Welcome Into The Marrs' Hearts  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Faction
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Prophecy of Ro
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed May 24 00:09:18 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Erling Elsai is located in West Freeport at -295, -10. This is close to the PoK book.

You say, 'Hail, Erling Elsai'

Erling Elsai says 'It would appear that you have just enough of a reputation to wander through Freeport without finding a blade to your neck. If you want to further gain favor inside the city, I have some [work] you can do. I can always put in a good word for you with the followers of Marr should you continue to work for me. And if you find yourself a strong ally with those who worship Marr, I will have a reward for you -- to welcome you into the Marrs' hearts.'

When apprehensive to aimiable...

Erling Elsai says 'The Knights of Truth and priests of the Temple of Marr have heard of your name now, but they would certainly prefer that you exhibit even greater loyalty to them. I have a friend inside West Freeport that needs the aid of someone who is pure of heart and mind. Go see Neas Lavati and if you succeed in providing assistance, I can guarantee your reputation will improve more quickly.'

You say, 'What work?'

Erling Elsai says 'There are a number of individuals in the city proper who are in need of capable help, help that nearly everyone in Freeport would look kindly upon. Seek out these individuals and make yourself available. You can speak with Captain Victor Lis, Plink Gemtosser, or Whittle Rentorp. I believe Moe Wilborn has a rather bizarre situation he needs assistance with and Soren the Sorcerer is always looking for capable help.'

The individuals mentioned all give group tasks that boost faction in Freeport.

When max ally with the Knights of Truth, Erling awards you a title "of the Truthbringer".

When max ally with the Freeport Militia, Erling awards you a title "of the Freeport Militia"

Erling Elsai says 'You've managed to show your devotion to the Marr twins which has endeared you to the Temple of Marr and the Knights of Truth. As a result, they have authorized me to dub you with a title holding great honor and respect among the people here, within the walls of the great city of Freeport.'
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MAX ally not required
# Jul 25 2012 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
770 posts
Hailed him at ally -- not max ally to Knights of Truth or Priests of Marr -- and got the title (suffix) "of the Truthbringer"

[Wed Jul 25 02:57:18 2012] Erling Elsai regards you as an ally -- You could probably win this fight.
[Wed Jul 25 02:57:25 2012] You say, 'Hail, Erling Elsai'
[Wed Jul 25 02:57:25 2012] Erling Elsai says 'You've managed to show your devotion to the Marr twins which has endeared you to the Temple of Marr and the Knights of Truth. As a result, they have authorized me to dub you with a title holding great honor and respect among the people here, within the walls of the great city of Freeport.'
# Sep 05 2010 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Ratfink Mystery is related I'd think because he's a quest giver listed and this is the only quest he gives.

Edited, Sep 5th 2010 10:46pm by asusazazel
KoS To Freeport Militia text
# Sep 26 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Faction is max ally with Temple of Marr and Knights of Truth, Cannot get worse with Freeport Militia.

Erling Elsai says 'Greetings, Daoinne. Looks like the Knights of Truth and the Temple of Marr don't favor you, or the Freeport Militia. If you're looking to improve in their eyes, I suggest you go visit Tacots Silentblade of Dumbwicket Middifoodle in Southern Ro. I think one of the two of them will have work for you that will help you along in that regard.'

Then I get the text for the Truthbringer title. I'd guess the above is for being KoS to any of the 3 factions mentioned.
Marr title text
# Aug 26 2008 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Erling Elsai says 'You've managed to show your devotion to the Marr twins which has endeared you to the Temple of Marr and the Knights of Truth. As a result, they have authorized me to dub you with a title holding great honor and respect among the people here, within the walls of the great city of Freeport.'

Edited, Aug 26th 2008 12:10pm by Kraesktael
3000 gold
# Jul 07 2008 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
Basically, you need about 3000 gold given to any of the NPC's you can give to, to get the of the Truthbringer suffix.
3000 gold
# Aug 07 2008 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
it would be really helpful if someone knew the name of the NPC you give the 2g to to get the faction for this quest (specifically the Knights of Truth). going to just run around freeport give NPCs 2g till i find out who i guess.

Edit: ok turn in 2g to Fabian in E. Freeport (he is at north end of docks).

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 9:44pm by Paioa
Of the truthbringer
# Oct 18 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
working on truthbringer title now, ran to east freeport with 3k gold and amiable faction, how long will it take and or how much money will fabian take from me ? =x

Edited, Oct 18th 2007 2:03pm by taxxii
Militia title
# Jul 23 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Reidar Elsai outside FP in Nro gives you the title "of the Freeport Militia" not Erling Elsai in WFP.
[125 Deathcaller] Zephur - Gnome Necromancer
350 Baking / Brewing / Fletching / Jewelry / Pottery / Tailoring / Tinkering
325+ Research / Smithing
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