Trust is Earned, Outsider  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
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Era:Laurion's Song'
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Nov 25 03:09:08 2023
Modified: Tue Feb 6 05:45:43 2024
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

Prerequisite Task: We Have Ways of Making You Talk

You can obtain this solo task from Dirk Kollimar in Timorous Falls. You can find Dirk Kollimar on top of the far southeast building in the southeast corner of the zone at /waypoint -2271, -2887, -156 down in the jail cells under the far southeast building in the far southeast corner of the zone. He is on the find tool CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Dirk Kollimar'

Dirk Kollimar scratches his chin. You can hear his facial hair bristle and crunch under his fingers. You notice that all of his fingernails have been chewed down to the point that they are red. He notices that you noticed his fingers and quickly reacts to try and hide them. He realizes this is a futile effort and continues to speak as if that moment never happened. 'The boy has dealt with a lot already. Leave him be for now, we can handle the rest.' Dirk's face contorts into a visage of pain and worry. He looks around the area frantically before speaking with a tone that suggests that he is on the brink of a meltdown. He takes a moment to calm down and gather himself before speaking. 'I now understand that the only person I can trust besides you is locked up in my jail cells. This is frustrating. I can't even [trust] my own paladins anymore.'

You say, 'Do you know which paladins to trust?'

You have been assigned the task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider'.

Dirk Kollimar looks down in shame for a moment before continuing. 'That I do not. This is why I've had to rely on outsiders for getting to the bottom of this problem.' He lifts his gaze to meet yours. 'The two that showed up at the Steppe have also been doing their own investigating and have recovered a form of "code" that the imposters have been using. The only issue is that we just have pieces of the code that they use.' He lets out a brief groan as he contemplates the next move. 'These folks aren't too good at keeping a secret. They are probably getting more bold with their words as they feel they have already "won" here. Go speak to some of the guards. Say hi to them, see if there are any terms or phrases they like to repeat. Return to me once you've learned more about their code.

Now that the name of the leader of the cultists has been confirmed, Kanghammer prepares to get to the end of this farce once and for all. There is still the problem of trying to figure out what exactly the plan is and when it will be executed. Dirk has been trying to collect as much intel as possible without tipping off the cultists that he knows something is going on. Time is of the essence. The boy-nay, the fat of Timorous Falls--lies in stopping the cultists before they can complete their plan.

You have learned that the cultists use a phrase to identify each other, but you are not sure what the start of that phrase is. Speak with some of the guards outside of the garrison and ask them if they know where Illandrin is. Gauge their response and see if any phrases catch your ear.

  • 1. Ask the paladin about "Illandrin" 0/3 Timorous Falls

    If you have multiple people in your group, pick a different a loyal guard per group member or else the same guard won't update this step for more than one person.

    You say, 'Illandrin'

    A loyal guard looks confident and surprised as you speak to him. 'Can you believe it? The loggers have worked through the night? What would drive them to need so much lumber right now?' The guard stares at you for a moment, then quickly loses interest.

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Do this 3 times with different guards.

  • 2. Return to Dirk and report what you have discovered 0/1 Timorous Falls

    You say, 'Hail, Dirk Kollimar'

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Dirk Kollimar says, 'So that's how they've been finding each other. They have a phrase they say and you have to repeat it back. The phrase you learned was the key we were missing, the "start" of it. So now that we have that, the response makes much more sense. Elmara used discretion and was able to hear them use the phrase "I hope they are paid overtime." When this is used, it indicates to the person you are speaking with to meet up someplace. See if you can interrogate a guard by starting a conversation with one and seeing if they will respond back. When they say the line "The loggers have worked through the night," be sure to respond with "I hope they are paid overtime." I'm not sure what to do after that, but you're the expert on these types of interactions between the two of us.'

  • 3. Greet the Paladins until one respond 0/3 Timorous Falls

    Dirk has suggested you try to start conversations with the guards again. This time, answer back with the secret response "I hope they are paid overtime". This should get you a reaction from one of them.

    Hail multiple guards.

    You say, 'Hail, a loyal guard'

    A loyal guard tells you a story but keeps adding more and more to the story in a way that makes it near impossible to follow. You spend way too much time listening to this story before you realize that it was just that, a long story. Your mind zones out for just a second and by the time you zone back in, you are completely lost as to what is being talked about. Not once have they said the phrase you are looking for. It is abundantly clear that this guard is not part of the infiltrators that you are looking for.

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    You say, 'Hail, a loyal guard'

    A loyal guard looks to the northeast and says, 'Those loggers sure are something, I see them working all the time. I don't really know what they are doing with all of that lumber. I hope they are compensated for their hard labor!'

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    You say, 'Hail, a loyal guard'

    A loyal guard stares to the east before speaking, '[Did you hear that the loggers have worked through the night?]'

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

  • 4. Having found a paladin who has said the phrase, respond back in kind 0/1 Timorous Falls

    You say, 'I hope they are paid overtime'

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    A loyal guard gives you a side-eyed glance for a moment before smiling and continuing. 'Ha, meet me at the dock by the fisherman's camp. They are at the tavern at this time of day, so we won't be bothered.'

  • 5. Meet at the "usual spot", which is the dock at the fisherman's village 0/1 Timorous Falls

    You have successfully communicated with one of the cultists and they has asked you to meet them at the usual spot. That spot being the fishing village to the north. Go to the dock and meet with whoever appears. Play along and see if you can gather more intel for Kanghammer.

    The dock is located at the lake in the middle of the zone. The dock is at /way -1010, -1970, -63. An ambushing heathen level 125 spawns and attacks you so be ready.

  • 6. Defender yourself against the ambusher 0/1 Timorous Falls

    Kill it.

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Bloody Orders - FINAL appears on your cursor.

  • 7. Deliver the orders to Dirk 0/1 Timorous Falls

    You offered 1 Bloody Orders - FINAL to Dirk Kollimar.

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Dirk Kollimar takes the missive from you and reads it, gently stroking his beard stubble as he reads it. 'So they plan on making their move tonight? This doesn't seem to bode well for us. Their plan is to sacrifice the boy to their gods to make favor? To what end?' Dirk looks to the west towards Eureka's Tumble. A moment passes and his eyes grow wide and all of the color leaves his face. 'The Steppe! They intend to take it for themselves! That has to be it! That would explain why they kept calling the Steppe 'the temple.' They intend to capture it in the name of their god and twist it to their own purposes. Not on my watch! I will make sure the boy is safe from them. For now, speak to Kanghammer and let him know what is happening. Let him know that I'm making a plan and we will get this taken care of once and for all.'

    You complete the trade with Dirk Kollimar.

  • 8. Update Kanghammer 0/1 Timorous Falls

    Kanghammer is down in the jail cells in the same building as Dirk.

    You say, 'Hail, Kanghammer'

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Kanghammer performs the typical ritual you have come to expect when you address him. He straightens out his outfit and brushes off whatever dirt he can before speaking to you. A reminder that he still holds you in high regard. 'So, they plan on harming this boy further and are ready to act on their plans tonight? Forgive me if I am less than impressed with what Dirk has been able to do with the resources he has. I cannot put my trust in him to protect the boy. Luckily, while you were doing your research into this corruption, the monk from the Steppe paid me a visit and I was able to work with her about finding a way out of this cell without Dirk's assistance. She should have finished up that task by now. She left quite the impression the last time she was here, I doubt the guards will let her converse with me or the boy again. She will have something to help, but you will need to retrieve it for me.'

  • 9. Speak with Elmara at Maddie's Steppe 0/1 Timorous Falls

    Elmara is out on the deck of Eureka's Tumble building in the far south of the zone.

    You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

    Elmara Emberclaw is holding onto what appears to be a metal file, deftly twirling it between her fingers in a display of phalangeal dexterity. You can see her face contort, as she concentrates on trying to balance the file between her fingers as she continues to twirl it. In a moment, her fingers falter and the file falls to the ground. Time slows as you realize that this is the device that Kanghammer asked you to retrieve, and you are about to witness it fall through the cracks in the floor and plummet to the falls below. Seconds turn to hours, Shalowain's eyes growing in horror as she realizes what is happening but cannot do anything to stop it. Suddenly, Elmara moves her foot with such alacrity that you lose track of it for a moment. The next thing you see is the file flinging upwards and she snatches it out of the air with triumph, holding it straight up and down with a "ta-da!" look on her face. Shalowain is not impressed. 'Ha! [Still got it]!'

    You say, 'Good, can I have it?''

    You have been given: Timorous Falls Skeleton Key

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    Elmara Emberclaw looks horrified for a moment as she realizes you witnessed the entire event that just happened. 'Ah well, um.' She stammers for a bit but quickly collects herself. 'Yes, actually. Kanghammer wanted a backup plan in case something were to happen to Dirk. Kanghammer could easily have taken out that entire garrison of paladins if he so chose, but he shows great restraint. That tells us all we need to know about what kind of person he is. After we get to the bottom of this, I would be honored if Kanghammer were to join us. Should he wish to give up the mercenary life, that is. Either way, we will take Dextris under our wing until we can find him a new home. Kanghammer seems to play his cards close to his chest, so we will have to trust that he has a plan. Bring that file to him and let him know we will be ready whenever he is.'

  • 10. Deliver the "Skeleton Key" to Kanghammer 0/1 Timorous Falls

    You offered 1 Timorous Falls Skeleton Key to Kanghammer.

    Your task 'Trust is Earned, Outsider' has been updated.

    The stage is set for the usurpers to begin their deeds. They are not banking on you and Kanghammer being ready to stop them. Your work in the falls may not be the exact story of what happened on that fateful day, but it tells you that Kanghammer is someone that can be trusted. The ritual must be stopped but luckily, you have been preparing for this moment.

    Kanghammer anticipated your quick return and has not moved since you left last time. As you approach, a loud noise is heard above the stairs. You hear Dirk barking orders loudly. This distraction gives you enough time to hand the file to Kanghammer without being noticed. He quickly pockets it and gives you a knowing nod before speaking. 'Good, get prepared. We know they move tonight and we need to be vigilant. I will need to let them take the boy but with this, I can follow close behind. I will find where they gather tonight and end this myself if need be. I've waited for the local law to do something about this, but even Dirk has his limits. Head to the "usual spot" tonight and wait for my signal. That is where we will end this farce. I cannot thank you enough. No matter what happens, I hope our paths cross again someday.'

    You complete the trade with Kanghammer.

    You light a firework.

    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Trust is Earned, Outsider

  • Submitted by: Gidono
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    # May 23 2024 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
    Task step is randomley bugged for some. 8 characters total, 6 had no problem, 2 cannot get past step 4. After sayinf i hope they are paid overtime to the correct guard he does not give the correct respone, just rolls his eyes at you. No othe guard will respond at this point..have dropped and restarted quest several times with no remedy. /petition has been unasnwered
    an ambushing heathen
    # Jan 04 2024 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
    463 posts
    I was at step 5 to meet at the usual spot. Unfortunately, I had not read ahead and was expecting another non-combat encounter. My group was across the zone. I escaped the unexpected attack with a Feign Death. I remained FD until they arrived. Then I began experimentation of how to bring back the required attack. Standing on the dock uninvised only made fish irritated. Invis is needed. I waited and waited. I camped out and back in. I waited some more a few feet inland from the dock as my party had a crash problem. However, while this was in process, an ambushing heather made his second appearance. Short one and her mercenary, we defeated the attacker and received the expected letter. All in all it must have been about fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, I do not know the exact time from the resumption after FD to the reappearance.

    I was contemplating returning the following day; I was contemplating having to do the whole quest over. No comments had been posted of a like situation.

    I leave this record just in case someone else needs to know.
    an ambushing heathen
    # Jan 12 2024 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    careful he summons. as druid he hit my ds and summoned me before i could try to root rot. so....i dove in the bushes while running like @#$%, tank merc with just druid skin, ds and wrath. ran back 2 min later he popped in 5 secs of standing there. merc grabbed him fast, popped my 3 druid debuffs on him. not too hard to keep tank up and carefully dot him down.
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