Keeper Rott's Pages  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Spell
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Sat Jul 26 19:52:35 2003
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    In the process of obtaining the sixth necromancer skullcap, you talk to Keeper Rott.

    Keeper Rott kneels before you abjectly. 'Oh, great occultist! I am glad you have arrived, but I do not have the artifacts Kyvix seeks. You will have to seek out the sarnak revenants who still hold the precious stem and base. Get them and take them with your occultist skullcap back to Master Kyvix. Since you are headed in the general direction, I also have an [additional mission], if you do not mind.'

    You say, 'What additional mission?'

    Keeper Rott grabs a fist full of scribbled notes and throws them into the air in a rage. 'All these notes are useless to me without the first four note pages! While I ventured through the fields of the drixies, I was assaulted by a band of gobs. They were shamans. I heard them calling spirits. They took the first two pages before I escaped. Then I lost the [second two pages] the next day!! Blast!!'

    You say, 'Where did you lose the second two pages?'

    Keeper Rott begins to curse. Luckily, you do not understand the language, but you feel a bit of spittle strike your face. '...and then there I was, almost home and the legion expedition leader decided we should explore a bit more near the lake. Then I find myself up against the same type of gobs from the fields. I just ran for the exit an never looked back, but they still managed to swipe pages 3 and 4!!'

    The pages are called "an illegible note" and drop off goblin spirit callers. They identify as "notepage 1-4 of Rott." Hand in all four to Keeper Rott:

    Keeper Rott says 'I am expecting pages one through four. Do I have to go and find them myself?!'
    Keeper Rott says 'I am expecting pages one through four. Do I have to go and find them myself?!'
    Keeper Rott says 'I am expecting pages one through four. Do I have to go and find them myself?!'
    Keeper Rott says 'Oh, great necromancer, how can I repay you?!! I know. Here is a spell I recently researched. It should help you increase the strength of a summoned pet. Learn it well.'
    Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    You gain experience!!

    You receive the scroll Intensify Death, a 23rd level Necromancer spell.
    Submitted by: Fruits, Zikulil
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    # Mar 24 2018 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
    17 posts
    I was doing Keeper Rott's pages and found that "a goblin soothsayer" dropped the pages too. In fact, I got three of the four pages from the soothsayer.
    Illusion Iksar?
    # Dec 03 2007 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
    Can u do this Quest if u illusion an iksar???
    what lvl?
    # May 15 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
    what lvl is the spell?

    it dosen't say...
    # Apr 21 2007 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
    402 posts
    So, unless you're an Iskar necromancer, you can forget about ever getting this spell. And you'll just have to beg Enchanters for their epic haste, until you get the next one.
    Quest was a pain.
    # Aug 15 2006 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
    You have to have a good faction with the Brood of Kotiz in order to turn the notes in from Rott's quest. I spent 3-4 hours getting the pages(they droped often but you get double of ones you already have sometimes). And I spent about 3-4 hours(I think) doing the First Rank skull cap, Second Rank Skullcap quest and The Penance quest to raise my faction(not sure if just The Penance would have done it). Did that quest with a level 3 necro.

    It is tradeable after this quest.

    Edited, Aug 20th 2006 at 6:56pm EDT by Ynaity

    Edited, Aug 20th 2006 at 6:57pm EDT by Ynaity
    Drops for pages
    # Feb 12 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Took my 55 Beastie out and got all 4 different pages inside 2 hours in Lake of Ill Omen at the broken fort area to the left after zoning in from Fironia Vie zone... Since the spell is tradeable after researching, I am attempting to see if it is tradeable after questing (so my 28 necromancer friend can finally get it after a week of attempting to do quest, and failing, and not one single person willing or able to do the blasted research on it!). Will post how it goes (have to get a nice enchanter to come with and cast Illusion: Iksar and the highest spell of faction possible on me so I can try as the spell quest is in Cabilis someplace).
    25 Iky MNK
    # Mar 28 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
    Is there any reason my 25 Iky Monk couldnt do this quest and give spell to my 30 Gnome Nec?

    Pages Are NO DROP Now...
    # Jan 28 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
    33 posts
    All of these theoretical ways of ding this quest are great however...

    THe pages are now NO DROP and cannot be placed into theshared bank. Now you have to do the quest yourself.

    Good Luck!
    Which zone
    # Sep 13 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
    Where do I find the Goblin spirit callers please?
    intensify death
    # Aug 27 2003 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
    wasnt this a research only spell at one time
    RE: intensify death
    # Oct 19 2003 at 1:32 AM Rating: Excellent
    Tried to do this with my lvl 24 Erudite Necro.

    He was KOS so did turn in invis (without doing the necro skullcap quests) to Keeper Rott. He kept the notes and told me I wasn't an ally to the Brood, yada spell.

    So, ensure your faction is fixed to get this apparently single source spell. Guess I'm off to do the damn skullcap quests.../sigh.
    Soth Sayer
    # Aug 02 2003 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
    The notes also drop from Sothsayers, it seems to be the same drop rate, and if you get say note 2 then you wont get that one as loot again, it will be a note your missing.. I verified this by doing it on another char..

    The problem with this place is that the mobs see through walls so dont sit down to med in an area that has a wall that is on the other side of a walk way!!
    RE: Soth Sayer
    # Aug 16 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
    1,252 posts
    The notes also drop from Sothsayers, it seems to be the same drop rate, and if you get say note 2 then you wont get that one as loot again, it will be a note your missing..

    correct, that the notes drop off soothsayers too. I yesterday though had lots of duplicates ("you can't loot that item, you have one already..."), so the last part I could not verify (maybe that it was different back then, but as of last night it was not the case).

    camped there for about 4 hours, and still have one note missing.

    3 good things about this camp though:
    1 - the gobbies do drop Green Goblin Skin which I sold very quick for 30 PP each on FV (and yes, its stackable).
    2 - started as lvl 24, am now 25, halfway though. so even the exp is good.
    3 - the Tambourine of Rituals which also drops there, sold also quickly for 40 PP each.

    good luck Smiley: smile

    Still a noob. :-P
    Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
    Soth Sayer
    # Aug 02 2003 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
    The notes also drop from Sothsayers, it seems to be the same drop rate, and if you get say note 2 then you wont get that one as loot again, it will be a note your missing.. I verified this by doing it on another char..

    The problem with this place is that the mobs see through walls so dont sit down to med in an area that has a wall that is on the other side of a walk way!!
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