Research the Dromrek  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
Related Quests:
Era:Serpents Spine
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Sep 22 18:32:06 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This is the first in a series of five tasks.

Find Scout Madu in Goru'kar Mesa at loc -1850, -700. This is a short distance to the west of the zoneline to Blightfire Moors.

You say, 'Hail, Scout Madu'

Scout Madu says 'Well met traveler. I have been asked to keep an eye on this area and to attempt to reduce any threats to Crescent Reach that might arise. I can always use someone that has the will to attempt dangerous scouting missions, if you're able to deal with the [unusual folk] that live in these parts.'

You say, 'Unusual folk?'

Scout Madu says 'It was the oddest thing. This fellow that I don't know, one with the legs of a deer and the face of a human, stumbled into me the other day. And I mean stumbled literally. It seems that he had been very deep in his cups. He kept rambling on about his brother betraying him, but I never could get more out of him before he wandered off. How odd of him. Sorry. I do not know why you made me think of him, you obviously have your [wits] about you.'

You say, 'My wits?'

Scout Madu says 'Yes. Yes you do. If you would like to explore the area, I'm certain that Vulu over there has some work for you. But if you're looking for something more interesting than just wandering around, I might have some [tasks] that are a bit more dangerous that you could undertake for me.'

You say, 'What tasks?'

Scout Madu says 'I have many tasks available, but most of them require that you have much experience. When you think you are ready, come back to me and ask me about my more [difficult] tasks. In the meantime I have some tasks for ones with less experience, and I will even reward ones who help me with some [extra armor].'

You say, 'Difficult?'

Scout Madu says 'There are two types of creatures in this area that concern me as much as the gryphons and harpies. This is the [dromrek] and the [centaur].'

You say, 'Who are the Dromrek?'

Scout Madu says 'The Dromrek are a type of giant that can be found in the northwest of this area. They are massive in size, and fearsome of demeanor, but at the same time they seem to be rather unintelligent. If you would be [willing] to go explore the area where they live, it might give me more information to work with.'

You say, 'I am willing'

Scout Madu says 'Good. Be careful as they seem to dislike outsiders.'

You have been assigned the task 'Research the Dromrek'.

Find the southern extent of the Dromrek stomping grounds. Madu has been told that this is near a fork in the road to the north and west.

  • 1. Find the fork in the road near the Dromrek area 0/1 (Goru`kar Mesa)

    This is the clearly-marked fork south of the zone into The Steppes. Location: +290, +760.

  • 2. Take a look at the cave entrance you see off to the west 0/1 (Goru`kar Mesa)

    You think you see a cave to the west. Take a look inside.

    These are labeled "Giant Caves" on maps.

  • 3. Be brave! Explore further into the cave 0/1 (Goru`kar Mesa)

    This is certainly a living space for them. Explore further and see if you can find any tools or other items that might give some information about the Dromrek.

    The update location in the cave is at /loc +122, +1666.

    It is the first open area in the cave, with several tunnels leading off from there.

  • 4. Discover the extent of the Dromrek stomping grounds to the north 0/1 (Goru`kar Mesa)

    Far enough! Get out of the cave, you've seen enough cave for Madu's needs. Head north and find the extent of the Dromrek hunting grounds.

    Trigger is near the northern passage into the Griffin Valley. Follow the road that goes far north into the giant area (not the one to the caves). When you are parallel to the giant named Bigone just run northwest to the wall and when you hit the wall about 20 feet to the NE of the entry to the canyon on your left, you get the update.

  • 5. Speak with Scout Madu 0/1 (Goru`kar Mesa)

    You say, 'Hail, Scout Madu'

    Your task 'Research the Dromrek' has been updated.

    You have gathered enough information to give Madu an idea about the extent of the Dromrek hunting grounds and what sort of beings they might be.

    You gain experience!!

    Scout Madu says 'Hrm. Maybe they are more intelligent than I thought. Why don't you go and [talk] to some of the more intelligent looking ones?'

    This is the lead-in to the task "Parlay with the Dromrek".
  • Rewards:
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    Step 3 Be Brave loc 122, 1666
    # Aug 04 2019 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
    28 posts
    Step 3 Be Brave loc 122, 1666

    It is the first open area in the cave, with several tunnels leading off from there.
    How to find the update spot
    # Dec 14 2018 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
    186 posts
    The update spot can be a pita to find.

    Follow the road that goes far north into the giant area (not the one to the caves).

    When you are parallel to the giant named Bigone just run northwest to the wall and when you hit the wall about 20 feet to the NE of the entry to the canyon on your left, you get the update.

    It's just an anonymous bit of wall. No indications.
    stage 4 seems to be at loc p1266, 1146, 147
    # Dec 30 2011 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
    298 posts
    stage 4 seems to be at loc p1266, p1146, p147, toward the right side of the valley path that leads to the entrance to the Griffon valley, at the beginning of that path.
    # Feb 15 2011 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
    32 posts
    Get this quest at LV 45
    Fork in road
    # Apr 24 2010 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
    The "clearly-marked fork south of the zone into The Steppes" seems to be around +290, +760.
    # Apr 29 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
    GBATE!! Never saw it coming
    9,966 posts
    I got the message at +250, +650, +33 more or less

    More like 1210, 1130, 152. Smiley: facepalm

    I stand corrected, thanks Vigrmot!

    Edited, Nov 3rd 2010 3:56pm by Bijou
    remorajunbao wrote:
    One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

    /loc for Extent of Dromrek range
    # Jul 20 2008 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
    Rehter irritating. I spent 40 min crisscrossing this area, up and down the bloody hills. finally got msg at pos 1316 p;os 1158 pos 149. hope this helps someone else
    This is reapeatable.
    # Oct 14 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
    This quest is repeatable.

    Scout Madu loc
    # Mar 23 2007 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
    Don't follow the loc given here, Scout Madu is not at -1850 -700 which is the Tuffein camp. Use the loc given in the Nov 30 2006 post by smithgib .
    Scout Madu loc
    # Feb 17 2008 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
    I can confirm location listed in not correct ... i stood where he was and got loc of -1950, +537.
    Obtained at level 47
    # Feb 15 2007 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
    64 posts
    I had a wild hair up my saddle bags and decided to try for this task. Lo and Behold, the kind and generous Scout Madu obviously felt sorry for me. Gives out a nice chunk of XP (4% - or 4 blue bubbles for those without the percentage marker)

    Wood Elf Druid
    Proud follower of Tunare for 47 seasons
    Tunare (E'Ci) Server
    Level to get this quest
    # Feb 11 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
    86 posts
    At 44, I couldnt get this quest. Came back at 45, and got it. the first stage is easy at 45 with some sort of invis. was worth 3% xp. The second stage, I was able to get, but havent been able to complete. its a terribly crowded area to try and kite in. The one time i get the cook away from the camp area safely, someone else assumed I was fleeing rather than kitting, and took him.
    # Nov 30 2006 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
    location of Scout Madu is to the west but at negative 1975 positive 547.
    Broken Quest?
    # Oct 17 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
    He gives 3 or 4 tasks having to do with the Giants. Completion of the final one nets you a Wand. Tho its broken or im bugged as i didn't recieve it. I assume the wand is a Pacify giant clicky or something because he suggests you try again with it.

    On a side note, teh other quests in this mini-arc take you to crescent reach and to Stone hive for hails and to loot a specific drop from the bixies. ( i got my drop near the Jail Area in stone hive )
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