Apprentice Miners Assignment  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Miners Guild 628 (Min: Dubious)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Planes of Power
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
Entered: Fri Jul 26 15:17:37 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Crovsar Dirkbringer (Rogue Guildmaster) is located at +532, +264, -32.25 in the mines. He is on Find (Ctrl+F). You need Dubious faction with Miners Guild 628 to obtain this quest.

You say, 'Hail, Crovsar Dirkbringer'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'Gud to meet ye there Gilborn. Me names Crovsar Dirkbringer and I run dis here mining operation. Anyone else that tell ye different simply aint telling da truth! I like to spend most of me time minin but I also like to help our young miners pick dere way to glory as a great rogue! Er I mean a great miner! Aye, dats it. If ye are a [young minin rogue] of Kaladim den I might just have some things for ye to do.'

You say, 'I am a young minin rogue.'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'A young rogue ye say ye is eh Gilborn? Well den If`n yer ready to git your hands dirty and yer pockets full I will be happy to explain to you the [training exercises] dat I have our new recruits all undergo to earn dere keep in dese here mines!'

You say, 'What training exercises?'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'Well den it must be obvious that not just any young miner can git his things and venture out into da world without the proper armor to protect dem Aye? Dis is why I have developed training exercises dat will test both yer fightin and collectin skills and will in da end yield you a full set of Apprentice Miners Chainmail! Now makin da armor will nat be hard at all because I will be able to give you the tools necessary too craft da armor pieces once you have created da correct [armor materials].'

You say, 'What armor materials?'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'Now were talkin! I can see dat ye are very interested in carving yer way into da Kaladim history books so lets git started. First off you will use this Dusty Mail Assembly Kit to collect various magical items that can be combined in da kit to create the armor materials that I spoke of earlier. You will then take the material to a forge along with patterns that I will present ye with to create da specific armor piece ye asked for. When ye are ready simply say what armor piece ye [want] to craft and I can provide ye with the armor material recipes and patterns for Apprentice Miners [Coifs], [Bracers], [Sleeves], [Boots], [Legplates], [Gauntlets] and [Tunics].'

You say, 'I want to craft tunics.'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'To create your tunic material you will need to combine 5 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Enraged Goblin Beads, 1 Pristine Forest Drakeling Scale, 1 Golden Bandit Tooth, 1 Basilisk Tongue and 1 Goblin Parts in your assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion your very own Apprentice Miners Tunic. When ye finish yer tunic come on back fer I got one more [assignment] for a miner that I know I can trust!'

You say, 'What assignment?'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says 'Well da assignment is simple Gilborn. I jess simply need ye to fetch me some items that I need to create a minin pick dat I plan on distributing to all da new miners around dese parts dat pass my exercises, much like yerself. If you would like to help me [collect the items] I need I could perhaps fix ye up one of dese first minin picks. Whatta ya say dere Gilborn?'

You say, 'collect the items'

Crovsar Dirkbringer says, 'Das great news to hear indeed! Please seek out 1 Aqua Goblin Backbone and 2 Pristine Skunk Claws and I will surely reward ye for yer trouble. I hope to see ye soon!'

Aqua Goblin Backbone is a common drop off aqua goblin marauder on the western shoreline of Butcherblock Mountains, while Pristine Skunk Claws is a common drop off a large skunk, found at various places in the northern part of Butcherblock Mountains. Both items stack to 20.

Give 2 Claws and 1 Bone to Crovsar. IMPORTANT : be sure you don't have a Sharpened Mining Pick in your inventory, otherwise Crovsar will "eat" most of your items with no reward. Since Sharpened Mining Pick is a reward for this task, be sure to destroy (or sell) it before each turn in.

Crovsar Dirkbringer says, 'I had no doubt in my mind dat I could count on seeing you again but not quite dis soon! Luckily due to my pick craftin expertise I was able to use the items you gathered to make dis fine Minin pick! I hope it will serve you well through all of your prosperous adventures! Good luck to ye , you have done well!'

Your faction standing with Miners Guild 628 has been adjusted by 20.
Your faction standing with Circle of Unseen Hands has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Butcherblock Bandits has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Deeppockets has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Ebon Mask has been adjusted by -3.
You gain experience!
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# May 21 2022 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
2,602 posts
Ebon Mask faction hit is NEGATVE 3, not +3 as currently listed.

factions and dialog
# May 27 2019 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
262 posts
This quest works at dubious to Miners Guild 628. All the other quests I could find for Miners Guild 628 require at least amiable.

You say, 'collect the items'
Crovsar Dirkbringer says, 'Das great news to hear indeed! Please seek out 1 Aqua Goblin Backbone and 2 Pristine Skunk Claws and I will surely reward ye for yer trouble. I hope to see ye soon!'
Crovsar Dirkbringer glowers at you dubiously -- what would you like your tombstone to say? (Lvl: 70)
Targeted (NPC): Crovsar Dirkbringer
Right click on the NPC to consider him.
Crovsar Dirkbringer says, 'I had no doubt in my mind dat I could count on seeing you again but not quite dis soon! Luckily due to my pick craftin expertise I was able to use the items you gathered to make dis fine Minin pick! I hope it will serve you well through all of your prosperous adventures! Good luck to ye <name>, you have done well!'
Your faction standing with <a Faction="322">Miners Guild 628</a> has been adjusted by 20.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="223">Circle of Unseen Hands</a> has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="379">Butcherblock Bandits</a> has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="241">Deeppockets</a> has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with <a Faction="244">Ebon Mask</a> has been adjusted by -3.
You gain experience!
# Aug 30 2002 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ok so do I just pick up the item and place it on Crovsar?? and what is the note for that he gave me??
# Aug 30 2002 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
Once you find all the ingredients for a quest how do u combine them or where do u combine them??
RE: Combining
# Aug 30 2002 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
In the case of the weapon quest (this one) you just bring the items he asked for and turn them in to Crovsar as is.

For the armor quests, you get a kit when you ask Crovsar about the armor. Then when you ask about a specific piece, he gives you a mold. You combine the items he told you to get in the kit, then combine the result from that with the mold in a forge.

All of the newbie armor quests follow a similar procedure, although some use a loom or ask you to combine things in a slightly different order.
# Aug 05 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
FYI the stats are 7/27 1 hand pericer +1str i did not realize alla did not have the info i will send it in later. This is supper easy quest BTW just ask for a backbone it only sales for 3PP so you should beable to find someone willing to give you one if they are wiping out the gabos, and the skunks you can round up by lvl 3 just wander around head out the the X roads if you cant find them near town. Sure beats the crap out of the newbie dagger for a non twink like me :P
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