Susarrak the Crusader - Hearts  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Claws of Veeshan (Min: Max Ally)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Planes of Power
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed May 7 17:42:38 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Susarrak the Crusader needs the following items, which are all found in Sleeper's Tomb: He will speak to you at low ally to Claws of Veeshan but the turn-ins require max ally.

Susarrak the Crusader extends his long neck and lowers his maw downward to look upon you. Suddenly, a hushed and beautiful voice whispers with a powerful dominion in your thoughts, 'You stand before Susarrak, Crusader of Veeshan and keeper of all that is of the arcane and faith within our order. I sense the loyalty you bear toward the children of scale is strong still. However, the siren voice that has called you to us is still a whisper upon your mind, and it is a song of curiosity and greed. Since the dawn of your creation, all of your kind has proven that without tangible reward, you would otherwise slay us. But do not think we fault you for merely this -- such shallow lusts have come to be expected from your kind. However, the [champions] are not as the others of Veeshan's brood and your past deeds shall [not bear fruitful] in your dealings with us.

Susarrak the Crusader rears upon his hind legs and extends his wings once more in a glorious display, 'The Crusaders of Veeshan are four champions of dragon kind who will reconstruct that which has been ruined, although does not yet lay in disrepair. Fate has given room for nothing short of this declaration and the recent past has demanded our attention and duty to be thus. Your kind, the second generation, has dangerously shifted the destiny of all upon this world and it is your ignorant and lustful actions that have forced us into existence as we are now. Kerafyrm, the Sleeper, was well guarded for all these years not without dire justification -- he could not be destroyed by means conceivable by dragon or second generation alike, and now you have unleashed him and a much darker shadow lurks with venomous tendrils over all of this world's inhabitants. We are those whose existence is to combat this shadow and [keep it at bay], despite all costs and with all sacrifice.

Susarrak the Crusader lifts his chin upward and slightly opens his great maw in release of a gentle roar that does not obstruct the continuing voice in your thoughts, 'Although you have persevered through much to prove yourself thus far to us, your intentions have never wavered from lustful greed and selfish desires for wealth. Despite your past actions, having proven beneficial to us in some cause, your recent endeavors that have released Kerafyrm have shown the true hollow of your wasting existing. Do not take these words to offense, Sheldon, for although you may not have released Kerafyrm directly, your kind did unite to commit such an act and ultimately, you are all the same in the shallow reaches of your uniform souls. This does not mean that we have dismissed those of you whom would wish to continue their allegiance to the Claws of Veeshan. It is time for the tides to shift and for your shallow lusts to become discarded for a more [meaningful cause].

Susarrak the Crusader gives a mighty roar of his voice, although intimidating and awesome, it does not strike you as one of anger, but of a regretful pride, 'When Kerafyrm was first recognized as a dire threat to this world, the four Warders were chosen -- dragons who represented each of the primal elements that would encase the prismatic dragon within an enchanted slumber indefinitely. The elders of the council knew that this would not be enough. Before the great war that would yield Kerafyrm's incarceration, the warders were instructed to mate with four dragons of elements as their own individually. The offspring of these unions would be trained for the undivided purpose of fulfilling their predecessors' duties when their fate would inevitably dawn. However, your kind have forced the apprentices into a [new role] -- one that we had not anticipated, but such was our mistake to overestimate your kind to be of sound mind and judgment.

Susarrak the Crusader says, ''When Kerafyrm was awoken, the apprentices were called by the council to prepare for the hunt and his recapture. When all was said and done, the apprentices were not as agreeable to the council's plan as was expected, for obedience was a lesson thought to be instinct molded to their breeding. For months the deliberations and cordial arguments raged, but all that would eventually come would be the unspoken disapproval of the council and the apprentices' self-imposed adoption of a new and more necessary duty. The Crusaders of Veeshan were born upon the very steps of the council's sacred hall and in respectful defiance, we have come to Skyshrine to fulfill our purpose. However, those passing months ushered in an unseen darkness that the Crusaders had feared from the first movement of Kerafyrm's eye -- the [ancients] returned.

Susarrak the Crusader says, ''You cannot fathom the importance of your actions, Skeleton. What you have accomplished cannot be claimed in truth by many and know that all sacrifices you and those who have undoubtedly aided you have made in fulfilling this awesome feat shall not go without notice. The Crusaders of Veeshan can express neither the prominent magnitude of the honor that you have upheld in maintaining your convictions to the Claws of Veeshan. We, the Crusaders of Veeshan, honor you, Sheldon of the second generation. Within this Talisman you shall find a single rune of astral chromatic essence -- a single particle of the spiritual essence possessed by the first of our chromatic nobles whom were the first beings to touch the face of Norrath in the wake of our Wyrm Queen's will. Take this as neither gift nor gratitude for your efforts unto us, but accept it as humbled acknowledgement and a symbol of your significance within the boundless realm of our crusade.

  • Ethereal Silver Dragon Heart - Zeixshi'Kar the Ancient

  • Ethereal Gold Dragon Heart - Tjudawos the Ancient

  • Ethereal Black Dragon Heart - Kildrukaun the Ancient

  • Ethereal Storm Dragon Heart - Vyskudra the Ancient
  • Rewards:
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    # Sep 17 2024 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
    622 posts
    this quest and its associated Crusader is available once PoP unlocks on TLP servers.

    All signs point to the Crusaders being added in November 2002 with Skyshrine's mini-revamp. They will be disabled until Planes of Power launches.
    - Prathun
    Need max ally to turn in
    # Dec 04 2021 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
    159 posts
    Susarrak the Crusader extends his long neck and lowers his maw downward to look upon you. Suddenly, a hushed and beautiful voice whispers with a powerful dominion in your thoughts, 'You stand before Susarrak, Crusader of Veeshan and keeper of all that is of the arcane and faith within our order. I sense the loyalty you bear toward the children of scale is strong still. However, the siren voice that has called you to us is still a whisper upon your mind, and it is a song of curiosity and greed. Since the dawn of your creation, all of your kind has proven that without tangible reward, you would otherwise slay us. But do not think we fault you for merely this -- such shallow lusts have come to be expected from your kind. However, the [champions] are not as the others of Veeshan's brood and your past deeds shall [not bear fruitful] in your dealings with us.

    Susarrak the Crusader rears upon his hind legs and extends his wings once more in a glorious display, 'The Crusaders of Veeshan are four champions of dragon kind who will reconstruct that which has been ruined, although does not yet lay in disrepair. Fate has given room for nothing short of this declaration and the recent past has demanded our attention and duty to be thus. Your kind, the second generation, has dangerously shifted the destiny of all upon this world and it is your ignorant and lustful actions that have forced us into existence as we are now. Kerafyrm, the Sleeper, was well guarded for all these years not without dire justification -- he could not be destroyed by means conceivable by dragon or second generation alike, and now you have unleashed him and a much darker shadow lurks with venomous tendrils over all of this world's inhabitants. We are those whose existence is to combat this shadow and [keep it at bay], despite all costs and with all sacrifice.

    Susarrak the Crusader lifts his chin upward and slightly opens his great maw in release of a gentle roar that does not obstruct the continuing voice in your thoughts, 'Although you have persevered through much to prove yourself thus far to us, your intentions have never wavered from lustful greed and selfish desires for wealth. Despite your past actions, having proven beneficial to us in some cause, your recent endeavors that have released Kerafyrm have shown the true hollow of your wasting existing. Do not take these words to offense, Sheldon, for although you may not have released Kerafyrm directly, your kind did unite to commit such an act and ultimately, you are all the same in the shallow reaches of your uniform souls. This does not mean that we have dismissed those of you whom would wish to continue their allegiance to the Claws of Veeshan. It is time for the tides to shift and for your shallow lusts to become discarded for a more [meaningful cause].

    Susarrak the Crusader gives a mighty roar of his voice, although intimidating and awesome, it does not strike you as one of anger, but of a regretful pride, 'When Kerafyrm was first recognized as a dire threat to this world, the four Warders were chosen -- dragons who represented each of the primal elements that would encase the prismatic dragon within an enchanted slumber indefinitely. The elders of the council knew that this would not be enough. Before the great war that would yield Kerafyrm's incarceration, the warders were instructed to mate with four dragons of elements as their own individually. The offspring of these unions would be trained for the undivided purpose of fulfilling their predecessors' duties when their fate would inevitably dawn. However, your kind have forced the apprentices into a [new role] -- one that we had not anticipated, but such was our mistake to overestimate your kind to be of sound mind and judgment.

    Susarrak the Crusader says, ''When Kerafyrm was awoken, the apprentices were called by the council to prepare for the hunt and his recapture. When all was said and done, the apprentices were not as agreeable to the council's plan as was expected, for obedience was a lesson thought to be instinct molded to their breeding. For months the deliberations and cordial arguments raged, but all that would eventually come would be the unspoken disapproval of the council and the apprentices' self-imposed adoption of a new and more necessary duty. The Crusaders of Veeshan were born upon the very steps of the council's sacred hall and in respectful defiance, we have come to Skyshrine to fulfill our purpose. However, those passing months ushered in an unseen darkness that the Crusaders had feared from the first movement of Kerafyrm's eye -- the [ancients] returned.

    Susarrak the Crusader says, ''You cannot fathom the importance of your actions, Skeleton. What you have accomplished cannot be claimed in truth by many and know that all sacrifices you and those who have undoubtedly aided you have made in fulfilling this awesome feat shall not go without notice. The Crusaders of Veeshan can express neither the prominent magnitude of the honor that you have upheld in maintaining your convictions to the Claws of Veeshan. We, the Crusaders of Veeshan, honor you, Sheldon of the second generation. Within this Talisman you shall find a single rune of astral chromatic essence -- a single particle of the spiritual essence possessed by the first of our chromatic nobles whom were the first beings to touch the face of Norrath in the wake of our Wyrm Queen's will. Take this as neither gift nor gratitude for your efforts unto us, but accept it as humbled acknowledgement and a symbol of your significance within the boundless realm of our crusade.

    Edited, Dec 5th 2021 2:45pm by Sheldor
    Quest requires max ally CoV
    # Mar 14 2020 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
    6 posts
    Quest requires max ally with Claws of Veeshan.
    Dragon will speak to you at low ally, but will not accept the items.

    Doable on TLP in PoP/LoY
    Quest requires max ally CoV
    # Mar 14 2020 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
    6 posts
    Gives positive CoV and Yelinak-faction hits.
    Gives negative Kromzek faction hit.

    Can't say how much since I was maxed on all.
    Drop rate
    # Oct 20 2003 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
    55 posts
    Does anyone know the drop rate of the hearts? Are they always dropped, 1 in 5 ect ect. Thanks for any info
    RE: Drop rate
    # Nov 29 2003 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
    84 posts
    I dont have a lot of experience with the new Sleepers Tomb, but I can say that today the drop rates were as follows:

    Tjudawos 1 heart (gold)
    Zeixshi'Kar 2 hearts (silver)
    Vyskudra 1 heart (storm)
    Kildrukaun 1 heart (black)

    Whether that is typical or extremely lucky, I have no idea.

    -= Ashwith
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