: Sharpeye's Demise.

    You get it by clicking the small burning chest in the same hut and room where you find Sharpeye.

    Task Item FYI
    # Jul 26 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    Scorched Piece of Bone
    Magic Lore No Trade
    Weight 0.2
    Size Small

    Acquired in the mission Longear #3: The Drowned Dead in the instanced zone called Deadbone Reef: The Drowned Dead.

    You get it by clicking the bones in the fire at the bottom of the underwater cave that goes straight down.

    # Jul 25 2009 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    Need to associate the follow tasks/missions, items and zones with this task:

    Blackened Bone Fragment
    Beal #1: Mystery of Aviak Island
    Redfeather Isle: Mystery of Aviak Island

    Shard of Burnt Bone
    Mer #1: Mer's Lost Love
    Maiden's Grave: Mer's Lost Love

    Scorched Piece of Bone (not in data base yet?)
    Longear #3: The Drowned Dead
    Deadbone Reef: The Drowned Dead

    Sliver of Singed Bone (not in data base yet?)
    Macon #5: Sharpeye's Folly: Sharpeye's Demise
    Blacksail Folly: Sharpeye's Demise

    Darkdawn #2: Altar Call
    Suncrest Isle: Altar Call
    Soot-covered Ruby

    The noted items, all needed for this quest, are acquired in the noted mission in the noted instanced zones.

    I have posted under those items i could find in the data base, how they are obtained.

    Complete Walkthrough with Storyline
    # Jan 04 2008 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    Complete Walkthrough with Storyline
    # Feb 22 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
    379 posts
    Anyone try to do the last task with 2 people who have the wand and 1 of them keeps it and clicks it on Marnek? I figure it wouldn't fit the lore but thought it might work due to whatever the clicky spell actually does.
    End Result
    # Jan 04 2008 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
    Quest is mostly storyline
    End reward is 100 doubloons and thats from Kill Marnek the Burning Lich Mission
    Flaming Skulls
    # Jan 02 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
    After you have the Charred Bone Chip, you have to do the other 5 ilse instance arcs until you find a trackable flaming skull in an instance. Click on the skull and you will get the item and update for that arc. I think you have to have the chip in inventory for the skull to spawn but have not confirmed it. In the Suncrest arc it is in mission 2 on the flame crystal alter. In the Deadbone arc it is in the 4th or 5th mission down in the cave with the underwater flame. I have not gone back to the other arcs to find it yet.
    for lines of task
    # Nov 09 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    Ive had this task for long time and yet to finish it, but the
    last 3 lines of task I have so far:

    Put the pieces back together. You sense they want to be joined.
    Kill Jardel the Pirate King
    task step update
    # Nov 09 2007 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
    Find the item that was taken from Whent. He says it was made of bone.
    Deliver 1 Charred Bone Chip to Whent Goldspire
    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.
    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.
    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.
    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.
    Find the items that you feel compelled to locate.
    ? ? ?
    ? ? ?
    ? ? ?

    Edited, Nov 9th 2007 3:24am by jegdor
    Almost finished
    # May 19 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    After turning in the charred bone that he wanted, task updated to find 5 other parts. I found those 5 parts and then combined all the get Marnek's Wand of the Burning Dead and task updated to say kill Jardel The Pirate King. The wand has 3 charges that seem like they need to be used against Jardel. Jardel apears to be behind a locked door in the inn on jardel's hook and I can seem to find the key. So this is as far as I have gotten....I will post in more detail about where all the parts are once I am done with this.
    which mob?
    # Apr 28 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    What was the npc? A Burning Skel? it was dark blue but dropped nada
    which mob?
    # Apr 28 2007 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
    27 posts
    ok..seems if kill him too far from spawn, he will drop nada
    A hint
    # Mar 13 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
    Since I have not yet solved the entire quest I will give people a hint to solving first part
    Do Researcher Higgins first quest with monkey Rock a NPC there drops the item you seek, but beware the npc that drops it hits 1724 about
    I am stuck after that part
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