Open Sea: Pirating Ways  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
  • Loot
Time Limit:02:00:00
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:The Buried Sea
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Wed Feb 14 18:35:50 2007
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This group mission begins with Shental Darkmind (click for map image), who is located near -225, -100 (middle of the zone). There are no pre-requisites for requesting this task.

    Note: Unlike most group missions, this task has only a two-hour timer.

    You say, 'Hail, Shental Darkmind'

    Shental Darkmind says 'Ahoy there, as they say here, though I suppose I'll never get used to saying it. I'm usually pretty good with colloquialisms, but apparently not these. I guess it's because I'm not a big fan of the sea, even though I'm making a fair amount of money from it at this time because of the [Freetide Cartel]. I like to spend that money in useful ways, and if you're available I could use your [help with a few things]. Or, if you have a few allies you can call on, I have something a bit more, um, interesting for you to [help with].'

    You say, 'What can we help with?'

    Shental Darkmind says 'There is a person, I shall not name this person, that is attempting to use our trade routes in the Buried Sea. As usual, I mentioned this person's travel plans to the locals. But I don't expect them to be able to handle this on their own. I want a good job done, and for that I'm looking to hire you, assuming a little dirty work isn't beneath you.'

    You have been assigned the task 'Pirating Ways'.

    Shental has asked that you hook up with some pirates and help them deal with a minor rival merchant. He wants you to make certain you find all of the booty to be certain this rival loses everything in the attack.

    Speak with Silverlip Slim 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    Silverlip Slim (click for map image) is found in the same zone (non-instanced Barren Coast) under the northernmost dock along its coast.

    You say, 'Hail, Silverlip Slim'

    Silverlip Slim says 'Arr! So that landlubber Shental sent you as his peg-legs, so to speak. So you'll do his dirty work and he'll pay you a pittance. That works for me. But before you get on one of my ships, you'll need a [token] that says you belong. Without one, you'll be split and tossed overboard.'

    You say, 'What token?'

    Silverlip Slim says 'Here it is. Don't lose it, mate.'

    You receive "Blacksail Doubloon". (Everyone should obtain one.)

    Purchase tickets to The Open Sea and catch the boat 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    Dockmaster Jack says 'Ye look like ye've been out ta sea on a mission for a bit, and perhaps yer head'n back out? If'n ye are, ye will need to get a ticket from me before yer able to board the Ravaging Death!'

    Buy a "Seafarer's Ticket: The Open Sea" from any of the Dockmasters along the coastline and keep it in your inventory. When the ship docks, step onto it and wait for it to sail out to the Buried Sea. Upon zoning, you'll find yourself on board a pirate ship full of non-KOS pirates. This ship has attacked a merchant ship, and your kill targets will be the Freetide mobs found on it.

    Loot 5 Sack of Booty 0/5 (The Open Sea)

    Kill 15 merchant sailors 0/15 (The Open Sea)

    All mobs seem to count towards the 15 kills, although killing non-KOS mobs gives red text and a warning from Captain Black Bill to not kill his men. Captain Horatio Ongel is killable (no special loot) while First Mate Fortuna Gelukk is not. There were exactly 15 KOS mobs including the captain on the second boat.

    There are also five chests spread around the ship, each containing 1 'booty', one on each level of the ship.

    a freetide deckhand has been slain by _____!
    a freetide deckhand's corpse says 'How could a Landlubber get me?'

    Deliver 5 Sack of Booty to Captain Black Bill 0/5 (The Open Sea)

    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'

    Speak to First Mate Conroy 0/1 (The Open Sea)

    You say, 'Hail, First Mate Conroy'

    First Mate Conroy says 'Har! If'n ya want ta leave, then I'll take you someplace. Won't be me that shoves ya off the plank when we get there!'

    You have entered Barren Coast.

    Speak to Shental Darkmind 0/1 (Barren Coast)

    You say, 'Hail, Shental Darkmind'

    Shental Darkmind says 'Not bad, not bad at all. The fool is already crying about his losses.'

    The merchant ship was picked clean. Shental appeared pleased with your recounting of the bloody tale.

    - Doubloons (varies)
    - Faction with Blacksail Smugglers (+10)
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    Task Info
    # Aug 01 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
    2,602 posts
    tep 1: Speak with Silverlip Slim

    (hail him, follow along for a Token... not sure you need it, but he gives you a Blacksail Doubloon. It isn't used and you will still have it after task is done.)

    Purchase a ticket to The Open Sea and catch the boar

    (You will zone in)

    Kill 15 merchant sailors

    (Not all pirates seem to count... don't kill the freetide... they are on your side)

    Loot 5 Sack of Booty

    (These are in chests inside the enemy ship... can't loot them if you have aggro .. and the item is called Sack of Booty)

    Give 5 booy to Captain Black Bill

    (give them to Bill)

    Speak to First Mate Conroy

    (hail and you will momentarily zone out)

    Speak to Shental Darkmind

    (hail to finish)

    Mission Completed
    # Aug 04 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
    You have been assigned the task 'Pirating Ways'.

    Step 1: Speak with Silverlip Slim

    You say, 'Hail, Silverlip Slim'
    Silverlip Slim says 'Arr! So that landlubber Shental sent you as his peg-legs, so to speak. So you'll do his dirty work and he'll pay you a pittance. That works for me. But before you get on one of my ships, you'll need a [token] that says you belong. Without one, you'll be split and tossed overboard.'
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.

    Step 2: Purchase a ticket to The Open Sea

    Dockmaster Jack says 'Ye look like ye've been out ta sea on a mission for a bit, and perhaps yer head'n back out? If'n ye are, ye will need to get a ticket from me before yer able to board the Ravaging Death!'
    Targeted (Merchant): Dockmaster Jack
    Stand close to and right click on the Merchant to begin a transaction.
    Dockmaster Jack says 'Greetings, Hisissi. You look like you could use a Seafarer's Ticket: The Open Sea.'
    Dockmaster Jack tells you, 'That'll be 0 money for the Seafarer's Ticket: The Open Sea.'
    You give to Dockmaster Jack.
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.

    The Open Sea is an instanced zone containing two boats, linked by three gangplanks. The boat you zone in on is populated by non-aggro pirates and two non-aggro nameds 'Captain Black Bill' and 'First Mate Conroy'. The second boat is populated by a variety of KOS trash mobs from level 73-76, two nameds 'Captain Horatio Ongel' and 'First Mate Fortuna Gelukk'. There are also some non-aggressive trash mobs.

    Step 3: Kill 15 merchant sailors
    Step 4: Loot 5 booty

    All mobs seem to count towards the 15 kills, although killing non-KOS mobs gives red text and a warning from Captain Black Bill to not kill his men. Captain Horatio Ongel is killable (no special loot), First Mate Fortuna Gelukk is not. There were exactly 15 KOS mobs including the captain on the second boat. There were also 5 chests, each containing 1 'booty', one on each level of the boat.

    a freetide deckhand's corpse says 'How could a Landlubber get me?'
    a freetide deckhand has been slain by Shadowhisper!
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.

    --You have looted a Sack of Booty.--
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.

    Step 5: Give 5 booy to Captain Black Bill

    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'
    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'
    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'
    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'
    Captain Black Bill says 'Yar!'
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.

    Step 6: Speak to First Mate Conroy

    You say, 'Hail, First Mate Conroy'
    First Mate Conroy says 'Har! If'n ya want ta leave, then I'll take you someplace. Won't be me that shoves ya off the plank when we get there!'
    Your task 'Pirating Ways' has been updated.
    You have entered Barren Coast.
    The direction to someone related to your current Task has been marked on your compass.

    Step 7: Speak to Shental Darkmind

    You say, 'Hail, Shental Darkmind'
    The merchant ship was picked clean. Shental appeared pleased with your recounting of the bloody tale.

    Quest reward was Blacksail Smugglers faction and 30 doubloons.

    Your faction standing with Blacksail Smugglers got better.
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Pirating Ways

    Multiple Aggro
    # Jun 01 2007 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
    This is one of the missions that you fight with another boat. You start out on the boat with Blacksail pirates. According to quest you are to locate 5 Pirate Booty (?). Other boat had Freetide on it. Once you walk across the plank to the other ship you get aggro by atleast 5.
    You can quit mission and it will kick you out back into Barren Coast. We were unable to see if you can rez on boat due to aggro.

    Multiple Aggro
    # Jun 03 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
    128 posts
    well yeah... for any of these ship missions you NEED a good puller, or at least a great chanter, and other approach is suicide.
    Vaal Halen
    115 Bard
    Council of Norrath
    Xev>Druzzil Ro>Xegony Server
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