
Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:Several Hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Spell
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Legacy of Ykesha
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Mar 6 19:55:50 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Gaudric Stormwynd'

Gaudric Stormwynd says 'Greetings, Lenasan. What brings you to this forsaken rock? I have been sent here by the council of Surefall Glade to gather information about this Island. This place seethes with anger and hatred, and even the familiar [winds] of Karana blow with a cold bite. So far the creatures have all proved very hostile, even to a follow of Karana. I suspect that the curse of Innoruuk has caused them be very aggressive towards all outsiders. I have been able to gather some information on a new race of [insect] though'

You say, 'What winds?'

Gaudric Stormwynd says 'The fury of a truly torrential storm is a beautiful thing. Even in their destruction they bring the birth of new life. Such is the cycle of life on Norrath, from the ashes nature always rebuilds. The trolls care nothing for this cycle though, and merely use the power of the storm to fill their treasuries. I hear the tormented cries of tempest [spirits] across the wind.'

You say, 'What spirits?'

Gaudric Stormwynd says 'I believe the followers of Nadox have found a way to control the spirits of the tempest by capturing them in amulets made of the black rock from the island. Bring me one of their amulets and I may be able to free the spirit from it.'

Loot a Glowing Zraxthril Amulet from a Broken Skull Adherent and bring it back to Gaudric.

Gaudric Stormwynd takes the amulet from your hands and holds it in front of his eyes. He begins to speak arcane words into the stone, holding his other hand under the amulet. The amulet begins to spasm around crazily on its cord as if some creature was trying to escape from it. Sweat begins to bead up at Gaudric's brow. Suddenly the amulet explodes with light and Gadric is thrown to the ground. You reach down and carefully pick the amulet from the ground. You notice a large crack across the face. A watery visage begins to rise from the crack and take shape before you. The tempest spriti coalesces into a vaguely humanoid form and motions toward you. He points directly to the amulet in your hands.

You receive a Cracked Zraxthril Amulet. A Tempest Spirit will then spawn behind you. Give the cracked amulet to the spirit to receive the Icewind spell.

A tempest spirit takes the amulet from you and holds it in its watery hand. The wind around you rises and the sea begins to swell. The spirit melts into a swirling pool at your feet. You gaze down into the pool and notice it begin to shrink in circumference. It continues to shrink and spin until finally there is nothing left but a small blue amulet on the ground. You reach to pick it up and hear an echo from the sea. 'Call us and we will aid you.'

Receive the Spell: Icewind
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got mine
# Aug 01 2010 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
it took me about 3 hours off and on to do this quest ,was going to quit and join my guild and 1 last mob poped ,killed it and there was my drop
# Dec 02 2008 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
I went in with a 75 Clr using ward and vow line and pulled whole room with adherents in it. When room was cleared I looted everything that dropped including amulet. Gave back to NPC and recieved cracked amulet and spirit pops behind you and give amulet to him. Bam! Icewind baby. Took about 5min to clear room.
# Jul 19 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
can this be reseached now? looking bazaar. hard to find grps for a ranger my level for these quest spells including getting to finnish my 1.0 epic

Edited, Jul 19th 2008 8:51pm by snarlinarlen

Edited, Jul 19th 2008 8:53pm by snarlinarlen
Simple Quest, Terrible Drop Rate!
# Mar 29 2008 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
The drop rate on this item is indeed extraordinarily frustrating. Expect to kill a LOT of these guys. I was, quite literally, killing them all afternoon (4+ hours?) and i haven't seen one yet. I had a full group going of level 55+ guys (i'm 54 though) and we never needed to med. Just pull-kill-pull-kill for hours and i haven't found one yet. Good luck to anyone else trying to get this! (you'll need it! ><)
How to get to the adherants
# Apr 10 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
I would also say through the Lava. Before you swim through the lava (no levitate zone), make sure you cast fire resist (not sure if that helps, but I thought it did) and than throw an invis on yourself and anyone that is with you. The mobs at the entrance are a bit annoying and will kill you while you try to swim your way through the lava. You won't die swimming through the molten rock, but will hurt a little bit. Once you get to the bridge come up on the right, just climb the wall. Make sure invis is still up and run through the first hallway to the right. You'll go through a big building than into another passage. If I remember correctly there is one, maybe two wanderers that come through there, other than that us that hallway as a camp to pull the adherants to. Hope this helps. I still need to get it. :(
Got this at 56
# Mar 25 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
I finally got this spell but it took a 68 BST to rip the place apart for me.

Still it is a good spell :)

Currently a 56 Ranger
Another HARD Ranger Quest Spell
# Feb 01 2006 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
I went up there with me 52 Ranger and a 61 Necro, after being told the best way is the Lava way (HOW IN GODS NAME IS THAT?!?) we went through the temple enterance. After 4 kills a wander and a bad pather pulled two extra so we zoned (we hadn't got past the 1st room) :( Hoping to get a few 70's to smash our way through but reading above I don't think I will be able to keep the 70's for 300 kills.

Small tip Sup Camo gets you through the Temple no problem, but DMF drops if you try and go the LAVA tunnel way (inside zone) :(

Edited, Wed Feb 1 04:29:26 2006
Final dialogues needed.
# Dec 30 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
672 posts
Loot a Glowing Zraxthril Amulet from a Broken Skull Adherent and bring it back to Gaudric.

Gaudric Stormwynd takes the amulet from your hands and holds it in front of his eyes. He begins to speak arcane words into the stone, holding his other hand under the amulet. The amulet begins to spasm around crazily on its cord as if some creature was trying to escape from it. Sweat begins to bead up at Gaudric's brow. Suddenly the amulet explodes with light and Gadric is thrown to the ground. You reach down and carefully pick the amulet from the ground. You notice a large crack across the face. A watery visage begins to rise from the crack and take shape before you. The tempest spriti coalesces into a vaguely humanoid form and motions toward you. He points directly to the amulet in your hands.

Give the cracked amulet to the spirit.

A tempest spirit takes the amulet from you and holds it in its watery hand. The wind around you rises and the sea begins to swell. The spirit melts into a swirling pool at your feet. You gaze down into the pool and notice it begin to shrink in circumference. It continues to shrink and spin until finally there is nothing left but a small blue amulet on the ground. You reach to pick it up and hear an echo from the sea. 'Call us and we will aid you.'

PS : Just noticed it's already been posted here almost two years ago :p

Edited, Thu Dec 30 07:44:25 2004
Final Dialog
# Aug 22 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
A Tempetst Spirit takes the amulet from you and holds it in his watery hand. The wind around you rises and the sea begins to swell. The spirit melts into a swirling pool at your feet. You gaze down into the pool and notice it begin to shrink in sircumference. It continues to shrink and spin until finally there is nothring left but a small blue amulet on the ground. You reach to pick it up and hear a voice echo from the sea. "Call us and we will aid you."
# Jun 13 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
Tough quest took me 2 hours to get amulet to drop but spell is well worth it. more damage and shorter casting time than burning arrow. was grouped with a 62 enchanter, 56 necromancer, 55 beastlord and me a 55 ranger of tunare.good luck
# Mar 23 2004 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
The Drop rate on this SUCKS!!!! *CRY*

Over 300 killed so far, no Amulet

Killing arround the white statue

gonna keep trying
# Aug 31 2003 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
The Broken Skull Adherents are Casters -- Shaman based spells so expect poison, disease and cold based attacks/debuffs. They also, some times, have haste on themselves, will heal themselves (gimp heals) and dispell themselves (never had one cast dispell on me yet but it sucks to see Ensnare and root go in 1 casting).

They also will gate when low on health and that gets them back to 30-35% health.

I solo them as a 62nd level Druid and found that Fury of Air and Storms Fury are both handy to keep them from gating and walking back at the end of the fight. Loading both towards end of fight (35% health left via root & DOT method) and the spells are ready when they get to the gate point (roughly 17% on down).

Yes, they will try and gate more than once when they get low on health. I've had 1 walk back 3 times when it resisted a stun...

I hope this helps and good luck.

Kothall Landrunner
62nd Level Druid
Lets get the mobs right....
# Jun 30 2003 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
OK--There is no such thing as a Blackhand Adherent--But there are Broken Skull Adherents. The Broken Skull Adherents drop the amulet that you need. They are easy to find--

Enter Nardox from Gunthak--Use the Temple Entrance (this is NOT the lava side entrance). From the zone in, go left and to the end--There is a room that you can pull to--It is unfinished (meaning there is rough ground, rough walls) and you can pull from the room with the pilar in the middle. The Broken Skull Adherents cast shammy type spells...aka malosi and Targnors insects (forgive my spelling--Im at work ) and they attempt to gate after they hit 25% HP. The amulet drops once in every 10 mobs about. There are also Broken Skull Initates which are melee only--not casters--All of these mobs have the chance of dropping Broken Skull Clan Blood and A Blackened Vial--For the cleric quest (Pure Blood i think)

KK--Good luck--And BTW--The spell effects are AWESOME--Im a wizzy now =)

Edited, Mon Jun 30 15:54:45 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 01 2004 at 8:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yeah Zak...and there's NO such thing as Nardox :P
# Jun 30 2003 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
This quest is barely doable with a level 52ish, well balanced group. Be careful, things aggro through walls. Not sure how I'm supposed to convince my guildies to come here again to kill Adherants when POP mobs are much better exp and have better loot. Tough quest:)

RE: Barely...
# Sep 27 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
I see the date on this post being quite some time ago, yet I feel it necessary to state the obvious since I have heard many other people just on my server say the same kind of comments. If you can't find guildmates to assist you in a worthwhile quest simply because of drops/exp... then you are in the wrong guild. Guildmates not helping one another is just an excuse for people that have the same name above their character only out for themselves and the "cool" item to make themselves feel more special.
Nyvina Nytemare
Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
Nytera Nytemare
# May 06 2003 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
the glowing amulet drops off of broken skull adherants that spawn around the white statue, i'm sure of this. The drop on it SUCKS GL to you brave rangers
Broken Skull vs Blackhand
# Apr 22 2003 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
18 posts
Ok now Im getting confused... I have not seen any BLACKHAND sycophant/adherent.... but I seen a lot of Broken Skull sycophant/adherent. Now which ones am I actually looking for?

Maskrider Shadowmoon
63th Ranger of Rendered Asylum
Tholuxe Paells
no drop?
# Apr 17 2003 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Just wondering if the spell its self is no drop? And the guy wont respond to anyone other than Ranger correct? was going to get this for wifes ranger but i guess she must be there.

Edited, Thu Apr 17 11:30:05 2003
RE: no drop?
# Aug 28 2003 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, all LoY spells are nodrop.
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 16 2003 at 10:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) easy way to get all of the loy spells in less than 1 hour each at level 35 solo
RE: guide
# Nov 29 2003 at 1:04 AM Rating: Excellent
The best advice I can give anyone regarding your "Guide" is to just ignore it and look on. You've been scammed if you even click on that link.
RE: guide
# Apr 28 2003 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
Uhh solo them at lvl 35? Im 52 and some of the mobs that you need to fight are yellow and red to me. Solo really isnt an option..
some tips
# Apr 01 2003 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
There is a room in Nadox with 6+ adherent spawns which can drop the amulet. As has been said you DO NOT want the Dark Ore Amulet, but the Glowing Zrathxil (sp?) Amulet.

Zone to Nadox from Gunthak caverns. Swim the lava/run the walls until you see a bridge above you. Climb out on the right (eastern) side. There will be a large entryway to the south with a lot of Blackguards. You can clear the room or invis past. This will put you in a green stone corridor with a room at the end. The room has a white statute in the center. You can pull to the hallway from the room. There is only 1 wanderer. You will need to use pacify to avoid adds. The adherents gate so havea stunner ready at 20%.

I got lucky. Amulet dropped on 5th adherent. There is a named troll in this room that drops some decent INT caster gear. The named can spawned twice in about an hour in different locations within the room.
A Dark Ore Amulet
# Mar 27 2003 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
Just for info, i saw A Dark Ore Amule drop off a furious Blackhand in the Crypt of Nadox today.

GL to all
added quest Info
# Mar 10 2003 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
like others have posted I can confirm that the "A Dark Ore Amulet" Is not the item needed for this quest. It is the "Glowing Zraxthil Amulet" that Guadric takes. But when he takes it he hands it back to you as a "Cracked Zraxthil Amulet" and "The Tempest Spirit" spawns behind you. Hand the "Cracked Zraxthil Amulet" to that NPC to recieve the spell Icewind.

Edited, Mon Mar 10 03:31:39 2003
RE: added quest Info
# Mar 24 2003 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
I had a hard time targeting The Tempest Spirit when I just rotated from where I was standing in front of Gaudric - kept getting "can't hand that to them" messages. Move around and eventually you'll get a good angle on the boy. Got about 2% XP at level 57 (yay!) and happened to have a second amulet on me, so turned that one in, too. Got another copy of the scroll, but no XP.

My group came into Nadox from the temple part of Gunthak (that is, without the lava). From there we went left, up a ramp, and proceeded to pull from a room of a dozen or more Broken Skull Adherents, Sycophants, and whatnot. I got my amulets from these Broken Skull types, so you have an additional option vs. hunting down the Blackhand types mentioned earlier.

Where we were, the mobs don't hit especially hard (130ish?) but they swing pretty fast, many are casters (shamen), and the density is high enough that there will be plenty of adds, from pulls and repops and wanderers. They like to cast root a lot, but also mix in malos, nukes and slows; relatively few DoTs.

The great thing about the spell is the cast time: it's very short. Having switched over to a 2h weapon (something I never imagined I'd do as a ranger, but between riposte and current itemization (by which, of course, I mean Windblade) made sense) the casting basically fits in between swings. It's a quick DPS boost in during the enrage stage of a mob's life or when dealing with adds. And the spell effect is totally over the top - it's embarassing that after all those fireworks, the mob is only down 360 health...
Where in zone?
# Mar 08 2003 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
Where in the zone are these Blackhand Sychopants located? I have looked all over and cannot seem to find one.

53 Pathfinder
RE: Where in zone?
# Mar 09 2003 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
You don't need the Sychophants! We killed them for several minutes getting 2 amulets.. but they were the wrong ones.

The mob you need for the drop <Glowing Zaxthrial<sp> amulet> is the Blackhand Adherants. They can be found by swimming the lava from GH zone to the bridge, then turn right and right again...but since you are a ranger... you should be able to track them down from the bridge.

As a side note, most of them were db to 61 and we had a few named spawn while clearing them for the drop. It took about 2 hours to finaly get the amulet. Had a 61 cleric, 61 chanter and me, 61 ranger killing them. Good exp for the most part. The named dropped some decent mid level and better chanter items. One item was a sash with some AC, 8 CHA and 4 INT plus a few other stats. Also had a decent pair of gloves for a caster and a decent pair for priest class's.

I like the spell. Is a nice change to be able to use cold DD on mobs. Waiting for the lvl 63 Cold based one to upgrade it. I always did hate not being able to nuke fire based mobs... our lighting spells are a joke.


Edited, Sun Mar 9 17:39:17 2003
Not talking
# Mar 07 2003 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
Gaudric does not even talk to anyone who is ranger class. All he does when you hail him is say something about the children of Karana being tormented. All in all I think a lot of these spell quests for LoY are kinda lame but I really like the zones and the new looks for the models. If only my friend could make her wood elf look like those pirate chicks :)

Kaevin Mortys
56 cleric Tribunal server
RE: Not talking
# Mar 07 2003 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
I know for a fact that Gaudric Stormwynd will talk to my 51 lv ranger but will not talk to a friends 39lv ranger. So lv seems to be the key
i also know he will talk to a lv 49 druid

kalebear lv 51 Ranger
eci server
# Mar 07 2003 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
The amulet or the spell A Glowing Zraxthril Amulet (NO DROP RNG ONLY). The A Dark Ore Amulet is WAR MNK ROG only.

Ranger of the 54th season
# Mar 06 2003 at 10:03 PM Rating: Excellent
I can say for a fact this is not for Icewind spell.

The item needed for this is a "Glowing Zraxthil Amulet"

RE: Icewind
# Mar 07 2003 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Correct. Tried to turn in a Dark Ore Amulet and he would not take it.
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