Warrior Epic: Make it Augmentable  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
Related Quests:
Era:Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Sep 26 16:44:30 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Gartrog Smitehammer may be found at -1320, -370 post-revamp.

You say, 'Hail, Gartrog Smitehammer'

Gartrog Smitehammer says 'You have heard of the strange stones being recovered from ancient dungeons? It is true. Powerful stones of unknown origins have been discovered as of late in the newly discovered dungeons. I see you wield a warrior's most prized honor. Congratulations on your acquiring such a fine weapon. It holds great power. I worry however if you were to try to augment your new weapon with one of these new stones. I have done some research and it seems the Red Scabbard used to combine and uncombined your weapon, could potentially harm any augmentation you might add. However with the help of Wenden here, we have been able to successfully forge all three versions of your weapon! The scabbard no longer works with them, but we have achieved some nice results by adding various augmentations to them. We could perhaps craft you a new set of weapons if you are [interested].'

You say, 'I am interested.'

Gartrog Smitehammer pulls out a shining smithy's hammer. 'Hand me your Red Scabbard and your Jagged Blade of War. I will supply the rest of the metal since you helped out Kargek with the note from his brother and the gift you gave to him.'

Give him the Red Scabbard and Jagged Blade of War.

Gartrog Smitehammer begins to furiously work the metal. Sparks fly and a faint magical aura seems to surround the immediate area. 'Ah, a fine job! Your new weapons, ______! Good luck on your travels and if you find any of the augmentation stones, you can now use them to make these fine weapons ever finer!'

You receive back a augmented version of the Jagged Blade of War.
Submitted by: Flungmuk, Sakryn
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Can't do quest at level 1
# Oct 27 2021 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts
He just keeps handing them back with "I have no need for this, name. You can have it back.". I did the augmentable turn in before at about lvl 30 or 35 so i guess I just keep checking back.
Can't do quest at level 1
# Oct 28 2021 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
hullan wrote:
He just keeps handing them back with "I have no need for this, name. You can have it back.". I did the augmentable turn in before at about lvl 30 or 35 so i guess I just keep checking back.

I got the augmentable swords at level 35. I had been checking it every 5 levels and level 35 did the trick.
You get all three swords
# Aug 09 2021 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
The quest description says you get back an augmentable version of the JBoW that can be converted to the BoS and BoT, and back again. This is incorrect. Your scabbard is gone, and you just end up with permanent copies of all three weapons in your inventory.
You get all three swords
# Aug 15 2021 at 5:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Aztrix wrote:
The quest description says you get back an augmentable version of the JBoW that can be converted to the BoS and BoT, and back again. This is incorrect. Your scabbard is gone, and you just end up with permanent copies of all three weapons in your inventory.

Ok so all this quest is for is to convert Jagged Blade of War to (Augmented) Jagged Blade of War ?

Or does the quest also give you augmented versions of Blade of Tactics and Blade of Strategy ?

If so, do the unaugmented versions of those weapons disappear?
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You get all three swords
# Oct 16 2021 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
I just finished my third warrior epic 1.0. Yes you get all 3 back if you do the hand in to make them augmentable, you lose the scabbard and the original pair of 1 hand slash weapons are gone. Do not do the trick with the summoned swords from a mage to make the blade of tactics and blade of strategy as you won't see the augmentable ones in the return from Gartrog. My ogre warrior whose 1.0 I did years ago has an augmentable Jagged Blade of war and a normal no augment slot Blade of Tactics and Blade of Strategy..

they won't fix if for you and doing the 1.0 again to get the scabbard might work but you would probably need to destroy the non augmentable ones in inventory. I have heard conflicting versions of whether this will give you augmentable ones again.

Keeping the scabbard and the original ones I did on my Vah Shir. The ogre has the aug able 2hs and 2 non aug 1hs and the inky warrior has all 3 augmentable. Keeping all three the way they are so I have 3 examples.
Mage sword trick
# Aug 07 2019 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Today on Mangler TLP (6/7/2019) having the un-augmentable BOT and BOS in inventory and hanging JBOW and Scabbard in resulted in only receiving an augmentable JBOW. Beware
# May 11 2019 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
They nerfed being able to double BoS/BoT, dont try it as you'll lose your Augmentable versions.
# Aug 16 2019 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
They even retro-nerfed it. If you had it before the change you will have lost the augmentable BoT and BoS.
Is this quest available on TLP 2.0
# Nov 17 2015 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Is this quest available on TLP 2.0 (Lockjaw/Ragefire)?
Is this quest available on TLP 2.0
# Nov 17 2015 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
pheroux wrote:
Is this quest available on TLP 2.0 (Lockjaw/Ragefire)?

Is the quest NPC in the revamped East Freeport on TLP 3.0 (Ragefire/Lockjaw)?

The quest itself is LDoN era, but it could be active... as they have allowed melee augmentations since launch on TLP it would follow that you could augment your warrior epic.
Is this quest available on TLP 2.0
# Aug 14 2019 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
This quest is active and works on Mangler TLP as of 08/14/2019 during the Ruins of Kunark expansion.

Edited, Aug 21st 2019 1:11am by vemerce
Sword of Runes Trick
# Aug 09 2011 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
Still works ;)

And it is Sword of Runes from the level 26 mage spell. https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=9264

Make sure you have the Jagged Blade of War and not the Blade of Strategy/Tactics.
Place Summoned: Sword of Runes in the Red Scabbard.
You now have all three weapons.
Hand in the scabbard and Jagged Blade of War.
Do a happy dance with dual BoT/BoS's ;)
Sword of Runes Trick
# Oct 05 2012 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
The trick still works
Sword of Runes Trick
# Aug 20 2011 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Still works both sets are given to you and no Red Scabbard so make sure you get your BoS and BoT (Un Augged) before you hand your stuff in.

Edited, Aug 20th 2011 6:13pm by mikeyn
sword of runes trick
# Feb 03 2010 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
619 posts
yep the trick still works, just did it today. basically this just gives you two blades of strategy and two blades of tactics for a cool double blue or double red look. i followed these instructions from further down on this page:

"Just did this less than 5 minutes ago. It still works. However, it does not work quite as posted. Here's a step by step of what I did.

Had a guildie create me a couple Blade of Runes. I was wearing the BoT and BoS. I attempted to combine 1 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath, but could not because it said it would create a duplicate (Blade of Strategy). So I tried to combine 2 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath and got the 'cannot combine in this container' message.

Took my BoS and BoT, combined them in the sheath for the JBoW.

Then I combined 1 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath and recieved a BoS and BoT.

*evil grin*

Took my JBoW and Red Sheath to Gartrog Smitehammer, turned them in, and recieved my AUGMENTABLE BoS, BoT, and JBoW... as well as having the non-augmentable BoS and BoT equipped!

The icon was changed as well as making them augmentable."

Edited, Feb 3rd 2010 7:40pm by Zaztik
Runes trick
# Jun 22 2009 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
Still works as of today. Cool trick.
Error of epic at lvl 33
# Nov 23 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Epic weapon people will not talk to you until you are 51. PLUS in order to do the 1.0 you have to get items from Plane of Sky and Plane of Fear, hence every minimal level of 46

Edited, Nov 23rd 2008 12:31pm by kakino
Error of epic at lvl 33
# Mar 10 2009 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,273 posts
The sky drops are multiquestable, and in numerous cases you can turn quest items in to an npc that refuses to speak to you to still obtain the reward. I knew a warrior who was a very low level with his epic. I can't remember what level, but around the 20 or 30 mark.
Error of epic at lvl 33
# May 26 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
I have the epic 1.0 at lvl 25 :)
sword of rune "trick" ?
# Apr 27 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
what exactly is this sword of rune "trick" of which you speak.
req lvl 35
# Jun 08 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
I finished the epic at 33. The quest guy for "Make it Augmentable" said he did not need my JBoW or red scabbard. I went out and leveled to 35, and finally came back to freeport today to try it, and it worked. Sword of runes trick still works as well. The worn effect on blade of tactics also stacks with itself. The only problem with this quest besides the level limit is that the augmentable JBoW has the same icon as the other two augmentable blades, making them hard to tell apart.
Yes, it still works.
# Dec 29 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this less than 5 minutes ago. It still works. However, it does not work quite as posted. Here's a step by step of what I did.

Had a guildie create me a couple Blade of Runes. I was wearing the BoT and BoS. I attempted to combine 1 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath, but could not because it said it would create a duplicate (Blade of Strategy). So I tried to combine 2 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath and got the 'cannot combine in this container' message.

Took my BoS and BoT, combined them in the sheath for the JBoW.

Then I combined 1 Blade of Runes in the Red Sheath and recieved a BoS and BoT.

*evil grin*

Took my JBoW and Red Sheath to Gartrog Smitehammer, turned them in, and recieved my AUGMENTABLE BoS, BoT, and JBoW... as well as having the non-augmentable BoS and BoT equipped!

The icon was changed as well as making them augmentable.

Just call me Darth Dwarf :p
Yes, it still works.
# May 26 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Yup, did this as well - very cool :)
Some incorrect info...
# Jul 07 2006 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
"You receive an augmentable version of the Jagged Blade of War, which can be converted to augmentable versions of the Blade of Strategy and the Blade of Tactics and back again."

You do NOT receive the Red Scabbard back with this quest. You do get back 3 seperate epic pieces. The 2hs JBoW, Blade of Strategy and Blade of Tactics. 3 augmentable pieces, no red scabbard.

Champion Krenayn Armoklaw
Khala dun of the 62nd season
Triad Continuum, Luclin server

Edited, Jul 7th 2006 at 10:21am EDT by fcoty
Finished this today.
# May 27 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
First off, if you plan to use the sword of rune trick, do it before you do this. As of 5/27/06 it still works. Now, all other information is correct but the following. On turnin, I received Blade of Tactics, Blade of Strategy and Jagged Blade of War back. All 3, but not the Red Scabbard.

Gartrog Smitehammer is located near the 2nd gate to E Free under a tent, along side Wenden Blackhammer and Kargek Redblade. To find them, zonen in from North Ro to East Free. As soon as you enter the first opening, look to the right. You will see a wagon near a building in the center of the court yard. Go around that side, past the wagon and you will see the tent with the epic 3some. If you go the right, you should not get aggro. Be wary that the guard patrols pass near the tent, so timing can be critical. Not sure, becuase I am not KOS. Loc neg 1322, neg 358

Champion Krenayn Armorklaw
Khala Dun of the 60th season
Triad Continuum, Luclin server

Edited, Sat May 27 17:54:26 2006
mage summoned blade thing still works
# Feb 05 2006 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
mage summoned blade thing still works as of 2.5.06
Still Works
# Nov 15 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
BTW as of today the mage summoned rune of blades trick still works, doesn't do anything but give you the 1hs un auged, more of a hey I got this thing than being really useful but hey, fun to walk around with twin light sabers
Mercy is for the weak, death is your redemtion, embrace me for I am Death!
No Champion title?
# Aug 19 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
Well, i just did the epic warr 1.0, then did the augmentable version quest, give the red scarab and jagged blade of war, and i only recieve the 3 swords, ok.... but now... Where is my Champion title now? i got it before turn in.....
RE: No Champion title?
# Sep 02 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
225 posts
You need to speak to Kraylor Nalsiv in PoK. He is the one who fixes the titles. He up by the entrance to the library.
# Jul 18 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
anyone have a problem procing both auged and non auged versions of blade of stratigy..meaning the non aug will proc do damage tells u mob was his with rage of vallon zek or what ever...yet the auged version shows the effect of procing yet doesnt not show the dd 100 and the message mob was hit with rage of vallon zek,,anyone have this problem and know whats up
RE: procs
# Jul 20 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
EQ is saying you dont need 2 red blades so effect only work on one.............j/k i have no idea
Hand of the Maestro
# Jun 29 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sun Jul 3 07:11:28 2005
Doing it twice?
# Nov 22 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
There's ogres here, so we can't leave it to them to figure it out on thier own. This is probably how you get 2 red swords (which would be nice) and 2 blue swords (for blue frogs) without doing this quest twice.

Find mage, level 29 or higher. Ask him for a Summoned: Blade of Runes. Combine that in you red scabbard, and you will receive the 2-handed sword. (This was a fix for some warriors who lost both versions.) This should work even if you have the two one-handers.

While you have the 3 non-augable swords, turn in the two hander and the scabbard, and you should have 5 swords, as listed below.

If you know how to store a no drop, lore item in a way that doesn't conflict with getting another, you could even have 6 epics, but I don't know any reason you would WANT to do that. (If you want to try this, it involves dying and if it were actually useful, would be considered an exploit.) Maybe you could convince people that you did your epic twice?

Don't bother doing any part of this quest twice. (Unless you're planning to MQ it for someone else.)

Edited, Mon Nov 22 14:17:13 2004
# Oct 19 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Hi. If any of you could tell me or help me to get some of the items for the epic i would appreciate it I need the queen of chardok, and the golem and the hand for starters
to you people who whines about dmg not being enough,
# Oct 09 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
You whiners wil you quit it ??
you wont get happy untill you get a weapon that makes it possible for you to solo the sleeper now do you ?

It wont happen. All the challenge would be lost. Find a group. lunr to work together and stop whining.
Or go find a game called EversoloQuest.

Edited, Sat Oct 9 17:42:03 2004
# Aug 25 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Here are the dialogues for this quest

Hail, Gartrog Smitehammer

Gartrog Smitehammer says ''You have heard of the strange stones being recovered from ancient dungeons? It is true. Powerful stones of unknown origins have been discovered as of late in the newly discovered dungeons. I see you wield a warrior's most prized honor. Congratulations on your acquiring such a fine weapon. It holds great power. I worry however if you were to try to augment your new weapon with one of these new stones. I have done some research and it seems the Red Scabbard used to combine and uncombined your weapon, could potentially harm any augmentation you might add. However with the help of Wenden here, we have been able to successfully forge all three versions of your weapon! The scabbard no longer works with them, but we have achieved some nice results by adding various augmentations to them. We could perhaps craft you a new set of weapons if you are [interested].''

I am interested

Gartrog Smitehammer pulls out a shining smithy's hammer. 'Hand me your Red Scabbard and your Jagged Blade of War. I will supply the rest of the metal since you helped out Kargek with the note from his brother and the gift you gave to him.'

Gartrog Smitehammer begins to furiously work the metal. Sparks fly and a faint magical aura seems to surround the immediate area. 'Ah, a fine job! Your new weapons, Sakryn! Good luck on your travels and if you find any of the augmentation stones, you can now use them to make these fine weapons ever finer!'
RE: Dialogues
# Aug 25 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Updated, thanks!
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 24 2004 at 8:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the way the procs work is this, you do the DD, and then you get 250 intial hate, then after 6 seconds you get another 250, it might go on im not sure, you notice because when you proc epic, like the 2hander, and someone else procs it, it says your rage of vallon has worn off... it doesnt do it normally tho, it might add extra aggro per taunt, there is no real way to find out seeing as eq doesnt give us raw numbers on hate
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 12 2004 at 5:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) warriors are actually damage dealers, high end warriors can dish out 250 damage per second but in the end honestly it doesnt matter much for you, as long as you hold solid aggro unless you are infact high end time. the epics are fine the way they are. 14/24 isnt THAT bad, and the effects are nice, just throw a lifetap proc on the red blade and a anger 3 on the blue blade and they will pwn
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