Chialle's Friendship Ring  

Quest Started By:Description:
Time:20 minutes
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Era:Shadows of Luclin
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
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    • All
    Entered: Thu Jan 10 17:43:19 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    This is a very easy newbie quest for a magic ring.

    You say, 'Hail, Saren Kaja'

    Saren Kaja smiles and says 'Hello there friend, would you like to buy some of my delicious [Payala] goodies?'

    You say, 'What is Payala?'

    Saren Kaja says 'Payala has the sweetest nectar in all the lands. You can find them throughout the thicket beneath the blue leafed Payala tree. Try some, I have many Payala goodies for sale. I always say, 'the quickest way to someones heart is a freshly baked Payala tart!''

    You'll need to collect 16 payala fruit for the quest. Turn them in 4 at a time to receive Sweet Payala Nectar. You need 4 bottles to get the Chialle Friendship Ring.

    Saren Kaja says 'Oh thank you ever so much! You are truly as sweet as the gift you bring.

    'You're just wonderful Khatzhana! I have little to repay your kindness with, but I will squeeze you some fresh Payala Nectar.'

    Your faction standing with Guardians of Shar Vahl got better. +1 for each 4 you hand in.
    You gain experience!!

    Once you have all 4 bottles of nectar, run inside the city of Shar Vahl. Chialle can be normally found straight across the south bridge at her vendor location. She sometimes can be heard remarking about how thirsty she is and how she would like something sweet to drink ...

    The 4 bottles of nectar can be handed in to her at any time to receive the Chialle Friendship Ring.

    You say, 'Hail, Chialle'

    Chialle says 'Hello there traveler. Please take a moment to look at my goods. I have delicious meals perfect for traveling conditions.

    Chialle says 'Oh wow! This is just what I was hoping for. Thank you so much! You must be a real good friend to Saren to have her make you these, she never makes freshly squeezed nectar unless she really likes someone. You have a kind heart Khatzhana. Please take this with you as a token of my friendship.'' Chialle smiles as she hands Khatzhana a shimmering emberstone ring.
    You gain experience!!

    Reward is a Chialle Friendship ring.
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    Chialle's Friendship Ring
    # Oct 01 2016 at 6:48 AM Rating: Excellent
    4,580 posts
    Turn ins of the Payala Fruit give +1 faction hits for each 4 you do, with Guardians of Shar Vahl.

    Even easier now
    # May 19 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
    4,580 posts
    Since Shadeweaver's Thicket was empty all 3 times I visited it to do this quest is was simple to grab the ground spawns, make the juice and go do other things.

    I just dinged level 15 and I have not quested or looted a better ring (have the pok gnoll quest on the other hand).

    Years Later edit:

    Did the quest today on progression. By the time I killed a few mobs (at level 5, still in Luclin expac era) the groundspawns were back up so it didn't take long.

    The first stage turn in npc is a merchant in Shadeweavers (hut just north of the banker).

    Both stages of the quest can be consumed (eaten or drank) so keep them out of top inventory slot and after your food/drink.

    My shaman was a fresh start so this ring was a big upgrade over nothing.

    Edited, Jan 22nd 2012 3:58pm by snailish
    How Long Until They Spawn?
    # Aug 03 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
    how long does it take for the fruits to come back after you've picked them? i havent done this quest in a LONG time and i forgot.

    -Senadyanea (mage)
    RE: How Long Until They Spawn?
    # Sep 04 2005 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
    Takes about 10-15 minutes depending on the tree you get the Payala Fruit from. Just zone wander and it'll be faster.
    Chialle's Friendship Ring
    # May 26 2004 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
    This is a really cool newbie quest for a negligable magical item. There's no combat involved, so no real XP, but I didn't have any rings before...+5 is better than an empty slot that any 1st level Vah Shir can fill (If they can sneak around the wandering mobs.). I'm wondering if the Bottles of Payala Nectar are good for anything (other than THIS IS A DRINK) besides this quest. Brewing was my first thought. The fruits are a frequent ground spawn and I've been picking them up before/after I sit to regen while leveling in Shade's. Anybody know anything?
    RE: Chialle's Friendship Ring
    # Nov 01 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
    Not a bad quest, but whoever posted the main instructions basically lied, or at best misled n00bs as to the length/time to complete.

    First, the instructions above would lead one to think that all you need is 16 fruits, turned in 4 at a time, for which you will get a bottle of nectar for each batch of 4. This is not true. It takes 16 to get ONE bottle, and you need 4 bottles to get the ring...therefore you need 64 fruits to complete the quest.

    Further, it takes considerably longer than any 20 minutes to finish this quest. While the fruit spawns fairly quickly, there are a limited number of trees to look under and not all the trees wil have the fruit every time you look, so you will have to wander thru the zone a couple of times to get 64 fruits. While you're doing that, you will get attacked quite a bit, so the contention that there's nothing to kill is also false.

    Doable, but not quite as simply as presented.
    RE: Chialle's Friendship Ring
    # Jan 06 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
    Sorry, but you made a very crucial mistake.

    You handed in the 16 fruits as 4 stacks of 4 in one go.
    That does not work, since stacks in the GIVE window do not count, so you essentially wasted 12 fruits.

    Give her 4 at a time UNSTACKED. and you get the proper reward.
    RE: Chialle's Friendship Ring
    # Nov 25 2004 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Not true. I just did the quest today with a new alt. It took 16 fruits, total. 4 for each bottle. Granted, I am on the Al'Kabor server, and we are behind the rest of you, but I doubt the code for this has been changed. That would be silly.
    Not working for me
    # Mar 24 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
    Whenever I turn in the fruit she gives me nothing in return. Whats going on?
    RE: Not working for me
    # May 26 2004 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
    You have to give her 4 fruits at a time (not stacked, of course). I've done it 15 times or so, and not been screwed once. This was within 3 days prior to my posting. There's no glitch.
    RE: Not working for me
    # Apr 28 2004 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
    I turned one in too and didn't recieve anything .... wonder what the problem is.
    Chialle on the Run!
    # Feb 03 2003 at 9:20 AM Rating: Good
    22 posts
    This is an excellent quest, and very easy..I think it's the first quest a character of mine has completed without having to refer to Allakhazam :)

    Wanted to mention that sometimes Chialle wanders around; you may not find her standing at her tent. If she's not there, just do a quick run around that side of the city and you will probably find her quickly. She seems to wander a little, ending up in the bank and then goes back to her tent.

    Beastlord of the 19th Rotation

    Edited, Mon Feb 3 08:51:37 2003
    Easy no drop ring quest info
    # Jul 06 2002 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
    This is probably one of the easiest quests for no drop items in the game. Heres how it works:

    Zone into the thicket from sharval and turn right, you will see a bunch of tents. Near those tents you will see some blue leaved trees and a brick building with two people inside, the female tiger is the one you will turn in the fruit to. Just outside this building to the right are the trees that the fruit is located under. The fruit is a ground spawn and looks like a blue mushroom. You will need 16 pieces of this fruit. There are two groupings of trees, one right next to the building and another just behind some boulders about 100 or so feet from the first grouping. Turn in 4 fruit at a time to the female tiger in the building and she will give you a drink. Take
    four drinks to chialle, she is just inside sharval, over the bridge, under a little tent and she will give you her friendship ring.

    You dont need to hail either of them to turn in the items. And it seems to get the fruit to spawn quicker once you get enough for a drink turn them in. Also make sure you dont eat of drink the quest items.

    Hope I helped, if I did please rate this post, Thanks!

    Eristotle Andronicus
    45 Druid Halfelf
    <Druids Empire> Rallos Zek
    loc of saren kaja
    # Jun 30 2002 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
    loc of saren kaja

    -1418, -2792
    Food Storage
    # Jun 29 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Default
    I have found that if you store your "eating" food above your "quest item" food, you won't accidentally eat your profits. My first slot always has a bag of eating food so that everything else is safe.

    Seran Kaja
    # Mar 21 2002 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
    She is the other merchant next to the bank.
    RE: Seran Kaja
    # Apr 04 2002 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
    I walked all the way around the bank, in the bank, and into the shops around the bank, and still couldn't find before me char eats the darn fruit!!!
    RE: Seran Kaja
    # May 10 2002 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
    She is in Shadeweaver's Thicket, in one of the buildings next to Hymnist Omiad, near the Fire Dancers. Same building as Tiamon Aroo. Chialle, on the other hand, is directly across from the bridge as you enter Shar Vahl proper.
    Where is Saren Kaja?
    # Mar 20 2002 at 9:38 PM Rating: Default
    Ok, I searched through the posts and Shadeweaver Thicket and still can't find Saren Kaja.
    Interesting little quest
    # Feb 26 2002 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
    It's an especially welcome quest in Shadeweavers Thicket compared to all the rare drop item quests. Also, it's conveniently close to the merchants and guards. You can do it while you're beefing yourself up to fight the stronger monsters beyond.

    Don't make the mistake I did the first time I collected the nectar... After collecting four, I ran off and hunted Xakra silkworms for a while. Then I noticed that I drank all the nectar in that short space of time, and had to do it again! The second time, I collected five and ran straight to Chialle.

    This ring also brightens the area around me when I wear it, like a lightstone.
    1 ring limit
    # Jan 21 2002 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
    I did this quest. Quick, easy, nice ring for a beginner. But you can only get 1 ring! The second time I did it I get XP, but no ring. :(

    Rnis, Warrior of 13 seasons
    RE: 1 ring limit
    # May 03 2003 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
    No such thing as a limit on items but the ring is lore so you can't have more than 1 at a time. If you're a beastlord like me I think myself i'll be using the money i get from selling swirling shadows and rockhopper hides to buy a couple of good str/wis rings.

    Liveye (lvl 60 Wizard)
    #Diepen, Posted: Jan 24 2002 at 4:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do you think that it might have omething to do with the fact that the Ring is Lore, and you can only have 1 of any given lore item at the same time?
    RE: 1 ring limit
    # May 13 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Do you think that he might be a newbie who doesn't know that... =P
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