Bregna's Big Mistake (Neriak Era)  

Status: Removed

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Dark Ones (Min: Indifferent)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 25 20:16:12 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Bregna is a troll shaman guildmaster (/loc?).

You say, 'Hail, Bregna'

Bregna says 'Me says hi to you. What you want from me? Oh!! Me shaman trainer. You must be shaman. Are you [shaman Darkone]?'

You say, 'I am Shaman Darkone'

Bregna says 'You choose rite if you bes a shaman. We's da best. You remember ta not get in Kaglari way. She get mad berry easy. She gets berry mad at Bregna if she finds out me make [big mistake].'

You say, 'What big mistake?'

Bregna says 'Kaglari make me do the tasks for her. She tolds me to take crate of speshal poshuns to sumwun in Nektoolos forust. But I make mistake. I fall asleep under da trees becuz I was so tired. I wake up and poshuns are gone! Sumwun take the poshuns frum me. Dey leave dis note wit me. Me tinks dey play trick on me. Me tinks it be da stinkin' Halflings. Me needs ta gets dem back before Kaglari find out. I need sumwun to help me [find da poshuns].'

Receive A Note to the Troll, which reads:

To the troll that was sleeping in the forest:
You have fallen victim to the Pranksters of Bristlebane!
We have taken your potions and scattered them across the
land. We have however created some riddles so you can
try to find them. What a fun game this will be! Riddle
number 1: Search high, search LOW, where the second clue
is, you do not know.

Go to the Halfing Temple southwest of the river in Nektulos and slay Halfings until the First Riddle for the Troll drops. It reads:

In a place of fire we have hidden riddle number
three, the wings of a beast hide something for thee.

Head to Lavastorm and kill Fire Drakes until you get the Second Riddle for the Troll, which reads:

In the land of the common are beings of light.
A fourth clue will drop when you learn what to fight.

Kill willowisps in the Commonlands until the Third Riddle for the Troll drops. It reads:

You have done well, you have done right, the
potions are almost within your sight. In a place
not to far, where the dead live again, is the place
you must seek for a fellow named...

Off to Befallen now. Look for Zeek in the first door on the right inside the main room, at -200, +20.

You say, 'Hail, Zeek'

Zeek says 'Ah, so many dead to destroy, so little time. What is it you want? You seek the potions perhaps?'

You say, 'I seek the potion.'

Zeek says, 'Give me the four clues.'

Hand him the four clues, and receive a Crate of Potions. Take this crate back to Bregna for your reward: A Kaglari Mana Doll.

Need hand-in dialogue, faction hits if any.
Submitted by: Kaity
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# Jan 30 2021 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
I saw Zeek in Befallen today and was able to collect the three clues that you have to hunt for. Bregna still exists, but I haven't been able to get him to respond to the quest dialogue and give me his note. Maybe it has been removed, or maybe I haven't leveled up or built up my faction enough to get the quest.

Edited, Jan 31st 2021 12:11am by animekenji
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
the Quest for Kaglari Mana Doll
# Apr 01 2018 at 10:09 PM Rating: Excellent
129 posts
The Quest Bregna's Big Mistake is not given by Bregna (that I can tell, the Riddles still drop but Bregna does not respond to the old keywords for the 1st riddle). But Urako Has now made a Big Mistake. (maybe bigger than Bregna's so she gets all of Kaglari's attention)

You say, 'Hail, Urako'
Urako says, 'Me says hi to you. What you want from me? Oh! Me shaman trainer. You must be shaman. Are you [shaman Darkone]?'
You say, 'I am shaman Darkone'
Urako says, 'You choose rite if you bes a shaman. Wes da best. You remember ta not get in Kaglari way. He get mad berry easy. He gets berry mad at Urako if he finds out me make [big mistake].'
You say, 'What big mistake'
Urako says, 'Kaglari makes Urako cleans his kwarters. He says nots to open closet. Me make mistake and opens his closet and out comes da skeletons. Dey runs out into Grobb. Me needs ta gets dem back before Kaglari finds out. Me needs sumwun to [collect Kaglari skeletons].'
You say, 'I will collect Kaglari skeletons'
Urako says, 'Tank you! Dere is fours of dem. You can finds dem here in Grobb. I no tink dey will want to come homes to Kaglari's closet. You ask dem to [come back to the closet] and see whut dey say. If you gets dem back me promise to gives you a [Kaglari mana doll].'
You say, 'I will ask dem to come back to the closet'
You say, 'What Kaglari mana doll'
Urako says, 'Kaglari catch many humans. He pull spirit from dem and force into dolls. Now deir spirit give shaman extra mana. Dey good power source. Now humans good for someting. Da mana dolls only for shaman power.'
You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
A skeleton says, 'Sorry. Nothing t' sell at this time. Maybe later. Good day.'
You say, 'come back to the closet'
A skeleton says, 'Back to the closet?! I just got out. I would go back if I had a pair of oven mittens.'
the 1st Skeleton can be found behind the bar in Grobb
He wants
  • A skeleton says, 'Ahh! Oven mittens! Kinda' large, don't you think?! Oh well, now I can bake all I want without burning my hands. OKAY! Lets go. I overheard some basher named Nanrum saying he spotted my friend, the butcher. You should ask him [where the skeleton] is.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Baker

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Nanrum'
    Basher Nanrum says, 'Peh! What am you wanted?! I am Basher Nanrum. You? Tabaz? Heh, you look for works? Hmm, me tinks you too weakling for [job] me need done. Hmm... You might do, mebbe.'
    You say, 'where the skeleton'
    Basher Nanrum says, 'Yeah! Me see dat bone man. He over by da Cleaver. He tink he a butcher or sumting!'
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    (a skeleton is on the platform with the buthcer in grobb)
    A skeleton says, 'Step right up! I am the best butcher you have ever seen. Well, are you the next to be fileted?'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'Darn! I was just starting to have fun. Tell you what, you find me a nice ogre butcher apron and I will gladly go back to my cramped quarters.'
    He wants
    A skeleton says, 'Great! Thanks a lot, pal. Lets get moving. I hear my bonehead roomie called the Captain was spotted by Basher Sklama. Go ask [where the Captain] is.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Butcher

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Sklama'
    Basher Sklama says, 'Me hear dat dere are humans, elves and other weaklings hunting in da swamp.'
    You say, 'where the Captain'
    Basher Sklama says, 'You speak of da skeleton. He belong to Kaglari. He in dis swamp on little island.'
    Your Location is -1422.24, -6.77, 16.27
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    A skeleton says, 'Avast, matey! Captain Bones here. This here island is mine! Raise anchor and ship out!'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'I wish I could be leaving this isle of the damned, alas, me boat has gone to Prexus' locker. I'll not be leavin' here until I get meself another ship.'
    He wants
    A skeleton says, 'Aye, matey! Ye found me another vessel with which to sail the seven seas? Let's be shoving off then! Come on, hop aboard, swabby! Be sure to pick up the minstrel. His hide was last seen by Basher Avisk. Only he be knowin' [where the minstrel ] be.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Captain

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Avisk'
    Basher Avisk says, 'Ranjor tell shaddernites to gets rids of spore guardian. Ha! Gud.'
    You say, 'where the minstrel '
    Basher Avisk says, 'Dere stewpid skeleton singing by Basher Ganbaku. His post be up high.'
    this Skeleton is found in Grobb up high meaning on top of a hill where the warrior guildmasters stand beside Basher Ganbaku
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    A skeleton says, 'Here I stand high and above, a minstrel supreme, my words offer love. Love between all, troll and ogre alike. I sing to all, except Tabaz, so take a hike!'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'Back to the closet?! Not until I can get an instrument. You get me... hmm, I know. Get me a lizardman scout fife. Not just one, but four. Then my friends can also play along with me. Do this and I promise you I shall return.'
    he wants
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'All right! I was kinda hoping the lizards would finish you off and I could stay free, but a deal is a deal. Let's go.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Minstrel

    Hand in the 4 skulls to Urako

    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Tank you. You saved me neck. Kaglari not learn me mistake now. Me give you a [Kaglari mana doll].'
    Your faction standing with Dark Ones has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Shadowknights of Night Keep has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain experience!

    Edited, Apr 1st 2018 11:12pm by Daldary
    the Quest for Kaglari Mana Doll
    # Apr 03 2018 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
    Daldary wrote:
    The Quest Bregna's Big Mistake is not given by Bregna (that I can tell, the Riddles still drop but Bregna does not respond to the old keywords for the 1st riddle). But Urako Has now made a Big Mistake. (maybe bigger than Bregna's so she gets all of Kaglari's attention)

    You say, 'Hail, Urako'
    Urako says, 'Me says hi to you. What you want from me? Oh! Me shaman trainer. You must be shaman. Are you [shaman Darkone]?'
    You say, 'I am shaman Darkone'
    Urako says, 'You choose rite if you bes a shaman. Wes da best. You remember ta not get in Kaglari way. He get mad berry easy. He gets berry mad at Urako if he finds out me make [big mistake].'
    You say, 'What big mistake'
    Urako says, 'Kaglari makes Urako cleans his kwarters. He says nots to open closet. Me make mistake and opens his closet and out comes da skeletons. Dey runs out into Grobb. Me needs ta gets dem back before Kaglari finds out. Me needs sumwun to [collect Kaglari skeletons].'
    You say, 'I will collect Kaglari skeletons'
    Urako says, 'Tank you! Dere is fours of dem. You can finds dem here in Grobb. I no tink dey will want to come homes to Kaglari's closet. You ask dem to [come back to the closet] and see whut dey say. If you gets dem back me promise to gives you a [Kaglari mana doll].'
    You say, 'I will ask dem to come back to the closet'
    You say, 'What Kaglari mana doll'
    Urako says, 'Kaglari catch many humans. He pull spirit from dem and force into dolls. Now deir spirit give shaman extra mana. Dey good power source. Now humans good for someting. Da mana dolls only for shaman power.'
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    A skeleton says, 'Sorry. Nothing t' sell at this time. Maybe later. Good day.'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'Back to the closet?! I just got out. I would go back if I had a pair of oven mittens.'
    the 1st Skeleton can be found behind the bar in Grobb
    He wants
  • A skeleton says, 'Ahh! Oven mittens! Kinda' large, don't you think?! Oh well, now I can bake all I want without burning my hands. OKAY! Lets go. I overheard some basher named Nanrum saying he spotted my friend, the butcher. You should ask him [where the skeleton] is.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Baker

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Nanrum'
    Basher Nanrum says, 'Peh! What am you wanted?! I am Basher Nanrum. You? Tabaz? Heh, you look for works? Hmm, me tinks you too weakling for [job] me need done. Hmm... You might do, mebbe.'
    You say, 'where the skeleton'
    Basher Nanrum says, 'Yeah! Me see dat bone man. He over by da Cleaver. He tink he a butcher or sumting!'
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    (a skeleton is on the platform with the buthcer in grobb)
    A skeleton says, 'Step right up! I am the best butcher you have ever seen. Well, are you the next to be fileted?'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'Darn! I was just starting to have fun. Tell you what, you find me a nice ogre butcher apron and I will gladly go back to my cramped quarters.'
    He wants
    A skeleton says, 'Great! Thanks a lot, pal. Lets get moving. I hear my bonehead roomie called the Captain was spotted by Basher Sklama. Go ask [where the Captain] is.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Butcher

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Sklama'
    Basher Sklama says, 'Me hear dat dere are humans, elves and other weaklings hunting in da swamp.'
    You say, 'where the Captain'
    Basher Sklama says, 'You speak of da skeleton. He belong to Kaglari. He in dis swamp on little island.'
    Your Location is -1422.24, -6.77, 16.27
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    A skeleton says, 'Avast, matey! Captain Bones here. This here island is mine! Raise anchor and ship out!'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'I wish I could be leaving this isle of the damned, alas, me boat has gone to Prexus' locker. I'll not be leavin' here until I get meself another ship.'
    He wants
    A skeleton says, 'Aye, matey! Ye found me another vessel with which to sail the seven seas? Let's be shoving off then! Come on, hop aboard, swabby! Be sure to pick up the minstrel. His hide was last seen by Basher Avisk. Only he be knowin' [where the minstrel ] be.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Captain

    You say, 'Hail, Basher Avisk'
    Basher Avisk says, 'Ranjor tell shaddernites to gets rids of spore guardian. Ha! Gud.'
    You say, 'where the minstrel '
    Basher Avisk says, 'Dere stewpid skeleton singing by Basher Ganbaku. His post be up high.'
    this Skeleton is found in Grobb up high meaning on top of a hill where the warrior guildmasters stand beside Basher Ganbaku
    You say, 'Hail, a skeleton'
    A skeleton says, 'Here I stand high and above, a minstrel supreme, my words offer love. Love between all, troll and ogre alike. I sing to all, except Tabaz, so take a hike!'
    You say, 'come back to the closet'
    A skeleton says, 'Back to the closet?! Not until I can get an instrument. You get me... hmm, I know. Get me a lizardman scout fife. Not just one, but four. Then my friends can also play along with me. Do this and I promise you I shall return.'
    he wants
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'I want FOUR lizardman scout fifes.'
    A skeleton says, 'All right! I was kinda hoping the lizards would finish you off and I could stay free, but a deal is a deal. Let's go.'

    You Also recieve a skull named The Minstrel

    Hand in the 4 skulls to Urako

    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Dis no good. We need the butcher, baker, minstrel and captain.'
    Urako says, 'Tank you. You saved me neck. Kaglari not learn me mistake now. Me give you a [Kaglari mana doll].'
    Your faction standing with Dark Ones has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Shadowknights of Night Keep has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Frogloks of Guk has been adjusted by -1.
    You gain experience!

    Edited, Apr 1st 2018 11:12pm by Daldary

    Excellent. Created the new quest entry here.
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    My personal progress so far...
    # Aug 04 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
    This is my first post on this site, and I've only been playing EverQuest for a week or so now, so if I forget any conventions please keep that in mind. I've not logged any of my progress in-game but I feel I should update my fellow Trolls :)

    Speak to Urako in the Grobb Shaman guildhall. She mentions that 4 skeletons are missing and requests you to return them. The first skeleton can be found behind the bar in Grobb, and in exchange for going back home, he wants some Oven Mittens. Obtain those mittens and give them to the 1st skeleton, and he'll give you directions to the next.

    The 2nd skeleton agrees to go home, but this time wants a Butchers Apron. Give him the apron and he's on his way home!

    The 3rd skeleton is found in Innothule Swamp, follow the quest directions. He's on an island in the south-west area of the swamp. He tells you that he wants to go home, but his ship's been wrecked, and he requests you find him a new one. After thinking on it, I guessed that maybe a Ship in a Bottle will do the trick...

    However, I'm stuck at this point in the quest, as I don't have the faction to buy the no trade bottle from Clurg. I'll try and raise my faction so that he'll sell to me. Until then, maybe some fellow Trolls with the faction required might like to follow this lead up :)
    # Jul 09 2006 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
    I only found the one skelly out of the four. And he wants a pair of oven mittens. Anyone else tried this quest on the progression servers?
    Quest Update
    # Mar 25 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
    This Quest is now given by Urako, a shaman guildmaster in grobb. The text is the same until you say "what big mistake", then she says:

    Urako says 'Kaglari makes Urako cleans his kwarfers. He says nots to open closet. Me make mistake and opens his closet and out comes da skeletons. Dey runs out into grobb. Me needs ta gets dem back before Kaglari finds out. Me needs sumwun to [collect Kaglari skeletons].

    You say, 'I will collect Kaglari skeletons'

    Urako says 'Tank you!! Dere is fours of dem. You can finds dem here in Grobb. I no tink dey will want to come homes to Kaglari's closet. You ask dem to [come back to the closet] and see whut dey say. If you gets dem back me promise to gives you a [kaglari mana doll].'

    You say, 'What kaglari mana doll?'

    Urako says 'Kaglari catch many humans. He pull spirit from dem and force into dolls. Now deir spirit give shaman extra mana. Dey good power source. Now humans good for someting. Da mana dolls only for shaman power.

    I found one skeleton behind the bar next to Zatok.

    He said he didn't want to go back but would go back for a pair of oven mittens. I haven't had time to go further in this quest.
    # Dec 07 2003 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
    I figured she got pregnant
    There's more
    # Jul 24 2003 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
    There's more for this quest, but I can't do it cuz ruined my factions with Neriak for GOOD!... Duh. :|
    # Jul 07 2003 at 10:54 PM Rating: Default
    That's it.
    RE: Why...?
    # Mar 12 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
    "Just another old-timer that will never see any "uber" content... *sigh*"

    You know, I used to say that kind of thing too... I used to think I would never get my hands on a Zlandicar's Heart or have enough plat to buy my 60 spells or get Kael armor or yadda, yadda....

    One constant in this game is time. Everything is doable with enough of it. One group taking out Trakanon?! Impossible! Well, at least it was back in the day. I guarantee you that if the game stays around long enough the folks who think they'll never kill Quarm or get into a post-time LDON raid because their guild can only field 30-40 people at a time will get there... loot will trickle down from later expansions, and after a while you'll find that those people who thought they'd never see "uber content" are there. It just won't be considered Uber by that point.

    In fact, I would argue that these days, you could already skip PoP entirely now and just go newbie->LDON->GoD. With the high-end LDON armor, fully augmented you're going to be good enough to take on the lower-end raids in GoD, and I suspect that fully geared up from those you could slowly work your way into the high-end GoD content. It would be hard, but should be doable.

    Never see Uber content? Heh, I used to say that about Sleeper's Tomb and Tactics and now people are selling ST keys and Tactics MQs in the bazaar!
    RE: Why...?
    # Nov 22 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
    The irony here is Nixoh says
    you could already skip PoP entirely now and just go newbie->LDON->GoD

    very few people even do GoD now, and similarly no one does enough LDoN to get geared up by it, but PoP is still healthy as. In terms of longlivety PoP has been a great expansion, due to the fact its probably the most played relative to its age.
    RE: Why...?
    # Aug 16 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
    there is a huge gap in dificulty between lower, medium and high range GoD zones.
    Basicly you need to be Elemtal/VT geared and skilled (100+ AAs) in order to break out from Barindu/Riwwi/Ferubi into Tipt/Vxed/Kod'Taz, and in order to break into 3rd GoD Tier, you will need Time level gear
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