Korlach Leviathan #2: Learning the Power  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Depths of Darkhollow
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Jan 28 00:27:11 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This group task is the second in a series of four (plus a raid) and begins with Widdlethorpe Gemfinder in the Stoneroot Falls at approximate location -65, -1200.

You say, 'Hail, Widdlethorpe Gemfinder'

Widdlethorpe Gemfinder says 'This coral is very powerful and can bend the mind of a tough enemy. We need to learn how the Shiliskin used the coral on the Korlach. Before we can fully understand the potential, we should [practice on something smaller]. If things go wrong it could mean the end for us.'

You say, 'We will practice on something smaller'

Widdlethorpe Gemfinder says 'I believe it's important that we try it on a Korlach. I want you to explore into the Korlach's lair and attempt to lull a young Korlach into obeying you. It will be dangerous though. Are you up for this [adventure]?'

You say, 'We are up for this adventure'

Whoever requests the task receives a "Magical Corathus Coral". NOTE: You can receive another one by saying "we will practice on something smaller" again.

You have been assigned the task 'Learning the Power'.

After further researching the coral we need to discover its potential power and learn how to control another mind with it. Adventure into the depths of the Korlach's lair and take control of a young Korlach.

The direction to the entry to your instanced zone(s) have been marked on your compass.

Find an entrance to Korlach's lair 0/1 (Stoneroot Falls)

The zone-in is underwater in the north part of Stoneroot Falls. The instance "Lair of the Korlach" consists primarily of underwater tunnels. There are AE spell traps and random see-invis mobs throughout the zone. Either mobs do NOT respawn, or they have a very long respawn timer.

It is recommended you clear as much as possible in the water because you'll have further witherans spawning on your way out.

Search for a young witheran deep inside the lair 0/1 (Lair of the Korlach)

The young witheran is located in the basilisk cavern. This step updates when someone steps on its spawnpoint. It sees invis and will aggro. Do NOT kill it.

Take control of the young witheran by using the coral 0/1 (Lair of the Korlach)

Do not try to cast when the young witheran is underwater and you are not (or vice versa) or the cast will fail. It's safest to attempt the cast out of the water in the left hand corner of the basilisk room.

When the young witheran is charmed, numerous witheran protectors, slashers, and devourers spawn between you and the zone-in (seems to be 12 spawns total in bunches of three).

Defend yourselfs from the witheran Protectors 0/4 (Lair of the Korlach)

Head back towards the zone-in, killing the witheran protectors in your way. Once four of them are dead, a dark mystical chest spawns at the zone-in with loot. Zone out after looting to complete the task and receive individual rewards.

Return to Widdlethorpe with the knowledge of the powers 0/1 (Stoneroot Falls)

You say, 'Hail, Widdlethorpe Gemfinder'

Your task 'Learning the Power' has been updated.

You have discovered the power of the coral. Speak with Widdlethorpe to further investigate the mystery of the Korlach.


Automatic Rewards
Melees: Earring of Wretchedness
Casters: Earring of Bitterness

Possible Chest Loot
Bracer of the Lair
Chain Seascale Boots
Molded Plate Arms
Phosphorescent Wovenweed Leggings
Witheran Bone Crown

Random Rare Zonewide Drop
Ring of Dissipation
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Young Witheran aggro
# Oct 08 2023 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
The young witheran does see through both invisibility and invisibility vs animals and every now and then a basilisk does also. As long as none of the basilisks see invis you can run up next to the young witheran and click the coral. It only aggros socially and moves away from the spot making you use all the charges. So move in for the location update and click away. Using inis vs animals does nothing to drop the lull on the younger witheran. I fianlly got the Ring of Dissapation from a witheran slasher. There seem to be npc's in the instance missing from the list.
For pet class soloers
# Feb 04 2010 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
80 necro, 1200 aa's, 25khp/26kmana

This is soloable, as is the first part of the quest; however, know that the charmed mob will prevent you from having a pet. So, pet can assist you with clearing on the way in, but not on the way out.


Medding between mobs sets on the way out is not very fast since I stayed in combat mob the entire time, likely due to the charmed mob.
Some updates
# Nov 25 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
313 posts
I just did this task and due to a lot of misleading information i failed the first attempt. Anyway here's what i learned:

First, this zone does NOT repop. Second, people need to know that they can get more than 1 Magical Corathus Coral by saying "practice on something smaller" to Widdlethorpe (and btw if you are redoing this task you also NEED to say the fraze to get the coral otherwise you only get the instance without the mez item)

Once in you want to clear as much as possible, especially the witherans in the big rooms.
Third, when you get to the last room where you find the young witheran, you HAVE to step on it's spawn location for task update, otherwise you won't be able to charm him. He does see invis and he will agro, so you want to clear the room of basilisks first then do this step..Even if he agroes before this, you can either off tank him/ mez him/ or root him away! Kill any remaining adds then get location update!. At this point you can charm him, but keep in mind that 3 mobs spawn in the room and will agro immediately.The adds are: "a witheran protector" , "a witheran devourer" and "a witheran slasher". There are 12 mobs total that spawn when you successfuly charm the young witheran. As stated above the first 3 spawn in the same room with the basilisks, next 3 spawn in the tunnel between this room and the big one, next spawn in the big room with the 2 tunnels heading north, while the last 3 spawn in the second room from zone in. Basically you need to kill the 4 protectors, 1 in each "cluster" tho i recommend killing all 12 mobs

As a side note, the young witheran will follow you as a pet (tho there is no window for him) all the way to the zone in. You can't attack him and you can't break mez. So once he's mezzed you no longer need to worry about him

Five Witheran
# Oct 20 2007 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
This is inaccurate, there are much more than 5 that spawn, there are approximately 12 in total, in bunches of 3's.
Do not kill the Young Witheran
# Jun 30 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
We aggoed and accidently killed the young witheren, what a waste of 2 hours.

Tomorrow we start again.
slight change?
# Apr 25 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
It seems that they made a slight mistake with a change for this. if you follow the text which is dif then listed on this site, you'll only end up getting a Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral... now i dont know if its because i was repeating these tasks but i ended up having to look up the phrase here to get the charm item by saying We will practice on something smaller.
Added step
# Feb 16 2007 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
Take control of the young witheran by using the coral. (0/1) - Lair of the Korlach

you must kill 4

Defend yourselfs from the witheran Protectors 4/4

ZERO respawns
# Sep 16 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
did this mission tonite ZERO respawns
Chain boots are called...
# Jul 30 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
Chain boots from chest are called Chain Seascale Boots
Repops now
# Jun 18 2006 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Did this mission last nite 06/17/06 and YES there were many repops. If there wasn't in the past they probably fixed it stealth-like in the recent patch.
Repops now
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
7/24/06 No repops in this mission
# Jun 04 2006 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
This mission was very easy, the zone has NO repops. The your witheren is in the 2nd to last room, where the basilisks are.
We cleared all the mobs on the way to that room and we cleared all the basilisks. The young witheren added when we pulled the last basilisk, we mezzed it and had the group go back to zone in. I then used the rock to charm the witheren and the 4 guardians popped,each with 2 adds of different names, i let charm wear off and then i FDd to lose agro on young witheren (he no longer has any importance after the 4 spawn). We pulled the protectors in 3's to the zone in mezzing and killing. When the 4th died the chest spawned at zone in. You do NOT have to zone out by the rear of the zone. I went out the same spot where we zoned in and hailed the NPC, mission complete.

An interesting glitch, we had 4 chests spawn at end of this. 2x Plate Arms, 1 Plate Bracer and 1 Chain boots. None were upgrades so we subbed in friends to come and loot before doing the final hail.
Diff Coral
# Apr 21 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
There appears to be two different Corals given for this task -- or they Changed the item.

I don't believe there is a Normal and Hard version of these task, is there?

I done this just recently and the Coral I got was is a Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral. It has unlimited charges.

Edited, Apr 17th 2019 5:54pm by GOMN

Diff Coral
# Dec 03 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
I have never done the 5th mission of this arc. I definitely got the item on this particular task.

Edited, Apr 17th 2019 5:54pm by GOMN

RE: Diff Coral
# Apr 21 2006 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
182 posts
Glowing Chunk of Corathus Coral is for mission 5 in the arc, "Korlach the Deep Leviathan".

No, there's no normal and hard version - I have updated the description to reflect this.
# Feb 01 2011 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
633 posts
It needs to be updated on "Melee reward..." on the Earring of Wretchedness as well.
Also appears in chest
# Apr 18 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
Witheran Bone Crown

Witheran Bone Crown
Slot: HEAD
AC: 14
STR: +8 STA: +5 WIS: +12 INT: +12 AGI: +6 HP: +140 MANA: +150
Recommended level of 68.
WT: 1.2 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7
# Apr 14 2006 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
Also drops:
Bracer of the Lair
AC: 27
STR: +12 DEX: +5 STA: +5 WIS: +10
INT: +10 HP: +145 MANA: +145 ENDUR: +145
Recommended level of 70.
WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, type 7:

0 charges left
# Apr 03 2006 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
If you accidentally use up all your charges (because you're not at the right step, or because the mob is in the water for example), then simply zone out of the instance, go back to the quest giver and say "practice".
This will give you a new coral with 3 charges (I did destroy my old one first, so that might be a requirement).

This saves you from having to restart...
about traps and finishing
# Mar 04 2006 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
a bit more information:

no respawns, pathing sucks, mobs warp, but it's pulleable by a GOOD monk now. Sometimes petpull works - in some locations pet gets stuck on returning.

After you charmed the young witheran after walking over his spawnpoint (was in northeast room for us (room in front of the big Leviathan) several protectors spawn all over the zone, including some adds. We could simply head back the way we came and killed those 4. Now for the tricky part.

There is a trap in the underwater passage to the Leviathan (which wont aggro btw)- it stuns and does about 3k damage and might do it twice in a row or even 3 times. Harmshield trough it and touch the exit quickly for zoning out (only 1 person has to do it). Chest spawns at zoneIN (where you zoned in). Have anybody from your task hail Bellfast and its finally done.
# Feb 24 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts

there are no hard and easy versions of this task. just one version.
# Feb 24 2006 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
I tried this mission tonight and did not recieve the coral from the quest giver, I retried a few times and recieved nothing. Did I miss something here?
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
I am sorry for the duplication... I posted from the other PC and I couldn't see my posts, so I kept trying!
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
There are actually only 4 Protectors to kill.

Once they are dead the next step is "Find the entrance to the lair and exit quickly."

Porting out of the instance doesn't count. After porting to Undershore we had to zone back in and some of us had to zone out to get the update. Then the chest spawned.

Finally there is one more step - to report back to Widdlethorpe - to finish the quest and get your rewards.

Also: You cannot charm the Young Witheran until you get the update about finding it. And you don't get that update until you run over his spawn spot - even if you have aggro-ed him already.

The rewards for this arc are awful by the way. 130-150 hp items just don't cut it for the difficulty of fighting often up to 6 mobs at a time underwater. Even if they do remove respawn as allegedly promised it's not worth doing this arc unless you want the mask.

The chest contained some 135hp/mana chain boots which rotted.
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
There are actually only 4 Protectors to kill.

Once they are dead the next step is "Find the entrance to the lair and exit quickly."

Porting out of the instance doesn't count. After porting to Undershore we had to zone back in and some of us had to zone out to get the update. Then the chest spawned.

Finally there is one more step - to report back to Widdlethorpe - to finish the quest and get your rewards.

Also: You cannot charm the Young Witheran until you get the update about finding it. And you don't get that update until you run over his spawn spot - even if you have aggro-ed him already.

The rewards for this arc are awful by the way. 130-150 hp items just don't cut it for the difficulty of fighting often up to 6 mobs at a time underwater. Even if they do remove respawn as allegedly promised it's not worth doing this arc unless you want the mask.

And this is the 4th time I am trying to post this! Why does it keep disappearing!?
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
It is only 4 protectors that you have to kill.

The stage after killing them is "Find the entrance to the lair and exit quickly". This is a bit buggy. Gating out doesn't count. We ported to Undershore for safety and it wasn't until all of us had zoned back in again and at least one had then zoned out that the update triggered.

Finally the last step is to "Report back to Widdlethorpe Gemfinder". Hailing him finishes the task and gives you your reward.

And by the way. The rewards for this arc are awful for the difficulty. Especially at the moment while there is respawn. Allegedly the developers are removing respawn but even then 130-150hp items just don't cut it.
Quest details
# Jan 28 2006 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
This mission occurs in the standard Korlach mission zone. Bring a good puller who can work underwater, or a killer enchanter.

Clear to the big room, take the right-hand fork toward the basilisk room. In the near left-hand corner of the basilisk room is the charmable witheran ("a young witheran", I believe). Clear out enough trash to get to the young witheran; it will attack you, probably as an add on a pull.

Be sure to get the task update about having FOUND the witheran, before you try to charm it. The charm will not work if the task isn't at the right step. I think this update is accomplished by moving someone to the young witheran's spawn point. The best idea is to move your whole group up there, out of the water.

Click the orb from Widdlethorpe (Magical Corathus Coral) on the young witheran. You have three charges; if you get two resists, you might want to consider some resist debuffs before firing the third. Make sure the witheran and you are both above or both under water when you click.

When the witheran is charmed, a bunch of new, tougher witherans spawn between you and the zone line. You need to kill 5 witheran protectors in order to win and end the mission. They each have at least 1-2 friends on top of them, in addition to the usual unavoidable witheran adds.

Hint: if you need to evac, do so. Losing charm on the young witheran has *no impact* on the success or failure of the mission. Once the little guy is charmed, all you need to do is kill the 5 protectors, however you can. The young witheran doesn't even assist in combat, so you lose nothing by letting him loose.

Once the 5 protectors are dead, a chest will spawn at the zone in. Zone out by clicking on the rocky zone-out wall in order to complete the last task update.
RE: Quest details
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
There are actually only 4 Protectors to kill.

Once they are dead the next step is "Find the entrance to the lair and exit quickly."

Porting out of the instance doesn't count. After porting to Undershore we had to zone back in and some of us had to zone out to get the update. Then the chest spawned.

Finally there is one more step - to report back to Widdlethorpe - to finish the quest and get your rewards.

The rewards for this arc are awful by the way. 130-150 hp items just don't cut it for the difficulty of fighting often up to 6 mobs at a time underwater. Even if they do remove respawn as allegedly promised it's not worth doing this arc unless you want the mask.
# Feb 14 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
There are actually only 4 Protectors to kill.

Once they are dead the next step is "Find the entrance to the lair and exit quickly."

Porting out of the instance doesn't count. After porting to Undershore we had to zone back in and some of us had to zone out to get the update. Then the chest spawned.

Finally there is one more step - to report back to Widdlethorpe - to finish the quest and get your rewards.

Also: To get the update about finding the Young Witheran you have to go to his spawn spot. You cannot charm him until you have that update. So don't waste the charges on your item until you do.

The rewards for this arc are awful by the way. 130-150 hp items just don't cut it for the difficulty of fighting often up to 6 mobs at a time underwater. Even if they do remove respawn as allegedly promised it's not worth doing this arc unless you want the mask.
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